Fire is King

Chapter 098

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, firepower is king

follow the car in front, always maintaining a short distance, But if you follow it for too long, it is estimated that you will still be recognized.

“I have a question, find Graev and give a million, kill Glayev and give 10 million, so if we follow this car and find Glayev, can we get a million?”

Gao Guang’s question was asked very well, and Mike was also interested immediately, and said urgently: “Yes, if you find Glayev, you will give a million, do we count this?”

< "content_detail," John > said with a gloomy look. “Ah, doesn’t count?”

“Why doesn’t it count, why doesn’t it count?”

< p "content_detail" > John said lightly: “Finding Glayev means that under the premise that Danny and they don’t know at all, you provided Glayev’s location, this news is worth a million dollars, but now it is Danny’s people who are tracking Patlov, and we help track Patlov, So this is not worth a million dollars, understand?

still sounds reasonable and fair, but Gao Guang will definitely be a little disappointed, and he immediately said: “Then what if we kill Glayev?” Give ten million?

John sighed, and Gao Guang immediately understood.

“That is, kill Graev and not give 10 million?”

” is obvious,

It was Danny who provided information, we followed up, so we were part of the whole operation, then in the end, even if we found Glayev and killed Glayev, it was not done by ourselves, but the result of teamwork, so 10 million is definitely not there, but if there is no help from anyone else, only the three of us killed Glayev, then even if there is not 10 million, at least 7 million must be given, which is probably what it is.

< "content_detail" Mike > approached Gao Guang and whispered: “Boss, how about we three try?”

Li Ling Zhi faint, and now Gao Guang began to seriously consider whether it was time to take it down after finding Glayev.

“Ha, you’re so cute, you both are cute.”

< p "content_detail" > in John’s mouth, cute is by no means a positive word, and he said in an extremely disdainful tone: “Before you start using your imagination, please show me the map and see if there are easy escape paths nearby.”

Gao Guangguang picked up his mobile phone, enlarged the map and looked at it, and then he said helplessly: “I can’t see it on this map…”

the road is large and small, but it can not be seen that there are more cars and fewer cars, John is helpless, and said: “Call the hound, ask him if he can predict it.” ”

the king calls the hound, can he judge which way the fox will go, finished.”

” Hounds received, can’t accurately judge, but there are three lines that are perfect as anti-tracking routes, king, you guys have tracking experience, don’t you? Complete.

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang looked at John, who made a little gesture with his hand and said, “It’s just that I have done tracking work with others, and I’m not very good at it, ask the Hound how many of them there are, and I may need to cooperate with them later.”

“We have experience in tracking, but we are not very good at it, hounds, a few of you, what equipment is there, finished.”

“two people, no guns, done.”

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang was a little surprised, John sighed lowly, and said, “There is no helper.”

< "content_detail," Mike said cheerfully> “Good, no one is robbing us of money.”

John suddenly took a kick on the brakes, and the speed slowed down a little, but after he saw that Patlov’s car did not drive down the main road, he immediately said: “You call Danny now and ask him if Graev has any gangsters in Tijuana.”

Gao Guang immediately called Danny, and when Danny connected, he whispered urgently: “We are following Patloff, the bottle cap asked me to ask you if Graev has a familiar gangster in Tijuana?”

close to Los Angeles and Tijuana, where Graev started out as a gangster, and it was almost impossible not to deal with Mexican gangsters.

< p "content_detail" > Danny immediately said: “Still checking, Graev also does the Cocaine business in Los Angeles, he should have a stable source of goods and transportation channels, and the source of goods can only be on the Mexican side, but at present, the relationship between Graev and the Tijuana gang is very poor, they have no cooperative relationship, only hostile relations.” , which confuses me.

investigation against Graev should have been going on for some time, and if it has not been found now, it may really be a gangster who did not cooperate with Glayev.

< "content_detail" > John said angrily: “If you don’t know, forget it, there is nothing to say.”

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang didn’t hurry to hang up the phone, he said to Danny: “We’re following Patloff, but it’s too difficult, you have to find someone to help us quickly.”

“The fastest person will arrive in twenty-seven minutes, and many more people will be there in an hour, you guys hold on, please hold on, give me twenty-five minutes, I’ll be able to send people over!”

Danny have accurate time to the minute, which shows two things, one is that he really has no one, and the other is that he is indeed adjusting people.

< "content_detail" > hung up the phone, and Gao Guang said suspiciously: “Aren’t there thousands of people in the War Group?” Why can’t dozens of people be sent?

” thousands of people are in their posts, and most of them are in the Middle East and Afghanistan, and Danny can quickly deploy a team of two hundred people to protect Renato, but the job of hunting down and killing Graev is dirty work, and people who do dirty work need absolute reliability and ability, On these two conditions, do you think people are still so easy to find?

explained Gaoguang’s doubts in his busy schedule, John suddenly turned a turn and drove the car off the main road, and then he said urgently: “Patlov suddenly turned, tell the hound!”

