Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 573 Just think of him as someone practicing his skills

When Yao Wan broke the silence between the two of them again, Xiao Yan didn't know how to describe his feelings at this moment.

It was as if the five senses were separated from each other in a trance, but it was as if the body was immersed in a warm pool of water, bringing with it a temperature that was different from the cold and ethereal nature of the soul.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that the space was now a chaotic space, with no light or shadow in everything gray.


Xiao Yan couldn't help but murmur subconsciously.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gray figure took hold of Xiao Yan's hand.

"Shh - don't talk too much."

Her voice was inevitably tainted with a trace of hesitation and trembling. She really didn't expect that it would come to this point at first, but if it failed like this, she couldn't accept it anyway.

What Xiao Yan felt at this moment was no longer just words, but more like the resonance between each other's souls.

Xiao Yan could feel that she was going further than usual at this moment, even more than what they had done unintentionally before.

He didn't know how to describe the form of contact between the two at this moment, and what kind of state they were in at this moment. It was just that everything was like water and milk, and there was no slightest rejection.


Xiao Xuan watched as they gradually returned to calm. It was obvious that there was no repulsion, but the cocoon of energy that wrapped them did not dissipate. He gradually felt a sense of certainty in his heart.

"Senior Xiao Xuan, will brother Xiao Yan and Yao Wan be okay?"

Xun'er has been watching silently, but it's inevitable that she feels a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Now there is no envy at all, just a touch of bitterness that lingers in my heart.

Although she was unwilling to admit it from beginning to end, it was not easy to win over Yaowan in the heart of brother Xiao Yan.

This is no longer a matter of whether you work hard or not...

Xun'er, who had already understood this, didn't feel sad, but felt a little depressed, but even now, she couldn't help but ask.

"Ji people have their own destiny."

Xiao Xuan replied. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Xuan couldn't help but notice Xun'er's thoughts, and couldn't help turning his head and said: "It seems that Xun'er seems to have a slight criticism of Xun'er."

"It's just a small conflict, it doesn't matter."

Xun'er didn't deny it, because she knew it couldn't be hidden at all, but she didn't want to elaborate on it with others. In the end, it was still their own business, and there was no need for others to interfere. At this point, she and Yao Wan, on the other hand, rarely has the same opinion.

"...In life, you don't have to worry too much. The world has always been full of gatherings and separations."

Xiao Xuan nodded, and at the same time he couldn't help sighing slightly, and he didn't intend to persuade her.

Xun'er is Gu Yuan's daughter after all. They young people are sensible, so there is no need to talk too much. They are clichés and are not liked by others. After all, it is their young people's own business. Xiao Yan can naturally control it. There's no need for an old guy like me to just sit back and worry about it.

The former Xiao Clan chief had naturally gained a lot of insights after being alone in this tomb for a thousand years, and his last thousand years could not be considered a wasted time.

A month has passed since Xiao Yan helped Yao Wan to cross the gods.

As the cocoon of energy gradually loosened, Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, already knowing the result.

As the energy circulated, it gradually merged into the bodies of the two people in the cocoon. This time, even Xun'er faintly felt that something was not right.

It's just that the two people in the cocoon obviously did not completely absorb the excessive energy, but invariably began to use these energies to further stabilize their cultivation, especially Yao Wan, who was already in the semi-saint realm and Dou Zun. Once the realm has been reached, it naturally needs to be stabilized in time.

And Xiao Yan's cultivation level has also risen with the tide, and it has also improved a lot. Xiao Xuan can't help but secretly nod, it can be regarded as a near miss.

But the main event is yet to come.

When the rich energy in front of him dissipated and turned into a rain of light, Xun'er subconsciously stretched out his hand and saw the translucent energy raindrops falling into his palm, and then evaporated quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

She raised her head, but unconsciously heard a burst of laughter that was as ethereal as the wind.

Xun'er knew that this time, without even thinking, Yao Wan was definitely in danger and went one step further. However, the oppressive feeling on the soul that was about to face the perfection of heaven never came. Instead, Xun'er felt Er was a little surprised. She heard that those whose souls have reached the perfection of heaven can change the color of heaven and earth in just one thought. The oppression seems invisible, but in fact the sense of oppression it brings is no less than that of Dou Shengqiang. By.

But at this moment, she obviously didn't notice this strange phenomenon.

Could it be that she has never made a breakthrough?

A trace of doubt emerged in Xun'er's heart involuntarily, but no matter how much she thought about it, she knew that this was impossible. Since she had successfully passed the test at this moment, it was impossible for her to continue to stand still at the previous level.

