Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 540: Dangerous encounter while refining medicine

"Please go, Xiao Yan."

Yao Xingji's mouth curled up slightly, and then he followed slowly with his hands behind his back.

Qing Lin naturally noticed the not-so-kind smile on Yao Xingji's face, and couldn't help but frowned slightly and glared at him, as if to warn him invisibly not to think of doing anything to Xiao Yan, not to mention his terrifying fighting power, the young lady was not someone they could afford to offend.

Yao Xingji was naturally very aware of this, and couldn't help but smile slightly. He naturally knew the limits. Everyone knew that this son-in-law was the one favored by the young lady, and who could bully him?

But he just wanted to see the ability of the current leader of the Alchemy Association.

Yao Xingji smiled but didn't say anything. This was something he found out after he went to investigate and inquire, and that's why he thought of this.

Most people in the Yao Clan looked down on the Alchemy Association, but it was another matter for a talent like Xiao Yan who could refine an eighth-grade seven-color pill at a young age.

After all, not everyone is as scary as the young lady.

On the medicine refining square, his eyes swept over the many medicine cauldrons around, where various colored flames were rising continuously, which was really extraordinary. Among them, the soul power of each person who was qualified to go on stage was quite strong, and some even reached the spiritual realm. Xiao Yan's face gradually changed from relaxed to reveal a trace of solemnity, and his action of going on stage attracted the attention of many onlookers from the Medicine Clan.

Obviously, it was somewhat surprising for them that this genius who dominated the eight clans appeared in a place where only alchemists would appear.

"Is it Xiao Yan? Why did he appear here...?"

"I haven't seen the eldest lady come here..."

"Could it be that he wants to refine medicine himself? He is also a alchemist?"

"Humph, this fight and killing, Xiao Yan can indeed be regarded as a genius who dominates the eight clans, but when it comes to refining pills, who can compare with my Medicine Clan?"

Some people were quite disdainful, and some people wanted to laugh at him.

After all, the eldest lady was kidnapped by this man, and there were not many younger generations of the Medicine Clan who were convinced by Xiao Yan, so they naturally wanted to kill his spirit.

Feeling the curious or disdainful gazes from all directions, Xiao Yan remained silent, but he did not take out the medicine cauldron. Instead, he slowly stretched out his right palm, and then clenched it fiercely. The flames formed by the six colors intertwined with each other were like blooming flowers, with graceful shapes, rising up.


The six-color fire just emerged from Xiao Yan's palm and suddenly expanded. In a short moment, it was like a fire cloud lingering above Xiao Yan's head, and then the fire cloud condensed and quickly condensed into a large flame cauldron in the astonished eyes of many people.

The fact that Xiao Yan possessed a powerful alien fire formed by the fusion of six kinds of alien fire had already been known to the people of the eight clans, and the people of the Medicine Clan were not surprised. What was even more surprising was that he actually chose to use the alien fire directly to transform it into a medicine cauldron, which really attracted a lot of astonished eyes, even Yao Xingji was no exception.

"This Xiao Yan has a very strong power to control fire, but with the fire cauldron, isn't he afraid that he can't control it when refining pills?"

Xiao Yan's move attracted countless surprised eyes and endless discussions outside the venue.

The flame cauldron floated in front of Xiao Yan. The cauldron body, which was originally a little illusory, was rapidly solidifying at a speed visible to the naked eye. Its heavy appearance made many of the Medicine Clan members who were watching on the side look a little solemn, and those who had just laughed at him could not help but shut their mouths. Just this move, using the fire cauldron, was enough to prove how superb Xiao Yan's fire control skills were. How strong control and soul power did he need to be able to control the alien fire to such perfection?

Yao Xingji also retracted the smile on his lips. Just relying on this move, it was enough to prove that Xiao Yan's attainments in alchemy would not be low.

Seeing Yao Xingji's slightly changed expression, Qinglin on the side couldn't help but snorted lightly, revealing a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. Humph, want to find fault? You are not qualified yet.

"Who is so noisy? In public, grandstanding for the sake of popularity."

But before Qinglin could say anything to Yao Xingji, he saw an extremely discordant voice coming from behind him, causing Yao Xingji to frown slightly, and Qinglin's eyes showed a particularly obvious disgust.

The two turned around at the same time, and saw a middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe coming to the alchemy platform surrounded by several people.

"Meet Elder Yao Feng."

Yao Xingji bowed slightly. Personal preferences aside, but etiquette is indispensable.

"Oh, Xingji is here too?"

Yao Feng turned his head and glanced at Yao Xingji, saying indifferently.

"Just a look."

Yao Xingji obviously didn't want to flatter Yao Feng, but he couldn't lose his manners, and he couldn't let him see it, so he was naturally quite embarrassed.

Qing Lin looked at Yao Xingji's embarrassment, but his mouth curled up, this is called evil people will be punished by evil people.

If Yao Xingji knew what Qing Lin was thinking, he would probably be so angry that he would be in trouble. How could he be compared with Yao Feng, a guy who is hated by people and dogs?

