Firepower is king

Chapter 352 The operation was successful

I don’t know if it’s because I’m overdeveloped, but it’s true that my stomach hurts terribly.

When people are healthy, they have time to think about wealth and career.

But when you are sick or injured, especially when the injury is severe and uncomfortable, or even when you are about to die, all you want is health.

So Gao Guang really doesn't care whether something develops or not. He just wants to be able to schedule his own surgery as soon as possible, so that the pain can be relieved as quickly as possible. The sooner the better.

But you have to wait to rescue the seriously injured first, so the highlight will have to wait.

He always had to think of a solution, he couldn't stand up like this, so Gao Guang walked hard to the operating room and said to the busy doctor: "Doctor."

The doctor held a forceps and felt around in Mike's stomach with one hand. Then he finally opened the hemostat, put it into Mike's stomach, and left the forceps inside.

Gao Guang really didn't dare to do this kind of disembowelment scene before. Not to mention watching it all the time, he couldn't bear even a glance. But now it is Mike who is watching the operation, and then he has to wait for the operation, so although his legs are weak , but no longer feel sick.

"Doctor, is he not dead?"

Gao Guang plucked up the courage to ask again.

The doctor raised his head and said slowly: "You can't die. It's very difficult to kill someone with this kind of injury. What can you do?"

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said: "I was shot in the stomach. It hurts more and more now. I feel weak all over and feel dizzy..."

The doctor didn't think much and said: "Since you can still stand and talk to me, it means you're fine. Don't be afraid. This is normal. There are six people in front of you waiting for the operation. It will take three hours at the fastest. No There is a faster way, go out and wait slowly."

"I just wanted to ask if there is any way to relieve the pain. Well, can I give you an anesthetic or something?"

Gao Guang and the others have a first aid kit. There is no hospital in the factory, but there is an infirmary. It stands to reason that there is no shortage of first aid medicine.

But now the anesthetics and powerful painkillers are in short supply, and they have all been collected by the doctor. Also, Gao Guang doesn't know what anesthetics are and how to use them, so he can only bother the doctor.

"I don't have time, just take some morphine to relieve the pain."

The doctor still didn't look at the highlights. He said very calmly: "Maybe you can just hold on a little longer and be patient."

"You'll get used to it if you endure it, right?"

"No, if you wait a little longer, you will faint. Once you faint, you won't know the pain."

Gao Guang stared at the doctor silently, and the doctor looked up at him, then lowered his head and continued his operation in an orderly manner.

There are two assistants next to the doctor. They are said to be assistants, but they are cruel and ruthless people who do not even blink at the disemboweled wounded. They can only hand something or something. At most, they can help with a headlight and flashlight to increase the brightness. Without a shadowless lamp, we can only make do with it.

Gao Guang was observing the doctor. Now that he didn't use night vision goggles, he realized that the doctor's skin color was darker, but not black. He looked a bit Latino. His hair was slightly curly, but he was bald in the middle. His forehead was shiny. Under the light, sparkling with light.

Also, this doctor spoke with an accent, a Spanish-specific intonation. He liked to speak in a roundabout way and sounded soft.

"Are you from South America?"


The doctor answered Gao Guang without hesitation, and then he said very gently: "Please leave here, you are disturbing me."

Gao Guang turned around silently, walked outside silently, and sat next to a group of seriously injured people lying down.

The prisoners must not be allowed to wander around. They must be gathered together and supervised. Therefore, whether injured or not, everyone is gathered together now.

The atmosphere is surprisingly harmonious now. Although I was still fighting for my life just now, now those who have something to do are busy, and those who have nothing to do just find a place to lie down or sit and wait.

Watching Gao Guang sit down, the prisoners seemed to be a little commotion, and the whispers quickly started, but after a few words, the noise subsided again.

Now is indeed not the time to chat, but it hurts too much to stand up, and he can't fall asleep. He is dizzy and can't faint. If he doesn't talk, what else can he do.

What to say, there is always a topic to talk about.

Gao Guang looked at Kuangshi, and then he whispered: "Your doctor is pretty good."

The mad lion opened his mouth, and then said weakly: "Yes, he is very skilled."

What else could be said, the doctor who was asking about them from the mad lion didn't know what to ask.

"What's the doctor's name?"

The mad lion hesitated for a moment, but finally said: "I definitely can't tell you, you have to ask him about this."

Not many mercenaries are willing to tell their real names, and they won't easily tell the real names of their teammates. It's understandable that Gao Guang forgives Kuangshi.

Gao Guangxiang thought for a while and said: "The doctor is a Cuban, how did he end up here?"

The mad lion opened his mouth and shrugged: "He... is very normal. Wherever he comes from, it's normal. You are an Asian and you are also in South Africa, aren't you?"

This is really nonsense among nonsense, but this kind of nonsense cannot be refuted.

Forget it, there's no point in not asking the mad lion.

Gao Guang finally felt sleepy. He didn't know if he was losing energy due to too much blood loss, or if he was really going to faint, but it seemed okay to faint.

Gao Guang closed his eyes, and then he leaned for a while and felt uncomfortable, so he simply lay on the ground. After a while, he didn't know whether he fell asleep or fainted. Anyway, he really didn't know the pain.

After a while, Gao Guang felt that the time was quite short, and then he felt someone pressing his stomach, which hurt so much that he could not even faint.

In front of him was a shiny bald man wearing a mask but no hat. Gao Guang knew that it was finally his turn.

