Final Redemption

Vol 2 Chapter 19: Great Teacher

Three days later.

Zhao Futu led the crowd into Zhuolu, and as expected, after Dong Yan's head was sent up, although it was determined that it was not Dong Zhuo, but his younger brother Dong Zhuo, Zhang Jiao, a great teacher, was still very good. Satisfiedly reaffirmed Zhao Futu and his party. This pedestrian came to Jizhou from Nanyang Wancheng to join him, and his loyalty is naturally beyond doubt. At this time, the internal generals of the Yellow Turban Army were obviously insufficient. After several Huangjinqu handsomes died in battle, they were promoted in batches. People are imminent for Zhang Jiao!

So, Zhao Futu was entertained by Zhang Jiao that night.

After giving the wine and meat rewards to his subordinates, Zhao Futu got up to go to the banquet. Daxian's mentor did not include his corporal's thoughts, and even allocated a group of people to him. the meaning of. Therefore, the banquet tonight is probably to give him a formal status. If luck is better, maybe he can still be one of the Yellow Turbans.

This is also because there are too few generals available in the Yellow Turban Army.

His Majesty Zhang Jiao is not short of soldiers, but he lacks a general who can command troops. He has now gathered more than a million people in Zhuolu, Guangzong, and Quyang, but he does not have enough generals to train these soldiers. Even today, it is extremely high that there are 100,000 regular soldiers in the Yellow Turban Army. It is likely that there is not even this number, and most of them are nothing more than yellow scarves.

弱 The weakness of such an army is obvious. Dong Zhuo, who can be easily rescued from the three armies by Liu Guanzhang, is enough to peep at one or two.

As soon as he got out of the camp, Zhao Futu felt a peeping glance. This was not the first. After reaching Zhuolu, he noticed that there were several peeping glances around him, but these people's glances were eventually blocked by him. go back. As a monk, his innate perception is as high as 18 points. After completing the trial task, he added a little bit. After entering this space, he gained a 50% basic attribute bonus. His perception suddenly reached an amazing 29 points!

Such a high perception can be said to be a contractor who has particularly strengthened the pedigree perception ability, otherwise, few people will have a higher perception than him. Reconnaissance has the ability to suppress the same kind of peeping ability. Everyone who perceives him lower than him, as long as he glances at him when he looks at his attributes, he has a chest pain and a head and needle. In severe cases, he can even be suppressed by perception. , Followed by vomiting blood and being injured.

As a result, these people cannot detect Zhao Futu's attributes, and naturally they cannot find out whether he is the contractor who has experienced the story world several times.

There is no doubt that the contractors in these Yellow Turban camps knew that Zhao Futu was the one who got the soul, and Dong Yan's head had been sent to the camp of General Zhangjiao. It was not known at this time. He is the one who completes the hidden task, and the other contractors can basically commit themselves. Unable to view Zhao Futu's attributes, naturally these people have a little more worry. Although the other party is only one person, the most terrible person in the space is those who like to act alone and can survive multiple story worlds!

These lone rangers who can survive, without a fuel-saving lamp, are definitely one-on-one difficult!

They are more perverted than most contractors!

In the nightmare space that promotes teamwork and encourages the contractor to hold a group, these lone rangers who like to act alone must not only face various unexpected events alone, but also deal with various difficult tasks in the space , And even the peeping and greedy eyes of other team contractors. If such a person can survive the five main storyline worlds, it will definitely be a first-class horror!

At first, most of the lone rangers were forced to hold a group.

Only those who are the most stubborn and strong will be able to act alone after going through several mission spaces.

大部分 Most of these people died, but very few survived.

Other contractors like to call these solo travelers, call them-Rangers!

Uh ...............

赵 When Zhao Futu stepped into Zhangjiao's camp, he suddenly found that there were many other contractors.

The contractors of the same camp are not allowed to fight each other, otherwise it will lead to the anger of Daxian Liangshi Zhang Jiao. As for Zhang Jiao's anger, all the contractors who are present will not want to try it. No one knows how horrible the strength of this great mentor who eventually died of illness under the backwash of heaven, but as long as anyone looks at him, he will feel like looking up at the mountains.

It is said that at first, a contractor made a little thief, and then he was hacked to death by a clear sky lightning.

This is the only shot by Daxianliangshi!

When Zhao Futu stepped into the camp, his first sight was attracted by the figure in the center. He was about middle-aged, wearing a yellow wide-sleeved puffer jacket, with a fluttering hair and a refined face, but with a trace of resoluteness, and his eye sockets were deeply sunken. His eyes were like an eagle, which suddenly gave him an extraordinarily powerful look. Don't even think about it, Zhao Futu knew that this person was the legendary great mentor Zhang Jiao, who had the supreme prestige in Jizhou area!

末 In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a great disaster in the world.

The Jizhou region was even more severe. Local governments did not allow disaster relief, and powerful gentry were reluctant to open positions to save people. Eventually, the locals became starving. In this era, sanitary conditions are very poor. Once there are too many dead people, if you can't deal with them in time, it will almost immediately lead to the spread of the plague! At this time, Zhang Jiao, a great teacher, began to spread the peace and gathered hundreds of thousands of believers all at once!

History of Zhang Jiao's evaluation has been mixed, but to understand a person, it is not necessary to understand his inner thoughts, which can be seen directly from what he does.

At that time, the plague spread in Jizhou area ~ ~ No matter the heaven, the court, the nobles, so I watched the victims of the plague areas starve, die, and freeze to death one by one. The first sentence of the Yellow Scarf Uprising slogan, "The sky is dead", can only be understood by those who have actually experienced this disaster, and what is God's eyelessness. Come out the phrase 'Cangtian is dead'!

No one cares about the poor people in the deep disaster, but Zhang Jiao goes.

No one went to treat the people who were infected by the plague, but Zhang Jiao went.

建立 He established a peace road, spread the Yellow Scarf doctrine, gathered hundreds of thousands of believers, and countless die-hard followers, all of which really grew from the time when he first led his children to the plague-spreading area to treat injuries and illnesses. Under the prevailing environmental conditions, almost everyone had an unspeakable fear of the plague. In order to prevent the plague from spreading further, local officials trapped those refugees in one place and let them wait for their lives in the raging plague. !!

No one dared to go to these plague areas, no one was willing to help these people infected with the plague, but Zhang Jiao went. He not only went, he also mobilized everyone around him, first his brother, then his disciples, everywhere Run around and travel to places where there is disease and help the poor people. At the beginning of the Yellow Scarf Uprising, countless people turned their homes into sellers' property, and traveled thousands of miles away, which is the best answer to what he did not dare to do at that time!

No matter what evaluation in history, no matter if Zhang Jiao really knows Taoism, he dares to lead people to run around the plague area and rescue the suffering and wounded. He is definitely not Cao Cao who taught me to lose the world!

Alas, he failed.

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