Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 545 Refining Red Lotus

The two sides maintained this kind of action for a long time, and then the dense atmosphere at this moment was finally broken by the question coming from Xiao Yan's breath.



Yao Wan raised her head slightly and caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan's profile. Her fingertips were still caressing his cheek with some nostalgia, and then she slowly said, "What's wrong?"

"What conflict does Yaofeng and the others have with you?"

Xiao Yan asked a question that seemed like nonsense at first glance. Yao Wan could not help but be silent for a moment, as if thinking about how to sum up all the entanglements in one sentence, and finally said: "Weeds must be cleared, and the fields cannot be left abandoned. It’s that simple.”

"If there is another reason, the Criminal Division lineage is closely related to Yao Lao's expulsion from the Yao Clan. It occupies the main responsibility and must pay a price."

"If Yao Lao wants to return to his clan, these people must be eliminated one by one."

Yao Wan was mumbling words, while Xiao Yan's fingertips gently stroked the cheek of the person in his arms. It was not clear what Yao Wan was talking about?

On the one hand, people in the Criminal Division who do many unjust things will be killed themselves, but another important part is because of themselves and their teachers.

She didn't want to make it difficult for herself, so she let herself do the most difficult thing.

It's just a pity that it seems that the conflict between herself and Yao Feng has become an unexpected emergency, which has also disrupted Wan'er's original plan. She is afraid that she will have to face the pressure from the Criminal Division in advance.


"Huh? What?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask. What she disliked the most was someone stopping mid-sentence.

"...Actually, there's no need for Wan'er to do such a great job for me. Anyway, it's just a temporary act of passion. It's not necessary. I won't blame you for this."

Xiao Yan slowly realized how bad it was for the Yao Clan to have a direct conflict with Yao Feng, so naturally he could no longer say the same angry words as before about one's temporary strength and weakness.

But Yao Wan shook her head slightly, which made Xiao Yan slightly stunned.

"No, since you already started fighting, I will definitely do this."

Yao Wan said softly, causing Xiao Yan to raise his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't ask any more questions and just waited quietly for Wan'er to answer.

"I can't stand it."

Yao Wan narrowed her pale golden eyes slightly, as if talking in sleep.


"I can't stand it. Others start to destroy my life, but I still want to turn a blind eye and be indifferent."

Xiao Yan was inevitably startled by Yao Wan's words. This was indeed the answer Yao Wan would give. Her words were full of her style and taste.

But Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little lost. This reason seemed to be much simpler and more straightforward than his previous guess.

"Tolerate for a moment? When I saw that scene, I couldn't bear it for even one breath, so I decided to make him pay a price that would be worse than death."

The words of the man in his arms contained enough fire to burn all things.

"Plan? Fuck the plan, I didn't kill Yao Wangui together because I just can't hold that old bastard now."

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, but when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but smile, and he smiled very happily.

He couldn't help hugging Yao Wan tightly: "Wan'er is so kind to me."

"But does it really matter?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as I break through Dou Sheng as soon as possible, I can chop off that old bastard's head and kick it as a ball."

Xiao Yan suddenly realized that Wan'er sometimes thought far more crudely and rudely than he did, and couldn't help but say: "There won't be any backlash against Wan'er within the Yao Clan, right?"

"Power is the reason for being a king. Apart from that, everything else is just unimportant red tape."

Yao Wan's answer made Xiao Yan fall into silence again, and he suddenly understood why Yao Feng insisted on arresting him.

It is really terrifying to face such an enemy who cannot be killed but can only watch her grow up and kill him. Watching her grow and become stronger day by day is like the quicksand of his own life passing by little by little. No one can stand it.

But fortunately, this person is his wife.

A happy smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, and then he said: "What about Qing Lin? Are you not afraid of something happening if you take her out?"

"With Elder Wanchun protecting her, there is nothing to worry about. If we encounter a situation where Elder Wanchun cannot protect her, then there is nothing I can do. However, the greenhouse of the Medicine Clan cannot cultivate her for a lifetime. The abundant resources of the Medicine Clan allow her to Taking root and sprouting, but unable to truly grow up, if you stay in the Yao Clan and stay with me, you will never be able to truly awaken."


"This girl Qinglin, I have always regarded her as my younger sister. If possible, of course I want her to stay with me, carefree. It's just good to do some small things for me on weekdays. It's not impossible not to do it. Anyway, Just let her go."

Yaowan sighed: "But no, the world is not peaceful. I dare not say what the future will be like, so how can I bear the fate of others? Leaving her alone is just irresponsible for her. At this point, I am nothing. A worthy sister.”

