Fire is King

Chapter 097

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, firepower is king

today is a busy day.

went out to work in the morning, and then began to rush from Los Angeles to Tijuana in the afternoon, and by the evening, he had arrived in Tijuana and received a full set of combat equipment.

< p "content_detail"> Then, not long after getting the combat equipment, the front called and said that they would wait for news, and within a few minutes, they immediately called and said that they needed their support.

this compact to the extreme action line, compressed to the extreme time, so that Danny needs the help of the highlight, otherwise, even if Danny is given an extra hour, I am afraid that he does not need to highlight their help.

Now Gao Guang can’t believe that everything happens naturally, he can only think that as John said, Danny deliberately let Patloff go, and then, because of the parking receipt he found, Danny completed the negotiations with Renato in the shortest possible time, and immediately sent people to Tijuana, the difference is to track Patrov into a preset ambush waiting for Patloff, from a simple tracking to a preset ambush.

I don’t know what to say, Gao Guang now feels quite complicated, from a purely business point of view, Danny’s approach is to maximize profits, but if it comes to work ethics, then Danny is a little lacking in morality.

< "content_detail" > “I’ve told you many times, for people like Danny, you always have to guard against him, lest you be sold by him without knowing it…”

< "content_detail" >John was still chattering, but now Gao Guang felt that John was a little annoyed for the first time.

until the car drove to the main road near the border checkpoint, and Gao Guang turned on the walkie-talkie and started calling at Danny’s frequency, which made John finally shut his mouth.

“The king calls the hound, received please answer, finished.” Remember the URL

car continued to drive forward, and after ten seconds, Gao Guang held the walkie-talkie again and said: “The king calls the hound, please answer when you receive it, it’s over.”

continued to call like this, and on the seventh time, a stinging voice suddenly sounded on the intercom: “Hound received, roundabout near the Tijuana Real Hotel, get closer to me as soon as possible, finish.”

King received, finished.”

tracking is mobile, Gao Guang’s meeting place is also mobile, so after using the radio to get in touch, Gao Guang first looked at the navigation on the phone, and then checked his location, and immediately said: “There is a roundabout in front of us… No, it surpassed, we overpassed, turned backwards.

highway is northwest and southeast, highlight they are driving from south to north, now need to turn around and go south, but the problem is that there is a wide green belt separating the two roads, and you can’t turn around.

< P "content_detail" > now John is driving, after hearing Gao Guang’s words, he calmed down and said, “Don’t worry, you can’t rush at this time.”

John drove forward a section in a regular manner, turned around the roundabout, changed to the opposite road in a regular manner, and then continued towards the place where the highlight was directed.

two kilometers in a straight line, the signal is a little poor, and the contact is lost.”

Gao Guang was a little impatient, and John was still very calm: “Normal, the electromagnetic environment in the urban area is too complicated, there are many buildings, and it is normal to lose signal at this distance.”

the car accelerated, and gradually, a call suddenly came from the intercom.

“Hound calls the king, done.”

< the person who called > “content_detail” looked extremely irritated, and Gao Guang hurriedly said: “The king has received it, it’s done.” ”

“The fox is driving at high speed along the main line from north to south, and catch up as soon as possible.”

“The king understands, finished.”

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang looked at John, who exhaled and said, “Well, it seems that it is only us.” ?”

” means that only we can help, otherwise why do you think that the hound will take the initiative to call us, if there are a lot of people, then the hounds will not call us specifically.”

< p "content_detail" At this >point, John suddenly frowned: “It seems that something is wrong, if Danny planned everything in advance, it should not be so few people.”

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang hurriedly said: “Don’t care why, let’s catch up!” ”

“No, it’s not like this, we’re keeping the right direction now, if we’re too fast, then we may cause unnecessary trouble, such as serious speeding or car accidents, then we can’t get there, now we don’t want to rush to the battle right away, we are the role of the tracker, so we have to be stable, to ensure that we can’t be exposed, listen, the tracker is not fast, and it is much more important to be able to continue to chase than simply fast.”

< p "content_detail"> this is probably a matter of words, and John goes out of his way to explain how to do it, but also to tell him why he is doing it.

speed up a little, but still at a reasonable level, Gao Guang is indeed anxious, but after hearing John say why, he can press his inner irritability, and leave everything to John.

At this moment, the walkie-talkie suddenly said again: “The hound calls the king, answer quickly, it’s over!”

King received, finished.”