Who is Yaowan? It is not an exaggeration to say that her ambition is as high as the sky. If she is expected to give up at this time, there is no need for Brother Xiao Yan to risk his life.

Since she has never broken through before, the reason why she has no reaction at this moment is probably because her ability to control the power of her soul has reached its peak, and even the pressure brought by her own breakthrough , can be controlled by her into silence and eliminated without a trace.

While Xun'er was lost in thought, the fluctuations caused by another soul power were even more eye-catching.

This wave of soul fluctuation has even reached the same level as Dou Zun, which makes people secretly stunned. It has obviously broken through the original shackles and reached a higher level.

"Brother Xiao Yan?"

Xun'er was slightly stunned, but she was a little surprised that Xiao Yan's brother had a lot of blessings, and he managed to break through with the power of Yao Wan's soul. It was considered a blessing and a misfortune.

"Heavenly Soul... Heavenly Soul Dzogchen... Not bad, not bad."

Even Xiao Xuan couldn't help but show a smile of satisfaction. Being able to step into such a realm at such a young age made Xiao Xuan more and more sure that Xiao Yan would inherit the last hope and possibility of their Xiao clan, and there would be nothing wrong with it. .

Then along with the faint chuckle, Yao Wan and Xiao Yan opened their eyes in unison, and the moment they opened their eyes, the first thing they saw in their hazy eyes was each other.

For some reason, there seemed to be some inexplicable connection between the two.

This is……?

Yao Wan was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she and Xiao Yan had done in order to break through the shackles of a realm that had never been loosened before. The expression on her face couldn't help but become a little complicated.

In the end, he even did this kind of thing...

The resonance between souls will not even be affected by the physical body. In other words, this kind of intersection and contact is far from the last time on the way back to the medicine world.

Yao Wan, who knew this well, couldn't help but feel entangled in her heart for a while.

Isn't this a little too reckless...?

...No, that's not right, it's just pure cultivation. There is no need for these unnecessary considerations...On the contrary, it makes myself a little confused.

Xiao Yan was looking straight at her, but she didn't know if it was Yao Wan's illusion. When she made eye contact with him, she couldn't help but tremble slightly, and it made her feel a little embarrassed unconsciously. It’s hard to express my thoughts.

So Yao Wan couldn't help but glare at him. Xiao Yan's face was innocent. What did he do? Are you okay?

But Xiao Yan didn't care. Wan'er was arrogant and tough-tongued for a day or two. Therefore, Xiao Yan simply skipped all the defense process and just stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Yao Wan's five fingers, not to mention Let her escape easily.

Xiao Yan's proactive and bold behavior made De Yaowan's hair stand on end. He was obviously the one who could break through to the Great Perfection of Heaven, but in the end, he was manipulated by him without any suspense.


Yao Wan curled her lips, but she also knew that the current situation was not suitable for her to have an attack. However, after making another note to Xiao Yan in her heart, Yao Wan allowed his fingertips to exert force and pull her away from him. He stood up, and then looked at Xiao Xuan and Xun'er not far away.

Xiao Xuan stood with his hands behind his hands, and the smile on his lips was so strong that he could hardly suppress it. It could be said that he was extremely satisfied with this.

Xun'er didn't care. It was undeniable that that woman Yao Wan did have some abilities... Besides, it wasn't just her who had improved this time, but also brother Xiao Yan... In this case, it wasn't that unacceptable.

It's just practice...what else can she say? What opinions can I have?

It's useless to have opinions, you can't beat me, you can't scold me, you can't play a little, just let it go, it's boring.

To put it bluntly, Yaowan knows what she has done in all the things she should and shouldn't do. Maybe it's only because of her divine bloodline that she doesn't do it all at once. We can't think about this kind of thing in detail, I'm afraid it's not The thought of being able to make yourself faint in the end would be more than worth the gain.

Once you get used to it...just practice your skills as brother Xiao Yan.

Xun'er felt a sigh of relief in her heart, and what was even more frightening was that she actually found that she had begun to slowly get used to this feeling...

No, how can this be done? Brother Xiao Yan is hers! Yaowan is just a shameless thief who took advantage of the situation!

But now is not the time to joke. Xiao Xuan looked at the two people clasping their hands with each other and nodded slightly, feeling quite satisfied, especially for the medicine.

"Wan'er has a bright future if he can break through to the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Realm before Dou Sheng. Xiao Yan's success in achieving the Heavenly Realm this time is also thanks to your help."


Yao Wan was silent, but couldn't help but turn her eyes, glanced at Xiao Yan, and suddenly remembered a certain idiom.

"No, it's just good luck."

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