Firepower is king

Chapter 301 A boring place

The factory door is not an electric sliding door, but two large, heavy-looking iron doors. There is a small door for a single person to enter and exit on the iron door. If you only look at the door, this factory really looks like a prison. .

There are two cameras installed on the door. When Gao Guang and the others want to go out, they have to ask the security guard to get the key to open the small door. When Gao Guang and the others file out, they hear the small door slam shut, followed by the pull. The sound of a bolt and then a lock.

The sound made Gao Guang and the others stop in front of the door for a moment, and then the always active Mike suddenly said: "I feel as if I have just been released from prison."

"I'm feeling it too."

"Yes, that's what it feels like."

It's normal for Francisco to have been in prison, but has John been in prison too? Gao Guang couldn't help but look at his three employees, and then John spread his hands and said: "What's wrong, an American who has been in prison?" Is it rare?"

A truck drove by, kicking up a lot of dust. Gao Guang waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

The roads here are well built, without too many potholes. Postmasburg is already in an arid area with little rain, and the dust is already large. In addition, there are manganese ore processing plants everywhere, most of which process raw ore. During the initial crushing process, the dust will naturally become larger.

I walked along this road when I came here, but I didn't look carefully, and this time there was someone who was familiar with the surrounding terrain, so although there was nothing interesting to see, it was still time to walk around.

There were basically no pedestrians wandering around in the mining town, but Saxon quickly pointed to a hut across the road and said: "This is the nearest store to us, but there is nothing to buy in it."

It was a hut that was more or less a shed, with an awning set up outside. Regardless of the hot weather, a woman moved a plastic chair to sit outside, dozing off against the dust on the road.

Mike looked around, smacked his lips, and muttered: "I have basically lost interest in exploring new environments."

Saxon pointed forward and said: "The factories are all on this side of the road, and the opposite side is basically built by local people and workers' families... slums, yes, I think slums are more appropriate than living areas. My advice to you is Try not to go into the slums because a lot of people here have guns and they are very violent.”

I can't tell whether they are irritable or not. Looking at Gaoguang, the few newcomers seem to be very numb and have almost no reaction to the outside world.

Saxon waved his hand and said, "Come this way."

The highway here runs north-south. The east side of the highway is full of factories. Even if there is open space between the factories, there is not even a simple shed or small house. On the west side of the highway, they are all one after another. The small sheds, some of which were made of bricks, were considered very good, and the few two-story buildings stood out from the crowd.

There really isn't much to see in this shitty place.

Gao Guang and the others walked forward three to four hundred meters. Saxon pointed to the alley of the slum and said in a deep voice: "Where are you looking?"

Gao Guang looked over and found that wherever he was standing or sitting, he was leaning against a small shed. He was watching them out of boredom. He could tell at a glance what they were doing.

Basically they are all black people, but black people are not the same. Some women look thin and dry, while some look very bloated. But from a high-gloss aesthetic perspective, there is not even one that can be seen at a glance, let alone What a beautiful beauty.

Mike opened his mouth, then he took a long breath and said, "Not to mention the 50% AIDS carrying rate. Even if it wasn't, I wouldn't be able to have fun in a place like this."

Patrick whispered: "It's really not as good as Baghdad."

Francisco spread his hands and said: "Baghdad is a big city."

The pace of the few people slowed down as they walked, and then Fang Zhenwu said hesitantly: "Otherwise, let's... go back?"

Saxon whispered: "I have no interest in hanging out."

"Then go back."

Several people started to turn around and walk back, and after walking a few steps, they saw a very tall, fat, and strong woman ogling Mike. Then Mike quickly lowered his head and whispered: " Go quickly, go quickly!”

Saxon said calmly: "Don't worry, the gangs here are very strict. Those women will not solicit customers. She will only talk to you if you take the initiative to ask for a price."

Francisco's eyes lit up and he said, "And there are gangs?"

"Of course there is. How can there be a lack of gangs in a place like this?"

Francisco couldn't help but look back and said, "I don't know what the local gangs are like."

Saxon spread his hands and said: "They will not provoke us, and of course we will not provoke them."

They had been walking for less than twenty minutes, and a layer of dust had fallen on their bodies. Several people returned to the door. Saxon patted the door, and then the security guard opened the door from the inside. Highlights and the others ended their exploration.

