Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 537 Lecher! Scoundrel!

Yao Dan's words made Xiao Yan involuntarily stunned, but this was indeed an issue that needed serious consideration.

Xiao Yan's first reaction was naturally unacceptable, but he couldn't help but think about it. The medicine world is an independent space, and there is one of the eight ancient races, the Yao Clan, who is the strongest person at the top of the world. There are more than ten strong fighting saints, and even the Soul Palace cannot touch this place, beyond the reach of a whip.

Now that he has come to this step, Xiao Yan naturally knows that the Soul Palace he is now exposed to is just the tip of the iceberg, and the Soul Clan under the water is the most dangerous and deadly existence.

There is no way for him to guarantee that the Xiao family will not be targeted by the Soul Palace again, not to mention that the Spirit Swallowing Tribe has already wreaked havoc on the northwest continent once, and who knows if they will make a comeback?

To say you are not worried would be a lie.

Xiao Yan breathed out a breath, but he was a little confused. But before he could express his position, Yao Wan couldn't help but coughed slightly, and then said: "I think it's too early to talk about whether we need to get married or not. , right? Xiao Yan?”

Yao Wan took the initiative to break the silence between the three of them and Xiao Yan's momentary thinking. At the same time, Yao Dan and Xiao Yan were stunned.

"Wan'er, this is no joke..."

Yao Dan frowned slightly, and his tone was quite serious. Obviously, this topic was not so casual, but determined the future direction of the Yao clan. It was a topic that could not be taken lightly. Even if Yao Wan had a special status, he could not Abandoning the responsibilities of the Yao clan.

"Am I not kidding?"

Yao Wan was quite confident about this. Facing Yao Dan's efforts to prevent herself from getting involved in the topic at hand, she smiled slightly, and then said seriously: "I simply feel that it is not the time to talk about this issue."

"Wan'er, what does this mean?"

Although he was particularly touched that Wan'er could share the pressure for him, Xiao Yan was inevitably a little confused as to what Wan'er meant by 'too early'.

"Clan leader, how long do you think it will take for me to inherit the position of patriarch of the Medicine Clan?"

Yao Wan spoke directly. Although Yao Dan was quite surprised by this, he did not shy away from talking about it. Instead, he said directly: "It will take at least a hundred years. Although Elder Wanhuo and I are still half buried, However, in a hundred years, there will still be no problem in handing over all the matters of the Yao Clan smoothly. "

"Well - isn't that right?"

After getting the answer she wanted, Yao Wan smiled slightly and took the initiative to say: "Since there are still a hundred years to come, how about we just wait a hundred years before mentioning this matter?"

"Anyway, there's no way we can get married anytime soon. After all, we haven't even become a Saint yet."

"Well, let's push this matter back for now... It's not impossible, but this is just a delaying measure."

Yao Dan shook his head, obviously not agreeing with Wan'er's approach, but in the end, this major life event is still Yao Wan's own business. If Yao Wan is really willing to get married after a hundred years, then there is nothing the clan can do. Use strong words to refute. After all, Yao Wan is clearly in the golden age of cultivating and improving her power, especially since she still has a divine bloodline and is the hope of the Yao clan. If she gets married and has children early, she will give birth to a bloodline. That's weird.

And this is what Yaodan originally wanted to remind the young couple, they can't always indulge in happiness and be unable to extricate themselves.

It's just that Yao Wan himself brought it up now, which seems a bit weird.

"Well, if it is Wan'er's own idea, I don't have to waste any more words. It would be a good thing for Xiao Yan and our clan to get used to each other first. Even if the Xiao clan relics are moved here in the future, there won't be any problems. Too much friction."

Yao Dan said, obviously, all this has been considered by him. For him, as he can't come up with a better plan for the time being, he should maintain the status quo for the time being and let Xiao Yan get familiar with and integrate into the Yao Clan first. The most important thing is to integrate into the ethnic group and establish a sense of belonging... This is a very important step, and most so-called families are actually established in this way.

"Well... As for the rest, I don't have anything to say. You just have to know your own affairs."

As Yao Dan spoke, he suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but said: "By the way, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan are not fighting saints yet. Regarding your sexual intercourse... please don't be impatient for the time being, especially Wan. Son, it’s a matter of divine blood, don’t forget important things just because of the moment of pleasure.”

" don't have to worry about this kind of thing."

Yao Wan, who was still chatting freely with her family, was suddenly startled and felt extremely embarrassed. Her charming face turned red. For her, the most troublesome thing was that the answer in front of her was not right. , it’s okay not to answer, it’s really a headache.