John said eagerly: "Are you awake?"

"Is everyone okay?"

"It's okay, it's your turn now."

After John finished speaking hurriedly, he turned to the doctor: "How is he? Do you need laparotomy to take out the bullet?"

The doctor pressed again, then he pursed his lips, frowned, shook his head slowly and said: "The pressing does not feel like a ruptured intestine. If the abdominal cavity is contaminated by feces, it will already be inflamed. There was also no sign of contamination in the seepage.”

John was stunned for a moment and said: "I was shot in this position last time, and my intestines were broken a lot, but he was also in the same position."

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Bottle Cap, why do I feel that you are looking forward to seeing my stomach full of poop?"

John looked panicked and waved his hands quickly: No, no, don't talk nonsense, I just... I just have some experience, just discuss it with the doctor. "

The doctor said calmly: "Being shot in the abdominal cavity is very dangerous. A ruptured bladder will lead to urine contamination, a ruptured organ will lead to death from internal bleeding, and a ruptured intestine will lead to fecal contamination. But you are still awake until now, and there are no obvious symptoms in your stomach." If it's bulging, it means the blood loss is also very slow. When will your reinforcements arrive?"

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Soon!"

"Then just treat it conservatively. I'll make a small incision for you, observe the situation inside, and then decide whether to have surgery. If the situation is not very serious, you can wait to go to a big hospital for surgery. After all, the conditions here are not that good. good."

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay."

The doctor nodded, then he took off the gloves on his hands, washed his hands and sucked for a while, then prepared two prefilled anesthetics, then placed the disposable surgical instruments on the plate and brought them to the highlight, and then He washed his hands again, put on gloves, and then came to Gao Guang with both hands raised.

John said a little impatiently: "Just now you changed your gloves and performed the surgery, why is it so troublesome now?"

"We needed to grab time just now. Whether we will get infected is something we will consider after we survive. Now that we have the conditions and time, of course we must do a good job in disinfection. Can you go out?"

John immediately said: "I can shut up, but I can't go out."

John took two steps back. The doctor picked up a syringe and injected two injections into the highlighted belly. Then after a while, he pressed near the wound and said, "Does it hurt?"

"It feels a little bit better."

The doctor stopped taking action, but waited with his hands raised. Gao Guang turned his head and looked at it, and then said: "Am I just awake like this, with my eyes open to watch you operate on my belly?"

"Uh... you don't have to look at it. General anesthesia is the job of the anesthesiologist. What I can do is local anesthesia."

The highlight suddenly switched to Spanish, and he whispered, "What's your name, doctor?"

"Carlos Thiago, do you speak Spanish?"

"Yeah, I can speak Spanish, but I haven't spoken in a long time. Now I want to find out, uh, did you cut my belly open?"

"Yes, make a small cut and don't be nervous."

Gao Guang wanted to look up, but he raised his head slightly and finally laid his head down and said, "How about you cover my eyes? I'm afraid."

The doctor said to John next to him: "Take a piece of cloth and cover his eyes."

John looked at it and finally felt that a piece of white cloth was suitable, so he folded the piece of cloth and covered his highlighted eyes.

"Ah, the situation is really good, the intestines are not ruptured, the bullet... Huh? Wow, um..."

He couldn't see the highlight, but he was very surprised when he heard the doctor shouting, so he couldn't help but ask: "How is the situation?"

"The bullet was found."

With a clang, the doctor threw the warhead onto a plate aside and continued: "You are lucky, it is a 7.62nato bullet."

John mumbled something in a low voice but couldn't hear it clearly, and Gao Guang said anxiously: "You're not going to be full of shit, are you?"

"Why are you so concerned about this?"

The doctor asked curiously, and then he continued: "The cecum was not ruptured, but it was indeed injured. I am so lucky. If it had to be injured, this should be the best kind of injury. Wait a moment..."

The doctor was quiet for a while, and then he suddenly said: "Okay, I'll cut out your appendix by the way. You don't have to worry about appendix inflammation in the future. Now start suturing the wound. As long as the wound is not inflamed, there will be no problem."

John couldn't help but said: "Cut out the appendix? Fake! What does this count?"


The doctor didn't stop, but still said slowly: "Lucky man, the son of destiny, whatever you want to say."

John breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I don't expect you to be severely injured, I just think... forget it, this is good, this is a good thing."

Gao Guang said faintly: "Bottle Cap, get out of here, I don't want to hear you talk anymore."

After talking about John, Gao Guang suddenly said: "Doctor, why did you join the Lion Mercenary Group?"

"For what else but money."

After the doctor finished speaking, he suddenly said: "The suturing is done. Someone, come and take him out."

"Is this good? So fast? Doctor, did you perform the surgery on me properly?"

The doctor, whose name is Carlos now, said very calmly: "I will do my best, but the conditions are limited, as long as I can't die, go back and find a hospital for follow-up treatment, and take him out."

At this moment, John suddenly said: "Our reinforcements have arrived! Arriving soon!"

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Coming? Great, how did you come?"

John said urgently: "The helicopter has started making radio calls, they will be here soon!"

I had surgery yesterday, and for the first time in my life, I heard the sound of a knife scraping bones.

I am very fortunate that the doctor who performed the surgery on me was highly skilled and skilled. The surgery was successful and the nerve in my jaw was preserved. Fortunately.

Although I am still in the recovery period, my mood is finally improving.

Nowadays, health is the most important thing. I wish all brothers and sisters good health and freedom from all poisons.

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