Seeing the security guard locking the door again, Saxon breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Unless someone is going out or a vehicle delivering supplies to us is coming in, the door will not be opened. We have no hard and fast rules, but every day Everyone must register before going out, so that no one will find out if they die outside. "

"Is it so dangerous?" Gao Guang felt a little surprised. He knew that security in South Africa was quite poor, but he really didn't expect it to be so poor.

"It's not dangerous, it's very, very dangerous. Gangsters will not mess with us, but no one can prevent a drunkard from shooting someone in a bad mood."

Saxon pointed to the largest building in the factory and said: "Where is the smelting plant, but you don't need to go there, I won't take you to visit, it is indeed very hot inside, here, here is the canteen. "

After looking at his watch, Saxon said, "It's fifteen minutes before dinner starts. We can go sit in the cafeteria for a while and have dinner by the way."

It's time to eat, so go eat.

The canteen is quite large, and dinner is a buffet. There are no workers coming to eat yet, but the prepared dishes are already placed outside.

There was a blackboard with recipes hanging on the wall. Gao Guang looked at it and found that their dinner consisted of fried chicken, French fries, burgers, bread, vegetable salad, fried beef patties, fried meatballs, and vegetable soup.

The drinks are self-service, which is a very common drink machine, and the cups are placed next to it.

The fried chicken has been placed on the heating plate, and the vegetable salad is also placed outside. The French fries are not yet available, but the kitchen staff is pouring the fried meatballs into the heating plate.

High calorie, high carbohydrate, very typical American diet.

Before it was time for dinner, Gao Guang and the others found two seats for four and sat down. Mike licked his lips and said helplessly: "The food looks pretty good, but I can't maintain a healthy diet here."

The corner of Saxon's mouth twitched, and then he whispered: "The food is not bad, but... if you eat continuously, it will be a disaster."

There seemed to be nothing left to say, and several people fell into silence. If Saxon hadn't been there, Gao Guang and the others might have commented on the food, but since Saxon was here and they weren't familiar with each other, there really was nothing to say.

After a while, workers began to pour into the cafeteria. Most people would glance at the newly arrived Gao Guang, but no one would say much at this time.

The food actually tasted pretty good. Mike ate a fried chicken leg with great relish, but he soon discovered a new topic, so he said to Saxon: "The vast majority of people here are white people, but isn't this South Africa? "

"There are also many white people in South Africa." Correcting Mike's mistake, Saxon immediately said: "More than 90% of workers here are from the United States, and only a small part are South Africans."

Gao Guang was surprised. Since they were all American workers, the wages in this factory were not low.

Saxon hesitated. He thought for a moment, but still said to Mike: "No offense, but the black people here really can't be trusted. You can't trust them completely. We also tried to recruit workers from the local area at the beginning, at least. Recruiting workers from South Africa, but they will do whatever they can to steal, well, the only product we have here is gold, so reliability is more important than anything else.”

Mike curled his lips and said, "I am a black American."

At this time, Francisco suddenly said: "I didn't even see a woman."

Saxon shrugged again, then he sighed and said: "There are four women here in total. It is really not suitable for women to work here. The environment determines that our place is really like a prison."

The conditions in the factory may not be bad, but they are really too unfree. If those Americans can work with peace of mind, then they must be able to earn much higher wages than at home.

Gao Guang and the others ate for twenty minutes, which was their first dinner in South Africa. Saxon looked at Gao Guang and the others after they finished eating and said: "There won't be any entertainment programs in the evening. We will get together to play billiards and table tennis." , we will also get together to watch the game and chat. If you want to come, the location is at the club next to the restaurant. If you want to rest, you can go back and rest now. "

Mike was full of energy. He really didn't know what tired was, but Gao Guang didn't want to let Mike go to any social activities. He immediately said: "We need to go back to discuss some things, so we'll see you tomorrow."

Saxon said goodbye and left, and after Saxon left, Mike was very curious and said: "Do we have anything else to do? It must be boring to go back so early."

Gao Guang whispered: "Now it's not about how I pay you your salary, but how to divide the money. Go back and get the important things done first before thinking about entertainment."

Let’s introduce the environment and get to the point right away.

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