Xiao Yan appeared behind Yao Wan unknowingly and explained softly.

Yao Xing couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan gratefully. The only person who could stop the eldest lady now was probably Xiao Yan.


Yaowan frowned slightly, and after a while, he said: "Get out."

"Yao Xingji is resigning."

After receiving these words from Yao Wan, Yao Xingji breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. Then he glanced at Xiao Yan gratefully and left immediately, not even daring to stay for a moment.

As for the others, although Yao Wan was in a bad mood, he would not kill people randomly. The slightly frowned eyebrows gradually relaxed, leaving only a trace of resentment.

Things happened here, and Yaowan didn't want to stay in this place anymore. She immediately asked the two elders who came to clean up the mess here, and then left the Medicine Refining Square with Qinglin and Xiao Yan, and returned to her cave. among.

Only the people of the Yao clan who stayed here mostly just to discuss each other's medicine refining skills, and who were improving each other, seemed to have just experienced a big drama. They looked at each other in confusion, and suddenly they didn't know what to say. From the very beginning when Xiao Yan was refining the medicine and Yaofeng came on the scene, the conflict broke out between the two sides, and finally witnessed the eldest lady destroying the criminal elder and his entourage who had a particularly bad reputation, even in front of the two elders. It was really like a roller coaster ride. .

However, not everyone can afford this kind of stimulation.

Yao Wansheng, who had taken over this difficult job for no apparent reason, couldn't help but sigh. This little aunt is really terrible. What's the point of becoming a Fighting Saint in the future?

Fortunately, she is not a person who does not know right from wrong, otherwise the Yao Clan would not be enough for her...

In the cave, Yao Wan had a frosty look on her face, and she didn't want Qing Lin to pour her tea, so she sat quietly without saying anything.

Xiao Yan didn't know who the last person was. He couldn't help but pursed his lips, but he couldn't speak immediately. He knew Wan'er's temperament very well.

"Blue scales."

"Little... miss."

Qing Lin, who had already accepted the Heavenly Serpent's Dharma Appearance, looked like a little girl who had made a mistake, and came to Yao Wan with her head lowered and dejectedly.

"...I know I was wrong, miss."

"What's wrong?"

Yao Wan crossed her arms and said in a cold voice that she was indeed in a particularly bad mood now. She thought she could finally live in peace for a while when she arrived at her home, but she didn't expect to be waiting for her here. How could she not be annoyed?

"Wan'er...actually Qinglin is also..."

Xiao Yan said silently from the side.

"——Did I ask you?"

Yao Wan interrupted him coldly.

Xiao Yan immediately shut up and never said a word again. He didn't have any of the heroic aura that he had shown when he challenged the semi-saint just now. He looked like a little daughter-in-law who had been insulted.

"The mistake was that I didn't follow the lady's request..."

Qing Lin glanced worriedly at Xiao Yan next to him, who was treated similarly to himself, and then said.

"You still don't understand! You didn't notify me immediately!"

Yaowan's temples were pounding, and finally she couldn't help but pat the stone table and said.

"If I hadn't been careful, Xiao Yan would have been captured by Yao Feng today! Will you come to me to bring in reinforcements then?!"

"Then I may not really let Yao Feng catch me."

Xiao Yan lowered his voice and said.

Yao Wan laughed angrily at him: "So? You turn around and blast him half to death with a fire lotus, and you also replace the middle part of the sacred mountain with a new layer of land?!"

"Yao Feng's life is not worth mentioning! What will you do then? Do you know why Yao Feng risked his eyes and told lies to catch you? The Glazed Body Shaping Technique transformed by the power of dragon and phoenix can only be seen inside Otherwise, no one can tell. This reason is totally untenable. I know this and I don’t care. What about you? "

"To replace a flimsy excuse with wanton destruction of the sacred mountain is an unforgivable crime, isn't it?!"

Qing Lin lowered her head, her beautiful green eyes filled with tears. This was the first time she saw Yao Wan so angry. She was frightened and overwhelmed, but she still mustered up the courage to say: "Miss, everything is Qing Lin." It’s my fault, if you want to hit or scold me, just target Qinglin. Young Master Xiao Yan is new here and doesn’t understand anything. It’s all my fault——”

Xiao Yan sighed quietly and couldn't help but gently hold Qing Lin's shoulders: "You misunderstood, Qing Lin, Wan'er didn't mean to blame you, don't take it too seriously..."

And Yao Wan couldn't help but see Qing Lin shed tears. Seeing this good and obedient girl being frightened into this state by him, she immediately realized that she seemed to be a little too impulsive, and her heart softened for the most part.

"Qinglin, come here."

Yao Wan took the initiative to speak, and her voice had returned to the soft whisper of the past.

