"Xiao Yan, I would like to warn you. If you give up resistance, you may suffer less physical pain."

Yao Feng snorted coldly and said: "How long have you been in our Yao Clan, and yet you dare to steal my clan's secret skills? The state has national laws, and the family has family rules. Don't think that you are the uncle of the Yao Clan now, so I don't dare to touch you." you!"

"How did you steal the Glazed Body Sculpting Technique? Why don't you get it from the real person as soon as possible!!!"

Xiao Yan didn't bother to comment on Yao Feng's behavior of eagerly throwing dirt on himself in front of everyone in order to occupy the moral high ground as soon as possible. Just looking at it made him feel sick to his stomach.

"You yourself know very well whether I secretly learned the glass body shaping technique. If you want to accuse me of it, why bother?"

Xiao Yan sneered, but it was not just a rebuttal. He knew very well that since Yao Feng planned to do this, he knew that he would not give up easily, let alone scold him with a few words.

The opponent's top priority is undoubtedly to capture him first, and then use himself as a breakthrough point to suppress Wan'er.

"Master Xiao Yan! Let me help you!"

Where can Qing Lin sit still now? Just when he was about to take action, he saw several minions who had been following Yao Feng and surrounded him.

"You guys are so brave, you dare to touch even the eldest lady!"

Qing Lin was furious, and a hint of terror and secretly cold breath rushed out from under her delicate body like a river, like a big snake slowly waking up, hissing and spitting out a message, scanning the obstacles in front of him with cold eyes. Everyone in front of me.

"Hehe, Xiao Yan stole our clan's secret technique! Everyone gets it and kills him!"

Some of the people who blocked Qing Lin sneered, but Qing Lin spat: "If you want to impose a crime, why bother?!"

Seeing the situation escalate rapidly, Yao Xingji couldn't help but take two steps back. These two people were too scary.

But now it was too late to get away. Yao Xingji immediately shouted to the many tribesmen who were still in the Medicine Refining Square: "Those who don't want to die, retreat immediately!"

With Yao Xingji’s reminder, how could anyone dare to watch the excitement from such a close place? They all retreated and stayed away from this place.

"Master Xiao Yan will come to help you when I take care of them!"

"Qing Lin, don't act rashly!"

Xiao Yan said in a deep voice: "This person is a semi-saint, and your coming will only cause chaos."


Seeing the situation getting serious at a speed visible to the naked eye, Qing Lin frowned, no, no matter what, we have to wait until the young lady and the elders come!

"Bold Xiao Yan, why don't you just surrender quickly!"

Compared with Xiao Yan and Qing Lin, the Yaofeng in front of them is undoubtedly more urgent. After all, this is a risky move. Control Xiao Yan immediately before someone comes, and then there is no problem in pouring dirty water on him. Even with the elders protecting him, it would never be so easy.

But if it's too late... then everything will be over.

Take a gamble!

With this idea in mind, Yao Feng took action immediately.

Yaofeng knew that the elder might not come so fast, but the woman's soul perception ability was terrifying. The power of the soul, which was only a sliver away from the perfection of heaven, allowed her to detect what was going on here just by thinking about it.

Twenty breaths! I only have twenty breaths of time!

In twenty breaths, he was able to defeat a junior who was no more than a four-star Dou Zun with half-sacred power. At first glance, there seemed to be no problem at all, but the problem was that the opponent was Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan, who suppressed the geniuses of the eight tribes.

"If you just surrender, I can spare your life!"

Yao Feng lowered his voice, but his brows were full of ominous murderous intent.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yaofeng walked forward with his head held high, and with one step in the sky, he appeared directly not far in front of Xiao Yan. The light blue fighting spirit condensed into a faint light and shadow into his palm, and suddenly the space was broken. He slapped Xiao Yan hard on the head.

Facing that terrifying palm, Xiao Yan did not dare to neglect it. The difference between the Semi-Saint and the Dou Zun was so great. The Ancient Dragon's Taoxu caused Xiao Yan's figure to slightly shift away from the wind of the palm.

At the same time, a round of fire that was dozens of feet long unfolded. A powerful fire spirit condensed from five different fires suddenly surged out of his body and was pushed out by him. Finally, it directly collided with Yao Feng's. A palm hit each other hard.


The two collided, and a dull roar suddenly broke out. The two powerful energies were entangled, but the terrifying palm wind still broke through the fire spirit blockade.

"Resist tenaciously!"

Yaofeng held his palm empty, and after he palmed the wind, the space was suddenly sealed and solidified, and then he tightened his grip tightly under his control. The fire spirits were scattered and the formation was shattered.

After all, he is worthy of being a semi-saint. Those guys are just different, but if you want to deal with him, it's still too early!

Three fire spirits swarmed into Xiao Yan's palm, and then he slapped them into his chest.

The Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire!

The terrifying strange fire energy exploded, causing Yao Feng's instinctive eyelids to twitch slightly.

