Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 536 Meeting the Parents

Even now, Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh that Wan'er's mouth was really hard.

But the beauty in front of him turned into a soft bone, but he couldn't help but look forward to it in his heart. After they got married, he would toss Wan'er over and over again, and see if she could still be so hard-mouthed.

But before Xiao Yan could react, Yao Wan was startled, and the delicate body in his arms began to struggle.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "What's wrong? Wan'er?"

"Shh-someone is coming!"

Yao Wan quickly signaled Xiao Yan to be silent, and then immediately stood up. How many people can come to her cave area? Even Yao Wangui, the old bastard, can't come here.

Even with his knees, he knew who would come.

When he thought of the old man's eyes shining when he saw Xiao Yan, Yao Wan felt that things were coming one after another? One after another, without giving her any time to breathe.

Damn it, at least let her be mentally prepared.

As for Xiao Yan? This guy should just stay where he wants. She doesn't want the old man to see her like this, otherwise he might have to hold his great-grandson with her--

When she thought of this, Yao Wan couldn't help but turn around and glared at Xiao Yan viciously.

Xiao Yan looked innocent. What happened to him?

However, he also vaguely realized something. He just stood up and heard a kind old voice coming from outside the cave.

"Wan'er, are you resting?"

This is...?

Xiao Yan was full of doubts. He had never heard this voice before, and it obviously didn't belong to the respected elder of the Yao clan. However, considering Wan'er's important position in the entire Yao clan, even without Yao Wan's explanation, Xiao Yan could probably guess that the person who came must be a person with a very high status in the Yao clan.

With his guess in mind, Xiao Yan tiptoed forward, and while Yao Wan was changing into her skirt, he grabbed Yao Wan's slender jade fingers with his slender and rough fingertips.

Feeling the slightly rough, but extremely warm and hot fingertips clasping her fingertips, Yao Wan was stunned, and was obviously caught off guard by Xiao Yan.

"You... let go...!"

Yao Wan was slightly stunned and then lowered her voice, saying that she had never thought that this guy would be so blatant, and immediately tried to break free from Xiao Yan's fingertips.

What a joke, it would be fine if the two of them were intimate in private, but if she really did this in front of the old man, wouldn't it be like asking for her life?

Xiao Yan was unwilling to let go, but took a step forward, whispering: "Could the people outside the cave be Wan'er's relatives?"

"Stop talking nonsense... Let me go quickly..."

"But Wan'er has already agreed to me, right? We are now in a legitimate relationship, right?"

Xiao Yan tilted his head and pretended to be stupid, almost making Yao Wan faint.

But although she was so angry, she really had no choice. Seeing that the cave restriction was about to be opened, Yao Wan had no choice but to bite her teeth and give in.

"Okay... Let me go quickly... When we are alone, you can do whatever you want, but at least let me save some face outside, right?"

Yao Wan lowered her voice and said.


Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows. He was just trying to tease Wan'er. After all, Wan'er's mouth was afraid of his fire lotus. He really didn't expect Wan'er to give in. Besides, how could Wan'er take the initiative to do something she didn't want to do?

However, Xiao Yan was quite surprised that he had just faked her and she actually gave him such an opportunity for free. Is there such a good thing?

If it was such a thing, Xiao Yan would naturally not be sleepy.

"Then Wan'er must keep her promise, okay?"

"Okay... got it... you said it as if I had lied to you..."

Yao Wan lowered her voice, obviously she was particularly resistant to Xiao Yan's disguised coercion.

Xiao Yan was subconsciously startled. It was true...

If you have to say that she lied to him, it was probably only when Xingyun Pavilion went to the Ruins of Oblivion? She wanted to knock him out.

But he didn't care about this motive a long time ago.

As long as the ending is good, it doesn't matter even if the process is displaced.

"Well... okay."

Xiao Yan chuckled and let go of Yao Wan's slender fingers. Yao Wan didn't bother to bargain with this guy now. She just glared at him fiercely and raised her hand to remove the cave restriction.

Outside the cave, an old man in a green robe, with white hair and beard, stood quietly outside the cave. After the cave restriction was lifted, he slowly turned around, with kind eyes and a good impression.

Xiao Yan blinked his eyes. He had never seen this old man before. Even the person in charge of Wan'er's marriage was Elder Wanhuo. Who was this old man?

Xiao Yan couldn't help guessing in his heart. He heard that there were three people with the highest status in the Yao clan, two clan elders, Elder Wan Gui and Elder Wanhuo, and the clan leader Yao Dan.

