Final Redemption

Vol 2 Chapter 20: Destiny is so! (on)

Zhao Futu stepped in, only to find that there were not many people at the banquet, but only four or five people.

There is a low table in front of him, and there is a carpet underneath, and people sit on their knees, which is slightly unaccustomed to modern people. Zhao Futu just glanced and found that all the people in it were contractors, but there were no other characters in the story except for a Zhangjiao. These contractors have different sitting postures, and they do not seem to be used to kneeling, some sit cross-legged, and some simply sit on the ground with their butts. This was a rather rude thing in this era, but Zhang Jiao didn't seem to see it at all, and it was still a gentle look like a spring breeze.

There was an aide to lead Zhao Futu to sit down next to him. His position was the first in his left hand, so that other contractors could not help looking at him with deep eyes.

The contractor who reached Zhang Jiao first step was unwilling. They still don't know why they clearly helped Zhang Jiao to win Lu Zhi and defeat Dong Zhuo, but they still have no way to get his true trust! However, this contractor who has just arrived in the Yellow Turban camp, but has only won the trust of Zhang Jiao by killing an unknown Dong Yan, and has been sealed as the general of the Yellow Turban Army.

差别 The treatment difference between the two is really too big!

How does this make them feel comfortable? How can there be no resentment in my heart?

浮 Zhao Futu kneeled on the table, and in front of him were eight dishes of wine, food and cuisine. The next one was six dishes, while the last one was four.

Those indentured were a bit wrong when they saw their faces, but they were afraid that Zhang Jiao would not come out again, but their faces were a little blue. As a modern person, their self-esteem is very strong. This kind of plain white treatment is bad. Make them easy to accept? Only two of the contractors present did not care about this, which made Zhao Futu look at them more.

A woman who is the first in her right hand looks pretty, covered with a veil, her lips are thin, and her eyebrows are long and thin. When she looks the same, she has a strong momentum, which is the greatest pressure on Zhao Futu among these people. One. She wore a large, gray cloak that wrapped almost her entire body, but even then she could notice her slender thighs at a glance.

She wears a single pony tail, the breath is full of breath, the most frightening thing for Zhao Futu is that she wears high heels under her feet!

After the contractor entered the mission space, the nightmare space modified their appearance to make them look more integrated in this era. However, the woman did not seem to accept the change in front of her. She was completely dressed up If you change your outfit, even Zhao Futu is not curious what she is wearing inside.

The woman saw Zhao Futu staring at the heels under her feet and saw a ghostly appearance, and the corner of her mouth slightly shifted away, so she ignored him.

The other is a white-faced scholar with a pale skin, just like a vampire, with a handsome and handsome face. Even from a man's point of view, he can get more than 80 points. He glanced at Zhao Futu when he came in, and then focused his attention on the wine glass in front of him, looking at his nose and nose, and looking at his heart, looking unmoved by foreign objects.

"All of you!" Zhang Jiao raised his toast, faced like a spring breeze, and smiled at the contractors at the banquet: "Jiao had everyone to help you today, breaking Lu Zhi first, and then defeating Dong Zhuo.

"Kokuji, everyone, please!"

Everyone held up the bottle and said to Zhang Jiao: "Respect the Great Teacher!"

Zhang Zhangjiao drank, looked at the number of people present, and laughed: "With the help of you, you will be able to overthrow the decaying Han court and build a peaceful world again!"

"I would like to serve the wise men and women!"

The contractors seemed to have all unified the caliber, and Zhao Futu could only follow them. There are some differences in the way of speaking in this era. He cannot determine where the difference is, but space should not deliberately embarrass them in this regard.

In fact, the banquet was just a cinematic, respected each other for a few glasses of wine, and then Zhang Jiao sealed Zhao Futu with the title of a Yellow Turban general, and then the matter was over. The other contractuals looked at each other's minds, and then stepped back one by one. Zhao Futu looked at nothing, and then retreated. But just after he went out not far, a mysterious guard suddenly emerged, and said to him, "General Huangshi, Daxianliangji is invited!"


浮 Zhao Futu took a while and then reflected that his pseudonym was called Huangshi.

He followed the mysterious guards and walked around a few corners. Then he entered a mansion and turned into a room. When he got started, he knew that it was a study. Zhang Jiao was reading on the couch cross-legged.

"Da Xianliang ..."

Zhang Zhangjiao glanced up at him, his face didn't start with the smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, but said lightly: "Sit. No need to be polite."

"I have a few words to ask you!"

浮 Zhao Futu didn't sit down, but respectfully said, "I don't know what you have to ask?"

