Firepower is king

Chapter 309 Joint Action

It can be seen that the relationship between Saxon and Malcolm does not seem to be harmonious, and there are faint signs of falling out.

In the office, if the conflict between the two highest-ranking people in the factory becomes irreconcilable, then... well, Gao Guang doesn't know whether it's good or bad.

But Gao Guang couldn't come up and directly ask Saxon what happened, because although he and Saxon got along very well, after all, they were not able to talk about everything.

The journey was almost 600 kilometers. The road condition was not bad, but the speed was not bad. It took nearly ten hours to walk. Saxon seemed a little worried along the way. He chatted with Gao Guang and the others at various times. But most of the time was spent in silence.

Gao Guang wanted to find out the inside story, but seeing Saxon's appearance, he had to give up the idea. If Saxon wanted to tell him any inside story, he would tell him. If Saxon didn't mention it but asked him, it would be unreasonable.

After pulling up to Saxon, Gao Guang and the others were unable to chat casually. This was unexpected, but everyone was already in the car, so don't say anything and just concentrate on the journey.

Nearly twelve o'clock in the evening, they arrived in Johannesburg.

Johannesburg is also a big city. For someone who has been working in a factory for three months, even though he arrived in the middle of the night, he can still feel the unique charm of a big city, especially the highlights. He actually has a kind of feeling that can be counted. The thought of going to town again.

Several people became excited, and Gao Guang really wanted to stay in Johannesburg for one or two more days, so he couldn't help but said to Saxon: "How long should we stay here?"

Saxon said without hesitation: "If everything goes well, we will set off tomorrow morning."

The little expectation in his heart was immediately shattered. Gao Guang had nothing to say, but Mike couldn't hide his disappointment and sighed: "Is it so urgent? Even if it takes half a day, I would rather not do anything, just It’s okay to walk around the streets.”

Saxon whispered: "It's better not to. Johannesburg is very dangerous now. We'd better go back as soon as possible."

Looking out the car window, everything seems to be calm, there is no curfew, and there is no sense of depression before a storm is coming. Although there are no people on the streets in the middle of the night, everything in the city seems normal.

It’s hard to ask about highlights, but Mike has always had an image of speaking freely, so he can ask.

"Hey Saxon, can you tell me what's going on? Now we definitely know something big is going on, but what exactly is it?"

Saxon hesitated for a while, and finally he whispered: "Sorry, I can't say it yet."

Mike smiled bitterly and said, "Well, forget it if you can't say it, but when you can say it, can you tell me as soon as possible?"

Saxon breathed out and smiled: "That's no problem, I will definitely tell you."

Saxon stopped talking again, and Francisco, who was driving, just followed the navigation system and drove.

The way back may be dangerous, but now, before the goods are escorted, there should be no problems, so there is no need to be too nervous.

The destination is the headquarters of Eric Mining Company. This is in the southern district of Johannesburg. There are many heavy industrial factories here. However, although the headquarters of Eric Company is in the industrial area, it does not have any industrial facilities at all. It is more like a sales company.

A seven-story building is the core building of the head office. There is no factory building, but the head office covers a large area with very high walls. The large yard is full of green plants and lawns, and it looks like a garden. More like a factory.

Logically speaking, the sales company should be in the business district, but I don't know why it is in the industrial district of Johannesburg, sandwiched between many factories.

Gao Guang and the others stopped in an open space in front of the office building, and then they discovered that several cars had been parked in the open space, and at least eight people were standing guard next to an escort vehicle, fully armed.

A heavy-duty escort vehicle is the kind of vehicle that is fully protected and can be used as a cash transport vehicle. Then there are fully armed armed guards beside the escort vehicle. You will know what is going to happen when you look at this scene.

"Is there gold in the car? Are we just going to escort this car?"

Saxon didn't get out of the car. He looked outside and said, "I don't know yet. Let's wait for the news."

Saxon didn't give a clear answer. Gao Guang looked back from the car window and saw that Malcolm had gotten out of his car and walked toward the office building with a gloomy look.

