Xiao Yan saw Yao Wan's little move and immediately realized her intention. He couldn't help but say, "Are you okay? Is your cultivation normal?"


Yao Wan didn't hide it and nodded gently. The psychological pressure caused by the title being banned and the forced suppression of her cultivation in the Forgotten Ruins was too great, so much so that it became a heart disease for Yao Wan. Although she would not show any abnormality on weekdays, she would inevitably become a little nervous and anxious after entering a closed environment like a secret realm.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Tomb did not have such strange restrictions, and Yao Wan didn't want to go to a ghost place like the Forgotten Ruins, which was a hellish difficulty and had no rewards, for the second time.

"... So, this is the Heavenly Tomb?"

After not finding any changes, Xiao Yan was slightly relieved, and looked around curiously and asked.


Xun'er smiled and nodded. It seemed that the others should have been teleported to other places. The area of ​​the Heavenly Tomb was extremely vast. As for whether they could meet, no one could say.

"Very rich energy, stronger than the ancient world."

Xiao Yan grabbed a handful of the misty gas in front of him, but was surprised to find that the gas contained extremely rich energy of heaven and earth, and the purity was far beyond his expectations.

No wonder the eight clans would use this place as a trial place for the younger generation.

While the two were talking, Xun'er turned her head, her beautiful eyes looked at the misty fog on the right, her jade hand slowly raised, and then suddenly clenched it.

As Xun'er's jade hand clenched, the energy in that area condensed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the mist there dissipated completely, and an illusory figure appeared in everyone's vision.

"Is this the energy body mentioned earlier?"

Yao Wan noticed the abnormality here almost as soon as she arrived, and couldn't help asking.

"They can hide with the help of energy mist, approach us silently and launch attacks."

Xun'er nodded, flicked her jade finger, and the illusory figure suddenly twisted, and then burst open with a puff, and a thumb-sized stream of light quickly swept towards Xun'er, and was finally caught by her.

"This is an energy core, storing extremely pure energy, which is a specialty that can only be born under the special environment of this sky tomb."

Xun'er spread out her jade hand, and a diamond-shaped crystal about the size of a thumb appeared in her palm, and a little bit of fluorescence and rich energy mist diffused from it.

Yao Wan subconsciously wanted to come closer to observe it carefully and study its energy structure, but Xun'er suddenly clenched her jade hands, obviously not wanting to see Yao Wan, and instead looked at Xiao Yan with a smile, explaining: "Generally speaking, the energy cores in the Heavenly Tomb are divided into nine levels. This one is not too good, it's almost only level two. Those high-level energy cores have to go deeper to find them. Here, Brother Xiao Yan."

As she said, Xun'er raised her hand and threw the energy core towards Xiao Yan.

"Do you want to try it first? Hold it in your palm and practice the exercises to absorb it."

Catching the energy core, Xiao Yan played with it with a little curiosity, and then observed it carefully. Whether it was in appearance or aura, it was unremarkable.

However, it felt like the core revealed after killing the Soul Devouring Clan. Xiao Yan subconsciously glanced at Yao Wan, wanting to ask her what she thought, but he saw the beautiful figure waving her sleeves and directly wiped out several energy bodies that were wandering around aimlessly like ghosts, and several translucent crystals fell into her palm.

"In terms of energy and purity, it looks very much like the evil core condensed in the Soul Devouring Clan."

Yao Wan gave her own evaluation, then closed her five fingers, exerted a little force, and directly crushed the crystals the size of a fingernail, from which streams of pure and warm energy flowed out, like a tide, surging out of the energy core.

Then all of them poured into Yao Wan's body. In that body, these energies did not need to be refined too much, but just flowed into the meridians, circulated along the meridians, and gradually dispersed in the limbs and bones, and finally penetrated into the muscles and bones.

"It's really a good thing. With the help of the resources here, I might be able to break through the dual shackles of cultivation and soul realm in one fell swoop."


Xiao Yan exclaimed, and then tried it himself. The result was naturally as expected.

Even if he was already a seven-star Dou Zun, the supplement brought by this energy core was enough to make people amazed.

Seeing the amazement on Xiao Yan's face, Xun'er's dissatisfaction on her face also disappeared. She smiled, put her hands behind her back, touched the ground with her toes, and her delicate body floated forward gracefully like a butterfly. The sweet and crisp laughter also spread softly.

"It doesn't matter, let's keep going. There must be more surprises waiting for us in the deeper part."

