Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2257: : The Avatar of Blood

Queen Yao was truly deeply distressed for Qin Zheng. No matter what happened, she and Qin Zheng would not be able to cooperate, even if Qin Zheng kneeled in front of her and begged for mercy.

She and Qin Zheng are truly immortal. Even if Zhang Tianxia is dead, and their Zhang Dynasty's strength is greatly reduced, she will fight Qin Zheng to the end.

Zhang Mofan looked at Empress Yao Tian and said coldly: "You hate Qin Zheng, do you think I don't hate you? And Zhang Tianxia?"

"What do you mean by this? Hate me and the world, we haven't done anything to apologize to you. I'm sorry, it is the King of Ghosts."

Yao Tianhou said.

Not going to the viewing platform to rescue Zhang Mofan at the beginning was the meaning of the ghost king.

"I was taken away by Zhang Tianxia, ​​then do you know who my mother is? My mother was beheaded by the people of the Zhang Dynasty. Zhang Tianxia used Wuxin as a lamb for the dead in order to find a newborn baby, my mother Just gave birth to me, and I was beheaded without even seeing me."

Zhang Mofan had a chill radiating from his body, and said, "My father has been crazy for decades because of this. Whom should I find to settle the account? Zhang Tianxia is dead, do you want to find you?"

Huang Qingyan and Ji Yuyue were equally surprised. It turned out that Zhang Mofan's life experience was like this.

Seeing that Empress Yao did not speak, Zhang Mofan continued: "Actually, there is no one who is right or wrong in this world. Qin Zheng is wrong, and you are also wrong. Moreover, under the management of Qin Zheng, Zhou Yuanjie is more than your Zhang Dynasty. Taiping, isn't it?"

Queen Yao fell into deep thought. After a long time, she said: "With your strength, you can convince Qin Zheng, why are you pulling me up?"

"Of course I want to pull you up, because only you can announce the disintegration of the Zhang Dynasty. At that time, let the Qin Dynasty post a notice, the Zhang Dynasty is disintegrated, and Zhang Tianxia has fallen. When the time comes, the world will return to the world, the faith of the ghost king. The strength will be deducted if you hit it hard."

Zhang Mofan said, "Only you can do this."

Queen Yao closed her eyes slightly and announced that the Zhang dynasty was completely disintegrated, which meant that she would completely abandon the rejuvenation of the dynasty. From then on, the Zhang dynasty would truly become history.

They worked silently for more than 30 years, in order to revive the Zhang Dynasty. Now the general trend is over. Perhaps, this is the destiny.

"Black pupil, call all the old officials of the Zhang Dynasty, I have an important thing to announce."

After Yao Tian said these words, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength.


Hei pupil nodded and left directly.

Meng Fengjiao glanced at Huang Qingyan, walked over slowly, and said: "Qianyan, how have you been doing these years?"

Huang Qingyan naturally has no good impression of Mengfengjiao. She squinted and turned her back to her and said: "I am doing well, it has nothing to do with you. I will never forgive you. You'd better disappear from me, otherwise , Don’t blame me for being impolite."


Meng Fengjiao sighed and looked at Zhang Mofan and said, "Xiao Fan, you will take care of Qingyan. I am incompetent as a mother. I can't help her."

Say, she turned and left.

Zhang Mofan pulled his face and said to Huang Qingyan: "Qianyan, Aunt Meng has changed herself, and she has helped me many times. Even if you don't forgive her, she is your mother."

"Xiao Fan, you don't need to speak for her. If she can change her mind, she won't hold another child next to her, right? Which man probably gave birth to."

Yellow light flue.

With tears on Meng Fengjiao’s face, she said, “Yes, I’m an unscrupulous woman. I’ve followed many men, but am I easy? I was born in this troubled world and I don’t have much talent for cultivation. I don’t rely on it. Man, how do I survive? In the end, isn't I becoming a prostitute in a brothel?"

Ji Yuyue also sympathized with Meng Fengjiao's experience. This Mengfeng's coquettish and charming, at such an age, the skin is still breakable, without the strength to protect herself, any man will take it.

Huang Qingyan said nothing, but her heart was a little shaken.

"Xiao Fan, I will leave first. If the place is useful to me, you can go to me."

Meng Fengjiao held Ding Dong with one hand, wiped her tears with the other, then turned and walked out of the hall.

However, when she turned around, the corners of her mouth raised an arc, and she secretly thought: "The weakness of Yuanjie warriors this week is kindness. As long as you compile a few miserable stories, you can win their trust. Zhang Mofan, you and the ghost king Zhi Holy, no matter who wins or loses, the final winner will be me."

Zhang Mofan watched Meng Fengjiao leave, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc, saying: "Blood Demon Ancestor, although I don't know, what method you will use to resurrect, this time, let us see who can fight against whom."

In fact, as early as when Gui Jiyue told him how to deal with the blood demon ancestor, he had already guessed a little. Now, after several contacts with Meng Fengjiao, he feels that Meng Fengjiao is the best.

However, Meng Fengjiao is not the Blood Demon Ancestor, the Blood Demon Ancestor has always been sealed, this is the incarnation of the blood of the Blood Demon Ancestor, and a forbidden technique among the Blood Demon Clan.

Moreover, the incarnation of blood can never be killed.

Gui Jiyue told him that if he wanted to kill the blood demon ancestor, the only way to let the blood demon ancestor break out, otherwise, it would never be possible to kill the blood demon ancestor.

Zhang Mofan guessed that it is very possible that Meng Fengjiao was carrying out some kind of plan in secret, but he couldn't guess it all the time, so he could only calculate it.

"Qingyan, your mother has always been in Tianzhou City. If you figure it out, you can go to her. Remember, family affection is the most important thing."

As Zhang Mofan said, he suddenly thought of something. Since Qingyan was born of the incarnation of the blood of the blood demon, wouldn't the light smoke also flow with the blood of the blood demon?

But Huang Qingyan's body has never revealed the blood of the blood demon clan.

At this time, a group of veterans of the Zhang Dynasty came, Master Chenyuan, Old Man Qingye were there, and the commanders of the four major barracks back then.

When they entered the hall and saw Zhang Mofan, they all showed incredible expressions.

Seeing everyone coming in, Yao Tian couldn't help but speak: "You didn't want to know who killed the Dark Evil Dragon King and the Soul Emperor? Now I can tell you that it was Zhang Mofan."

"What? Zhang Mofan killed him? He has such a strong strength?"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

Even if Zhang Mofan was promoted to the title of Most Holy, it was impossible to kill the Dark Evil Dragon King.

Yao Tian said: "He was indeed killed. In addition, I want to announce the second thing. From today onwards, the Zhang Dynasty will be completely disintegrated. The plan to revive the Zhang Dynasty will be cancelled. You will no longer be the Zhang Dynasty. You are all free."

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