Firepower is king

Chapter 302 Surplus Value

After learning that this working environment was not dangerous, but definitely extremely boring, Gao Guang decided to hurry up and not lose a second.

If Gao Guang still pays people a fixed salary of 10,000 per month, he probably won't be able to last until the end of the contract, and the Kings Defense should be disbanded.

And Gao Guang promised everyone who joined King's Defense the right to share dividends. So, if he regards this job with a monthly income of 500,000 as a separate task, but it just takes a lot longer, then he has to Take out the money and share it with everyone.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time that King's Defense has received stable and long-term business, so it is also the first time that money has to be formally distributed.

"Our contract is US$500,000 per month, and the money is settled every month. The War Group will settle the money to me, because the nine percent tax cannot be reasonably avoided in any case, so we It’s almost $450,000.”

Either we don’t talk about this, or we have to make it public and fair, so Gao Guang took out a copy of the contract signed with the War Group, put it on the table, and said, "You can take a look at this contract. To prove that I didn’t lie.”

Several people looked a little confused, but John spread his hands and said: "Why are you saying this? You are the boss, don't you have the final say on how much you earn."

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "No, since you want to say it, you must make it clear and the money must be divided clearly."

The nature of the force company is different from that of any other company. King Defense does not sell any products or produce any products. It looks a bit like a labor dispatch company, but it is fundamentally different.

The employees of Wuwu Company are hardworking, not workers working on the assembly line. If you treat Wuwu Company as an intermediary company or a labor dispatch company with the mentality of plucking its hair, then Gao Guang is really not far away from death.

The simple truth is that if Gao Guang only regards his employees as employees, then the employees will just regard him as their boss. Then, what about the worker who is willing to take a bullet for his boss?

There are still few people in the King's defense, and there are only seven people in the team including Gao Guang. Except for Fang Zhenwu, we don't see any use for the time being. Everyone else in this team is indispensable. We can't say that the machine gunner is very important, just give it to him. Patrick gets the highest salary, and since he can't have the most attackers, Mike and Francisco get the lowest salary.

If Gaoguang were to forcefully create a level difference to share money, then the team would probably have to disperse.

Therefore, this kind of ultra-small force team has no other way to go. Maximum fairness in the distribution of benefits is the most basic requirement, and whether the benefits can be distributed fairly depends on what Gao Guang does.

In the past, Gaoguang only made empty promises, and the rights to dividends and spoils distribution were all invisible and intangible things. Now Gaoguang has taken out the contract, everyone knows how much money can be earned, and then distributes it fairly, truly reflecting what dividend rights are.

"The monthly after-tax income is US$455,000. There are seven of us. So for this single long-term mission, each of us should get..."

Gao Guang paused for a moment, and he calculated in his mind, and then he said in a deep voice: "Sixty-seventy-two, there are seven of us, sixty thousand dollars each is four hundred and twenty thousand, and the remaining thirty-five thousand is used to pay the company I think this distribution of rent and operating costs is the most fair, do you have any opinions?”

Several people looked a little confused. John thought for a while, and then he said in confusion: "Average score?"

"Yeah, it's easiest to get an average score."

John said with a puzzled look on his face: "But how can there be an evenly divided PMC company? A mercenary group wouldn't divide it like this."

"Then our king's defense will be divided like this, because this mission gives a lot of money, and the time is very long, but there is no chance to make extra money. If I can't take out the money and share it with everyone, then you will spend this year There’s no extra income.”

The contract between Zhanhuo Group and Eric Mining Company is for one year once signed, and the contract for Gaoguang is also for one year. Then King Defense will not be able to have other business in the following time. In this case, it is still the same sentence, no If you give them more money, the team will be disbanded in less than a year.

The rent for King Defense's company in Los Angeles is 80,000 US dollars a year, and Gao Guang has 35,000 US dollars in operating costs every month. After all, the rent, water and electricity are all enough, and we can recruit a front desk girl. It is more than enough to go to the company.

Generally speaking, it is still about the posture. The high-gloss posture is very high, and the dividend rights are really made clear.

You look at me, I look at you, but no one can say anything, but at this time, Mike suddenly said: "But you are the boss, fair distribution is not equal distribution, if you divide the money equally according to the head, then What’s the point of being a boss?”

Mike was very serious. He said: "If you pay us enough salary, the remaining money is your reasonable profit. If you distribute the money equally, then we will not create residual value, and you will not get reasonable profit. I don’t think this is good?”

