The two people, who were slightly embarrassed, walked towards the temporary camp one after another. Shi Xiaomeng was carrying a small wild boar on his back, and the remaining four were taken into the space when Lu Xia wasn't paying attention. The smell of blood attracted them. Come other beasts.

It is now around nine o'clock in the morning, and we have just moved our station to the cave during the day. As long as we set up alarm devices on the beach and in the woods, most of the safety problems can be solved, and we will save the worry of sleeping on the beach at night. , Shi Xiaomeng was originally here to solve the problems of the three little women and take a vacation. He didn't want anything bad to happen.

"Xiaomeng, Jiajia, Taozi and Xiaobing, which one will you choose from now on?" Lu Xia, who was following Shi Xiaomeng like a little daughter-in-law, suddenly said in a strange way, her tone was very gentle, completely devoid of the previous emotion. Crisp and crisp.

"Oh, only children make choices, of course I want them all." Shi Xiaomeng babbled without looking back.

Lu Xia walked a few steps quickly and walked side by side with Shi Xiaomeng. He glanced at him with his head tilted and cursed angrily: "You are so shameless, you can say this."

"Hey, why are you tempted?" Shi Xiaomeng asked without blushing.

"Go away, all the men in the world are dead, and I can't possibly fall in love with you." Lu Xia, who was told the central issue, said hurriedly, and his face turned red instantly.

Shi Xiaomeng looked at Lu Xia carefully, touched his chin, and couldn't help but joked to her, "Hey, you dare not admit it, your face is red, forget it, seeing that you are all alone, I want to show my kindness. , let’s take you in reluctantly, how about it?”

"Ah, I'll beat you to death!" Lu Xia, furious, punched Shi Xiaomeng several times.

"Hey, you must have been right, I'm going to kill someone and silence you!" Shi Xiaomeng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lu Xia suddenly blushed as if she was about to drip. After glaring at Shi Xiaomeng fiercely, he stopped talking and walked forward without looking back.

"Hazy, it can't be true. I've never provoked this little bitch before!" As an old scumbag, he understands women very well. Looking at Lu Xia's expression, Shi Xiaomeng knew that he had guessed it right, huh , it’s all my fault that my nowhere-to-place charm seduces women too much.

But speaking of it, Lv Xia’s mature charm and pretty face, especially Lv Xia in military uniform, are particularly charming!

Lu Xia in the front was also full of worries. Too many things had happened in the past six months. First, she divorced her ex-husband, whom she had long separated from, and then lost her job as editor. She finally found a suitable job, thinking that she could just make do with her son. It had been a lifetime, but the child's biological father, whom he had not seen for many years, appeared and took away the custody rights of the child with his wealth.

Lu Xia never told Lu Manjia and others about these things, which was why she shamelessly stayed with Lu Manjia.

Now, due to a strange combination of circumstances, Lu Xia's already cold heart was warmed once again. There is no world or law on the island. In the lonely and lonely situation, she was helpless and fell in love with this lustful man. Could it be that she fell in love with this lustful man? Is this God's gift to me? But what about Yang Tao, Shen Bing, and Jiajia?

At this moment she was confused!

God or God wanted to tease this man and woman who had their own concerns. Lu Xia was suddenly disturbed by the vines under his feet and was about to fall. Shi Xiaomeng, who reacted quickly, reached out and hugged Lu Xia.

Leaning in Shi Xiaomeng's arms, Lu Xia couldn't help but turn her head and look back. Suddenly the two looked at each other, feeling each other's breathing, and couldn't help but kiss...

After a long time, the lips parted.

"Alas!" Lu Xia sighed, pushed Shi Xiaomeng away fiercely, drooped his head and walked forward, feeling very annoyed about his actions just now.

The old scumbag Shi Xiaomeng secretly lamented that after a disaster and living in the most primitive environment, it is really easy for women to develop a sense of dependence and special feelings for men who come to bring them hope of survival.

"Only the two of us know what happened just now, and from now on I..." Lu Xia suddenly turned around and said.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Shi Xiaomeng, who stared into Lu Xia's eyes with a playful smile, "I understand, you have to keep it secret, and you have to forget what happened just now. It's all a misunderstanding."

Lu Xia was stunned for a moment. This was what she was going to say, but this bastard snatched it away. She also had a disgusting tone. She was about to scold this guy for taking advantage of him and acting like a good boy, but Shi Xiaomeng came again. After saying this, she was even more angry and rolled her eyes.

"I knew you were a scumbag who was unwilling to take responsibility, so I wouldn't have kept what happened just now in mind, haha!" Shi Xiaomeng said with a smile.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you!" Lu Xia blushed and rushed towards Shi Xiao.

Yes, when the sheep enters the tiger's mouth, there will naturally be another long and deep kiss.

During the rest of the journey, the two of them were joking, chatting and laughing. Lu Xia suddenly felt that life like this was quite good, as he could forget all the unhappy things in the past...

