Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 551 Northwest Incident

Yaowan's words couldn't help but make Medusa very curious.

Regardless of her impression of Yaowan, she also knew that the relationship between her and Xiao Yan could be said to be endless. How could she hide anything from Xiao Yan?

Medusa was confused, but also a little curious. Then she nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you will keep it a secret from Xiao Yan."

"...I once had a sister."

Yao Wan's words were so shocking that Medusa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"younger sister?"

"I am much older than her. Although we share the same mother, we are obviously not of the same age group."

"When I first saw her, she was sleeping soundly in her swaddling clothes. She was wrinkled and ugly. I felt strange to her. I was neither happy nor sad."

"Then she cried all night and kept me awake, and I started to get tired of her."

"She is much younger than me. When she was born, I was not fully grown up, but I gradually became wiser, started to have my own ideas and hobbies, and wanted to pursue my own things."

"I am not at home all day long, but I have to stay at home to take care of her because of her. I have to let her do everything just because she is younger than me."

"I'm tired of her disturbing my sleep, I'm angry that she prevents me from traveling, and I'm jealous that she takes away the care and attention that should be given to me."

"One day, because I didn't respond to her immediately, she threw a glass and hit me on the head. Although I wasn't hurt, I was in pain, but I got angry at her for the first time."

"Guess how she responded to me?"

Yaowan chuckled, and Medusa shook her head.

"But she was smiling at me, thinking I was joking with her."

"You hate her?"

Medusa listened to the many words that were poured out from a bamboo tube like beans from a bamboo tube. She couldn't help but subconsciously thought that among so many words, she couldn't hear any good words. It was inevitable that she would have such thoughts.


"From a family perspective, I love her very much."

Yaowan's smile grew stronger: "It's strange, isn't it? Even so, I love her."


Medusa couldn't help but subconsciously said, it was a bit difficult to understand.

"Who knows - maybe she calls me sweetly all day long, maybe she is getting wiser and no longer naughty, maybe she is smart, and although she doesn't understand the truth, she can say strange things to make me happy. "

"Perhaps the reason is more simple. She is my sister and my blood relative, so she makes all kinds of mistakes, and I love her just as much."

Yaowan smiled, and a trace of trance flashed through her pale golden eyes, as if she was recalling the fragments that she had worked hard to preserve, but it was inevitably a little more bitter.

"This is the child, whether she is... or little Xiao Xiao, they are all the same, unique."

She said softly, and until now, Medusa had already believed most of it: "Then your sister, now..."

"I can't see you anymore."

Yaowan suddenly woke up, as if she had a dream that would leave no trace.

"What does 'never see' mean?"

"If you can't see it, you can't see it! There are so many reasons!"

Yaowan's tone suddenly became sharp, with a bit of irritation.

But Yaowan soon realized that he had overreacted, and the sharp aura on his body suddenly dissipated, and he came and went like a gust of wind.

The aggression shown by Medusa at the moment when she looked at the yarrow disappeared in the blink of an eye. She was stunned for a moment, but she couldn't help but laugh.

"why are you laughing?"

"It just feels like you look more real when you're angry than when you laugh."

Medusa said truthfully: "Do you remember why I rejected your suggestion the last time we met?"

"Because I'm too self-righteous?"

"Yes, I don't know who you are, but I understand what your appearance means. You take yourself too seriously, as if others are just like characters on the stage and can only dance with you."

"You just put yourself on the stage, but you seem to have been watching indifferently from outside the stage."

"You never seem to recognize your own identity, and you manipulate others as you wish, especially Xiao Yan."

"The rejection that time was just because I couldn't stand you. It has nothing to do with your plan."

Medusa expressed her impression of the yarrow.

"But now... you seem... different."

Medusa considered her words while looking at the helix root carefully. Her red snake eyes stared at the helix root, which inevitably made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You feel much more human."

Medusa's answer made Yao Wan even more confused. Wasn't she always not a human being in Medusa's mind?

"Don't look at me like that. From what I thought of you before, you are worse than a monster incarnate."

"But now I feel more comfortable with it."

"——Is it because you really started to like Xiao Yan?"

Medusa suddenly felt that the yarrow was no longer so annoying.


Yao Wan frowned and was speechless. Why did she even start?

"I will not go back on what I promised you, but you must also promise me that what I said today will never be told to Xiao Yan, nor will it be revealed to anyone else."

