Firepower is king

Chapter 351 You are rich

The atmosphere turned out to be surprisingly and oddly harmonious.

The men of the Lion Mercenary Group disarmed themselves and took off their body armor. Then they dragged their injured but not dead comrades out from all corners and gathered them in the cleanest room in the office building.

Then Patrick's task was to guard a place with a machine gun with a changed barrel. John walked around with the rifle, watching a group of people who had been beaten to death just now carrying the wounded.

Mike's two layers of body armor were removed, and he, who showed off his tough-guy image, was in pain and bursting into tears.

Francisco didn't say much because he was dazed.

In fact, there was a member of the Lion Mercenary Group who was more seriously injured, but the doctor who felt that it was impossible to save him gave up immediately, but Gao Guang did not let Gao Guang use his gun to force the doctor to save Francisco first.

Paul was carried down. He was seriously injured, but not very seriously. He was shot in the arm, but the bullet did not penetrate the body armor under the armpit, but damaged the large blood vessels on the inside of his arm. It was interrupted, so his wound wasn't that big, but the blood loss was so severe that he was about to die.

Fortunately, both Patrick and Malcolm had some experience in first aid. They had already tied his upper arm to slow down the blood loss, and then transfused some blood. Basically, he should not die.

Mike was shot in the chest. This shot was very dangerous, but Mike's two layers of body armor were not in vain. The bullet penetrated both layers of body armor and one layer of thickened bulletproof plate. Finally, the deformed bullet got stuck on the sternum. The gun is fierce and dangerous, but it is not fatal.

Another shot also penetrated two layers of body armor. After the bullet core deformed, it opened a hole in his stomach and stayed in his abdominal cavity.

As for Francisco, he was shot directly through the left chest by a bullet, and the bullet grazed his heart. Fortunately, he did not die immediately, but if the doctor did not help, he would definitely die.

They were all seriously injured, but this is indeed normal. There are still a few people who die on the spot after being shot on the battlefield. Why are they called casualties, because there are far more injured than killed.

It’s not like everyone has the highlight technique. It specializes in the fatal triangle area and the absolutely fatal position of the brain stem, without giving any chance of serious injury.

As for Gao Guang himself, his injuries seemed not serious.

"I think the location of your wound is not good. There is a possibility of intestinal rupture."

John stared at the wound on Gao Guang's belly for a while, then turned to Gao Guang's back and looked at it again, and then said: "There is no exit from the back. The bullet must have stayed in the stomach. Let the doctor take out your stool later." You have to be careful when doing so, but it is estimated that you will inevitably get infected.”

Gao Guang didn't think anything at first. He wasn't worried that he was going to die, nor did he think how miserable he would be. Although it was the first time he was shot, when it came to this, he really couldn't care less about being afraid.

But when John said this, Gao Guang was really scared.

John said confidently: "I have experience. You will definitely not die from your injury, but it is really troublesome."

Gao Guang was still wearing a bulletproof vest. Although he was also shot, he only felt pain, which was not as serious as Mike and Francisco, so he really didn't bother to check the injury now.

His face turned pale, half from pain and half from fright.

"Take off your body armor and let the doctor take a look first."

"The doctor has seen it."

Gao Guang swallowed. He felt extremely painful in his stomach now, but he didn't dare to look at his wounds.

"The doctor said that depending on the location of the bullet puncture, since I can still talk and move, I won't die in a short time. I... I want to make a call."

Gao Guang took a step back and said, "I have to find a place where no one is around to make a call. I want help."

John whispered: "What if the reinforcements can't come?"

"Then we will withdraw. Now that we are worthy of everyone, we can withdraw."

Gao Guang took two steps out, and then he whispered: "I'll wait until I finish making the call first."

John raised his voice and said loudly: "If you think you are going to faint, be sure to remind us. Don't faint and find you in a corner. In the end, you will delay the treatment time and die."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said: "I'm going to make a phone call in the open space. Stay away. I won't go to a place where no one is around."

I didn't feel anything just now, but now I felt more and more pain. Gao Guang endured the severe pain in his stomach and walked aside.

Gao Guang called Smith. Now Gao Guang felt that Smith was still reliable and Danny could forget it. This guy was inhumane.

The call was quickly connected, and Gao Guang immediately said: "Mr. Smith, we just fought a battle, and now we have captured all the remaining enemies."

"Captured? How many people? Can they be used as hostages to stop the enemy's attack?"

Smith's words were urgent. Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Smith, we have captured all the enemies, all of them, all of them."

Smith didn't reply. Gao Guang waited for a moment and could only say again: "Mr. Smith?"