Qing Lin didn't have time to wipe the tears falling on her pretty face, so she took a step forward and got closer to the medicine.

"Squat down."

Qinglin obediently obeyed.

She squatted down in front of Yao Wan, and before she could fully stabilize her body, she was hugged by Yao Wan. Her crystal tears wet Yao Wan's clothes, and her tone was full of crying confusion. .

"Little... miss?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I couldn't control my emotions all of a sudden."

Yaowan hugged her gently, then patted her back and said.

"No, it's not...Miss, you are right, these are all my fault..."

"One code is the same. I really shouldn't get angry at you. Right is right and wrong is wrong. I can't even tell this difference."

Yao Wan said.

"However, you are indeed wrong this time. If you had come earlier, perhaps this would not have happened."


"I wanted to wait until I broke through to Dou Sheng and then kill Yao Wangui together with the Xing Si lineage, but now I have alerted the snake, and the old bastard is afraid that he will start to bite people indiscriminately. So, you should send all the evidence you collected before to Elder Wanhuo, go immediately, so that the old bastard will not cry thief."

Yao Wan said softly: "As for your punishment, I have sent a message to Elder Wanchun. After you send the things to Elder Wanhuo, you will go out with Elder Wanchun to train. You are not allowed to come back until you are a half-saint."

Qing Lin was shocked by Yao Wan's words. You are not allowed to come back until you are a half-saint? Then I don't know how long it will take for Miss to leave?

She hugged Yao Wan tightly and said, "Miss, please give me two whips. I can bear it, but please don't chase me away..."

"Silly, who said I'm going to chase you away? It's just an outing for training. You are familiar with Elder Wanchun. With Elder Wanchun here, nothing will happen. The training conditions given to you by the Yao Clan have almost reached a bottleneck, and your development of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils is not even 50%. This is not an improvement that can be obtained by practicing in the Yao Clan. You need to find it outside. Okay, go, I have other things to tell Xiao Yan."

Qing Lin was unable to refute Yao Wan's words. He knew in his heart that there were more important things on him, so he nodded silently and turned around and quickly left the cave.

With Qing Lin's departure, only Xiao Yan and Yao Wan were left in the cave.

Xiao Yan sighed faintly, and then took the initiative to step forward and gently hugged the beauty whose face had melted most of the frost.

Yao Wan did not dodge, but when Xiao Yan hugged her, she struggled reluctantly. Although Qing Lin's tears had extinguished most of her anger, she still had some resentment.

"Let go! Who asked you to touch me!"

Yao Wan frowned slightly. Xiao Yan felt the resentment of the person in his arms, but he was not angry. He just hugged her gently and let her beat and scold him. Then he put his head on her shoulder, feeling her breath at the moment, and also feeling her slightly rapid breathing.

Xiao Yan knew Wan'er's temperament. She was gentle as water on weekdays, but once she got angry, she was like a raging fire, but she could calm down quickly, and realized that she was wrong, and even took the initiative to make up for and correct her mistakes.

"...I know I was wrong...Wan'er, can you forgive me this time? Hmm...?"

Xiao Yan was very good at dealing with Yao Wan's sulking, so he simply ignored the distance between them and gently rubbed Yao Wan's ears with the tip of his nose, which made her body soften. Coupled with Xiao Yan's tone that he was a tough guy and would stick to her no matter how you beat and scold her, Yao Wan couldn't get angry.

"...You are only the best in this aspect."

Yao Wan was angry and helpless. She was angry at Xiao Yan's shameless look, which was completely different from the impression she had of him. She was helpless because she found that she just fell for it! Although she had expected that she would be soft-hearted, she never thought that she would change so completely. In the end, she seemed to be even angrier. Although she was not angry with Xiao Yan, she was angry with herself.

She actually softened her heart because of these sweet words. It's useless! It's really useless!

"... stinky man."

Yao Wan took a deep breath, the unique scent of Xiao Yan lingered at the tip of her nose, but made herself intoxicated inexplicably, unable to extricate herself from it.

No, Yao Wan, you can't continue to degenerate like this...

But temporary relaxation is not considered self-degradation, right?

She began to slowly make excuses for her behavior that was inconsistent with her psychology.

Unconsciously, Yao Wan exhaled a breath of orchid, and her fingertips unconsciously touched Xiao Yan's cheek.

Xiao Yan allowed Yao Wan to touch him, the touch of the beauty's slender fingers was as warm and cool as jade, making people unable to stop, how could he resist?

Especially when facing the pair of slightly hazy light golden autumn eyes, Xiao Yan had no resistance at all. Who can resist a lover who gets angry because of your safety?

At least he couldn't resist it at all.

The hero's tomb is the hero's tomb, and he is still waiting for this beauty town.

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