He has already met Elder Wanhuo. Yao Wangui has had a feud with the teacher and seems to have some grudges with Wan'er. It shouldn't be him either. Then the only one left is...?

"Wan'er is here?"

The kind-looking old man glanced at the perfect couple at the moment, and couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile with no regrets in his life. Although he just left the scene at this moment, he had actually been watching the whole process of recruiting a bride, so how could he not know?

"Meet the clan leader."

As expected, Yao Wan bowed slightly, and then explained to Xiao Yan: "The leader of our Yao Clan, Yao Dan."

"Meet the leader of Yao Dan."

Xiao Yan clasped his fists and saluted, but what he cared about more was not just Yao Dan's identity as the leader of the clan, but the relationship between him and Wan'er. Although Wan'er never mentioned it from beginning to end, her identity as the eldest lady undoubtedly came from Yao Dan.

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Yao Dan looked at Xiao Yan, looking him up and down, but the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he was.

"Xiao... Xiao Yan - although I have heard your name from Elder Wanhuo a long time ago, and I know more about you, but today is the first time we meet."

Yao Dan looked at Xiao Yan, and there was a particularly obvious recognition in his words.

"I never thought that after the destruction of the Xiao clan for thousands of years, there would be a descendant like you. If Xiao Xuan knew about this, he would surely applaud and smile." Yao Dan praised. Wan'er's vision was not bad. Not to mention Xiao Yan's potential, just this appearance was likable. "You're welcome, Yao Dan." Xiao Yan was humble and polite. He would not be so polite to the girl's parents. Why bother himself? "Hey, why are you so polite? We will be a family in the future. No need to be polite. Come on, I have a lot to say to you." Yao Dan waved her hand, then enthusiastically took Xiao Yan's hand and went to Yao Wan's cave. Looking at Yao Wan on the side, she couldn't help but slightly widen her light golden eyes. No, is his surname Yao or mine? Why are the treatments completely different! The old man didn't say a word to her except to greet her. Instead, he treated Xiao Yan as close as his own grandson! She became an outsider? !

Yao Wan never dreamed that she would be the one being ignored. She was angry for a moment, but she curled her lips, and then followed Xiao Yan and Yao Dan into her huge cave.

In a quiet stone room in the cave, Xiao Yan sat at a round stone table, and Yao Dan sat opposite Xiao Yan. As soon as they sat down, they started chatting about nothing. At the same time, with a wave of his sleeves, a few more tea cups and teacups appeared on the stone table. The refreshing tea fragrance wafted out of the teacups, and the fragrance of the tea also dispelled Xiao Yan's fatigue after the battle with Yao Wan.

Although Xiao Yan didn't know what it was, even if he just touched it a little, he could feel that it was undoubtedly a good thing.

"Come, you came so suddenly, I don't have any gifts on hand, so I still need you two to support each other."

"Thank you, clan leader."

Xiao Yan clasped his fists. After a few words, he basically determined what kind of personality Yao Dan had, especially that he was particularly caring for Wan'er. All that he got at once was naturally from Yao Dan's love for her.

"It's okay, I believe Wan'er's vision is not bad, so you can slowly adjust your relationship. I won't say anything like asking you to take good care of Wan'er. Wan'er was raised by me, so I naturally know her personality very well. Although she is gentle, she is also strong. What she needs may not be a simple person who can care for her, but more of a companion who can advance and retreat together. Don't make a mistake."

Yao Dan's words naturally made Xiao Yan agree from the bottom of his heart. Wan'er has never been an ordinary woman, different from the fireworks of ordinary people.

"Xiao Yan will keep it in mind."

"Well... there is another thing. I wonder if Wan'er has told you."

Yao Dan thought about it for a while. He knew that since Xiao Yan was born in the Xiao clan, he naturally had some contact and understanding of the eight clans. So he considered his words and said, "For your marriage with Wan'er, our clan's attitude is that we can only accept the man to marry into the clan, because Wan'er's divine bloodline is too important to our clan. We can't let her run away. Therefore, we can only keep Wan'er in our clan and inherit the position of clan leader in the future."

"This may be a very thorny issue for the other eight clans. After all, this has involved the future direction of the two ancient races. On this issue, the Yao clan has no room to continue to give in."

"However, this situation actually only occurs when both sides have equal status. If you don't mind, the remnants of the Xiao clan can naturally join the Yao clan... What I said may be somewhat inappropriate, but you still need to think about it carefully."

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