Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 566 Heading to the Heavenly Tomb

"Huh? Xun'er?"

Xiao Yan didn't realize what Yao Wan meant.

"Is Xun'er making any preparations?"

Xiao Yan let out a light sigh, but thinking about it, if it was Xun'er, he would have a sense of proportion and not be in a hurry.

"Then you have to ask your sister Xun'er?"

Yaowan chuckled lightly, with a leisurely tone.

"...Speaking of which, Xun'er seems to like saying things like 'my Xun'er sister' to me..."

Xiao Yan was silent for a while, and then couldn't help but ask, causing Yao Wan, who was originally relaxed, to stiffen unconsciously.

"Wan'er likes to call Xun'er sister so much?"

Xiao Yan's question made Yao Wan a little unsure of how to answer. She couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Tsk, it's just a verbal habit."

"Oh, it's a verbal habit..."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly, but obviously felt that it was not that simple.

But just when he wanted to continue asking this topic, there were brisk footsteps outside the door, and Xiao Yan knew that it was Xun'er who was back.

Since Xun'er is back, it is naturally inconvenient to continue this topic. A faint smile appeared on Xiao Yan's face unconsciously, and he saw the beautiful figure wearing a light blue dress also had a hint of smile. Di Hexi walked into the guest room with an expression on his face.

"Brother Xiao Yan, it's done."

"What's done?"

Xiao Yan was a little confused by what Xun'er said, so he couldn't help asking with a smile.

"Of course it's the quota for the celestial tomb. Over the years, the two quotas for the celestial tomb that originally belonged to the Xiao clan have been occupied by the ancient clan for many years. Now that brother Xiao Yan is here, naturally he wants to take back what originally belonged to you."

Seeing Xun'er's smiling and Hexi expression, Yao Wan couldn't help but shook her head. She didn't even show her horoscope, so she was anxious to turn her elbows outward.

"So that's what happened... Actually, there's no need to force it. On Wan'er's side..."

"Brother Xiao Yan is now the uncle of the Yao Clan, but he is also a relic of the Xiao Clan. Since there are better choices, there is no need for the Yao Clan to put in more effort and expense, right? Yaowan?"

As he said that, Xun'er couldn't help but glance at Yao Wan. Different from the overt and covert provocation in her beautiful eyebrows in the past, Yao Wan was being served by Yao Wan's family. She was obviously much smarter and had a business-like attitude. .

But I don’t know what I was thinking in my heart.

Yao Wan lowered her head and played with the string of green tassel-shaped fine earrings in her hand, and couldn't help but want to laugh. The current Yao Clan's uncle... Hearing this tone, Xun'er was afraid that her teeth would be broken. It meant that sooner or later, there would be Will he be the uncle of the ancient clan one day?

Then we'll wait until that day sooner or later~~~

"Okay, then I'll bring the medicinal spirit with me when I get back."

Yao Wan is naturally happy to see this. As long as Xiao Yan can enter the Heavenly Tomb, does it matter who gets the quota? On the contrary, her medicine clan earned a spot in vain and won the prize.

Just as she was talking, Yao Wan put the earrings back on her ears, not caring about Xun'er's little thoughts at all.

Xun'er was not surprised when Yaowan didn't get angry. This woman looked like this and was very hateful. It was too difficult to expect her to break through her psychological defenses. You can imagine how difficult it would be.

The next day, when the dusk line once tore through the dark night and once again sprinkled light among the ancient mountains, a strange atmosphere spread from the mountains, bringing everyone who had been waiting for this moment. It's all wrapped up in it, making people's hearts move slightly.

"The celestial tomb is about to open."

Xun'er murmured softly, then turned back and looked at Xiao Yan.

"Brother Xiao Yan."


Xiao Yan, who had completely corrected himself, was wearing a black outfit and walked slowly over.

But before he had walked a few steps, Xiao Yan was grabbed by Yao Wan, who couldn't help but help him adjust his clothes that were not very comfortable.

"You are such a big man and you don't know how to look in the mirror and tidy up. It's embarrassing."

After Xiao Yan was scolded by Yao Wan with a slight dissatisfaction, he didn't feel unhappy at all. Instead, he showed a happy smile. With a wife like this, what could a husband ask for?

Yao Ling and Yao Xingji looked at each other speechlessly. Even Yao Wanzhu, who was the leader, was inconvenient to speak. He just felt that he still needed to go back and discuss matters with the clan leader and the others about his uncle.

Then they embarked on a journey to the depths of the Ancient Saint Mountain Range together. On the way, Xun'er explained the information about the Sky Tomb to Xiao Yan, so that he could get familiar with the environment as quickly as possible and not be in a hurry.

"The Sky Tomb is extremely dangerous. Countless ancient powerful men are buried there. Although their souls have long since disappeared, due to the magic of the Sky Tomb, their energy during their lifetimes condensed together and transformed into their former appearance. "

Xun'er said, but Xiao Yan and Yao Wan couldn't help but look at each other, and they both thought of the place of life and death that they could never forget.

