"Luck is important, but it is not the decisive factor."

Xiao Xuan couldn't help but shake his head slightly at Yao Wan's answer, which seemed to be a joke. Fortunately, everything will be fine after success.

Seeing that Xiao Yan's cultivation has improved, and even his soul power has broken through, Xiao Xuan, who has reached the Heaven Realm, naturally nodded repeatedly. He was very satisfied with Xiao Yan's current state.

Based on his observation, it is not difficult to see that Xiao Yan's physical strength is extremely strong, and in comparison, his cultivation and soul power are slightly insufficient.

And now, it can be considered to be made up.

Although Xiao Xuan thinks that accepting blood inheritance has little to do with cultivation, Xiao Yan's physique is strong enough now, so there is no need to worry too much.

"What do you think, Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Xuan couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, but saw that the vague family pattern at his brow was slightly floating.

Xiao Yan immediately noticed what Xiao Xuan was looking at, and subconsciously raised his hand to touch his forehead. Although he knew that there was a vague outline of the clan pattern on his forehead, he couldn't feel it. In this respect, it was no different from dreaming.

"The ancestor is talking about the Three Mysterious Changes of Skyfire... No, to be precise, my clan pattern?"

Xiao Yan naturally knew what Xiao Xuan's obsession was now, and now Wan'er's affairs were temporarily settled, and now he needed to face his own affairs.

"That's right, the clan pattern - the Three Mysterious Changes of Skyfire that you practiced is still missing the last step, and it is precisely because of the lack of that last step that you have never cultivated the clan pattern."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan's heart trembled slightly, and he looked at Xiao Xuan with a little more understanding.

"Heh... I've waited for countless years, and my obsession is to give you everything I've worked hard to preserve in the past, and the last step of the Three Mysterious Changes of the Skyfire is no exception."

"However, if you have cultivated the family emblem, it is difficult to truly exert it to the peak without the support of bloodline power."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but vaguely realize something, and was about to say something, but felt the gaze from Yao Wan. Obviously, she wanted Xiao Yan not to talk too much.

"-Since it is called the family emblem, it must naturally have the power of bloodline as the source."

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly, looking at Xiao Yan's eyes that suddenly dimmed, but smiled.

"So, are you ready? Xiao Yan? If you are not ready yet, I can wait until you stabilize your cultivation before performing the bloodline inheritance ceremony."

Three years in the Heavenly Tomb is still a long time, and Xiao Xuan knows that it is not a matter that can be decided casually, and it is inevitable to be cautious.

"...Every second counts in the Heavenly Tomb, and enemies surround us outside. Our ancestors can't wait, and neither can Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan sighed, helpless but determined.

"Good! This is what a descendant of my Xiao family looks like. Even if the afterglow of the ancestor has long been dispersed in the blood, this bloodiness is a mark that will never be washed away!"

Xiao Yan's answer undoubtedly made Xiao Xuan feel extremely relieved and satisfied. With a burst of laughter, he stepped into the clear water in the hall.

In the huge circular pool, the calm green lotus slowly stretched out, and at the same time, Xiao Xuan raised his palm, and the pool water slowly rotated, surging out whirlpools and waves, stirring the green lotus in the pool water slightly, and along with the rotation of the pool water, a series of blood-colored lights slowly came out from Xiao Xuan's body and were all injected into the pool water.

As the strange blood-colored light merged into the pool water, the clear pool water gradually turned blood red. It looked like a pool of blood. The green lotus swayed slightly in the waves, and turned into strange red lotuses under the infiltration of the blood. At the same time, Xiao Xuan's black hair turned into a head full of silver hair, and the mature face of a middle-aged man became old.

"Back then, I tried my best to preserve some Doudi blood and sealed it with many means, so that I could create a clan member with blood power again."

"Now I am just a remnant soul, who can only float in this tomb. I can no longer complete the revitalization of the Xiao clan... But God will not destroy my Xiao clan. I believe that you will do better than me."

The clear pool water, accompanied by the influx of blood-colored light, became more and more blood red, and a faint bloody smell permeated from it, and an unspeakable sense of oppression slowly spread.

Standing beside the pool, Xiao Yan felt the strange and terrifying power. Not only did he not feel any discomfort, but the blood in his body began to flow rapidly at this moment. Faintly, he seemed to hear some extremely eager sounds of joy.

"Even after a thousand years, is it still the same?"

Xiao Yan looked at the red pool water. The slightly pungent smell of blood was not as uncomfortable as the evil techniques he had encountered in the past. Instead, he couldn't help but feel a little throbbing in his heart.

The long-gone blood and the clan members had an inexplicable attraction to each other, which even Xiao Yan himself knew very well.