"Meet Elder Yao Feng."

Qing Lin also nodded, but his attitude was much more casual than that of Yao Xingji, which caused the middle-aged man to frown slightly. The wild dogs beside him wanted to bark, but when they met, After Qinglin's pair of green snake and three-flowered eyes, it seemed as if she recalled something terrible. While she gritted her teeth with hatred, she silently closed her mouth to prevent disaster from coming out of her mouth.

Yao Xingji glanced at Qinglin, and naturally he saw the disdain in those green snake eyes, but he couldn't help but feel a trace of envy in his heart. How could it be said that one person had achieved the Tao of chickens and dogs and ascended to heaven, and a little maid A casual salute, even a slap in the face in front of the elder of the Criminal Division would be light. It's a pity that the person he is serving is the eldest lady. Do you want to touch her? Those who want to die or those who are tired of living can try it.

Although this girl looks weak and gentle now, she can be ruthless.

Yao Xingji heard that when the eldest lady was in seclusion, because Qinglin was a foreigner and not the original bloodline of the Yao clan, she was inevitably pestered by some disgusting people, but she had her hands and feet broken, and the roots of her descendants were wiped out. , the man refused to let it go, so he filed a petition against Qing Lin to the Criminal Division. As a result, he alarmed Elder Wan Chun and caused the death of two stewards in the Criminal Division.

Since then, Qing Lin has formed a relationship with the Criminal Division, but who doesn't know where Qing Lin, a little maid, can get such huge energy? Saying one thousand or ten thousand is nothing more than the eldest lady asking Elder Wan Chun to take care of her while she is away. It is just such a light word.

It's just that these are all rumors, and I don't know whether they are true or false.

However, it is absolutely true that Qing Lin is not afraid of Xing Si, but Xing Si is afraid of Qing Lin.

Yao Feng simply ignored Qing Lin's friendly greetings and turned to look at the center of the high platform.

Looking at the cauldron of flames taking shape in front of him, Xiao Yan flicked his fingers. Within the cauldron, the flames emerged out of thin air and turned into a fire dragon, spiraling up in the medicine cauldron with such majestic momentum that it attracted the attention of others and secretly marveled. .

After completing the adjustment, Xiao Yan immediately put a lotus pod, a lotus as white as jade, into the strange fire cauldron, and then used the strange fire to refine its essence.

The fire dragon in the strange fire cauldron opened its mouth wide and swallowed the lotus pods and lotus flowers into its belly. For a moment, the colorful colors of the strange fire were reflected on the entire high platform, which was really beautiful.

Yao Xing couldn't help but secretly admire in his heart, the power of this alien fire is really extraordinary, like those vulgar people from the Yan tribe, they only know how to fight with alien fire, which is vulgar and boring. It can be said that they are just chewing peonies and wasting natural resources.

As for Xiao Yan, although he is unwilling to admit it, he does have some skills. This method of controlling fire is extremely mysterious, and with the help of different fires, he is indeed what a high-level alchemist should be like.

But at the same time, there were also discordant sounds.

"Is he Xiao Yan?"

"Oh - I wonder who it is. It turns out to be the relic of the Xiao clan. His bloodline that should have been severed thousands of years ago has allowed him to survive to this day. Hmm, it should be Shiwu Hero who made Zhuzi famous."

Yao Feng sneered at the side, regardless of Qing Lin who had already scolded this bastard thousands of times in his heart, even Yao Xingji couldn't help but frown slightly, after all, these words were too ugly, Xiao Yancheng, who suppressed the younger generation of the eight tribes, If the Shuzi in his mouth is mentioned, then people like them, aren't they even worse than the Shuzi?

I have long heard that the criminal division lineage represented by Yao Wangui clan elder and the Zhengtong lineage have been in constant conflict in recent years, but I never thought that this kind of conflict would happen directly in front of my eyes.

He didn't pay attention to the many looks from the people on the side, but Xiao Yan remained focused. A steady stream of medicinal herbs flew out of his ring, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a river composed entirely of medicinal herbs. At a rough glance, there are probably no fewer than hundreds or even thousands of species. With such a terrifying number, even the surrounding Medicine Clan members couldn't help but secretly smack their tongues when they saw it.

Even among the entire Medicine Clan, except for the elders who have already reached the top and the rookies today, there are very few people who can accomplish such a bold medicine refining technique.

Xiao Yan ignored everyone's surprise, and tapped the void with his finger. Many medicinal materials were immediately separated from the torrent of medicinal materials, and then they were quickly thrown into the medicinal cauldron. Suddenly, the fire dragon soared into the air, holding the group in it. The crystal clear medicinal liquid opened its mouth and swallowed the swirling medicinal materials into its belly.

Then Xiao Yan raised his hand and swept it away. The strange fire in the fire dragon's body enveloped different medicinal materials and refined them respectively.

It is naturally too difficult for Xiao Yan to directly divide the fire for refining, so it is naturally better to play it safe.

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