Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 549: Sister is a bad person but has a good heart

As Xiao Yan's family, Xiao Zhan, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li were naturally very happy that Xiao Yan could finally be with Yao Wan.

This slightly mysterious girl has been helping Xiao Yan from beginning to end, which they have seen. It is hard to find a good girl like this in the world. If you miss her, it would be a pity.

It's just that fate is hard to find. When Yao Wan and Xun'er returned to the Northwest Continent and finally realized that there was something wrong with their relationship with Xiao Yan, they wanted to end this entanglement, so they said those words to Xiao Zhan.

It's just a pity that everything should not be said too early.

Facing the enthusiastic Xiao Zhan, Yao Wan now has no idea what to say, and can only show an awkward but polite smile to cover up the embarrassment in her heart.

"It's okay to get married too early. You are still young and have your own ideas. It's not strange that you are more focused on your career now after going to a farther place and broadening your horizons."

Xiao Zhan smiled.

Yao Wan just nodded silently. Although she didn't know what the old man was talking about, she just nodded.

Xiao Yan looked at Yao Wan's current appearance and couldn't help laughing secretly. He turned to look at Xiao Zhan and said, "Are there any changes in the Jia Ma Empire and the Northwest Continent now?"

"That's not the case..."

Xiao Zhan shook his head and said, "Since the rebellion of the Devouring Spirit Clan in the past, there have been few disputes in the Jia Ma Empire. With Queen Medusa here, although there are waves, no one dares to make trouble."

"By the way, Yan'er, she..."

"Uncle Xiao, don't worry, Xiao Yan will take care of it."

Yao Wan raised her eyebrows. That's great. Finally, he was not talking about her. The invisible pressure on her body suddenly decreased, and she also showed some of her calm and generous appearance in the past.

Xiao Zhan looked strange, and at the same time, he couldn't help but worry in his heart. He was afraid that Yao Wan and Queen Medusa would have a conflict.

Xiao Yan naturally saw Xiao Zhan's eyes, and then gave him a look that made him feel at ease.


In the palace newly built by Jia Ma Empire a few years ago, Medusa did not move. She knew that Xiao Yan was here, and that woman was here too. If that was the case, then there was no need for her to be annoying.

But even so, it was difficult to keep her mind calm...

Alas, since it was entangled, it was hard to escape this.

The enchanting beauty in red clothes waited quietly.

But when she saw the young man and woman walking slowly with a cute child, Medusa's eyelids couldn't help but jump.


"Huh... finally left."

After staying at Xiao's house for half an hour, Yao Wan felt that she was even more tired than practicing for a whole year, so she couldn't help stretching after leaving Xiao's house.

"I've never seen Wan'er like this."

Xiao Yan smiled, and Yao Wan couldn't help but curl her lips.

"Do I need you to tell me? Humph, I shouldn't have come earlier... I'm dying of suffocation." Yao Wan walked briskly. Although her tone still contained some tension that had not completely dissipated, Yao Wan was in an inexplicably good mood. After all, they had to meet. No matter how much she pushed it away, they had to meet. It was just a matter of dying sooner or later. It was impossible to postpone it to the next time just because she was not mentally prepared this time, and to postpone it to the next time if she was not prepared next time, and to keep postponing it like this, right? The relationship had been confirmed, and they had to meet. The first time was new, the second time was familiar. Although she was not too comfortable this time, she would be able to return to normal next time. If it was like this every time, wouldn't it be like roasting her on the fire? This time, it was Xiao Yan who became a little nervous. But before Yao Wan could say anything, she suddenly raised her eyebrows and hushed Xiao Yan slightly. Xiao Yan was slightly startled, and then he saw Yao Wan taking a few steps and holding a cute girl who looked three or four years old from between several jade pillars of the palace on one side.

"Ah... whose child is this?"

Yao Wan recognized the identity of the child at a glance, but she was playful for a moment and couldn't help but want to tease her.

The girl didn't resist being held by Yao Wan. Her beautiful eyes blinked and looked at Yao Wan curiously, and she smiled instead.

"So cute."

Yao Wan murmured subconsciously, but couldn't help but wonder, it seems that this little guy still remembers himself?

"Little guy, do you still remember me?"

Yao Wan looked at the girl in her arms and couldn't help but asked with a smile.

The girl nodded obediently: "I recognize you. Sister came to see me and my mother."


Yao Wan was stunned by the girl's praise, and her heart was even more happy: "Little guy is so good! Sister will buy you whatever you want in the future. Let's go and find your mother, okay?"

"Wan'er also likes to be called sister?"

Xiao Yan's mouth corners slightly raised. It seems that even if Wan'er is praised for her youth, she can't help but be happy-should we say that women are like this?

