Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 543 Killing like crazy

She's here!

The blood in Yao Feng's body, which had almost dropped to freezing point, sounded like an alarm, telling Yao Feng of the great fear that came from instinct.

The beautiful figure slowly crossed the sky above the sacred mountain and slowly fell down, graceful and calm, with a face as cold as ice.

"... Tell me, who do you want to kill?"

Between her smooth and white eyebrows, a colorful golden spiritual medicine pattern the size of a fingernail emitted a faint glow.

All the Yao Clan members saw it and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. The urge to crawl on the ground became stronger and stronger, until the first Yao Clan member could not bear the great blood pressure, crawled on the ground, and worshiped, and the others crawled on the ground in a chain like dominoes.

As the center of Yao Wan's "focus", Yao Feng couldn't say a word. His body had already knelt on the ground, and his blood was hot and cold in his body. He had never dreamed that the Doudi blood that had given him infinite power since his birth had now become his death warrant, making him live a life worse than death in just a moment.

Cold sweat had soaked Yao Feng's whole body. From the moment his blood began to cry, he almost immediately realized that he might not be able to escape this disaster today.

Xiao Yan subconsciously looked at the person who walked out from behind him and appeared in his field of vision, but never stopped. From beginning to end, she didn't look at Xiao Yan, but focused all her attention on Yao Feng who was forced to kneel on the ground.

"Can't speak?"

Yao Wan's tone was like a calm water surface with an undercurrent that was enough to tear and destroy everything.

As Yao Wan grew and improved her cultivation, her clan emblem had grown naturally over the past year or so, but she had never used it.

"Since you can't speak, there's no need to explain."

Yao Wan's mouth corners slightly raised, and that beautiful smile was chilling to the bone.

Then Yao Feng felt his body begin to make mechanical crackling sounds of bone dislocation, and his body began to move uncontrollably--


Yao Feng propped up his hands, and then his head hit the ground heavily, making an extremely dull sound, and even the heavy stone bricks under his feet were cracked.




Under the stunned and shocked eyes of the crowd, the arrogant elder of the Xing Division in the past now took the initiative to mechanically and continuously kowtow in the direction of Yao Wan and Xiao Yan, and the dull kowtow sound made people tremble.

After Yao Feng kowtowed for dozens of times, his forehead was already a bloody mess.

Yao Wan's eyes were cold, but she didn't feel relieved at all, but she heard the sound of breaking through the air from afar.

Her slightly frowned eyebrows did not relax at all, and she did not feel the slightest surprise or frustration. She looked at Yao Feng as if she was looking at a dead person.

"Wait, what's going on?! Yao Feng?! How come you are here?"

The light paused, revealing the figures of the two elders, who happened to be Yao Wanchun and Yao Wansheng.

Yao Wansheng looked at Yao Feng's miserable appearance, and couldn't help but frown, but couldn't help asking.

"Elder Wan... Elder Wansheng, save me..."

Yao Wan remained silent, but temporarily loosened her control over Yao Feng's blood. For a moment, the conflict between blood and body consciousness made her feel worse than death. Even though Yao Feng was a semi-saint, he could not disobey his blood.

Yao Feng looked at Yao Wansheng, who had a complicated expression on his face but was reluctant to leave immediately, as if he had seen a life-saving straw. He kept muttering to himself, saying that the elder Xingsi, who had always been so glorious in the past and looked down upon the tribe from a high place, was now like a dog with a broken spine, embarrassed and ridiculous.


Seeing Yao Feng like this, Yao Wansheng was stunned, but he couldn't help but look at the old woman beside him. Yao Wanchun snorted coldly and didn't say much, and the young lady... To be honest, Yao Wansheng had never seen the killing intent of the young lady so obvious.

Even he couldn't help but feel a little frightened, and the blood in his body was restless, as if there were steel needles all over his body, and he felt very uncomfortable.

However, he also knew that Elder Wanchun and the Criminal Division were obviously at odds, and it was even more impossible for him to plead for Yao Feng at this moment. In desperation, he coughed lightly, and finally stepped forward and said, "Yao Feng, what happened?"

"Yes - yes - it was Xiao Yan!"

Yao Feng took two breaths, and two lights flashed in his gray eyes. He finally spoke. This was his last chance, and he had to take a gamble--

"Xiao Yan secretly learned the secret of my Yao clan, the Glazed Body Shaping Technique. The country has its own laws, and the family has its own rules. Elder Wansheng, you must, must make the decision..."

Seeing Yao Feng looking at him eagerly, as if looking at a life-saving straw, if it weren't for the eldest lady and Elder Wanchun watching at the side, Yao Wansheng couldn't help rolling his eyes and scolding Yao Feng for being crazy.

