Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 550 Yao Wan's Household Planning

And this time Xiao Yan and Yao Wan came not only to meet their parents, but more importantly, to take the Xiao family to Xingyun Pavilion. The Northwest Continent was uneasy, and they couldn't be unprepared when others came to their door. If the Soul Palace sends people here again, no matter what happens, the gain outweighs the loss.

Yao Wan originally planned to do this last time, but unfortunately the wording was inappropriate and a bit too natural, so he was rejected. But this time Xiao Yan takes action, whether he can get what he wants naturally depends on his ability.

However, Yao Wan herself felt that there was nothing to worry about, and the weight of his words was much heavier than her own.

When Xiao Yan and Medusa left the main hall together, the corners of Yao Wan's mouth raised slightly, and she could guess that they were inseparable.

After all, it will only work if your own family members speak...

After seeing his parents come out, little Xiao Xiao in his arms rushed towards his blood relatives.

Yao Wan chuckled, not envious.

But at the same time, Feng Qing'er, who was wearing colorful clothes, whispered a few words into Yao Wan's ear.

A glimmer of understanding flashed across Yaowan's brows, and at this point, it was not at all beyond her expectations.

"I doesn't matter, we will solve it later."

Yaowan smiled and said softly.

Feng Qing'er then lowered her head slightly. Naturally, the next thing she needed to think about was not something she needed to think about. She felt indescribably relaxed by Yao Wan's side. If she did her part well, the rest would take care of itself. Leave it to the master to deal with it, Feng Qing'er has almost become accustomed to this kind of life.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan noticed the change in Yao Wan's expression and couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay. I'll just set off some fireworks with you later."

Yao Wan smiled slightly. Although Xiao Yan was still a little worried, out of his trust in Yao Wan, he was not in a hurry to ask more questions.

Medusa looked at the elixir, and a strange color flashed in her demonic red eyes. This woman was still the same as the last time she met.

No... after all, there are still some changes.

It felt like she had become a lot more human without even realizing it.

It is really strange to say that a human being who is undisputed in terms of blood does not have much humanity at all.

Even someone like her, who has the blood of Warcraft, can't understand it.

"Little Xiao Xiao, do you want to watch the fireworks?"

Yao Wan still couldn't help but want to tease Xiao Xiao, but she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, Xiao Yan is such a bastard, but his daughter is extraordinarily well-behaved and cute.

If Xiao Yan knew better, he would probably shout that he was wronged again.

"No, you're not allowed to go."

Medusa looked at the yarrow and frowned slightly.


"...It's too dangerous. Mom, just go with your father...and her."

Medusa had no choice but to explain.


Although Xiao Xiao was curious, since her mother couldn't tell her not to go, she naturally wouldn't go either.

"It's okay. Let's find a less dangerous route next time and take Xiao Xiao to see it, okay?"

Yaowan approached Xiao Xiao and said with a smile.


Xiao Xiao was so happy that she clapped her hands, which made Medusa feel a little complicated. If it weren't for her relationship with Yao Wan, she really couldn't speak. Otherwise, it seems that letting Yao Wan take care of the child would be a good choice. Although Xiao Xiao She is well-behaved, but it will inevitably require a lot of energy to take care of her, and there is no way to guarantee that everything goes as she pleases. That is to say, Xiao Xiao is sensible and knows not to cause trouble to her mother.

Medusa has noticed this since last time. Yaowan seems to like children?

If she was bragging, Medusa would naturally not believe it.

But if this could really make Xiao Xiao happy, then she really had to believe it.

Regarding this I really need to ask her for advice?

With this idea in mind, after returning to the Xiao family, when Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhan were discussing matters, Medusa asked Xiao Xiao to go and play with her eldest and second uncle. In the Xiao family, this little guy is definitely a good person. The apple of his eye, brothers Xiao Zhan, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li are particularly fond of the younger members of the family.

And she found Yaoyuan.

"I have something to ask you."

Medusa was straightforward. It would be better to say that she had never been one to mince words. She just said what she wanted to say.

Yao Wan raised her eyebrows. What outrageous thing had she done again? no?

But since Medusa was looking for her, Yao Wan couldn't avoid seeing her, and she didn't do anything wrong, so she didn't even dare to see her in person.

In the backyard of Xiao Mansion, Medusa found a secluded place.

"You seem to have become much stronger, but I feel less and less able to see through you."

Medusa couldn't help but said.

"Isn't the bloodline of the Colorful Sky-Swallowing Python quite powerful? It has become a five-star Dou Zun over the past few years. Looking at the whole northwest continent, there are not many Dou Zun, right?"

