Fire is King

Chapter 096

Fall in love with your reading network, fire is king

Gao Guang is already three into Tijuana, this time he still drove to the car, took out the passports of the three people, and passed the checkpoint without checking.

Entering Tijuana is simply like entering his own backyard, but Gao Guang still didn’t take his own gun, not even body armor, why, or because his gun was too good.

Rifles are expensive, pistols are more precious, although it is said that it can definitely be brought to Mexico, but Gao Guang is afraid that he will not be able to bring it back.

So how to solve the problem of weapons, simple, especially simple.

Go borrow.

Frank and they came to Tijuana to run errands with weapons provided by Pete, the middleman.

Tijuana’s private security companies are not too many, there are probably hundreds of legal ones, and a few people get together as bodyguards, and I don’t even know how many there are without a certificate.

The important thing is that these security companies have all kinds of weapons.

Gao Guang found the address given by Danny, a rather informal-looking security company, with a door face on the street, a signboard on the door, and in the cabin sat an uncle, fifty or sixty years old, dark, with a big belly, a mustache, wearing a T-shirt and shorts, blowing a ceiling fan in a street hut without air conditioning, sitting on a white plastic chair, looking quite happy.

Gao Guang repeatedly confirmed that the address and name are correct, then you can only go forward and try.


Gao Guang didn’t know what to say, he and the chubby uncle looked at each other, and after finding that the other party didn’t mean to talk to him, he could only bite the bullet and continue: “I’ll get something.”

“Speaking English, what do you want.”

The uncle put down the radio in his hand and looked at Gao Guang very intently, Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, and whispered: “I’ll get something.”

“You know, I asked you what you wanted.”

I want a gun, but the problem is that such a question and answer is too imprecise, isn’t it necessary to confirm the identity or something, Gao Guang can’t say that I came to get a gun.

Gao Guang said cautiously, “Do you know who I am?”

The uncle looked at Gao Guang, looked at Mike, and then looked at John, and said, “I know, I asked you what you want!”

Without speaking Spanish, John stepped forward and said, “You have to say something first!”

The uncle shrugged his shoulders and said, “Generally speaking, what you want, what we provide, do you want me to make a list for you to choose?”

John pouted: “Okay, then give me the Colt M4A1, ten full magazines, not bulk bullets, but Remington’s bullets, but also a Glock 17, three full magazines, a box of bullets, but also four grenades, four shock bombs, two smoke grenades, a body armor, the kind with ceramic bulletproof plates on the front, back and sides, walkie-talkie, low-light thermal imaging dual-mode night vision device, that’s all.”

The uncle looked at Gao Guang lazily and said, “What about you?”

“I’m going to… Is there a 416?


“Does the Seeg P320 have one?”

“Yes, don’t ask the same question, just say what you want.”

“Uh, HK416, six full magazines, two SIG P320 pistols, six full magazines, body armor, night vision and, of course, walkie-talkies.”

The uncle looked at Mike, and Mike said with a worried look: “Is it okay if I don’t have a gun license?”

The uncle was sluggish at first, and then he looked at John and said with an incredulous expression: “Is there something wrong with this child?”

John pouted, and Mike smiled disinterestedly, “Then give me a handful… Uh, let me think, I’ve been thinking,

But always think badly.

Gao Guang whispered, “Just choose the gun you can use.”

Mike said in a daze: “Ah, I want to think, I don’t have many opportunities to use a gun, it turns out that I used a pistol, a friend gave it to me, well, let me think…”

No need to think about it, Gao Guang said to the uncle: “Give him a safer gun, the kind that can’t be fired in bursts, but the body armor is better, with shoulder and neck protection, as well as crotch protection, the larger the coverage area, the better, not afraid of weight, the main body position must be who level four protection level of the kind.”

Mike said urgently, “At least give me a pistol.”

The uncle sighed and looked at Mike: “I thought he was the kind of person who rushed with a machine gun, but I didn’t expect …”

Standing up, the uncle sighed and left, Mike looked angry, and said to the uncle: “I’m a star, a star, you don’t understand, how can I play a machine gun as a star.”

Gao Guang would rather Mike not have a gun in his hand than give Mike a gun that he can’t use, especially a machine gun that can fire in bursts and has a lot of recoil.

John sighed lightly: “Rookie, alas, one can only pistol, not a single pistol, really … I’m stressed with you guys, and you two should go to training.

Gao Guang also knew that he should go to practice, and Mike should practice even more, but he didn’t run out of time.

“I’ll train when I get back, but what about our guns? This old man just left, how can we take our guns?