“The fox suddenly turned around! He was going against the road and I couldn’t chase it! The fox goes against the road from south to north…”

, suddenly slammed the steering wheel to the left, kicked the brakes, did not wait for the car to stop completely, but after reaching the limit speed required for the car to turn around, he turned directly to the opposite lane.

walkie-talkie still hurriedly said: “The fox drove to the right lane, he is anti-tracking, we can’t chase anymore, a black Toyota Senna MPV, license plate number F55_HTT, can it take over tracking?” Hurry up and tell me if I can take over the tracking!

Gao looked at John dumbfounded, and John whispered, “What are you doing, tell him that we are waiting for the fox to pass.”

Experience is particularly important at this time, if Mike is driving, he may have raced more than 100 kilometers per hour on the streets of Tijuana, may have caught up with the hound in front, but also lost the opportunity to track the fox, or, has been discovered by the fox behind someone.

Gao Guang picked up the walkie-talkie, John said urgently: “Put it down, he can hear it, put the walkie-talkie on his lap and say, now don’t do any actions that may be exposed!”

put the intercom on his leg, making it impossible to see the angle of the walkie-talkie outside the car window, Gao Guang pressed the signal transmission button, and said urgently: “The king received, we have completed the turn, now drive south to north, wait for the fox to pass, the license plate number has been received, finished.”

somehow Gao Guang was very nervous now, even more nervous than when he was about to storm a house that he knew had enemies.

” Hound received, very good, very good … We’re looking for a place to turn around, and now you’re the primary tracker, we’ll work with you to track it, and we’re done.

Hound’s words revealed a strong sense of gratitude, but Gao Guang was even more nervous, he couldn’t help but turn his head to look at the left window, then John said: “Look ahead, don’t look around, suddenly turn around and go against the road and accelerate these are common methods to get rid of tracking, Patlov may not necessarily find that someone is following, but we must be fine, wait for him to overtake us, you don’t have to look left and right, it’s useless.

highlighted looking ahead, the walkie-talkie on his lap, and then, he saw a black Senna overtaking from the left side, the speed was not very fast.

the license plate number is correct, the model is also correct, and if Patrov is really in the car, then he is using a U-turn to test whether someone is following behind him.

< "content_detail" > John finally tensed up, and he said in a trembling voice: “Inform the hounds that we are following.”

highlight their car is a Volkswagen sedan, also Tijuana’s license plate, which is one of the most common models on the streets of Tijuana, and will definitely not attract anyone’s attention if it does not behave particularly abnormally.

< P "content_detail" > Gao Guang did not pick up the walkie-talkie, he just put it on his lap and said: “The king called the hound, we followed the fox, driving south to north, finished.”

< "content_detail" Mike > in the back seat, he suddenly said, “So we’re tracking?” Guys, this is exciting! I haven’t lived so much excitement as I do today!

< "content_detail" > didn’t have time to pay attention to Mike, Gao Guang involuntarily lowered his voice and said to John: “Should we call Danny for help?” Can we keep up with Patlov alone?

” is not easy to say, the best way now is to take over the tracking, someone is waiting in front, someone is waiting in the neighborhood around the left and right, but this requires a lot of manpower and vehicles, and someone also needs to coordinate the command, only the police can do it, I think Danny can’t do it even if he wants to.”

< p "content_detail" After > finished speaking, John suddenly said: “It’s not right, if Danny prepared in advance, why shouldn’t he fall into a situation where we need to follow, now I don’t understand this matter, he didn’t follow Patloff all the time?” Is it possible?

stared at the car in front of him, now there are already three cars between the Senna and them, the distance is about a hundred meters, there is no intersection ahead, but if there is an intersection turned, it is easy to follow.

It’s nine o’clock at night, and there are quite a few cars on the main road in Tijuana, but wait a little longer, and at ten o’clock, the number of cars on the road begins to decrease significantly, it will be difficult to follow like this.

In short, it is very difficult to keep track all the time, but Gao Guang really does not want to lose people in front of his eyes.

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang said nervously: “Just follow like this?”

” Patlov will counter-track, he is not a rookie, in a moment he will drive to a remote and uninhabited path, if we continue to follow behind it will be exposed, then everything will be over, UU read www.uukanshu. com So all we have to do is inform the location in a timely manner, and luck will do the rest.


< p "content_detail" > John nodded and said: “If you have strength, you can only rely on luck, the hounds behind us should now change the road, predict where Patlov may go, and then wait for Patlov in front, but this is too difficult, and there is almost no technical feasibility, So it’s just luck.

Since he has to rely on luck, Gao Guang has some confidence, because he feels that he has had good luck recently.

—— off-topic ——

The process and the result are important, the entanglement is committed, hesitated for a long time, or write the process….

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