Seeing Malcolm get out of the car, Saxon whispered: "You guys just wait in the car. I will inform you if there is any news."

Mike said anxiously: "Hey, buddy, I want to go to the toilet. I can always get off the bus when I go to the toilet, right?"

Mike is excited. He said this just to test the limits of his actions tonight. If he can't even go to the toilet, it means that the security here is extremely tight. But if he is in the car, he can't eat or drink. You can get off the bus just outside the toilet, which means the security is not that tight.

Saxon hesitated for a moment and whispered: "It's better to wait for my news. I have to go over to check the situation first and let you know what arrangements I have."

Saxon got out of the car and followed quickly, and finally followed Malcolm through the door of the building just after he entered the building.

Watching Saxon walk away, Francisco finally said: "I don't like the current situation. We have been deliberately hiding a lot of things."

Gao Guang said helplessly: "It's five hundred thousand a month. So far, what we have to do has not gone beyond the normal scope of responsibilities."

Mike whispered: "What if it's beyond the scope of our work? For example, we have to escort a very, very large amount of gold, worth hundreds of millions, and then we encounter..."

"Shut up!"

"Don't say it!"

"Mike shut up!"

Gao Guang and Francisco stopped it in unison, and then John on the intercom also quickly stopped it, because there are some things that cannot be said. If you don't say it, it may not be said. Once you say it, it will really happen.

Working in a high-risk profession like PMC, how can you do it if you don't pay attention to it? There are many taboo things and words, such as whether you will encounter an attack, you must not say anything.

You can be on guard against it, you can treat it as a situation that must be guarded against and be vigilant about it, but you can never mention it randomly when chatting on the road.

Mike smacked his lips, then spread his hands and said, "You know what I mean, what should I do if I really encounter him?"

"What else can we do? Just follow the rules." Gao Guang said slowly: "Fight if you can't fight. If you can't fight, then withdraw. If you can't fight and can't withdraw, and the enemy agrees to negotiate, we can negotiate. If we can't fight and can't leave, then we can negotiate." If we can’t negotiate, we’ll have to leave everything behind and force a breakout.”

It sounds like negotiation, but actually it means surrender.

But don't say that Gao Guang is cowardly, because the rules of PMC are always like this. Even the regular employees of Zhanhuo Group also work according to this principle.

Pmc is a job, and it is just a job. It costs several thousand dollars a month, and more than ten thousand US dollars. If you want people to work hard and fight to the death no matter what the situation, isn't that a dream?

When maritime security escorts in the Gulf of Aden encounter pirates, as long as they feel that the pirates are too strong, those maritime security guards can decide on their own whether to give up resistance at any time. The opinions of shipowners and captains do not need to be considered at all.

The same is true on land. If you think it's too dangerous, just run away. Don't say that the company can't stop it. Even if it can, the company won't be stupid enough to force people to die.

And of course the same goes for King's Defense. A monthly salary of 500,000 yuan is indeed a lot, but it is just a bit higher than the normal level. As long as they can afford this salary, it will be fine. There is no way they can do it just for this month. Tens of thousands of dollars, and you have to pay for it when you are about to die.

There are many desperadoes in this world, but they all take chances. This is like giving someone 10 million in cash on the condition that he immediately do something that will definitely lead to death. Even if it can guarantee that the money will If it falls into the hands of family members, a few of them are willing to die.

But if you give five million, there is only a 50% chance that you will die immediately, then there will be more people willing to do this.

If you could give one million and have a 10% chance of dying, then there would be a lot of people willing to do this job.

High risks and high returns, taking risks to make a lot of money, but you have to be stupid to do a job where you know you will die. So what if you lose the job? What price will be greater than death? This is the case with pmc, and now Gao Guang and the others are also like this. In this way, this is a normal rule and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Mike was relieved, but he was half curious and half worried: "Then under what circumstances can it be reasonable for us to abandon the mission?"