"I heard that, um, you mean...all of it?"

"Yes, except for the dead, the remaining enemies have all become prisoners. Now all the people sent by Matala are gone, but the situation is not good now. Many of us are seriously injured, Mike, Francis Coe, and me and Paul, we are all seriously injured, Reinster is also injured, uh, Mr. Smith, are you listening?"

"I'm listening. Sorry, I was just a little distracted. Sorry, how did you do that?"

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Just kill the ones you can see, then rush over and kill the ones hiding in the house, and then let the invisible ones surrender... That's basically it."

Smith was silent again, and Gao Guang had to say again: "Mr. Smith, I said we are in urgent need of rescue now. We need doctors and medicines. There are many wounded people. In order to appease the captives, I must also treat the wounded prisoners."

"Hush...huh, sorry, wait a moment! My mind is a little confused, just a moment."

Gao Guang heard a snapping sound, like a slap in the face, and then he heard Smith whisper: "Isn't this a dream?"

Immediately afterwards, Smith's voice became louder, and then he said quickly: "Do you need doctors and medicine? I will immediately arrange air transport, airdrop, and parachuting. Then how many people did you say were captured alive?"

"About twenty."

"The rest are all dead? All the enemies are dead? The Lion Mercenary Group? The Secret Intelligence Service, you killed all those who were not captured?"

"Well, it wasn't me. I didn't do it alone."

Smith said angrily: "Why are you still arguing with me about these words now? Does it have anything to do with the ones you beat to death and others? Are you saying they are all dead? The rest are all captured by you?"

"Yes, do you want to take a video?"

"Of course!" Smith said hurriedly: "You immediately take a video of the prisoners and the enemy's corpse. I will contact Eric immediately. This is the turning point he has been looking forward to. If there is another It would be great if someone with enough status can take a confession and bite Matala out..."

"Yes, we captured alive the leader of the Lion Mercenary Group and an operations captain from the Secret Intelligence Service."

"Hiss...hiss...that's okay..."

After muttering to himself, Gao Guang heard PIA again, and then Smith said: "I have been in the industry for so long, this is the first time I hear this. I'm sorry, uh, you go record the video, I'll call Eric , that’s it, I’ll arrange for people to rescue you right away, no, I’ll arrange for people to help you right away.”

Smith hung up the phone and Gao Guang was stunned for a while. Smith's performance today made him feel a little subverted.

Gather the prisoners, then let the large group of prisoners act as the background, and then call the mad lion to the front to record on his mobile phone: "Tell me everything you know. I took these pictures to end the conflict here. Don't worry, you said it." As you said, I will definitely let you go."

Since he surrendered, he would naturally have to be interrogated, and Kuangshi had already been mentally prepared.

"We are employed by Matala and he asked us to come here because there is half a billion dollars worth of gold here..."

The crazy lion has really become a sick cat now. He is weak and babbles out everything he knows.

It is much harder to capture the enemy alive than to kill him. If there are only one or two prisoners with bruises and bruises, saying that they are mercenaries sent by Matala, it is basically useless, because as long as Matala does not admit it, he is really has also become fake.

But after killing most of the enemies and capturing all the rest alive, and among the prisoners there were people from the Secret Intelligence Service, plus those combat equipment and those corpses, the situation was different.

Although Matala can still deny it, at least now he has completely lost the possibility of seizing the gold, and it is difficult to say whether he can send a group of people to continue fighting in a short time.

The situation is different, and the mentality will also change accordingly. If it is solved, this crisis that has lasted for more than half a year may be completely resolved.

The highlights were recorded for ten minutes, and the confession of the crazy lion alone was recorded for ten minutes because it was too detailed.

At this time, the satellite phone rang. Gao Guang answered the phone and heard Smith hurriedly say: "Did the video be taken?"

"It's taken. I'll send it to you right away. The video is a bit long."

"Send some photos first."

I took a few photos of the highlights and sent them out. After a while, after Smith received them, he immediately said: "I don't even need to watch the video. These few photos are enough. Listen, Eric will be there soon." Negotiate with Matala, and with the prisoners and the video, Matala must give in no matter what!"

"Okay, I'll send you the video right away."

"Don't give it to me, give it to Eric!"

Smith continued urgently: "It was a mistake not to agree on a cash reward in advance, but who would have thought that you would do it so fiercely. Let's get to the point. Let Eric use these evidences to resolve the crisis as soon as possible. Time is important, so be quick so that you can It’s safe, you don’t have to worry about anything else, I will promise you one thing, boy, you are prosperous!”

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