“The king calls the hound, the fox turned” quickly looked at the map, and Gao Guang continued: “The fox drove to the roundabout of the Lille Hotel, he is returning along the same road, finished.

Gao Guang ended the call, and John said with a solemn face: “Trouble, I think Patloff is waiting for someone.” and others?”

and others to pick him up, if Grayev sends someone to pick him up, then we are unlikely to continue to follow, if Patlov does not continue to drive, but keeps going in circles along the roundabout, then it is basically certain.”

this situation Gao Guang definitely doesn’t know how to solve it, John doesn’t seem to have much to do, as for Mike, he still forget it.

< p "content_detail"> but after Patlov’s car made a circle along the roundabout, it turned straight and drove out, and John’s car was just enough to turn, and if it was a little more, he could only continue to move forward and could not turn and continue to follow.

< "content_detail" > Patlov’s car sped up a little, and Gao Guang suddenly said: “He won’t be going to the Lille Hotel, right?”

< "content_detail" > John said suspiciously: “Impossible, it can’t be so simple, right?” Patrov is not… It actually stopped!

Patlov’s car turned into the internal road of the hotel, Gao Guang they drove away from the front of the hotel, but Gao Guang immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said urgently: “The king called the hound, the fox entered the Lille Hotel, we can’t enter, it’s over.”

Hound received, done.”

John drove forward for a while, and then he suddenly stopped and said to Mike: “Get off!” You two get off! Just stare here to see if Patrov’s car will come out again, take the walkie-talkie, hurry up!

Gao Guang and Mike quickly got out of the car, and then the two of them quickly ran into the green belt on the side of the road, looked at the hotel from a distance, watched Patloff’s car stop at the main entrance of the hotel lobby, and then the Senna started again.

< P "content_detail" > Gao Guang squatted down and said on the intercom: “Now it’s troublesome, the car stopped in front of the hotel and left, I don’t know if the fox entered the nest, or stayed in the car and left, it’s over.”

If Patloff really came to the Lille Hotel, but Gao Guang felt that things could not be so simple, if Patloff just shook a shot, stopped at the door of the hotel for a while, Gao Guang they also have to find a way to verify, and if they go to the real thing, Patrov probably pulled out their tails.

tracking and anti-tracking are not suitable for novices, too professional, too troublesome, too disgusting.

high-gloss walkie-talkie immediately came the instructions of the hound.

“Let’s follow the car, you guys go to the hotel to check, it’s over.”

As soon as < "content_detail" > Hound’s call ended, John said urgently: “No, I’ll follow the car, you guys go and check, I’ve got off the car with two rookies, they can’t do this kind of work!”

Gao Guang and Mike both felt humiliated, but the reaction of the hounds made them even more puzzled.

“Are you a bottle cap?” You’re back?

“Even if I die, I can’t return to the war, I now give the king’s defense work, the king’s defense, we do it alone, we do it alone!” My guys are two rookies, you hurry up and find them, that’s it.

John’s voice was quite annoyed and angry

Sure enough, The Hound and John knew each other, no wonder John never spoke, and everything was relayed by Gao Guang and the Hound.

Hound was a little puzzled, but immediately said on the intercom: “The Lille Hotel has a back door, go and look at the back door immediately, don’t let the fox run through the back door!”

Gao Guang looked at Mike and whispered: “You run over, go to the back door of the hotel and stare at the point, you have seen Patloff’s photo, be careful, don’t let him run!”

Mike and run.

< P "content_detail" > was originally dressed in black, Mike spread his legs, ran quickly, and soon disappeared into the darkness, his skin color was a natural camouflage at the moment, and the speed was very suitable.

Gao Guang began to walk towards the front door of the hotel, he did not dare to run, for fear of being seen by someone with a heart, and he put the walkie-talkie on his back and brought headphones.

Gao Guang is far from the main entrance of the hotel, UU reading a book I heard Mike say on the intercom: “I’m at the back door.”

at most twenty seconds, Mike ran out for more than a hundred meters, this speed is really invincible, just when the highlight was amazed and relieved, but heard Mike continue to whisper: “I saw the fox, he was in the parking lot behind the hotel building, he got into a car, the car started, drove out, hell, There was a small door here, the small door opened, and the fox went out in the car!

Patrov was indeed answered, and he did use the Lille Hotel as a transit point to complete a golden cicada shell.

almost made Patrov successful, but he didn’t expect, Gao Guang didn’t expect, no one here could have imagined that there was a black man who could go to the Olympic track and field event, and went around the hotel with a 100-meter sprint outside the hotel, It took less time than Patrove walked through the hotel lobby.

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