"Xiao Yan, enter the blood pool and inherit the last blood power of the Xiao clan."

"Brother Xiao Yan, be careful."

Xiao Yan nodded silently to Xun'er's uneasy advice, and just stepped forward, but Yao Wan temporarily held his hand.

"What's wrong? Wan'er?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but cast a puzzled look at her.

"...If possible, when accepting the blood inheritance, practice the Glazed Body Shaping Technique as much as possible, maybe it will be of great use to you."

Yao Wan said softly, and then gently patted Xiao Yan on the back: "Then I wish you all the best."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly. Although he didn't understand what Wan'er meant by saying this, he would definitely not hurt himself.

Afterwards, Xiao Yan slowly walked into the blood-red pool in front of him.

The blood-red pool water had shallow waves, but there was no special reaction, and Xiao Yan gradually began to feel the tingling sensation from all parts of his body. A thin blood-colored energy, as if it had received some instinctive guidance, shuttled like a fine needle, fiercely pierced Xiao Yan's body, and finally violently crashed into the pores and rushed into his body frantically.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly and took a breath unconsciously.

He could feel that his bloodline was undergoing a radical change, and at the same time, he did not forget Wan'er's instructions just now, and practiced the Glazed Body Shaping Technique.

When the purple-gold Dharma body overlapped with Xiao Yan's body, almost in the blink of an eye, the Dharma body became a converter for the bloodline power and the bloodline conversion inheritance in Xiao Yan's body, temporarily resisting the extreme reaction of the Doudi bloodline of the Xiao clan under the instinctive reaction, and at the same time, it also subtly intensified the body's absorption of the bloodline power.

The purple-gold gorgeous Dharma body was gradually stained with a trace of blood-red lines.

"The Glazed Body Shaping Technique of the Yao Clan? No wonder..."

Xiao Xuan exclaimed lightly, and couldn't help but secretly said in his heart that it was no wonder that Xiao Yan's physical fitness was invincible among the same level.

It turned out that he had obtained the secret of the Yao Clan, but why did he still have the aura of the Supreme Dragon Phoenix of the Warcraft?

Xiao Xuan was wondering when he saw that the Dharma body was also absorbing the blood power of the Xiao clan in a subtle way. Xiao Xuan did not stop it.

Although the Glazed Body Shaping Technique was good, it was not the practice of their own Xiao clan. The real secrets among the eight clans were often only those who inherited the blood of the clan to fully exert their power. Xiao Yan had not noticed it yet, mostly because he had not cultivated to perfection.

Now that his own Dharma body was also immersed in the blood of the Xiao clan, allowing it to be absorbed, although there was no effect in a short period of time, it might be an opportunity for Xiao Yan to break through the shackles.


The fusion speed was so slow that it was outrageous.

Although Xiao Xuan could wait, he could not tolerate a fusion that might fail in the end. For a high-level body-building technique like the Glazed Body Shaping Technique, the slow fusion speed was a problem in itself.

"What problem did the senior encounter?"

Xun'er couldn't help but flash a trace of urgency in her eyes.

"Xiao Yan's glass body cannot be completely integrated with the blood of the Xiao clan..."

Xiao Xuan's tone revealed a trace of solemnity and worry, and then he couldn't help but glimpse Yao Wan who was quietly watching Xiao Yan and never said anything from beginning to end, and a bold idea emerged in his mind.

"Xun'er, Wan'er, I have an unwelcome request, I wonder if you can agree to it?"

"As long as it can help Brother Xiao Yan, Senior Xiao Xuan can speak."

Xun'er's eyes moved, but she did not refuse.

"I want some blood power from the Ancient Clan and the Medicine Clan."

Xiao Xuan looked at Xun'er, then turned to look at Yao Wan, and said, "I know that the blood power of the two clans must be difficult to merge. I have personally tested this in the past, but it is precisely because of this that I know why it failed."

"Because two equally powerful blood power is extremely difficult to reconcile, but if the blood of the three clans is reconciled, perhaps the blood power of the three clans can be completely fused."

Xiao Xuan said in a deep voice, using the blood of the Ancient Clan and the Medicine Clan as a supplement, and the blood of the Xiao Clan as the main, perhaps this is the best choice.

"Blending blood..."

Xun'er was slightly startled. Fusion of blood, this idea is really too unorthodox and extremely dangerous.

But if this can help him...

"Blend blood, huh? Then come on."

Yao Wan had already guessed what Xiao Xuan would say, so she raised her jade finger and stroked her white wrist without any hesitation. A beautiful blood flower bloomed from her jade-white wrist and fell into the pool.

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