Through the technique obtained by deconstructing the operation of ancient insect-eating insects, the energy in Yao Wan's body increased steadily, and Xiao Yan could intuitively feel what kind of changes were taking place in the energy around Wan'er.

The ethereal soul power and pure material energy seem to be like two clear and turbid qi between the world, separated from each other and incompatible with each other.

The clear air rises and the turbid air sinks. They are separated from each other without interfering with each other.

This is the common sense among all things, and it is not surprising, but it is not easy for Yaowan at this moment.

The transformation of soul power brought about by breaking through to the Half-Saint was too little for her soul state, which was already in the late Heaven Realm. It was even insignificant, so that she did not feel any particularly obvious changes. Yao Wan inevitably felt a little irritated and anxious.

She didn't have much time, but she still couldn't find any breakthrough in breaking the shackles of her soul in one fell swoop.

Xiao Yan looked at the blurry figure looming close to him in the light and shadow, and the slight frown on his embroidered eyebrows, and knew that Wan'er must be in trouble now.

"Ancestor Xiao Xuan, Wan'er...?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at Xiao Xuan. He didn't expect his ancestors to take action. If there were any problems with ordinary practice, he could analyze it based on his experience. But now he knew very well that what Wan'er was facing was As for the problems in the soul realm, his soul realm is no better than the spiritual realm. He doesn't even know where the problem lies. How can he feel at ease if he is left alone to worry about it?

"...To be honest, this is the first time I've encountered a situation like Wan'er's."

Knowing that Xiao Yan was very worried, Xiao Xuan would not hide it.

"This girl is so talented and has such a high spirit."

Xiao Xuan shook his head, his tone was quite helpless, and then looked at Xiao Yan and said: "Xiao Yan, as an alchemist, you must also know that as the level of life increases, the realm of the soul will also usher in a sublimation."

"After coming into contact with the life level of Dou Zun, no matter whether you have experienced the cultivation of the soul before, starting from the peak of Dou Zun, you will usher in the transformation of the soul, transforming into a spirit."

"As the starting point for the Half-Saint to gradually come into contact with the life level of Dou-Sage, he will begin to transform... I think Wan'er just wants to be exposed to the opportunity to break through the Half-Saint, transform his soul, and achieve the Great Perfection of the Heaven Realm in one fell swoop. ”

"It's just that her natural starting point was too high, and her soul couldn't be transformed like ordinary people. Therefore, from beginning to end, she still missed the last step and was unable to break through."

"If she continues to stalemate like this, the probability of success is not high, but she may not be willing to give up this opportunity."

Xiao Xuan naturally saw what Yao Wan was thinking. This girl looked lively and generous, but she was also an extremely strong person. Since she was trying to break through this time, it would be considered a failure. If she didn't get some substantial results, Presumably he will not give up willingly.

Xiao Xuan did not stop him, and he naturally understood that haste makes waste in the soul realm. It was not a bad thing that Wan'er suffered a loss this time.

But as expected, Xiao Yan couldn't let go of Wan'er. Although Xiao Xuan sighed, he was not surprised.

"...Want to help her?"

Xiao Xuan looked at Xiao Yan and couldn't help but ask.

"Wan'er has helped me a lot, how could I just watch and ignore her?"

Without any room or time to think, Xiao Yan smiled, but just shook his head. His attitude was extremely determined. It was naturally unacceptable to him that he could only watch from the side and do nothing.

"I also ask my ancestors to show me a clear path."

"Oh - idiot."

Xiao Xuan looked at Xiao Yan and sighed. In his opinion, Xiao Yan's actions were undoubtedly a bit too reckless, but he did not argue with Xiao Yan, nor did he try to stop him.

Although it was rash and he didn't agree with it, it didn't mean that Xiao Xuan couldn't understand Xiao Yan's thoughts.

Emotions have never been about right or wrong, especially for young people. As for the consequences of challenging right and wrong, they need to bear it themselves. Only in this way can they grow - young people are mostly not impulsive. If so, what kind of young people are we called?

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly, then looked at Yao Wan, who was frowning slightly and trying hard to break through the shackles, and immediately said: "Your soul power has reached the spiritual realm, and you must have practiced soul skills, right?"


"The ones you practice are the same soul skills as Wan'er's?"

"That's right."

Xiao Yan nodded, but heard Xiao Xuan murmur: "No wonder..."

