Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 154: Line of Defense Command

The entire line of defense is made up of countless fortresses. Each fortress is a huge natural meteorite with weapon systems, engines, and ecosystems.

As the commander of this line of defense, General Van Fleet can choose to live in many places. For example, on the starship, any battleship starship can be used as his flagship, and he can calmly command on it.

But he did not. General Van Fleet chose the fortress, and some of them were used as headquarters when building the fortress.

This fortress is relatively large. It is a natural meteorite with a diameter of about one thousand meters. It has been transformed and has no huge naval guns. It has only ordinary power systems and ecosystems, as well as a powerful command system. Look at the top of the fortress and establish it. The long antenna that got up will know.

The gravitational wave antenna is like a long string. It uses the vibration of the string to generate a signal. It is more efficient than electromagnetic waves and so on. It belongs to space transmission and is almost equivalent to a long wave radio station in ancient times.

Through it, General Van Fleet can command the defenders on the entire line of defense, and internally, the advanced command system is a flat command. If necessary, General Van Fleet can directly contact a fortress at the edge, and even can Directly remotely control its star cannon from here.

"Princess Jingxi, welcome you to come." General Van Fleet welcomed Princess Jingxi: "I am very sorry that I have not been able to **** you back to the Holy Star safely. Even now, I want to return to the Holy Star. Maybe. "

Princess Jing Xi nodded: "These are my own choices, and they have nothing to do with you. At least for now, Holy Star is very safe, isn't it?"

The two talked and walked into the inside of the headquarters. When Princess Jingxi walked in, she first saw a long row of computer display terminals. Numerous commanders sat there and looked at the information displayed in front. Carrying out various operations is like the oldest early warning machine.

"Although the AI ​​technology has been very developed, but in many emergencies, the AI ​​system cannot be judged correctly, so we also need experienced commanders to sit here." General Van Fleet said: "The staff here are all They were trained by the Imperial Military Academy. Outside, they can at least become commanders of a squadron. "

Princess Jing Xi nodded: "Everyone has worked hard."

Everyone showed a respectful and envious look. Ordinary people, where is there a chance to see the princess, and it is still such a kind princess, at the same time, her commanding talent is even more amazing, she is simply the reincarnation of the **** of war !

Behind Princess Jingxi, Qin Tian has been following. No matter when, Qin Tian must protect the safety of Princess Jingxi. He wears the human exoskeleton inside and carries a backpack behind him. You can take Princess Jingxi away quickly.

"His Royal Highness, please come in." General Van Fleet welcomed Princess Jingxi into his office.

The furnishings in the office are simple. In addition to the modern terminal, there is only one table, one chair, and a sofa to welcome guests.

On the wall, there is a painting. On the screen is the father and emperor of Princess Jingxi, who is staring at the people below with majestic eyes. It seems that if the people below do not work hard, they will come out from the painting. Average person.

Princess Jingxi looked at the portrait of her father and emperor, stayed quietly for a while, and then looked at the table again, where there was a small photo of a woman, with her child, playing on the grass , The child's face was showing a heartfelt smile. "They are my wife and children." Looking at Princess Jingxi looking at this picture, General Van Fleet said with a smile: "I came out to serve and have not returned for five years. , Last communication before the outbreak of war, my child, grew taller again. "

Everyone has a family. No matter under what circumstances, the family is always their concern.

Princess Jing Xi nodded and glanced at Qin Tian again.

At the beginning, Princess Jing Xi promised to treat Qin Tian's younger sister with good eye disease. However, the current situation has deteriorated so much that she cannot take care of her personal family. Now everyone here cannot afford to take care of her family.

So, sorry for now.

Princess Jing Xi thought silently in her heart that Qin Tian seemed to know what she was thinking and shook her head vigorously.

Do n’t blame you. Now we still have to focus on national affairs and wars. If we want to blame, just blame this **** war.

But in fact, Qin Tian did not complain too much. How could he be with Princess Jingxi without this war?

Thinking of this, he even thanked him.

"Okay, let's talk about the current situation." General Van Vliet said: "His Royal Highness, the wormhole has been blocked. You now have two options. One is to fly from us to other impulsive directions. , Your spaceship does not have the ability to fly at the speed of light, so we can send a cruiser to **** you past, with the help of the wormhole passage between our defense lines, you will need about eight months to reach another wormhole and return to the holy Star, another kind, that is to fly directly to the Holy Star at the speed of light. This will take a few years. In short, we will definitely **** you back. "

The scale of the universe is very large. Even if it is flying at the speed of light, it often takes years to be able to sail between the stars. Without the help of wormholes, it is almost impossible to achieve interstellar voyage.

Princess Jingxi ’s spacecraft does not have a curvature-driven engine and cannot fly at the speed of light. It is almost impossible to overcome the long time. Now, how to return to Princess Jingxi is indeed a difficult problem. However, no matter what methods are used, they will also It is their mission to **** Her Highness back!

In the eyes of General Van Fleet, with a firm and unbreakable Mackinaw line, guarding the safety of the Holy Star, brutal war broke out in all directions of the Mackinaw line. As always, they firmly believed that Ma The Chino defense will not be overcome!

Escorting Her Royal Highness is what he must do.

Princess Jing Xi shook her head: "General, I am not here to discuss with you how to return to the Holy Star, but to discuss with you how to deal with the current situation."

Princess Jingxi never thought about her own safety. Although she could not return to the holy star, she no longer cares. She knows that holy star is still safe. Now, since she ca n’t go back, she has to do her best to defend here Too.



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