"Hey, that's wrong."

Yao Dan shook his head solemnly, turned to look at Xiao Yan, and said to him: "Xiao Yan should put more thought into this matter."

"Well, Xiao Yan knows."

Xiao Yan really didn't know that the bloodline of the eight tribes actually had such a rule, but it seemed that it was only a rule for extremely talented people in the tribe like Wan'er. In order to ensure that the concentration of the bloodline was maintained, And he must remain in perfect condition before fighting the Saint... He sighed quietly and said that it was impossible not to be disappointed.

"Well... for the next period of time, Xiao Yan will stay in the Yao Clan to practice. All the practice resources are the same as Wan'er."

Yao Dan nodded slightly. As the eight clans left the Yao World, the news that the remnant of the Xiao Clan became the son-in-law of the Yao Clan would naturally spread with everyone's spread.

"There is about a year left before the opening of the ancient clan's tomb. At that time, Xiao Yan and Wan'er can go together."

After explaining everything that needed to be explained, Yao Dan also left the time here for Xiao Yan and Yao Wan to be alone.

After Yao Dan walked away, Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh, and then sighed: "I didn't know there was such a thing before, Wan'er."

"What's wrong? Are you itching?"

Yao Wan chuckled and said in a teasing tone.

Xiao Yan changed the subject and pretended to be nonchalant, saying: "Of course I am talking about marrying into the family. Wan'er herself wouldn't be thinking about something improper, right?"

"Hmph - I don't know you?"

Yao Wan's tone rose slightly, and a sneer appeared on her bright and pretty face.

"But... I think you don't have to stand up for me in everything."

Xiao Yan shook his head gently, saying: "Chief Yao Dan is right, you are just a delaying tactic. If the current problem cannot be solved, just throw it to the future to solve."

"Heartless guy, I gave you advice with kindness, but you don't even appreciate it!"

Yao Wan snorted coldly, and her face changed. Under the table, the lotus foot couldn't help kicking Xiao Yan's thigh under the table under the control of emotions.

As a result, Xiao Yan raised his hand, slightly staggered his thighs, and the other hand under the table easily pinched Yao Wan's lotus feet. Yao Wan, who felt something was wrong, was alarmed and wanted to break free from Xiao Yan's control. However, Xiao Yan's palms were not only like iron clamps, but his legs also gently clamped Yao Wan's well-proportioned and beautiful slender calves. The force was neither light nor heavy, so that Yao Wan would not escape from Xiao Yan's palm, and at the same time, he would not hurt her. It was just right.

"How could it be~? I remember everything Wan'er did."

Xiao Yan said half-jokingly and half-seriously, but at this moment, Yao Wan was in no mood to have a good talk with Xiao Yan? When she realized that Xiao Yan had controlled her ankles and feet, Yao Wan naturally only had the thought of how to break free.

"But what does Wan'er mean? Do you really think there will be any improvement if this continues?"

Xiao Yan asked subconsciously, and naturally stopped his prank.

Yao Wan looked helpless, as if she was really impressed by him, while explaining: "The intention of the clan leader and even the entire Yao clan is actually quite simple. It is for me, who is of divine bloodline, and I am the only hope of the Yao clan now. The Yao clan naturally does not want to see me marry and run away, so they will use this method to keep me."


"So, so..."

Yao Wan gently pushed Xiao Yan with her controlled lotus feet, and said: "The way to break the situation is actually very simple. Within a hundred years, you can become a Dou Emperor, right? By then, the Xiao family will return to its peak, and with you, the Dou Emperor, in charge, the forces that send you women will probably be from Zhongzhou to the Jiama Empire, even the eight ancient clans."

"A hundred years to become a Dou Emperor?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh. Listening to Wan'er's tone, it didn't sound like an instant strategy that she came up with on the spur of the moment, but something she had anticipated long ago, but this time she just happened to catch up with this wave so she said it out.

"Don't tell me you don't have confidence in being a Hundred-Year Dou Emperor. I've even raised the price for you."

Yao Wan tried hard for a long time, but still couldn't get rid of Xiao Yan's annoying legs and hands under the table. However, she refused to give in, so she just stayed in front of Xiao Yan, pretending to be relaxed.

"Don't worry, whatever Wan'er says is what it is."

Xiao Yan nodded gently, his tone calm but with his unique determination.

"I'll definitely be the Dou Emperor."

Yao Wan nodded secretly. He was always very confident about Xiao Yan's promises, but...

"...I can understand your determination, but can you let go of my feet, you foot-loving bastard!"

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