It is understandable that it is the instinct of life to retreat from the violent energy between heaven and earth. Even if it reaches the powerful state of a semi-saint, it is still the same.

At the same time, Xiao Yan also raised his hand, and the six-color strange fire combined with the original five-round fire formation. The fire curtain extended and finally connected with each other, like a huge fire formation that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Naturally, he can't achieve the state of mastering one method and all methods like Wan'er, but with the way of controlling fire as the foundation, connecting what he has learned and applying it, Xiao Yan has already learned from the last time with Wan'er. I got quite a lot of inspiration from the battle.

Yao Feng's gaze condensed, and he took action again. His light cyan giant palm swept past, and struck hard on the light curtain of the fire wheel array, erupting with a shocking roar, and the magnificent fire array also Following the blink of an eye, a particularly conspicuous ripple spread out.

But Yaofeng's move was not without cost.

The ripples on the light screen have not subsided. Xiao Yan raised his hand, and the six-color strange fire merged into the fire array and turned into a fire dragon. The momentum and power were far greater than usual. The fire dragon flew, and the terrifying temperature in it was directly In an instant, the air in the fire array was ignited. For a moment, the fire was blazing, burning Yaofeng crazily, even to the point of burning the semi-saint.

"The power of the strange fire is really terrifying - but with your mere four-star Dou Zun cultivation, so many strange fires cannot exert their true power in your hands, and it is just a waste of natural resources!"

When Yao Feng was burned, he was shocked and angry, but he still couldn't help but reveal a trace of greed in his eyebrows.

For alchemists like them, strange fire is a treasure that is comparable to heaven-level skills and fighting skills. However, Xiao Yan can possess many kinds of strange fire. How can people not envy this?

How can such a child with a yellow mouth deserve such a great opportunity?

Yao Feng's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. As long as he captures Xiao Yan, these things may not be his!

But Xiao Yan didn't think about giving Shu Feng even the slightest chance.

He waved violently, and six fire spirits gathered in his hand, condensing into a flaming sword. The momentum was magnificent, and the terrifying high temperature even made the surrounding air burn out of thin air, and it turned directly into a sea of ​​fire floating in the sky. .

The Yao clan members who had just retreated to a safe distance looked back subconsciously, and their pupils shrank involuntarily.

This move was very familiar to them.

In the recent marriage ceremony, both Xiao Yan and the eldest lady had used this sword move.

But compared to the sword, the most important thing about this sword move is obviously not the sword, but the strange fire in it.

Under the sword style, Xiao Yan's whole body felt like he was in a sea of ​​boiling fire. Six different colors of fire intertwined with each other. Even if he just looked at it, he could not help but feel that his whole body was burning and aching.

"Flaming sword, burning sea!"

When Xiao Yan swung down the flame sword in his hand, all the sea of ​​​​fire above the sky condensed into one place, turning into a sword energy and sweeping away.

"court death!"

Yao Feng was shocked and angry. The fighting energy in his hand mixed with the space, and then condensed into a black dot. Then he pushed it out violently and hit the sword energy that was hot enough to boil the sea.

The black dot burst out with extremely terrifying attraction. When it hit the sword energy, it almost immediately compressed the surrounding space. Yao Feng sneered, so what if he is a genius? The genius who has not grown up is just an ant that can be crushed to death with a little effort!

But having said that, he didn't want Xiao Yan to die like this. Only a living Xiao Yan would play the greatest role for him, otherwise it would just be a way to anger that woman.

That's all... Fortunately, we finally captured this guy...

Yao Feng secretly sweated in his palms, but the ten-breath confrontation actually made him almost unable to hold this kid, it was too dangerous.

He definitely wanted to recover this price from Xiao Yan!

However, the twisted and chaotic space in front of him gave Yaofeng's answer.

The hot sword energy split the twisted space in two. Yao Feng was caught off guard for a moment and subconsciously raised his hand to resist, but even the semi-saint's barrier could not have much effect. Yao Feng only felt a heartbreaking pain. Along with the burning sensation, it came from the palm of my hand.

Xiao Yan, who looked a little pale, looked at Yaofeng condescendingly with a sneer on his face.

The pain that had not been injured for a long time deeply stung Yao Feng's nerves, making him furious and almost unable to control the anger in his heart.

Xiao Yan remained silent, but the smile on his lips became thicker. It seemed that it was almost time.

The flame sword in his hand dissipated, Xiao Yan crossed his arms and looked at Yaofeng as if he were a dead person.

Yao Feng has now decided that only by giving this boy a chance to breathe and destroying his limbs and fighting spirit can he relieve the evil spirit in his heart!

"Shuzi! Do you really think that I dare not kill-kill-ga-"

However, before he could finish his words, his throat seemed to be pinched hard, and the blood in his body suddenly seemed to have dropped to freezing point and almost solidified. He opened his eyes wide in disbelief. His eyes were like those of a poultry strangled by the neck, his face was earth-colored, and his mouth was wide open but no sound could be made.

She is coming!

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