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Xiao Yan could hear the faint worry in Yao Wan's tone.

"You do not understand……"

Yao Wan muttered reluctantly, but subconsciously hugged Xiao Yan tightly.

In fact, there is something Yaowan has not said yet.

Although the worries in her heart never dissipated, Yao Wan's psychological pressure has actually been reduced a lot. Although she is reluctant to admit it, it is probably because she gradually feels that she can find someone to rely on.

Although it is only a psychological effect now, Yao Wan is already happy with it.

"Have you rested enough?"

"Of course, the more you can rest, the more you can rest."

Xiao Yan smiled greedily, but this time Yao Wan did not indulge him.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you get up quickly?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but poke the ticklish spot on Xiao Yan's waist. Xiao Yan was caught off guard and shrank a little.

"Hehe - don't be so anxious..."

"How can I not be anxious? Bring the Qinglian Deliverance Pill and follow me."

Yao Wan snorted lightly, and then flicked her finger. A light gate appeared in front of the two of them. Xiao Yan stopped joking and slowly stood up, staring at the light curtain in front of him. Through the light curtain in front of him, he seemed to have a vague premonition.

"Follow me."

Yao Wan said softly, and Xiao Yan followed without doubt.

The light gate in front of him was a fleeting space tunnel, but before he could come to his senses, he felt that they had arrived at their destination.

Then Yao Wan took Xiao Yan's hand and gently pulled him into the light in front of him.

Xiao Yan's figure passed through the light curtain, and he couldn't help feeling a little strange. These lights obviously had a little repulsion to him, but in the end they still let him pass.

But before he could fully figure out what was going on, he had already passed through the light curtain in front of him.

In the peaceful and tranquil world, the towering trees stood quietly. The clear spring in front of them surrounded the trees. A soft and cool breeze blew by, and a few fallen leaves fell in front of Xiao Yan.

He couldn't help but be slightly stunned and said nothing.

"Did you bring it after all?"

In his trance, Xiao Yan couldn't help but hear another female voice, which seemed to be sighing and helpless.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look around, but he couldn't find any trace. However, Xiao Yan still felt something was wrong. He didn't even think that such an obvious voice was an illusion.

"Let's go."

Yao Wan said.

"Where to go?"

"Walk to the bottom of the big tree, as far as you can go."

Yao Wan didn't plan to go into the water with Xiao Yan this time. She was not that stupid. If she went into the water, it would be fine for her to help him refine the strange fire. Once it was over, she was afraid that she would be teased by him.

It would be fine if the two were alone, but Yao Wan didn't dare to do such a thing in the inheritance place. It would be too ridiculous to be broadcast live by the ancestor.

Following Yao Wan's instructions, Xiao Yan followed suit, and the water surface also covered his ankles.

"Wan'er, this water--"

"This water is called the Zhuo Gu Shenquan, which can wash away hidden injuries, reborn, and expand the meridians, but not everyone can accept its power, so if you feel that you can't hold on, come back immediately."

Xiao Yan naturally believed Yao Wan's words, and then continued to move forward. It was indeed as Wan'er said. Xiao Yan could feel the energy that was completely different from the Dou Qi and the strange fire energy washing his meridians from the Shenquan, which made him take a deep breath to adapt to this beneficial transformation.

At the same time, he continued to walk deeper into the Shenquan, but when he almost walked to the center of the Shenquan, he couldn't help but stop for a while.

A blooming red lotus floated quietly in the center of the sacred spring. Yao Wan could not help but frowned slightly. Xiao Yan noticed something. Driven by his guess, he slowly raised his hand and gently touched the fire lotus in front of him with his fingertips. The fire lotus then began to ignite an extremely eye-catching and strange light.

Above the water, the red lotus fire suddenly bloomed.

"Why was it put here..."

Yao Wan could not help but mutter in her heart, but since Xiao Yan had already come into contact with the red lotus fire, Yao Wan would not let him go.

"Start refining the red lotus fire directly. You should take the Qinglian Debt Pill first."

Xiao Yan was naturally familiar with the process of refining strange fire. After taking the Qinglian Debt Pill and temporarily adapting to the medicinal properties in his body, his fingertips began to touch the red lotus fire.

The strange red lotus bloomed, and in an instant it enveloped Xiao Yan's body. However, the miraculous thing was that the strange red lotus that bloomed was clearly separated from the surrounding Zhuo Gu spring water, and no terrible conflict broke out because of it. Instead, it was like a strange red lotus blooming in the spring water, beautiful and magnificent.

"... Is this the 'friend' who gave you the Lianli Leaf?"

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