Firepower is king

Chapter 308 Phobia of insufficient ammunition

Gao Guang called Danny and reported that he was leaving the factory to perform escort missions in Johannesburg. Then, he said naturally: "Do you know what happened in South Africa?"

In South Africa, Gao Guang did not have any news channels of his own. He wanted to know how the situation would develop, and he could only ask Danny.

The War Group has operations in South Africa, so Danny should be concerned about the situation in South Africa.

"Do you know former President Jacob Zuma?"

"I know, I didn't know at first, but now I know who he is. He resigned in February this year and then faced many accusations. The situation now is not good."

"Every time before Jacob is sentenced, there will be some unrest in South Africa, and Jacob's supporters will use various methods to put pressure, so every time the charges against Jacob will end in vain, this time In the same way, South Africa will definitely fall into short-term turmoil and some riots will occur in big cities, but there will be no major problems."

Danny's judgment is similar to Gao Guang's, which is basically some public information, but Gao Guang doesn't know why Eric Mining Company is so nervous when there is a slight turmoil.

Now, it's just a sign of turmoil. Maybe it's just because Eric's company processes gold, so it's extra sensitive and vigilant.

In fact, for the pmc company, it would be better if there were riots every day. If the world were peaceful, there would be no need for the pmc that sells force. In turbulent and chaotic areas, the pmc is indispensable. In war-torn areas, the pmc is indispensable. It became a delicious pastry.

So there is nothing to be nervous about. There is no need to be afraid when encountering small groups of robbers. As long as South Africa does not fall into civil war, there will be no big problem.

After completing the report, he inquired about the news. Although it was useless, he also completed the necessary prerequisite work. Gao Guang hung up the phone and said to a group of people: "Have everything been packed?"

Mike held two guns, a 5.56 mm caliber M4 and a 6.8 mm caliber SIG MCX rifle. He said with a confused look on his face: "I'm not sure which gun I should use."

"It's up to you, use whatever you like."

The new gun with a caliber of 6.8 mm is for Gao Guang and others to try out, but it is not mandatory to use it. Of course, you can use whichever one you like.

"Small caliber can be fired continuously, and 6.8 caliber is more powerful, but it is a bit difficult to control when fired continuously... Well, I don't know which gun to use."

Gao Guang didn't know which gun to use, because as Mike said, both guns have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it's really hard to choose.

The 5.56 caliber is not effective enough in penetrating body armor, but burst shooting is easier to control.

The penetration power of the 6.8mm caliber is greatly enhanced, and the kinetic energy of the muzzle is greatly increased. It is not that it cannot be fired continuously, but the recoil force of continuous rounds is too great, basically becoming a semi-automatic rifle.

At this time, an experienced person is needed to make a choice, and the most experienced people here are Patrick and Francisco.

Francisco said: "It is better to use a small-caliber rifle for escorting in a car. Many times you just need to shoot randomly outside the car window and you can't even see where the enemy is. Deterrence is much more important than precise shooting." , and also, South Africans don’t have that many body armors.”

Mike made up his mind and said, "Okay, then I'll bring the M4. I'll definitely bring ten magazines, right?"

Among the people in King's Defense, Mike has participated in the least battles. To a certain extent, he is still a rookie, so it is completely normal for Mike to have any problems.

The regular army will not bring too many bullets when going into battle, but the PMC must bring as many bullets as possible, so the regular army usually has six magazines. If the battle lasts for a long time, it will bring more loose bullets, and the amount of ammunition it can carry is often not There are more than 600 rounds. Because you have to carry other equipment, it is impossible to use the entire load to carry bullets.

But Gao Guang and the others are fighting in a vehicle. As expected, there will be no logistics or any support. They can only rely on the little ammunition they bring. Although it stands to reason that they will not encounter too intense a battle, But as long as it can fit in the car and can be carried on the body, you must carry more bullets.

If conditions permit and the environment is more extreme, PMC or mercenaries will also carry backup guns, and if conditions are more relaxed, the backup guns will even be equipped with a large number of bullets.

The habit of PMC was basically cultivated in Iraq, because the desert in Iraq is very unfriendly to a relatively delicate gun like the M4. The gas-operated bolt machine is easy to malfunction in a strong sand and dust environment, and it is often the battlefield. There is no way to deal with the situation, or it is too late to deal with it. Therefore, the PMC in Iraq likes to bring an AK47 as a backup gun.

So Mike said that he would bring ten magazines, which is not too much. He did not bring ten full magazines, plus a few hundred rounds of loose bullets, which shows that he has not yet developed the fear of running out of ammunition on the battlefield. disease.

Compared to Patrick, Mike's choice seemed like laziness.

