Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2258: : Return to the Holy Land of King Qin

"What? Dissolve the Zhang Dynasty? Empress Yao Tian, ​​should we give up if the emperor is dead? As long as the veteran has a breath, he will contribute his own strength to the revival of the Zhang Dynasty."

The old man Qingye said: "The old minister doesn't want to watch, the huge country, just like this, gave it to Qin Zheng."

"Yes, we are willing to follow the queen to the death, regardless of whether the Zhang Dynasty is revived or not, whether it succeeds or fails, we are all members of the Zhang Dynasty."

Several commanders are the same.

However, Yao Tianhou shook his head and said: "Rejuvenating the Zhang Dynasty is indeed my goal and the goal of the world, but for us, these are already dreams. The world wants to rejuvenate the dynasty because it hopes Zhou Yuanjie. Under his management, he can get better and better. Now, Qin Zheng is doing better than the world, right?"

Hearing this, many people were silent.

The Qin dynasty is more consolidated. This is indeed a fact, and no one can refute it.

"Okay, you disband!"

After Yao Tian said this, the whole person collapsed on the chair, which also meant that their Zhang Dynasty was really going to end.

"No, we will not disband, no matter how good the Qin Dynasty is, what can we do? We still can't change the fact that Zhang Dynasty has destroyed us. He killed so many of our companions. We can't repay our grievances with virtue."

"I can't do it either."


In the hearts of those commanders, they were still very unconvinced.

Queen Yao said: "Among you, those who think they have the strength to kill Qin Zheng, can stand up. You really have this confidence. I can go to the Qin Palace with you, but if you can't do it, even if you let you After thousands of years of cultivation, you can't be Qin Zheng's opponent."

"Emperor Yao Tian, ​​do you think I dare not? No regrets though I die!"

"Yes, even if we die, we will die for the Zhang Dynasty. The emperor was as good as we were back then. His lifelong wish is to revive the dynasty and let us give up. We can't do it."

Several veterans were unwilling to die, they were really not afraid.

Queen Yao was very moved in her heart. These veterans, who followed Zhang Tianxia to fight the world, were very emotional behind them.

Zhang Mofan slowly said, "What if Qin Zheng voluntarily abdicates? Can you give up the obsession?"

"What? Qin Zheng will automatically abdicate? What are you kidding? Qin Zheng is a mature man. He may not abdicate in a few thousand years. You know, as long as he stays on the throne, his power of faith will become stronger and stronger. Once abdicated, the power of faith will gradually weaken."

The old man Aoba said: "For a warrior who advocates strength, this is simply impossible."

"If he abdicates, can you give up the obsession?"

Zhang Mofan continued.

Everyone looked at each other a few times, and then said in unison: "As long as Qin Zheng can abdicate, we agree to disband Zhang Dynasty."

If Qin Zheng is not the emperor, let Qin Tian be the emperor, their hearts are also a little balanced.

However, it is impossible and absolutely impossible for Qin Zheng to abdicate.

Seeing everyone agree, Zhang Mofan slowly said, "I will let Qin Zheng abdicate, he owes me his life."

Back then, it was Qin Zheng who ordered him to be killed.

However, everyone felt that Zhang Mofan was crazy, and asked Qin Zheng to abdicate. Isn't this even more difficult than killing Qin Zheng?

"Emperor Yao Tian, ​​now, let me go to the Qin Palace. There are some things that should be forgotten!"

Zhang Mofan raised his eyes and looked at the gray sky in the distance, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

Said that this time he went to the Qin Dynasty to discuss cooperation.

However, if there are some grievances, the budget is considered.

Qin De!

Qin Zheng!

These two people have to settle accounts!

If you want to go directly to the Holy Land of King Qin from the Holy Land of Xiu Mo, you must take a ship. However, the warrior of the Holy Land of Xiu Mo takes a ship at the ferry of the Holy Land and is subject to inspection.

Therefore, Zhang Mofan planned to fly over directly, flying over with the vertical and horizontal flying sword.

With the vertical and horizontal flying sword, it only takes half a day to reach the Holy Land of King Qin.

Zhang Mofan and Huang Qingyan ride a vertical and horizontal flying sword together, while Ji Yuyue and Yao Tianhou are together.

Because there was Ji Yuyue on the side, Huang Qingyan deliberately kept a distance from Zhang Mofan, and said, "Xiao Fan, in fact, I really want to forgive her, but I can't do it. Some time ago, I went back to Dongzhou to visit. Father, father is a little haggard."

"You don't need to explain anything to me, in fact, I understand."

Zhang Mofan controlled the vertical and horizontal flying sword and flew fast in the void, saying: "However, she is your mother after all, but you have to beware of her."

"Xiao Fan, what do you mean by this?"

Huang Qingyan said in surprise.

Zhang Mofan smiled and said, "The identity of Meng Fengjiao is very suspicious. I deliberately let you contact her, but I actually want you to investigate some information."

Huang Qingyan said: "I am suspicious? I guess she is not simple, she looks pitiful, but in fact sinister and vicious."

"If one day, you really stand on the opposite side of her, can you kill her cruelly?"

Zhang Mofan asked suddenly.

Huang Qingyan shook his head, and said, "Back then, I couldn't do it. Now, I can't do it even more."

Zhang Mofan did not tell Huang Qingyan the true identity of Meng Fengjiao, because he was afraid that Huang Qingyan's mood would be affected.

Half a day passed.

The four landed down and came to a mansion, which was the martial arts mansion.

Moreover, this military commander's mansion was not sealed up, and there were guards guarding the door.

For a time, Zhang Mofan fell into deep memories.

At this time a maid walked out of the mansion, and accused the servants behind him: "I asked you to clean the training room of Master Martial Master. Why didn't you clean it? Do you want to get the board?"

"Xiaogu, Lord Martial Commander is no longer there. Although the prince ordered to keep Martial Commander Mansion, he is no longer there."

That servant said.

Fu Xiaogu said: "Who said he was not here? Master Wu Shuai will come back, so that I can serve Master Wu Shuai again."

At this moment, Fu Xiaogu saw Zhang Mofan and immediately walked up and accused: "Hey, you servant, what are you standing there, come in and clean up quickly, and all the rooms must be cleaned up. Wait for Master Martial to return. If it’s not cleaned, I’m sure I can’t spare you."

Zhang Mofan remained motionless, looking at Fu Xiaogu, his voice trembled a little, "Xiaogu, don't you remember me?"

"who are you?"

After Fu Xiaogu finished speaking, he turned to enter the Martial Commander's Mansion: "Clean, clean, Lord Martial, when will you come back? Xiaogu still wants to serve you."

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