Zhang Jiao put down the scroll, looked up and glanced at Zhao Futu, and a light flashed in his eyes, slowly saying, "They helped me defeat Lu Zhi and Dong Zhuo, but I never received such a heavy reward. You are just beheaded. I was named as a general by Dong Xiaodong, do you know why? "

When Zhao Futu heard the words, he felt countless thoughts in a blink of an eye, and after a long time, he slowly said, "I don't know."

Zhang Jiao got up and came to Zhao Futu. He was quite tall and staring sharply. He stared at Zhao Futu and said in a deep voice: "Although they are used by me, they are not for me to teach believers, let alone to build a peaceful world. It's just for a moment's benefit. "

Hearing this answer, Zhao Futu was shocked, and then he couldn't help finding that he seemed to underestimate the leader of the Yellow Turban Army.

With the thought in his head, he couldn't help but say, "How can Daxianliangshi be sure that I am not the same as them?"

Zhang Zhangjiao smiled and said slowly: "You who are my Taoists are naturally different from them."

He did not wait for Zhao Futu to respond, Zhang Jiao said, "I studied under the old fairy of Nanhua, and gave me three volumes of" Tianping Tianshu ".

"If I read correctly, what you have learned is the ancient practice of qi, which is the practice of internal practice. You should be a descendant of Zuo Ci, right?"

Zuo Ci? !!

浮 Zhao Futu stunned, and suddenly thought a bit in his head.

There must be a very important thing mentioned here. It is the heritage of the Middle-earth Taoism. One of them is Ge Hong, the author of Baopuzi. Whether this person is a cultivator or not, he has heard more or less. Ge Hong studied under his grandfather and was a character from the Three Kingdoms era, called Ge Xuan.

The key point lies in this Ge Xuan.

Because he was a disciple of Zuo Ci, a well-known figure in the Three Kingdoms era, Ge Xuan learned from Zuo Ci and received the three classics of Taiqing, Jiuding, and Jinye.

The path taken by Zhao Futu is that the jade solution is also remedy in Nei Danshu, which is similar to the practice method in "Gold Solution". The origin of Futu in Middle-earth has actually been seriously weakened since the Three Kingdoms era, because the Fufu method in "Tianping Tianshu" has basically been lost after Zhang Jiao died. Almost all the Fulu methods that were passed down from now on!

Zhang Zhangjiao saved the world and saved the people in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and led his disciples to the plague area. His followers either healed by Fuyu, or failed to survive.

Regardless of the legend of true and false history, one thing that cannot be denied is that Zhang Jiao had indeed rescued many people infected with the disease and the plague at that time. Otherwise, there would be no thirty-six people who grew rapidly, more Not so many people are willing to sell all their family members to join the family! Even at the modern scientific level, it is impossible to cure all diseases, and to be able to treat people infected with the plague under the ancient sanitary conditions, who dares to say that Zhang Jiao is pretending to be a god?

Who could do better than the plague that spread from the dead in that era?

Uh ...............

浮 Zhao Futu took a deep breath and slowly said, "I don't know what Daxianliang wants to ask?"

Zhang Zhangjiao had a somber face and closed her eyes for a moment before thinking slowly: "You and them are the same kind of people! Fate is not in heaven!"

浮 Zhao Futu did not speak, but his wrists shook a bit.

Zhang Jiao didn't notice this ~ ~ Instead, with a hint of loneliness, he slowly said: "Although they use it for me, they have two hearts in their hearts! At night they gather to discuss matters , But I do n’t know where my magical powers are, and I am in my ears within a mile! ”

他们 "They once said that, according to history, I will be sick and die after February, and the Yellow Turban Uprising will also be suppressed by the Han court! More than 100,000 people will be killed and injured!"

Suddenly, Zhang Zhangjiao's eyes burst into a terrifying light, shouting, "Is this true or false !?"

At this moment, his whole momentum changed, and a huge pressure immediately shrouded Zhao Futu, and the unpredictable terror power even condensed a flash of lightning behind him! There was a sudden warning sound in the nightmare space, but before the time to send out the warning message, it seemed that it was suppressed by some horrible force and was directly isolated from the room!

If Zhao Futu opens the property page at this moment, he will find that the property page is blank at this moment.

However, he doesn't have that much thought at all now, because if there is any golden light in Zhang Jiao's eyes, he has locked his mind. He has no doubt that if he said even a few false words, Zhang Jiao The flash of lightning condensed in the void behind him will split himself into a coke without hesitation, and even his own soul may not be able to escape!

I live and die.

——Just in one thought! !! !!

Uh ...............

(I write these two chapters slowly, and I dare not write too fast. I can only write a little bit after careful consideration, because I will not write too many plots in the Three Kingdoms, but since I have written, I must write What makes it a bit brilliant. Everyone considers the floating slaughter. Let me write slowly in the past two days, and think about it a little more time.

更 There is one more today. )

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