Back at the temporary station, the three little women ran out of the disguised lifeboat, with panic and worry in their expressions. Lu Manjia ignored the gazes of the other three women and threw herself directly into Shi Xiaomeng's arms, with a slight look on her face. He cried and said: "Xiao Meng, are you okay? I heard gunshots not long ago."

Shi Xiaomeng fondly touched Lu Manjia's little head and said with a smile: "What can happen? Don't worry. I just encountered a few wild boars. Haha, we can improve our food in the past few days.

By the way, we also found waterfalls, small lakes, and caves that we could stay in. It was like a paradise. Once we packed up the place, we moved. Not to mention the dangers of pirates and high tides on the beach, the space in the lifeboat is too small. I always

I can't watch you suffer with me! "

"Yeah! It's all up to you!" Lu Manjia said sweetly.

Seeing the two people's intimate actions, Yang Tao and Shen Bing couldn't help but feel a burst of unspeakable desolation and resentment, but thinking about their relationship with Shi Xiaomeng, they couldn't let it happen, so they could only let out a muffled voice: "Humph!"

Lu Xia, who was already in a nervous mood, said sourly: "That's too much. Do you think the three of us don't exist?"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Manjia immediately pushed Shi Xiaomeng away in embarrassment, ran to Lu Xia and started to tickle her. The silly Shen Bing laughed at the side. Only Yang Tao, who was good at observing words and expressions, could hear Lu Xia's sour taste. He Xiaoqiang first glanced at Lu Xia, then looked at Shi Xiaomeng carefully, standing aside thoughtfully.

She couldn't help but ask: "Besides these, nothing else happened between you and Lu Xia?"

Looking at Yang Tao with a scrutinizing gaze, a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on Shi Xiaomeng's forehead. He thought to himself that this little girl was a hotel lobby manager and was well-informed. He quickly changed the subject, "What else could happen? ? Hurry up and organize your supplies. The beach needs to be guarded, and the cave needs to be cleaned. There is a lot to do!"

After saying that, Shi Xiaomeng started packing supplies. The four little women were too embarrassed to watch and came to help one after another. When he was busy, Shi Xiaomeng always felt that Yang Tao's eyes were watching him and Lu Xia. Lu Xia didn't know Maybe he had a guilty conscience, but he avoided Shi Xiaomeng from a distance.

Seeing this, Yang Tao became more and more sure of the suspicion in his heart. Something must have happened to Shi Xiaomeng and Lu Xia. He felt sad in his heart. This was the man he had planned to entrust to him for the rest of his life. Now that he was in this situation, couldn't he calm down? Secretly vowed: "When I return to the imperial capital, I will stay away from this stinky guy and never have anything to do with him again!"

After working cautiously for more than half an hour, all the supplies were sorted out. Shi Xiaomeng arranged the warning device in front of the four little women to avoid being triggered by his own people and causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

The warning device has no lethality, but it will make a lot of noise. Using local materials, Shi Xiaomeng used a knife to hollow out the oak tree, attached coconut bark to one end, did some minor processing, and buried it in a circle around the beach. , as long as someone steps on it, it will make a distant and dull sound. Animals generally do not come to the beach, but of course people can come. Looking at the adoring eyes of the four little women,

Thank you Mr. Bei for your wilderness survival teaching!

At noon, we had a delicious meal of roasted wild boar on the beach. Well, except that the meat was a bit burnt and a bit chewy, but with the help of Shi Xiaomeng's condiments and Shen Bing's good cooking skills, it was still delicious.

Shen Bing, who had experience in jungle life, led the other three little women to the cave first, and also cleaned up the cave. The smell of the place where the second senior brother lived was so tempting.

As for Shi Xiaomeng, he still has to stay to deal with the lifeboats and domestic garbage on the beach. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment.

The lifeboats were stored in the system warehouse, and domestic garbage was dug up and buried. Shi Xiaomeng clapped his hands with satisfaction, turned around and left.

When they came to the cave, three little women were cleaning up. Shen Bing and Yang Tao raised their heads and glared at him coldly. Of course, Shi Xiaomeng couldn't show weakness and secretly blew a kiss to them.

Yes, both Yang Tao and Shen Bing were defeated by Shi Xiaomeng's shameless behavior and didn't want to see him anymore.

Next to her, Lu Xia continued busy with her work as if she hadn't seen him, but the small hand tightly grasping the skirt of her clothes proved that her heart was not so peaceful either.

The atmosphere in the cave was a bit strange. Shi Xiaomeng opened his mouth and was thinking about how to resolve this silent embarrassment when Lu Manjia came in carrying a small bucket.

"Xiao Meng, you came back just in time. Don't you usually brag that you can do anything in heaven or on earth?"