Gao Guang said seriously: "It's okay if I think the danger reaches a certain level, so it depends on my professional ethics, right? Bottle cap."

John immediately said on the intercom: "Yes, only the boss can decide, Mike. We only have the right to make suggestions, but we cannot escape on our own. If we escape on our own, we are deserters, and there is nothing to say if we are shot."

Mike said angrily: "Why are you saying this to me? Am I the kind of person who will run away?"

"Just reminding you, you are the only one who doesn't understand the rules here."

Mike continued angrily: "I know! I won't be a deserter, bah, don't remind me."

There was cheerful laughter on the intercom, and then Gao Guang saw Saxon coming out of the building alone, so he whispered: "Okay, don't talk about this topic anymore, Saxon is here."

When Saxon came out, his steps were much lighter. He walked to the car and waved to the people in the car: "Guys, does anyone need to use the toilet?"

Gao Guang opened the car door, got out of the car, stretched first, and then said to Saxon: "I'm hungry, do you have food to eat, and can you tell me what the situation is now."

Saxon was very happy. He whispered: "At six o'clock tomorrow morning, we will escort a batch of gold back to the factory. The gold has not been delivered yet. You hurry up and do whatever you need to do."

Gao Guang lowered his voice and said: "Saxony, do you know our agreement? We are responsible for protecting the safety of the factory and the gold in the factory. If necessary, we will also participate in escorting the factory's gold to Johannesburg, but if Escorting gold from Johannesburg back to the factory is outside the scope of our agreement."

Saxon nodded and said: "The current situation is not beyond the scope of the agreement."

"Strictly speaking, it counts, man. I don't mean to be strict about the words and contract terms, but you have to tell us the value of this batch of gold. If the value is too high and only a few of us escort it, then I can really Refuse, we must have the spirit of the contract. First of all, we have the right to know, and secondly, you cannot add more work content to us at will, right?"

Saxon smiled, then lowered his voice and said: "This time, environment worth 500 million US dollars will be sent to our factory, including four tons of gold bricks and nearly six tons of gold sand. But don't worry, there will be at least Six teams and almost two hundred people escorted us. How could we only let you escort such a large amount of gold?"

After finishing speaking, Saxon nodded towards the escort vehicle and said: "Look at that vehicle, the gold here has not been loaded yet. They will wait for the gold from other places to be delivered and then transport it together. Don't worry, nothing will happen." Yes, by the way, there are also your colleagues from the War Group here, and they will also participate in sending each other."

The risk is higher, but there are also a lot more escorts, so to put it this way, it's quite acceptable.

Is there any other team in the War Group? Gao Guang doesn't care much about it. He's not familiar with it anyway. What Gao Guang cares about is why so much gold is sent to the factory he protects. Also, so much gold is under his protection. How long will it be stored in the factory?

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said: "There are many people escorting, and the risks on the road are acceptable, but what about after being sent to the factory?"

Saxon said without hesitation: "There will be many people staying to protect the factory with you. Of course, the risk cannot be borne only by you. Don't worry, you are afraid of something happening, and we are even more afraid of something happening."

This is true, but Eric Company does not care about their lives, but also cares about the safety of gold, so there should be nothing to worry about in terms of safety.

I don't know if the easy life before can continue. Gao Guang thought for a moment, and then he whispered: "I have one more question, the last question. I don't know why your company wants to store all the gold in a centralized place, and I don't want to Ask about this, but I want to know if anyone is interested in this batch of gold now."

Saxon shook his head and said: "This question is a bit over the line, man, this is not what you should ask."

"Then let me ask another question. How likely is it to be attacked on the way back? This is related to the safety of our lives, and of course the safety of gold. I should ask this."

Saxon thought for a long time, then he smiled and said: "No! Absolutely not. First of all, our itinerary is confidential, and we are joint operations with so many people escorting us. How dare that bastard rob our convoy? So? It’ll be okay, don’t worry.”

The third update, 4,000 words is considered a big chapter, please vote for me.

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