"Are you afraid that he will pity you because of this?"

"...Should I just delete this memory of yours?"

Yaowan lowered her voice and said.

"You know you're in a hurry? Then you'd better be really anxious."

Medusa smiled. She was just deliberately taking revenge on Yao Wan for disgusting her. Expecting her to be tolerant? Did she really think that the notoriety of Queen Medusa in the Tagor Desert for decades was in vain?

And Yao Wan also realized something, and vaguely realized that it was all the sin she had caused by her previous mouth. Although she was unhappy, she did not refute it.


In the following time, Xiao Yan, Yao Wan and Medusa went to the Lion Nether Sect’s headquarters together. That was the last nail that the Soul Palace had planted on the Northwest Continent. Before they left the Northwest Continent, they naturally needed to remove all these potential hidden dangers.

On the way, Xiao Yan couldn't help thinking about a question that had appeared in his mind for a while, or a question.

Last time when dealing with Yao Feng, his Flame Sword was indeed blocked, but soon, he connected the second sword, as if the process before and after the original Flame Sword condensation was directly omitted. The Flame Sword was like a water pump. It no longer directly injected Dou Qi and Strange Fire, but directly absorbed his Dou Qi and Strange Fire, thus speeding up to a certain extent, and even immediately swung out the second sword without any attenuation of power at that moment.

Maybe I can try a few more times to ensure that the effect is the same every time I use the Flame Sword.

In addition, can my Fire Lotus achieve continuous fire lotus through this principle?

Think about it, unless the realm gap is particularly exaggerated, those who are able to block my Fire Lotus basically can't withstand my second Fire Lotus, and the killing line can definitely be greatly improved.

However, this is a brand new topic, and it will take many attempts to verify its feasibility.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's frown, Yao Wan couldn't help but ask subconsciously.

"Nothing, just some things need to be verified--"

Xiao Yan then relayed his thoughts to Yao Wan, which surprised Yao Wan. It was mainly because Xiao Yan's mind turned so quickly. He had already realized the problem that needed to be solved later, and he was thinking of ways to solve it.

"It's not impossible--"

Yao Wan pondered for a moment, and then nodded: "In this case, I'll help you try it later."

When Xiao Yan nodded, he heard Medusa's voice.

"We are here, what should we do next?"

Yao Wan smiled slightly, then pulled Medusa back a lot, and then said: "Xiao Yan, set off fireworks."


Xiao Yan responded with a chuckle, and then Medusa saw an extremely deep red flame in Xiao Yan's palm blooming like a red lotus. Under the weird red background, six colors of lotus petals slowly spread out, beautiful and magnificent.

Medusa had seen Xiao Yan's fire lotus, but the colors of the fire at that time were not as diverse as they are now, which was terrifying enough.

And what kind of terrifying destructive power will it have now?

Medusa was not sure, but after noticing that Yao Wan almost immediately pulled her away and tried to maintain a safe distance, the power of the fire lotus has become more and more terrifying.

"Let's not get so close... It's important to keep a safe distance."

Yao Wan looked at the virtual image of the flames behind Xiao Yan, and even she couldn't help but feel a headache. A trace of guilt flashed in her eyes, and she took Medusa and kept fleeing away.

"Now his fire lotus has become so powerful?"

"Nonsense, I have been hit by one, so how can I not know whether it is powerful or not?"

Yao Wan said subconsciously, and couldn't help thinking secretly in her heart, the six-color fire lotus can make her who has the advantage wilt with one shot, then what about the seven-color fire lotus after that? Six colors can blow through Dou Sheng space, and seven-color fire lotus can probably blow even Dou Sheng into ashes.

On this basis, Xiao Yan still wants to play the continuous shooting flow, which can only be said that the firepower phobia inherited from the previous life is still a bit late.

And Yao Wan's words made Medusa slightly stunned. Xiao Yan used fire lotus to blow up Yao Wan?

She couldn't imagine this scene even in her dreams.

"... Did you quarrel?"

"No, we just did it directly. We never quarrel."

Before Yao Wan finished speaking, behind the two of them, a fire lotus swayed and bloomed in the violently shaking world.

But even if Yao Wan was prepared in her heart, she still underestimated the power of the seven-color fire lotus.

Yao Wan was slightly stunned, but as if she suddenly remembered something, she immediately turned around and flew out.

"What's wrong?"

"Go back to rescue people, this idiot must not blow himself to death!"

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