Xiao Yan's answer also made Xiao Xuan involuntarily nod his head secretly. For ordinary people, it doesn't matter, but for an alchemist, a soul skill is obviously not more important than a good skill. Poor, even worse. After all, the soul is an ethereal thing. If you want to improve yourself through practice, even with the help of soul skills, it is very difficult.

As for an example like Wan'er, there is probably no one else among the eight tribes who can compare with it. Even if the soul technique is so precious and even as important as a high-level pill formula, Wan'er is willing to do it. Given that, it is not difficult to understand why Xiao Yan chose to help her without hesitation.

This feeling really makes people sigh.

"In this case, it is not difficult. You and Wan'er are in contact and practice the exercises. Your exercises have the same origin. I observe that your two auras are particularly compatible, so I think there will be no conflict."

Xiao Xuan said: "Therefore, Wan'er's soul power can use your spiritual realm soul as an opportunity, and perhaps it will be possible for Wan'er to break through to the great perfection of the heavenly realm."

After hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded without thinking too much and prepared to take action.

However, before he was ready to take action, Xiao Xuan couldn't help but stop Xiao Yan.

"You have to think clearly. Things related to soul power are never trivial. Wan'er's failure to break through is nothing more than a period of silence and accumulation. For you, the price may not be this insignificant thing."

Xiao Xuan looked at his descendant. Even though he had not yet performed the blood inheritance ceremony he prepared, he had never felt such a throbbing from the blood in these long millennia.

The so-called blood inheritance, even if the power of Doudi blood is lost, it seems that it has never faded from the beginning to the end.

Even Xiao Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"I have thought it through, I want to help her."

Xiao Yan's answer was also particularly firm. Xiao Xuan was speechless, just waved his hand, and Xiao Yan slowly stepped forward. The energy cocoon wrapped around Yao Wan collided with Xiao Yan's body and splashed like water hitting a rock.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but frown slightly, and then subconsciously revealed his Dharma body to protect his body. This surging energy was the cocoon protecting Yao Wan, even Xiao Yan was inevitable.

Under the light of the Dharma body, the energy quickly dissipated like water hitting a rock, but under the pull of Yao Wan's instinct, it circulated around Yao Wan again. Xiao Yan gently stepped over this pure energy. Even if this energy just washed past him unconsciously, he could still feel that a little bit of the pure energy had penetrated into his body unconsciously. This surging and huge energy, even if it was just a little bit, made him feel that his realm was loose and about to break through.

Xiao Yan was not surprised at all. It was inevitable that Wan'er, who was at the semi-saint level, would have such a reaction.

After entering this energy cocoon, Xiao Yan looked at the person in front of him with his eyes closed at the moment, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

"...Is this considered a crow's mouth?"

Xiao Yan said softly, but Yao Wan couldn't make her own answer now. She remained silent from beginning to end. Xiao Yan naturally knew what kind of problem Yao Wan was facing now.

After a moment of silence, he slowly raised his hands and placed them on Yao Wan's palms, then he started to practice his skills.

The green flames in his body resonated with the flames of life in Yao Wan's body, and the repulsion was gone. The Glazed Body Shaping Technique that the two of them practiced together began to work. Gradually, Xiao Yan gradually felt the energy flowing around him like a stream.

The strange fire and fighting spirit all converged in one place, indistinguishable from each other.

It was so smooth that Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little surprised, but now was obviously not the time to be happy. Now was the most critical and important step--

Xiao Yan silently started to practice his soul skills in his heart. At the same time, his soul almost felt the vast soul power that was as boundless as the ocean at the same time.

This was Wan'er's...

He was secretly a little surprised, but he felt that even when the souls came into contact with each other, there was no horror and pain of facing a powerful existence, but he naturally integrated into it.

Before Xiao Yan could even react, he heard a slightly tired sigh.

"You really came... Are you going to die?"

"Then you will not be satisfied until I abandon you?"

Xiao Yan asked back, his tone full of dissatisfaction and fear: "You have done so many things for me, and I am not allowed to do anything for you? Are you so afraid that you owe me something?"

His question made her speechless suddenly, and she naturally couldn't say such words.


"Don't be silent? How can I help you?"

"There is a way..."

Her voice sounded faintly, and the communication between souls would no longer be limited to the shackles of the voice itself. Her response was like the sweet words of a lover in her ear, like the breeze blowing across the green fields, like the tinkling of fine wind chimes.

"What way?"

"- Hush, don't talk too much."

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