Yao Wan shook her head. Her point of view has always been to be content with one's needs. It's enough for something like cultivation. It's just a pity that in her opinion, even if one's cultivation reaches Dou Emperor, it's not enough. It's still not enough, there will only be new enemies and new crises.

But she didn't want to sit around and wait for others to come to her door to save her. That was not Yaowan's style.

Medusa shook her head and said: "This time I come to you not for your and my cultivation, but for..."


Yaowan let out a light sigh, feeling a little surprised. She had thought that Medusa might think that she had made a mistake and spat at her, but she didn't think it was inappropriate.

"In the past few years, I have been running the Snake Tribe and the Gama Empire. Although nothing major has happened, I really don't have much energy on Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao is now becoming more sensible. There must be someone A role model, someone to teach her.”

After Medusa pondered for a moment, her tone was particularly serious.

Yao Wan was slightly startled, seeming to be thinking.

"Can't the entire Xiao family and Snake Clan put together a suitable reference?"

"A group of senior men from the Xiao family, Xiao Xiao doesn't know what he's doing when he sheds tears. As for the Snake Tribe——"

Medusa frowned slightly. If it was reliable, why would she open her mouth now?

Medusa's reaction completely caught Yao Wan's eye, and she couldn't help but lament that every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite.


"It seems like you don't like the snake people very much."

"This is not a question of whether I like it or not..."

Medusa frowned, but thought about it, it wouldn't hurt to tell Shi Wan, she was not from the Gama Empire——

"If I hand Xiao Xiao over to those old immortals, they will talk about their queen and their mission in Xiao Xiao's ears every day. Although I was raised by them, it does not mean that I am willing to let my daughter do the same."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Yao Wan held her chin, thinking that this was really not possible. At the same time, she couldn't help but recall the past when she was young and among the Yao Clan.

The old man never told me anything about the future of the Yao Clan, the mission to revitalize the family, etc. He knew it was a very heavy topic when he heard it. Instead, he hoped that he could grow up smoothly. It was a pity that he chose the path of cultivation and was not willing to let it go. Sitting back and waiting for death, if it were the family mission that others had been talking about in his ears since childhood, it is estimated that Yao Wan would have run away from home a few years earlier.

"It's okay to teach you how to take care of your children, but after going to Zhongzhou, neither you nor I will have that much time to spend with the little ones, especially Xiao Yan."

Yaowan said seriously.

"I don't need you to understand this. The Lion Underworld Sect..."

"You don't have to worry too much about things that Xiao Yan can solve by himself. Since you are worried about the child, then you at least stay with the child when you have time, right? The little guy was born in a not very peaceful time, and his childhood was only fifteen years old. For years, spend as much time with her as you can. When your children grow up, they will have their own ideas. When the time comes, you just want to compensate her, but she may not appreciate it. "

"Why don't I think so?"

Medusa frowned, as if Yaowan was talking nonsense. Rather, she was most worried about this happening.

"So don't ask her to let you do everything, no matter how reasonable you are. It is the right of childhood to make trouble unreasonably. It is commendable for a little kid to be sensible at such a young age, but don't you think it is too much for a four or five-year-old child to learn to be sensible? Is it sad?”

Yaowan replied, and Medusa's face inevitably showed a look of embarrassment. Most mothers know the truth, but it is extremely difficult to do it.

"It doesn't matter, since I told you so, naturally I won't just talk about it. At least before I go to the ancient clan's celestial tomb, I can take care of the little guy for you. While you are practicing, I will occasionally take a look at you. I won't say anything about you. Learn, at least you don’t have to say one thing between the two of us, you just do another.”

"...I really don't understand how you, a young lady who grew up in fine clothes and had good food and clothing, and who possesses heaven-level martial arts and fighting skills, can still act with integrity when taking care of a child."

"Did Xiao Yan tell you?"

Yaowan asked back, but Medusa didn't answer, so she acquiesced.

Of course, Medusa could tell that Yao Wan was not talking nonsense with her eyes open. She may not be good at observing words and emotions, but she could not question her considerations as a mother.

Medusa's doubts were so strong only because it seemed to be true and absolutely true. After all, this was really against common sense.

Yao Wan then exhaled a breath and said, "Genius is genius, and it's not limited to any field, right?"

But it was impossible for Medusa to believe such a gift. She remained silent and just looked at the medicine. If she didn't know the truth, how could she safely let Xiao Xiao contact her?

The look in Medusa's eyes made Yao Wan retreat.

She sighed softly and said, "Are you interested in hearing a little secret of mine?"

"What secret?"

"I will tell you if you promise not to tell Xiao Yan."

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