John said helplessly: “How do I know, I am ready to use a broken gun, even if there are several bullet holes in the body armor, I will not, will not…” The old man pushed a small cart out, he said slowly: “The equipment you want is here, all the guns are almost new, the body armor is brand new, it is guaranteed that you have not

been hit by the gun, you can inspect the goods or take them directly, someone has explained that you don’t need to pay, and you don’t have to pay a deposit, However, if something is broken and lost, it is okay to compensate according to the price.

John was stunned: “There really is everything, so do you have bazookas, do you have mines?”

“Yes, do you want it?”

John was stunned for a while, but finally shook his head and said, “Let’s talk about it when you need it, goodbye.” Looking

at John was also very shocked, after moving the things on the cart to the cart, Gao Guang was very puzzled: “Why, haven’t you experienced this before?”

John whispered: “The war was not so powerful before, we used to go to a new place, what is the use, now the war has its own arsenal in Tijuana, what to give, it is simply crazy.”

“What do you want to give?”

Mike picked up a gun and said with a blank look: “Then what is this?” A

Remington 870 pump-action shotgun, just that kind of pull, click, and then hit a large troll, is a person can use, do not need to aim, aimed at just hit the fool’s weapon, novice gospel, home essentials.

John smiled, he nodded and said: “That armorer is good, he gave you the most suitable weapon, listen, you rush to the front, when you need to fire, just use this to see people directly over.”

Mike said with a bitter expression: “But this reloading is very slow…”

“It’s okay, there are seven bullets in it, and if you don’t die after seven bullets, the battle is over.”

Mike thought for a moment with a calm face, and then he finally picked up a pistol and said, “At least he gave me a pistol, this is Glock 17?”

John laughed: “It’s a .45 caliber Glock 21, at least the caliber of this gun matches your appearance, take it, you use it quite suitably.”

Mike suddenly became happy, he raised his pistol, and said very smugly: “Actually, I still use a pistol, and I have the opportunity to let you see it.”

The things were put into the trunk, Gao Guang took out his mobile phone and called Danny, and after the call was connected, he whispered: “We got the things, what should we do now” ”

Wait for news, just find a place to live and keep the phone open.”

Danny just said a word before hanging up.

Gao Guang shook his head at John and said, “There is no clear goal, let’s wait for news, let’s find a place to live first.”

John said with disdain: “I tell you, Patloff must have been deliberately let go by Danny, this guy is unscrupulous in order to make a big business, believe it or not, Danny must be staring at Patloff now, just waiting for him to come to Tijuana.”

“If Danny really has his eyes on Patloff, why would he want us to come to Tijuana?” Why mobilize so many people, he could have done everything with the least number of people.

John sneered: “It’s too simple, make a serious and busy look for the boss to see, Renato spent so much money, Danny took the task on the front foot, and he could kill Graev when he turned around, doesn’t that mean that he has been fooling Renato.”

There is an idiom called raising self-respect, which means that if there is no enemy, then create an enemy yourself, so as to ensure the importance and necessity of the existence of the force group, so John’s suspicion is reasonable, but Gao Guang thought about it, he felt that Danny should not deliberately let Patlov go in order to make short-term tasks into long-term tasks, after all, it is a little immoral to do so.

John likes to speculate about Danny’s intentions from malicious intentions, but Gao Guang is reluctant to think so, he thinks Danny should still have a very professional ethic, UU reads books It shouldn’t be like that.

Looking at Gao Guang’s disapproving look, John frowned, “Why, you don’t believe it?” If Danny called tonight and told him exactly where Patrov was, he had arranged this, would you admit it?

Gao Guang smiled bitterly: “Well, if he can accurately say Patrov’s location, it means that he really deliberately let Patlov go, but if…”

The phone rang, Gao Guang connected the call, and then listened to Danny whisper: “I sent you a location, now rush over immediately, and someone will tell you what to do when you get there.”

Gao Guang said urgently: “Wait a minute, I always have to know what to do before I can decide whether to take it or not, if it is too dangerous work, we may not take it.” Gao

Guang is not Danny’s subordinate, he is here to do odd jobs, but he always has to know how much money to give and what to do.

Danny did not mean to hide it, he said very directly: “Patlov has arrived in Tijuana, his speed is very fast, much earlier than I expected, now my people are following him, if you can follow and find Glayev, then you will do it directly, you will give 100,000 when you go to do it, successfully killed Glayev, no matter who killed you will give you 300,000, now is not the time to bargain, you just say that you can’t go.”

Without much hesitation, Gao Guang immediately said, “Okay, let’s go.”

Hanging up the phone, Gao Guang looked at John and whispered, “It’s really right for you.”

John didn’t have a smug expression on his face, he just said indifferently: “Let’s go, don’t delay time, you won’t give money if you go late.” ”

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