Xun'er didn't notice the look in their eyes, and continued to explain: "These energy bodies have extremely strong attack power, and they also know the fighting skills in life, so they are quite difficult to deal with. If they are against each other, they will You need to be more careful, even some of the overly powerful beings have given birth to their own spiritual wisdom, just like the dead strong people are still alive in the sky tomb. "

Is it a place similar to the Ruins of Oblivion?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but think about it, but because it was the third reincarnation when he and Wan'er arrived at the Ruins of Oblivion, all the strong Dou Emperor and Dou Sheng experts were wiped out, and the current strength is probably not comparable to that of the Heavenly Tomb.

"The Sky Tomb is divided into three layers. The strength of the first layer is mostly around the three-star Dou Zun, which is full of unconscious wandering souls. It is not difficult to deal with. The strength of the second layer is above three stars and below eight stars. The strength of the second layer is above three stars and below eight stars. The third floor is where only Dou Zun can reach his peak level, even Semi-Saints and Dou Saints are not without it, and it is still somewhat dangerous.”

"What does it mean to be a little dangerous? Can you speak a little more responsibly?"

Xun'er obviously didn't like Yao Wan's way of saying this. What if brother Xiao Yan believed her lies and went to the third floor desperately, what if something went wrong?

Yaowan shrugged and refused to explain to Xun'er. How could she explain it? You can’t say that the Sky Tomb is the back garden of this dead ancestor, right? You don’t believe it even if you say it, so why bother talking?

After walking for a long time, we finally reached our destination.

At the same time, people from several other ancient races also arrived.

Xiao Yan turned his head and looked around. All four Soul Flame and Thunder Stone clans were present. Counting the Yao clan and the Ancient clan, only the Spirit clan was left who had not been able to come here this time.

And the number of people from the ancient clan who entered the sky tomb this time was also very large. Among the four major clans, all except the ancient demon were there, and the position of the ancient demon was replaced by Gu Zhen.

Counting Xun'er, there are already five people from the ancient clan who have entered the Sky Tomb this time.

"The ancient demon isn't here?"

Yaowan's tone was casual, but anyone who knew her knew that she still held grudges.

"I'm probably recovering from my injuries."

Xiao Yan said, he knows best if he succeeds. Others' minor injuries should be healed in a few days, but Gu Yao's was already strong. Xiao Yan didn't deliberately hold back. If he goes down with two feet, he will definitely be better than him. The skills are even better.

"Consider him lucky."

Yao Wan said softly, but before he finished speaking, Yao Ling caught a glimpse of Yao Xingji beside him, whose expression was somewhat unnatural.

Yaoling immediately realized what was going on.

I heard that a conflict broke out between the elder Yao Feng and Xiao Yan some time ago... It seems that the reason was that Yao Xing wanted to see Xiao Yan's alchemy skills...

Yao Ling immediately understood Yao Xingji's current performance.

Maybe this is called the sorrow of the rabbit and the fox.

Yao Ling shook his head. Yao Wan was quite normal on weekdays, but if nothing happened, he must not mess with her or the people around her. The eldest lady was more petty than anyone else.

As soon as Xiao Yan appeared on the stage, he couldn't help but attract everyone's attention. After all, the two eldest ladies of the ancient race appeared with Xiao Yan, which was enough to attract attention.

Xiao Yan turned his head and saw Huo Xuan and Huo Zhi, as well as Mang Tianzhi from the Thunder Clan nodding towards him.

Not long after, the world suddenly trembled violently, and a breath from the ancient times slowly spread out from the void space. Under this ancient breath, everyone present felt deep in their souls. A sense of awe washed over me.

"coming soon."

Yao Wan's expression remained unchanged, she just watched the twisting sky constantly changing. Not long after, the void space suddenly erupted with a shocking loud noise. Immediately, a huge space crack with a length of thousands of feet appeared directly from the sky. It spreads like a huge curtain slowly opening on the stage.

And in the center of the space crack, a ball of silver light gradually emerged, and finally turned into a huge space door of a hundred feet. The vast ancient aura emerged from the ancient door that appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Yan, Yao Ling, is gone."

Yaowan reminded them.

Xun'er was more direct and quietly held Xiao Yan's hand.

Then, following the footsteps of others, they entered the gate of the tomb in front of them.


In this foggy and strange place, there are occasional strange fires flickering in the distance, and then they disappear in a flash, and a deathly silence envelopes this strange land.


Along with a soft murmur, four figures emerged from the distorted space.

Xiao Yan's eyes swept across the inexplicably familiar land in front of him. Ever since he went to the Ruins of Oblivion, everywhere he looked now felt like he was back in the Ruins of Oblivion.

Yao Wan had the same idea as Xiao Yan, but she was not in the mood to observe her surroundings. Instead, she quickly looked inside to see if there was any abnormality in the operation of her own skills and cultivation status.

Although she knew a little bit about the Sky Tomb and knew that there was no such annoying method of sealing cultivation in the Sky Tomb, she couldn't help but subconsciously check it out before she could put her mind at ease.

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