When leaving, Yao Wan was not polite at all. With a wave of her sleeves, the countless wandering spirits that were hidden disappeared, leaving only the energy cores that gathered in Yao Wan's palm like a nebula. In a blink of an eye, she had collected energy cores that were almost the size of a football.

"Xiao Yan, Yao Ling." Yao Wan divided the energy cores she had collected into two equal parts, giving them to Xiao Yan and Yao Ling. Needless to say, there was a tacit understanding between Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, which caused Xun'er to snort lightly, but she was not surprised.

Yao Ling was somewhat flattered.

"These energy cores...give them to me?"

There was inevitably a hint of disbelief in Yaoling's tone. After all, in the final analysis, her relationship with the eldest lady was not very good, let alone friends. Even because of her brother, The contact between Yao Ling and Yao Wan will inevitably be a little awkward.

"If you don't want it, I won't waste it."

Without waiting for Yao Ling to say anything, Yao Wan explained: "When you go out, you are still a member of the Yao clan after all, so just use it."

Yaoling silently took Yaowan's energy core and nodded slightly, obviously not used to such Yaowan.

"Wan'er not only looks at people based on their likes and dislikes, but also their closeness, so just accept them with peace of mind."

Xiao Yan saw that Yao Ling was obviously not mentally prepared for this, so he couldn't help but say a few words for Yao Wan.

Yao Ling couldn't help but raise his head and look at Xiao Yan, and then glanced at Xun'er who just pretended that he hadn't heard anything. He suddenly realized something and said immediately: "Well, thank you, uncle."

As soon as these words came out, Xun'er and Yao Wan couldn't help but feel stunned.

Xiao Yan didn't expect this level. After all, he was used to being called by his aunt and uncle in the Medicine Clan, so he didn't have any special reaction.

But Xun'er and Yao Wan had completely different feelings when they heard it.

Xun'er could only pretend that she didn't hear anything. She was as unresponsive and motionless as a stone statue.

Yao Wan came back to her senses after a temporary daze, as if she had gotten to know Yao Wan all over again. She couldn't help but look her up and down. The sound of Xun'er's teeth gnashing repeatedly came to her ears, which made her even more excited. I couldn't help but want to laugh.

Why haven't you seen Yao Ling be so smart before?

Almost in the blink of an eye, Yaowan's sense of the medicinal spirit has undergone earth-shaking changes.

At the same time, it also makes the medicinal herbs feel more happy.


After Xun'er murmured quietly, she just pretended that nothing happened.

In the following time, the four of them were like a high-speed harvesting machine, sweeping away all the energy bodies they encountered along the way. It was like locusts passing through the border, leaving no grass growing wherever they went.

Among them, the energy cores obtained by Yao Wan accounted for more than half of the energy cores held by the four people. However, Yao Wan did not care about this mosquito leg, so he gave all these energy cores to Xiao Yan and Yao Ling. Although Let them absorb and enhance their strength, and her goal is the energy core of the semi-saint level, so that she can continue to advance her cultivation to a higher level.

Maybe the energy core of a semi-holy energy body might not be enough, but it doesn't matter, after all, it's still early.

However, this energy core is not perfect after all. An energy core of this level was of little use at first, but as Xiao Yan absorbed more and more energy cores, he gradually felt the effect of this energy core. It is gradually weakening, and the effects achieved seem to be becoming less and less obvious.

Only now do they understand that if these energy cores absorb too much, they will still develop some resistance, but it is much weaker than the resistance of the elixir.

But this is not a problem in front of Yaowan.

The turquoise flame slowly opened its branches in front of the three people, green and lush, like fresh life. Then Yaoyuan put the energy core she obtained into the flame of life, and the energy core seemed to be catalyzed, active At the same time, Yaowan once again put other medicinal materials into it.

After a few days of simple sacrifice, several translucent pills fell into Yaowan's palm.

"What's this?"

Knowing that Yao Wan is best at tinkering with gadgets that others may not like, Xun'er frowned slightly and couldn't help but want to pick up one and examine it carefully, but her fingertips hurt, and then she glared at Yao Wan.

Yao Wan didn't care, just snorted softly, and stuffed the translucent elixir in Xun'er's hand directly into her mouth.

Xiao Yan had always known that Wan'er had the habit of being the first to test the elixir on herself after developing it. Although she had tried to persuade her many times, she just refused to listen. In desperation, Xiao Yan had no choice but to let her continue. Went down.

"How about it?"

"The effectiveness can probably remain at 80-90%. At least the extra energy cores collected won't be wasted."

As Yao Wan spoke, he divided the pills in his hands equally between Xiao Yan and Yao Ling.

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