People who are familiar with Mike are fine, but those who are not familiar with him look at him like a monster.

Mike spread his hands and said: "Why are you looking at me like this? Exploiting the surplus value of workers is the nature of every capitalist and the bounden duty of all bosses. Am I wrong? If the boss takes the same amount as us Money, then does he still have the motivation to find more business? We are a force company, we are in the service industry, but our jobs are not stable. Without a steady stream of business, we will be unemployed, and now only the boss can To find this kind of business that is highly profitable and easy, we must have residual value to reflect our value.”

After Mike's long speech, I don't know if other people were confused, but Gao Guang himself was confused first.

But it sounds like it makes sense.

Patrick suddenly said: "I agree with what you said before, but you said that we are in the service industry, which I cannot agree with. In addition, the boss has said that for this task in South Africa, the money we received is dividends, not In terms of salary and dividends, each of us is equivalent to a shareholder, so this issue does not involve residual value. "

Mike was very unconvinced and said: "So is it okay for the boss to get the same dividends as everyone else? Surplus value is just an abstract concept. The concrete meaning is that we failed to make the boss make more money. This is not true. ?"

Francisco scratched his head, and Paul whispered from the side: "Are you...all college students?"

Mike was very proud and said: "Of course, I went to university on my own merit. In order not to be fooled by my agent after I became a star, I studied finance courses systematically."

John waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Stop talking about this, my head is a little big."

Mike said without hesitation: "I will provide a more reasonable distribution method. Each of us will receive 40,000 per month, so one month will be..."

Gao Guang immediately said: "Two hundred and eighty thousand, if you don't count me it would be two hundred and forty thousand."

"Okay, the monthly income is 450,000, we get 240,000, and the boss gets 210,000. The profit rate is more than 40%. I think it is very reasonable."

Patrick said: "More than 40% profit? This is too high. If we distribute it in the form of dividends this time, then I think a profit rate of 30% is appropriate."

Gao Guang immediately said: "That's 50,000 a month for each of you, and the remaining 155,000 is mine."

Mike tilted his head and thought for a while, and then he whispered: "If I become a star, then at least half of the money will have to pay taxes, so I think it is reasonable for the boss to get close to half of the profits, but now, well, I think 100% The profit of 30 is not bad. I feel that I have generated enough residual value for my boss. Yes, I have residual value.”

John let out a long sigh of relief, and then he quickly smiled and said: "Fifty thousand yuan a month? It's quite a lot. I'm very satisfied."

Paul didn't dare to say a word, and Fang Zhenwu seemed a little embarrassed.

Because Fang Zhenwu didn't know what he could do, he hesitated again and again, and finally whispered: "How about I get less? I get the same money as you now, this...I'm sorry."

John said anxiously: "That's impossible! Everyone is the same, you can't take less."

Patrick said seriously: "For the sake of fairness and unity, I think it is necessary for you to get the same dividends."

Mike approached Fang Zhenwu, and then he said with a smile: "Man, if you feel embarrassed about having so much money, then you should teach me a lesson, you train the bottle cap, and me, and of course the boss, no Are you worthy of receiving this money? You are also valuable, and you can also create residual value.”

But Gao Guang suddenly said: "Wait a minute, there is another problem. We only have seven people now, but we must continue to recruit people in the future. If new people join, this distribution ratio will be adjusted."

John immediately said: "Just distribute it according to the proportion, and then...wait a minute, guys, if we share dividends, do we still need the monthly salary? Do we have to get the basic salary even when there are no tasks?"

Once again, everyone who asked was stunned. Gao Guang didn't say anything, but Mike said without hesitation: "You can cancel the basic salary. You can't let the boss pay the salary even when nothing happens."

Patrick said: "But new people must be given a basic salary when they join. Otherwise, how can we recruit new people normally? Not everyone is eligible for dividends. If you get a salary, don't get any dividends. If you get a dividend, don't get a salary. If you get a dividend, just follow the current ratio. Boss Take 30%, and the remaining people with dividend rights will share 70% equally, what do you think?”

Needless to say, Patrick's proposal passed quickly.

The first labor agreement was successfully passed, and King's Defense formally determined the profit distribution model. If nothing else, at least they will not fall out due to uneven distribution of spoils in the future. This is called laying a good foundation.

I didn’t want to write about how to divide money, but thinking about how to divide money is such a test of human nature, how could I not write about it.

Third update today, please sincerely ask for a monthly ticket.

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