"I carry a PKM. I will carry four hundred-round belt bags and a two-hundred-round belt. The PKM is stable and reliable, so I will not bring a spare gun, but I will bring a spare barrel. In addition, I will Bring a carrying case that can hold ten 100-round ammunition belts in the car. If any of you has spare carrying space, please help me bring a 100-round ammunition belt. In addition, I don’t choose 6.8 caliber, but I It is strongly recommended that you bring a backup gun."

After finishing speaking, Patrick spread his hands and said very seriously: "Basically, in every battle I have experienced, I will face a situation where the power of small-caliber rifles is insufficient. Please listen clearly, it is every battle, so since You have new choices, so don’t waste them.”

Patrick used an old gun that he was familiar with, and he brought a lot of bullets. Basically, he couldn't bring anything else except the machine gun and bullets, but he still recommended that others bring a more powerful one. backup gun.

Mike was confused when he heard this, and then he said with a wry smile: "Are you planning to deal with a battle? Well, I will bring a new rifle and six more magazines, but now I have everything in my bag. No more."

Gao Guang doesn't plan to bring a spare gun because the environment in South Africa is pretty good, at least not so dusty. The most important thing is that his rifle is HK416. Although it looks the same as M4, it is a short-stroke piston automatic rather than air-blasted. , much more reliable than M4.

But let Patrick say this, there is no need to worry about the highlight. The new rifle must be brought, and all members must bring it.

"Okay, except for Patrick, each of us has a new gun as a backup."

Not giving an order is a free choice, but giving an order is an order.

The spare gun and the ammunition bag of the spare gun suddenly increased the load by at least ten kilograms, so each of Gao Guang and the others had two guns. Plus, when the large bag of ammunition left the house, Saxon, who arranged the vehicle, was very worried. Is surprised.

"You...are you going to fight?"

Gao Guang was carrying two bags and two guns hanging on his shoulders. He put down a bag and said to Saxon: "I hope you have prepared two larger cars for us."

Saxon smiled and said: "I have prepared two Nissan Patrols for you. They will definitely be able to hold your things. We have a total of three vehicles for traveling. Well, I have to say that your equipment can give people a sense of security. I originally thought I was in the same car with Malcolm, but now...can I take your car? Is that okay?"

People who deal with it every day made a request. Although vehicles responsible for safety generally do not allow unrelated people to board the vehicle, Gao Guang did not want to refuse Saxon's request.

"Of course, you can share a car with me."

Saxon turned around and pointed at the two large white off-road vehicles and said: "Those two cars belong to you. You can load things into the cars. Malcolm will drive the Land Rover. Now I will go and talk to him, and I will talk about you." I need someone to guide me in the car, he should agree to let me take your car, just wait for me, I will be back soon."

Saxon trotted to the office building again, and after Saxon left, John said with a puzzled face: "Saxon looks a little nervous, what we are escorting must be gold, I am just curious, if the escort process is very dangerous this time , then why did Malcolm and Saxon escort it in person?"

Gao Guang didn't know the answer, but he felt that since both Malcolm and Saxon were going to be involved in this escort, it shouldn't be too dangerous. According to his understanding of Malcolm, this was not a man who was willing to risk his life for his duty. The person who took the risk was Saxon. Although he was young, he was in the stage of pursuing his career and was very willing to do anything for promotion and salary increase.

Gao Guang and the others put their things in the car. Guns and ammunition must not be thrown into the trunk. The two guns must be kept at hand. So although the car is indeed spacious, guns and ammunition are placed, and everyone is wearing body armor. When worn on the body, no matter how big the car is, it will not feel very loose.

Gao Guang got into a car with Mike and Francisco, leaving a seat for Saxon in the back seat. It was December, it was summer in the southern hemisphere, and two o'clock in the afternoon was the hottest time, so Highlights: They waited in the car with the air conditioner on.

Ten minutes later, Saxon and Malcolm came out together, along with Malcolm's driver and two bodyguards who were also fully armed.

Malcolm also brought bodyguards, so it seems that this escort is really not that simple. After all, there is no chaos in South Africa. There are only some signs, but it is not as if he is facing a formidable enemy.

Saxon looked a little unhappy. He didn't even say hello to Malcolm, but walked directly to the two Patrols. He then lowered the window glass and said, "This way."

Gao Guang wanted to get out of the car and talk to Malcolm, but Malcolm got into his car directly, and Saxon also got into Gao Guang's car directly. After sitting down, he immediately said: "You guys start one car at a time. The car was in the back and Malcolm’s car was in the middle.”

After finishing speaking, Saxon breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "Let's go, I have nothing to say, just be careful on the road."

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