He said it as if they were very familiar with each other. He, a neutral person, was often stabbed in the back by the Xingsi lineage. This guy relied on his status as Yao Wangui's cousin and the elder of the Xingsi lineage to show off his power. Now he wanted him to be the one to uphold justice? Where was he in the morning?

He asked for help from him because Elder Wanchun had a grudge against them because of Qinglin's matter. In comparison, he was naturally the last resort.

But forget about counting on myself to fight against the eldest lady.

Count on him to target the eldest lady? Really...

The eldest lady is not comparable to this bunch of idiots from the Criminal Department, otherwise how could Elder Wanchun, who has always been unshakable, be so close to Qinglin now?

Therefore, Elder Wansheng threw a look at Yao Wan. This kind of thing was none of his business, so it would be better to let the eldest lady solve it herself.

Yao Wan couldn't help laughing when she heard it: "You said Xiao Yan secretly learned the Liuli Body Shaping Technique... Xiao Yan, practice the technique for the two elders to see."

Yao Wan was not in a hurry at all, and was not afraid that Yao Wangui might come later. Xiao Yan heard it and silently practiced the technique in his body. On the purple-gold Dharma body, dragon scales floated and dragons and phoenixes roared, as usual.

"Do you think this can be considered the Liuli Body Shaping Technique, the two elders?"

Yao Wan asked with a smile.

Yao Wansheng and Yao Wanchun shook their heads together. Xiao Yan's technique had too much dragon and phoenix aura, and it didn't look like the Glazed Body Shaping Technique.

"Oh, isn't it?"

Yao Wan then looked at Yao Feng, who was trembling all over, and revealed a cruel smile.

"Fraudulently accusing others and abusing private punishment, what should you do as an elder of the Criminal Department, knowingly breaking the law, how should you deal with it? Elder Yao Feng?"

Yao Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Before he could make any excuses, Yao Wan had already thought about what kind of punishment he should get.

"Didn't you just say you wanted to kill Xiao Yan? Okay."

Yao Wan's fingertips flashed a dark light of black magic thunder, and before everyone around him could react, he twisted it fiercely.

Suddenly, lightning entered his body, making a strange explosion sound, and Yao Feng let out a shrill scream, which echoed and shocked others, making them tremble all over.

In a blink of an eye, the terrifying black magic thunder was like a tangible object, twisting Yao Feng's limbs and breaking his meridians.

"For the sake of your 'hard work for half a lifetime' for the Yao clan, I will spare your life, how about it?"

Yao Wan chuckled.


The pain and destruction of the black magic thunder entering the body is definitely not something that a half-saint like him can bear. Yao Feng opened his bloodshot eyes with extreme reluctance, and he was so angry that he wanted to split his eyes.

Yao Wan didn't care about the hatred shown by Yao Feng, and even wanted to laugh.

She never understood why such people were so shameless. On the one hand, they hurt others without scruples, and on the other hand, if she touched them a little, they would take revenge. Could it be that others were born to be bullied to death by them?

She couldn't stand this kind of thing happening, and naturally she couldn't stand this kind of people.

When hurting others, they didn't even have the awareness of being hurt by others. It was really ugly and stupid.

She is not a saint, so she will not indulge such people.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, if you want to take something from her, you must pay the corresponding price.

But before Yao Wan could say a few more words, Yao Feng's eyes rolled back and he fainted, and his hair turned mostly white.

"Hmph, you are really lucky, well, let your second half of life pay for the sins you committed in the first half of your life."

Yao Wan did not restrain her voice at all, just muttered to herself, then turned her head and looked to the other side.

Taking advantage of the moment when Yao Wan used the clan pattern to suppress everyone in an instant, Qing Lin immediately subdued the minions who were traveling with Yao Feng, waiting for Yao Wan's decision.

"Discard your cultivation, wear soul nails, and kneel in the clan ancestral hall for the rest of your life."

As for these minions, Yao Wan had little interest in dealing with them. They were not even worthy of her attention. She just thought of a way to torture them. Yao Wan then drew a finger, and a black magic lightning passed through their bodies, and they were motionless as if they were dead.

After temporarily dealing with the principal offender and the accomplice, Yao Wan looked at Yao Xingji who was flying not far away.

Her eyebrows unconsciously frowned slightly.

"Miss...Yao Xingji is also responsible for what happened today."

Seeing Yao Wan coming, Yao Xingji had to come no matter how scared he was, otherwise he was only worried that Yao Feng and others would be a lesson for him.

And the fact proved that Yao Xingji's guess was very accurate. Yao Wan's mood at the moment was so bad that simply killing people was not enough to vent her anger.


Yao Wan was silent.

"Yao Xingji was just evacuating other members of the tribe. He did not violate any rules. Qinglin and I can testify to this."

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