Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2256: :impossible

This Meng Fengjiao didn't know how many men he had followed in his life. According to what he knew, there were at least five. In the end, he was directly promoted to the title of the Most Holy by a blessing in disguise.

This deed, I am afraid that anyone who tells it will feel a bit legendary.

Who could have imagined that a woman from Dongzhou, relying on a man, has now become the title of the most holy, leaving many warriors in a state that it is difficult to achieve in their lifetime.

However, Meng Fengjiao achieved it, easily.

"I don't know who he is, but he claims to be the holy rain demon."

Meng Fengjiao shook her head.

"Rain demon is holy?"

Ji Yuyue was secretly surprised, with an incredible expression on her face: "He is the tenth strongest in the titled sacred list."

"The title of the most holy list?"

Zhang Mofan said in surprise: "I have always heard people mention this list, but I have never seen it, Xiaoyue, have you seen the titled most sacred list?"

Ji Yuyue said: "This titled sacred list was compiled by Confucian giants, but the titled sacred list has not been updated for more than ten years."

The title of the most sacred list is not on the list, it must be very strong, but the strength of those who can be on the list will definitely not be weak.

"Then who was ranked at the top of the title list that year?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

He suddenly had an idea, it is better to re-establish a new title of the sacred list, perhaps, many really powerful titles of the sacred, do not want to compete for fame, will not choose to shoot.

But what if the reward is attractive enough?

For example, weaponry!

Zhang Mofan was in the ruins of the battlefield, but he collected a few weapon weapons. The power of the weapon weapons was much stronger than the holy treasure weapon.

Zhang Mofan believes that there must be many powerful people in the Zhou Yuan realm, even people of the ancient level.

"On the current list of the most sacred titles, the giants of the ancient seven great masters, including Qin Zheng and Zhang Tianxia, ​​are on the list. However, my father said that there are actually many strong men in Zhou Yuanjie, such as the ancient times. The tycoons of the Seven Great Masters."

Ji Yuyue said: "Those giants, after they got rid of their positions, they all went to be Xianyunyehe. They may be still alive, or they may have been sitting down. Of course, no one knows this."

A strong person who has truly cultivated to the title of the Most Holy, has no improvement in himself, and basically has no pursuit of cultivation. Naturally, he can only be a idle cloud and wild crane and give Zhou Yuanjie to young people.

Zhang Mofan nodded and said, "Perhaps Zhou Yuanjie still has a lot of powerful titles, but we don't know it."

Soon, they came to the inn.

Zhang Mofan and the director in the inn passed a secret signal, and the three of them were in the inn, waiting patiently.

Meng Fengjiao asked, "Xiao Fan, who are you waiting for?"

Zhang Mofan said: "I'll show you someone later, light smoke."

"Light smoke?"

After Meng Fengjiao heard this, she immediately stood up and said, "Xiao Fan, don't you say that you have seen me here, I will leave first."

"Are you afraid of her?"

Zhang Mofan said.

Meng Fengjiao held Ding Dong in her arms and said, "I am afraid of her, even a little afraid of her. You should know my past. Moreover, I am sorry for her and her father. I just hope you can take good care of her. "

"I believe she can understand you. You should also want to see Qingyan? Now, you have also cultivated to the level of the title of the holy. We need your help."

As Zhang Mofan said, he told Meng Fengjiao about the Holy Ghost King, saying: "At present, our situation is very severe. We need all the power of the title of the Holy Ghost to go to the other side Ghost King Holy."

Meng Fengjiao hesitated and said, "I only have the realm to achieve the title of the holy. I don't have the power to get the title of the holy. However, in order to deal with the ghost king, I am willing to make a contribution."

After a while, a black-eyed woman walked up, and when she saw Zhang Mofan, she immediately said, "Follow me."

Zhang Mofan naturally recognized the woman, she was a black pupil, and she still had a mysterious weapon in his hand.

The three followed the black pupils and walked to a hidden place where there was a teleportation circle.

Through the transmission of the magic circle, Zhang Mofan truly came to a piece of holy road space, which was the headquarters of the Zhang Dynasty.

This holy path space, the palace is towering, the holy light is gushing, and every corner of the hall is full of endless murderous intent, obviously it is arranged with various powerful formations.

When he walked into the central hall, Black pupil called out: "Emperor Yao Tian, ​​I'm back, and I brought Zhang Mofan and the others back."

The first thing that came out was not Empress Yao Tian, ​​but Huang Qingyan. She flew out directly. When she saw the woman standing beside Zhang Mofan, she couldn't help but feel a bit of hostility and said, "Xiaofan, who is she?"

"She is the strategist's giant, Ji Yuyue, and so is..."

Before Zhang Mofan finished speaking, Huang Qingyan immediately interrupted Zhang Mofan's words and said, "Okay, you don't need to say more, I understand."

Ji Yuyue also walked over and smiled: "Qianyan, you are so beautiful, Xiao Fan often mentions you in front of me."

Naturally, this was a polite remark, Zhang Mofan would not mention other women in front of her.

Huang Qingyan smiled slightly and said: "I heard that you and Xiao Fan participated in the World War II, and Xiao Fan is thankful for your care."

She glanced at Meng Fengjiao, but did not respond.

"Okay, don't be polite, Zhang Mofan, you came to me, it should be about Zhang Tianxia? Zhang Tianxia went to Yinyang's house, what happened?"

Yao Tian came out and asked Zhang Mofan informed Yao Tian of all the things that had happened in the Yin and Yang family, and then said: "Now, the ghost king is running away. In a few days, he will definitely come back. I plan to go to the Qin Dynasty with you and join forces with Qin Zheng."

"Joining hands with Qin Zheng? Impossible!"

Queen Yao immediately refused: "You should know the grievances between me and the Qin Dynasty. Even if the world is dead, I will still be the queen of the Zhang Dynasty. Even if I have no hope of reviving the dynasty, I will never join forces with Qin Zheng. ."

Zhang Mofan smiled and said: "Compared to the peace of the entire Zhou Yuan Realm, is the grievance between you so important? Now that the Zhang Dynasty has passed, Zhang Tianxia is dead, and the unintentional and unintentional dynasties disputes. Let him go."


Yao Tianhou said in a strong tone: "Zhang Mofan, you have not experienced the death of the dynasty. How many people have fallen from my dynasty and how many people have been injured. You have never seen this scene. Is it possible that you let us unite? Sorry, I'm not that generous. If you want to go, you go by yourself without holding me."

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