Lu Manjia glanced at the three women and one man who were silent, and after being stunned for a moment, she smiled at Shi Xiaomeng and said:

"Xiaobing and Taozi just said they wanted to eat sea fish. It just so happens that you are not needed for cleaning. Can you..."

Understanding that Lu Manjia intended to ease the awkward atmosphere, Shi Xiaomeng saluted with a smile, "Hey, De Ling'er, four beauties, I promise to let you have a seafood dinner tonight!"

"You know what's interesting!" Yang Tao and Shen Bing finally gave Shi Xiaomeng a smile...

Ten minutes later, Shi Xiaomeng held a spear gun in his hand and a net bag on his shoulder, dragging the life raft out to sea. The wind and waves were not big today. Shi Xiaomeng stood on the life raft and floated with the waves, but his eyes were fixed on the sea.

An hour passed. Shi Xiaomeng looked at the few shrimps and crabs in the cabin. He was a little disappointed. Could it be that today's hunting mission was going to end in failure? He returned empty-handed and was laughed to death by four little women.

At this moment, Shi Xiaomeng suddenly saw a big fish swimming quickly underwater, and Shi Xiaomeng was immediately shocked.

But the fish swam very fast and disappeared quickly. Just when Shi Xiaomeng thought he had lost his chance, three or four more big fish swam quickly from the sea. This time Shi Xiaomeng saw it clearly and was overjoyed. It was grouper.

Grouper is a typical predatory carnivorous fish. It relies on its sensitive vision and ability to detect light and color, and often ferociously preys on marine life such as fish, shrimps, crabs, octopus, and even barnacles. It especially likes to eat fresh animals. It is an endangered species.

The grouper discovered by Shi Xiaomeng, whose scientific name is Grouper elegans, is one of the larger ones, generally over 1.5 meters tall, and is a high-end product among the Grouper genus.

Shi Xiaomeng recalled the little knowledge he had accumulated and immediately became excited. It seemed that his hunting season had arrived, and he was ready with a spear gun.


A few more fish swam across the seabed, their figures clearly visible

Seeing this, Shi Xiaomeng shot the spear gun into the sea.

Unfortunately, the fish was too fast. Shi Xiaomeng made a mistake in his judgment and missed the shot. He used the rope to retrieve the speargun and continued to wait.

Whoosh~~The speargun shot out again,

Damn, the shot missed again.

Shi Xiaomeng is not discouraged. Although groupers are generally solitary fish, the appearance of groups in shallow seas at this time must be in line with the famous saying in the animal world: spring is here, everything revives, and it is the time for animals to mate. season.

It may take half a day to swim across a sea area, or it may take one or two days to complete, so you have plenty of time.

Holding the spear gun in hand, Shi Xiaomeng stared at the sea water.

Suddenly, several more fish approached quickly. Shi Xiaomeng saw the opportunity this time, aimed at the big fish closest to him, and shot the spear gun accurately.

puff! The harpoon pierced the tuna's round body hard, causing the big fish to struggle and swim quickly in pain. Shi Xiaomeng held on to the rope, and was actually pulled by the big fish to slide the life raft in the sea.

After running dozens of meters away, the big fish stopped moving. Shi Xiaomeng took back his spear, and there was a big fish about three meters long stuck on it.


Shi Xiaomeng screamed happily, pulled the big fish closer, and tried to get on the life raft. Unfortunately, the life raft was too small and the grouper was too big, so one person couldn't get on it. In the end, he simply dragged the grouper to the shore. .

When he arrived at the shore, Shi Xiaomeng worked hard to drag the grouper to the shore.

What a big fish, it should weigh forty or fifty kilograms and be one meter long. The young grouper of this kind of fish is only about three or four years old.

After carrying the fish under the coconut tree and covering it with palm leaves, Shi Xiaomeng dragged the life raft back to the sea without stopping. The main course was ready, but now he still needed some side dishes.

Shi Xiaomeng once again stood on the life raft, staring hard at the water. The grouper Ishikawa let go. He often disturbed other people's humming moments, and his little brother would have his retribution.

Haha, Shi Xiaomeng laughed heartily. It seemed that God appreciated his approach. Several large lobsters lined up and swam over.


Throw down the net bag,

Yoho, you can still hide.


After four attempts in a row, Shi Xiaomeng finally caught two of them in his net and carried them directly to the life raft to continue hunting.

In this way, back and forth, we caught a grouper weighing 40 to 50 kilograms, five large lobsters, a dozen crabs, and finally, to our surprise, we caught a bluefin tuna weighing more than 20 kilograms.

After looking at the time, more than two hours had passed. Shi Xiaomeng was too tired to move. Looking at the water splashing in the distance from time to time, he murmured to himself: "Haha, the mission has finally been successfully completed, but I am so exhausted." .”

While dragging the wooden box full of harvest with a rope, thinking about the adoring eyes of the four little women after seeing the fish, or even a sweet little reward, Shi Xiaomeng embarked on his way home with great expectations...

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