Yao Wan couldn't help rolling her eyes and said: "Auntie and sister, which one sounds better, don't you feel it at all?"

"That's true."

Xiao Yan smiled and shook his head. Of course, what Wan'er said made sense. He immediately stepped forward and looked at the cute girl.

"... Looks so similar."

The girl vaguely sensed something, and her petite body couldn't help but struggle slightly, and Yao Wan gently put her down.

The girl gently held Xiao Yan's hand and said, "Let's go find mother, okay?"

It was naturally impossible for Xiao Yan to refuse: "Okay."

Yaowan had never felt how powerful the soul power was in this little guy, so she was not sure how the father and daughter could identify each other silently. Could it be that this is the so-called blood is thicker than water?

It's not impossible. After all, Yaowan, as the biggest beneficiary, knows the mystery of bloodline.

"Then let's go..."

With that said, Yao Wan planned to let the father and daughter go in front. After all, the last meeting with Medusa was not very pleasant. Yao Wan did not blame her. On the contrary, she felt that her scolding was quite reasonable, but she did not It is necessary to cause some twists and turns between them accidentally because of themselves.

Just as Yao Wan was thinking about this, a small white hand gently hooked her fingertips.

Yaowan came back to her senses and saw the little guy's eyes full of hope.

"Then...sister is coming too?"

Yaowan said tentatively.


So there was the scene when Medusa saw them again.

When Medusa saw it, she couldn't help but curled her red lips. Although she had expected it, she didn't expect that her good daughter was also there. There was a lot of movement in the imperial capital today. I should have known better to put this little guy to sleep first. That's it.

"Little guy, can you let your mother and your father be alone for a while?"

Yao Wan gently took Xiao Xiao's hand and said.


Immediately, Yao Wan gave Xiao Yan a look, and then left the main hall temporarily with Xiao Xiao.

Medusa couldn't help but glance at the yarrow that took her daughter away, but some thoughts flashed through her heart. Although she really didn't like the yarrow, Xiao Xiao had a good impression of her.

"Little Xiao Xiao, how did you recognize your father?"

Yaowan didn't go far, so she sat on the steps outside the main hall and started chatting with the little girl in her arms.

"I don't know, I just have this feeling."

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Sister, don't you feel this way?"

"Yes, yes, but not for him."

Yaowan shook his head.

"Do you know who I am?"


"Huh? Real or fake?"

"Sister has a very good smell... that I can't describe. Xiao Xiao likes it very much."

"It smells good...?"

Yao Wanqing said, she couldn't help turning her head and sniffing carefully, "No, no matter how narcissistic she is, she can't be this narcissistic."

When Yao Wan was confused, she caught a glimpse of Xiao Xiao's body, and a colorful figure flashed past her. Suddenly, she suddenly realized.

The smell that makes Xiao Xiao feel comfortable, could it be...?

Yaowan slowly opened her palms, and strands of green flames grew out of her palms like vegetation, green and lush.

Xiao Xiao's dark red eyes reflected the blue-green flames of life, and she was a little dazed.

Seeing her reaction like this, Yaowan determined that what attracted Xiao Xiao was the flame of living things in her body. It was not surprising that the blood of Warcraft was naturally more consistent with the flame of living beings. Xiao Xiao, who inherited half of the blood of Warcraft, would be very interested in living things. It is normal for Zhiyan to react.

However, although the Flame of Life is not harmful to Xiao Xiao, it is not good to make her dependent for no reason, so Yao Wan put away the Flame of Life in her palm.

"How else can I tell you, little guy, that you remember me?"

Yaowan couldn't help but rub Xiao Xiao's cheek. As someone who had raised a younger sister, she had always liked children.

"Ugh... Xiao Xiao also asked my mother about my sister, but my mother didn't seem to like her very much and said she was a bad woman."

"Well, it's normal that your mother doesn't like me."

Yaowan considered it for a moment and then said.

"Is my sister a bad woman?"

"Do you believe your mother or your sister?"


Xiao Xiao was inevitably entangled.

"...Sometimes, my sister doesn't know what she is doing. She just doesn't know it and it becomes like this."

“Inadvertently helping others, inadvertently annoying others, and inadvertently stepping into pits.”

"As for your mother, she is one of the people I accidentally annoyed. I don't have any ill intentions towards her, but the reason is indeed my fault."

"At this point, I am indeed a bad woman."

"What my sister said is so complicated, I can't understand it."

Xiao Xiao's words brought Yao Wan back to her senses, and then she couldn't help but smile: "Yes, I didn't understand, so I told you."

"It's okay. Although my sister is bad, she has a good heart."

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