Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 155: Offense is the best defense

Princess Jingxi's words made General Van Flett stunned. Her Royal Highness, would you still stay here? For him, the pressure is great.

However, the two plans he just proposed to send the princess back to the holy star are actually unreliable. One time is too long, and the other will encounter risks in the process. Her Royal Highness is here, and it is temporarily safe.

Moreover, this battle can win, the command of Her Royal Highness has played a big role, now that the Princess is down here, is there a better plan?

Looking at Princess Jingxi, General Van Fleet said, "Please, Her Royal Highness, please enlighten me."

"Although we are blocking the wormhole now, but the pressure is still very large, the number of starship forces on the opposite side far exceeds us, and they may continue to attack at any time. As long as they do not retreat, we cannot be safe. "

General Van Fleet nodded: "Yes, this is the case, we are still in danger."

This is something that General Van Fleet has been considering recently. What should I do next?

Princess Jing Xi looked at the sadness of General Van Fleet and said, "General, have you ever thought that offense is the best defense?"


The entire line of defense is quite solid. How many battles have been fought on the line of defense. Unconsciously, the senior commanders of the empire have formed a mindset, that is, hold on, hold on, rely on Persevere in consuming the other party's power, destroying the other party's will, and wait until the other party's strength and energy are lost before launching a counterattack.

This is almost the classic tactic of the defense line.

However, it is impossible to rely on defense alone. This brutal battle illustrates this point, as long as the opponent gathers a very large force, such as hundreds of battleships and hundreds of fleets, all together. If you come here, you may tear your own defense line!

In this way, it is better to take the initiative to attack!

This method was not conceived by Princess Jingxi. The real planner was Qin Tian.

At the beginning, Qin Tianman thought of how to protect the princess ’s safety and how to send the princess back to the holy star. She got it back.

But now that the retreat is gone, it can only stay. Do n’t look at Qin Tian as a carrier-based aircraft pilot, but Qin Tian ’s strategy is full of things. Soon, he thought of something.

At the beginning, when the colony was connected to the wormhole where the outside world was connected, the enemy was defending, and the enemy was attacking. At that time, the enemy's commander was quite smart.

They don't look at defense, in fact, they are actively attacking! The opponent's tactics are more flexible and effective, so Qin Tian was on the way to come and repeatedly studied with Princess Jingxi. Now, what Princess Jingxi said is mostly Qin Tian's plan.

Qin Tian, ​​a fighting genius, finally wants to continue on the battle stage.

"His Royal Highness, but we have not enough starships! Our battleship starships are only 20. After this battle, there are a few ships that need to be repaired and can be dispatched, which is the size of ten ships. The opponent still has at least More than fifty starships, this time, we take the initiative to attack, that is not, not ... "

Is n’t it a self-defeating way? If you own hundreds of battleship starships, you have already led the team and rushed out! Is it necessary to stay here as a tortoise? Even if the opponent almost penetrated the line of defense, he couldn't help himself because the number of starships was not enough.

It must be saved and used in the most critical places.

"Our active offensive is not to fight the starship troops of the other party immediately. This is the most stupid." Princess Jing Xi said: "We don't have to dispatch a starship, we just need to dispatch a cruiser. , And then released a large number of raptor fighters, searched in front of the starry sky, as soon as they found the other party's scout, they immediately swarmed up and killed it! "

The starry sky is vast. In order to protect the safety of their fleet, Ankov will definitely send a certain number of patrol starships to patrol around the fleet. These peripheral forces are the weakest and are easy to sneak attack.

General Van Fleet lit up: "And then?"

After the other party returns this time, as long as they do not attack immediately, they will definitely repair their starships. After all, they will attack their own defense line and the damage will certainly not be small. During this time, did they harass them?

After killing the patrol starship, the other party might send a patrol starship as a scout!

"Kill their patrol destroyers and temporarily make them lose their vigilance to the outside world. At this time, we can quickly penetrate through and enter their rear, find their supply ship, and then, their supply ship , Kill all! "

This must be done quickly, killing their patrol starships, and not letting the other party be alert. After the other party is alert, they have already killed their supply ship and burned their food!

The starship is huge, has a complete ecosystem, and even owns a food synthesis factory. From this perspective, it seems that they are omnipotent.

But in fact, they certainly have shortcomings, they need fuel supply!

There is an energy star on the defense line on your side, which is like a big nanny, you can quickly supply to each starship and every fortress at any time.

However, the other party will not work.

In general, the energy reserves of starships are huge. If they only fly long distances, they will not consume much fuel. After all, after accelerating to the speed of light, they will only be used for ecosystems.

However, in the combat state, the operation of various weapons and frequent acceleration and deceleration are all energy-consuming. From the beginning of the war to the present, do they need to supplement it?

Of course you need it! So, behind the other party, in the unknown starry sky, there must be their supply ship!

As long as they find their supply ship and blow up their supply, they will not be able to attack again in a short time, so that the defense line can really breathe a sigh of relief.

During this time, the line of defense will be rebuilt and become stronger again!

It can be said that this plan is completely feasible. General Van Fleet seriously considered it for a while and said: "I will let the staff make a perfect plan of action."

Contrary to what Princess Jingxi thought, General Van Friett was a regular Koban. This kind of battle requires the entire staff to formulate tactics in detail.

Princess Jing Xi nodded: "After making it out, I will join in the battle together."

"Of course not!" General Van Fleet shouted loudly: "You stay in the fortress and you can't go anywhere!"

Princess Jingxi, can't there be any slippage.

Hearing General Van Fleet's words, a hint of cunning flashed in Princess Jingxi's eyes: "So, can I send someone to fight for me instead of being like my substitute?"



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