Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

152. Chain reaction, global collapse!

Amoy stocks in the hot money group.

Alliance Leader Zhang looked at the drop in Big A today and sighed: "Oh my God, this Big A collapsed to the point of fuse, really witnessing history!! 35

I have lingering fears when I invest in stocks to support my family: "Fortunately, fortunately, today's bidding stopped at the limit and ran away, and then went short to watch the show, today's market, killing leeks one after another!! 35

It is also stupid to drop out of school to speculate in stocks: "I know this rule is ridiculous, but I don't know that it will cause such a big lethality to the market, it's horrible!!

Fang Xinxia said: "I'm afraid today's decline is not final, there will be a more ruthless sell-off tomorrow!"

Brother Zhao: "It's numb, I didn't believe in evil today, and I bought 5 million dips, but I was buried on the limit-down board, buried dead."

Many retail investors looked at the market that had completely melted.

The anger in my heart can be imagined.

"Damn, it's the first time I've been off work early like this for so many years!!

"Haha, is it okay for Dapan to leave work early!?

"Trash plate, eating shit!

"Who's out of the mind rules, I'm taking 04!!

"It's gone, it's gone, Big A can't change this virtue for many years!"

"It's a loss, everyone is going to be stupid."

Even institutions, fund managers.

Also complained about it.

But they dare not say it publicly.

This is taboo.

Big A's drop, terrifying fuse.

Almost all the colleagues in the financial industry all over the world are looking at it!

Some financial bigwigs who are long, even gritted their teeth: "When our stock market opens, close the position for me and sell it short!"

"Damn, this wave of big A's fuse will make us lose a lot of money!


Why do these big guys think that they are going to lose money when they see the big A fuse!

Because all finance is one family, and it has a conduction effect.

This has been shown from the ancient eagle sauce subprime mortgage crisis.

In the most recent terms, it was in the middle of 15 years.

When the big A plummeted, it fell with the world.

And now such a circuit breaker of Big A will lead to a global stock market crash, which is foreseeable.

Inside Xuanyuan Capital.

Ye Xuan was sitting in the office, quietly watching the big A from opening to melting.

He didn't say a word.

This lesson has only just begun!

Its impact will be felt throughout the year.

These are all setbacks on the way to the growth of the big A stock market, and they are the only way to go.

It's just pity for those leeks, if they didn't make a risk plan, they would be full of rushes today, I'm afraid they will peel off their skins.

And on the leverage, I am afraid that a big bite of meat will be cut.

If he admits the truth and bears it, then the liquidation is not far away from him.

within the company.

All the employees are also staring at today's market.

There are also various comments in the market.

In everyone's mind, there is only one thought: "Mr. Ye is too good!!"

In 2015, Ye Xuan has been short-selling big A since he finished the Huaguo Magic Car.

Then came the big A leveraged bull market crash!

After that, he moved to the eagle sauce market, killing both long and short, and all kinds of operations took off.

Even though Big A seemed to have stabilized, he was still unmoved.

Even a few people who spread unrest in the army were fired.

Now, it's raining and sunny.

The fuse of Big A shocked all the employees from beginning to end.


Is this the power of the Prophecy Emperor!!?

Is this the man who founded Xuanyuan Capital and made hundreds of billions of dollars from the eagle sauce market?


on Weibo.

The news of the meltdown of the big A stock market.

It has already flown to the top of the hot search.

And Ye Xuan's Weibo was also commented by many people.

"Mr. Ye, please accept it!!

"I cried, I always thought that Ye was always a rookie, but now it seems that since the day when Mr. Ye was empty, Big A has been cheating the gun, and I have lost all my money!! 35

"I've decided, I'll be short tomorrow, when the prophecy emperor says rush, I'll re-enter!!

"5555! Mr. Ye, we lost money today, the market has melted, and we have all hit the limit!!"

"I don't know which dog came up with the fuse, I'm really convinced!!

"Today all staff lost money, Da A is really green!!

"The first day of the new year was so uncomfortable, I vomited.

And Ye Xuan.

He was also looking at the messages.

But he didn't say a word.

He'll say it when it's time to say it.

Now, not yet.

In the afternoon, the big A dragon and tiger list was full of institutional sales.

There are very few takers.

This makes the panic even more intensified!!

Tomorrow, it is estimated that there will not be a few retail investors who will bid by the limit.

But now, it's the opening of the European and African markets.

Ye Xuan didn't even have to watch this opening, it was full of blood!!

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the Eagle Sauce stock market opened.

Ye Xuan was sitting on the boss chair, watching the trend of the stock market in Eagle sauce.

It is clear.

Even the hawk sauce market cannot ignore the plunge in Big A.

The opening is a gap and open low, and then open low and go low.

Exactly what Ye Xuan had in mind.

And today's Dow crash, but the third time below the annual line.

It fell below the annual line three times, coupled with the impact of bad news that the big A920 was so blown.

It is foreseeable that Eagle sauce will enter a wave of technical bear market.

Although this bear market may be short-lived.

But it can still make Ye Xuan make a lot of money!!

You don't need to look at other heavyweight stocks at all. Today, the Dow fell sharply, and the heavyweight stocks will not get better at all.

On the contrary, it is three times shorting the Dow, S&P, Nasdaq and other stock index ETFs.

Its increase has shocked the traders to the point that their eyes are almost out.

Triple short the Dow ETF, up +19%!

Triple short S&P ETF, up +20%!

Triple short Nasdaq ETF, up +24%!

A few days ago, Ye Xuan let them in $2 billion.

Now, with this 2 billion dollars, you can easily earn 20 points!

That's $400 million.

How much is $400 million?

This is 2.4 billion soft sister coins.

Ordinary people get this money, I'm afraid they can't spend it all their life!

This is just a random wave of Ye Xuan's actions.

In this market, it is more of a casual operation by some people, which leads to their own liquidation and loses all their money!!

Today, or these two days.

Liquidation will continue to occur.

The global crash will continue!

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