Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

153. The world loses money, Ye Xuan makes a lot of money!!?

In today's era of globalization.

The collapse of the financial system in any one region will lead to a chain reaction in other regions.

For example, in the case of the circuit breaker on the big A side, it is not only the retail investors of the big A who lose money.

Some of the hot money and institutions who have the courage to take over today are still losing money and don't know them.

Coupled with some people who have leveraged and liquidated their positions, they can't even sell today.

Tomorrow, it will directly sell tickets to the limit-down order.

What can be met is that tomorrow's low opening, 50% of the tickets will be opened on the limit-down board!

And this has led to some people's liquidation.

Among the people who exploded their positions, there were many bigwigs from other countries.

Don't think that they are very good at investing in stocks. They are also leeks, but these leeks are more resistant to cutting.

When they liquidate their positions, or are on the verge of liquidation, they need to sell tickets from their own countries to make up for the positions here.

Once the margin cannot be filled, it will cause liquidation.

And if you sell tickets in your own country, will others not sell them?

This is how a chain reaction happens!

Even the Eagle Sauce Market couldn't hold it anymore, so one can imagine what other markets should do.

Xuanyuan Capital Trading Room.

Several traders couldn't hide their joy.

So cool!!

When is the best time to vote?

It's not that other people make money, I also make money.

But when others lose money, I make money!

This is to pull the contrast level to the full level!!

Especially Ye Xuan broke into such a volume of funds.

More than 100 billion US dollars, the whole warehouse is short the eagle sauce market.

The results of it?

Big A's circuit breaker soon spread to the world!!

What can be met is that this stock market-level crisis will not last for a short time.

That is to say.

They are going to make a huge profit!!

"Look, it's falling again!!

"This yin line is too fierce, it should be someone else's liquidation. 々! 35

"I have to say, the eagle sauce people play stocks, the leverage is really ruthless!

"Break up the stock, although it is very inhuman to say that, but what is humane to say in the Eagle Sauce Market, we are here to cut the leeks!! Haha!!

"Mizzy, this is so comfortable."

These traders are sitting at the computer, carefully staring at every move of the K-line of various stocks on the screen.

Every now and then, I look back at Ye Xuan, and my eyes are full of admiration!

This year, Ye Xuan used his strength to conquer these traders from head to toe!

All members of Xuanyuan Capital are boiling.

Looking at the tickets in the warehouse, most of them have already made a profit of +4%!

The empty army is very powerful!!

But the village chief was not happy.

All day today, they were busy wrapping up the circuit breaker.

"Tell me, what do you think about this fuse today?"

"How else can we look at it, the market has told us the answer, the circuit breaker is not feasible!"

"I think today is just everyone's panic, and it will be fine in two days."

"I heard that Ye Xuan of Xuanyuan Capital called the village chief and said about this matter. He seemed to express his objections.""

"Tomorrow should continue to open lower, big A can't collapse like this, we must find a really favorable strategy!

"What can I do? Should I cancel it?"

"Just released yesterday and canceled today, what do you think!?"

"Then will this market keep collapsing? In the long run, which shareholder will dare to enter the market, and which company will be able to raise funds after it goes public?

"Two more days!

The discussion about the circuit breaker of the big A today broke up unhappily.

Around 10pm.

The net value of public funds has also been updated.

Many people who have bought a fund are afraid to look at the net value of the fund today.

The stock market has collapsed like this, and it has melted down. I'm afraid this fund will also collapse into a wreck!!?

But some people still bite the bullet.

This look.

His face instantly filled with joy.

What fund did he buy?

Regulus Global Mix!

"Fuck, I didn't expect Mr. Ye's fund to be able to play so well. Even if the world crashes and the big A melts down, it can get 7 points in the red!! It's too fierce!! 35


Today's [Xuanyuan Global Mix] is still going its own way, the red plate +7%!

This is like a miracle when all other funds are green or even plummeting!

Others are also coming more and more to look at their own funds.

You must know that many Christians will not only buy one fund, they will spread their positions and hold positions by industry.

But today, no industry can do it.

Big A has broken a fart, and it is divided into industries??

Now it can only be divided between those who bought Xuanyuan Capital's public offering fund, and those who did not buy Xuanyuan Capital's public offering fund!

"`~ Hahahaha, it's so cool!! Laozi Mancang [Xuanyuan Global Mix], today is a huge profit!!

"When others lose money, I make money, and I feel like my vanity is full, so quickly take a screenshot and send it to a circle of friends!""

"Damn, I already knew I was full of studs, look what this is called today, card face!!

"My Lion Fund, Medical Fund, Liquor Fund, and Energy Fund all fell by more than 5 points. Fortunately, I bought some [Xuanyuan Global Mix], and it was considered a hedge!!"

"It turns out that Mr. Ye's fund is for hedging!! I laughed so hard!"

"Not much to say, now sell other funds immediately, full of studs and Xuanyuan Global Mix!"

"You only realized it now? You want me to say that Mr. Ye is a man who must stand at the top of the world's financial industry in the future!"

After these people finished speaking below the fund message.

He even went to the (promised) battlefield and started to go to Ye Xuan's Weibo to show his respect.

"Mr. Ye is invincible, mighty and domineering!"

"Mr. Ye is too strong, I admit that I didn't have a full warehouse, you are my mistake in vision!!

"I'm crying when I bought other public funds today, only Mr. Ye's fund is smiling every day!

"What I regret the most now is that I didn't buy it on the first day, or else I would earn a year's salary!"

More and more people came to leave messages.

It also attracted some retail investors who only like to do stocks, thinking about buying in their hearts.

Or, split half of the positions to invest in Mr. Ye's fund?

This looks so hilarious!

The cohesion of confidence in Ye Xuan is in this subtle way, which is mythical!

Immediately afterwards, news of a fund named [Xuanyuan Global Mixed] soaring also quietly appeared on Weibo's hot search.

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