Firepower is king

Chapter 311 Safe journey

If you can't shoot and can only take action, then who else can do it if not Fang Zhenwu?

Gao Guang opened the car door. He only brought two pistols, but they were covered under his clothes and couldn't be seen, so they weren't much of a deterrent. But as soon as Mike stood next to him with his size and size, people immediately knew that he was the boss. He is the boss.

Whoever Mike stands next to will be the focus, because Mike's image of a younger thug is so perfect.

As for Fang Zhenwu, he stood next to Gao Guang, silently, and indeed lacked a sense of presence.

"Hello, may I ask why you are blocking the road?"

It's impossible to ask someone to give way just by saying it, but you have to be polite first and then attack. Gao Guang greeted him politely, and then asked him directly why he was blocking the way.

There were seven people standing next to the car, all in casual clothes, none of them in uniform, and all of them were black, each of them tall and thick-set, looking very aggressive, and three of them had a gun, and one of them had a gun in his hand. They were carrying an R4 rifle with the butt folded up, while the other two people were holding pistols directly in their hands.

The person talking to Gao Guang was a black man in a suit. He took out an ID card, but did not open it. He just waved it at Gao Guang and said, "We want to check your vehicles. All vehicles must pull over, turn off their engines, and undergo inspection." "

"Do you have a search warrant? Or which department are you from? We are escort vehicles. Unless you have a direct investigation warrant, you cannot inspect our vehicles."

"Listen to me..."

The black man who was talking to Gao Guang was furious. He yelled first, and then directly grabbed Gao Guang's collar.

Gao Guang was still sparring with someone yesterday, so when the black man went to grab his collar, he subconsciously waved his left hand, causing the person who was going to grab his clothes to subconsciously tilt his head, and then hit him accurately with his right hand. The side of the black man's neck.

So I didn't know what the black man was going to say. He fell down and lay softly on the ground.

This move was so neat that Gao Guang was shocked. Seeing his sudden move, Fang Zhenwu, who was standing slightly behind him on his left side, jumped out without making a sound.

The people blocking the road were not standing in a bunch. They were basically standing next to their respective vehicles, in front and behind, and some were even separated by a car. But after Fang Zhenwu went out, the first thing he went to deal with was the car in his hand. The man holding the pistol paid no attention to the two men standing in front of him.

Fang Zhenwu slid over the front of the car, and then he gently and skillfully grabbed the target's arm with his right hand, and tapped the person's neck with his left hand. Then his whole body was like a leaf falling in the air, that kind of light and fluttering , without any sense of weight, arrived next to another man holding a pistol.

The two men with pistols didn't even raise their guns, they were frightened.

Fang Zhenwu didn't have time to make any more moves. He directly grabbed the gun, turned around, and lightly knocked on the back of the person's head. The second person also fainted.

At this time, the black man standing next to Gao Guang made up his mind to take action against Gao Guang.

Gao Guang discovered one thing, that is, they did not dare to shoot, but these people blocking the road also did not dare to shoot. Moreover, these people blocking the road were actually very nervous and very scared.

As soon as Gao Guang raised his hand, the person standing next to him immediately turned around and ran away, so Gao Guang could only say loudly: "Stop!"

The person holding the rifle was only there to embolden his courage. He had no intention of shooting, and he had no chance to raise the rifle. Fang Zhenwu eliminated the two people in an instant, and then came directly in front of him.


Fang Zhenwu didn't need to say anything more, and he didn't need to listen to what the other party said, so he simply knocked the other party unconscious with one punch, and then easily got the gun in his hand.

Before Mike and John could take action, four of the seven people blocking the road had already fainted, and the remaining three backed away continuously, but they did not dare to say anything at all.

"Everyone stop, don't move!"

The highlight pointed at the remaining people, and then he said calmly: "Move the car and wait aside, you two, hurry up!"

Several people looked at each other, then got into the car with depressed expressions, backed up the car which was not turned off at all, and made way for the road.

Gao Guang began to wave, and the motorcade parked not far away immediately began to move. At this time, Gao Guang took the intercom from his waist and said: "I don't know their identities. Do you need to find out which department they are from? Over. "

"Just to ask."

Gao Guang didn't ask any questions. He bent down and picked up the document that the man was holding. But when he opened it, he found that it was just a document cover with the national emblem of South Africa printed on it, and there was nothing inside.

After Gao Guang finished speaking with the certificate in one hand and the walkie-talkie in the other, he immediately whispered: "The certificate they took was blank, with only one cover. On the cover was not the regiment of the South African national emblem, uh, nor the military logo."

After reporting the situation, because if you hold a blank document, it is fake, and if you use a fake document, you cannot represent South Africa, then things will be much simpler.

So after briefly explaining the matter, Gao Guang looked at the only person who was still standing outside and was not fainted yet and said, "Tell me, who are you?"

"We are... we are... we are from the Secret Intelligence Service."

The speaker was very frustrated, but he still told his origin. After hearing the name Secret Intelligence Agency, Gao Guang's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Why is it related to the South African intelligence agency?

Gao Guang immediately said: "You pretend to be people from the Secret Intelligence Service, you are very courageous."

After finishing speaking calmly, Gao Guang dropped the ID cover in his hand on the ground, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "The person blocking the road pretended to be from the Secret Intelligence Service. How should I deal with it? Do I want to call the police?"

No one knows whether these people have any recording or video equipment on them. If Gao Guang rashly says that these people are from the Secret Intelligence Service, then it is obvious that people who know that they are from the Secret Intelligence Service still dare to take action. This matter will happen in the future. It's not easy to break up.

But Gao Guang said that the other party was someone pretending to be the Secret Intelligence Service. He not only reported the situation clearly, but also left room for people from Eric's company to argue in the future, which would make it much easier to deal with the matter in the future.

This means that you can't just say something to death and leave a backdoor for future wrangling.

"Those who pretend to be the Secret Intelligence Service are robbers. Ignore them. I will call the police. Leave now."

Having said that, there is no need to say anything more. Gao Guang and the others got into the car separately, and they didn't need to pay attention to the rest of the things. They just left.

After Gao Guang got into the car, the commander's voice came from the intercom.

"You called me Mad Dog, right? You said it right and you did it well."

It was just a simple compliment, but it was obvious that the person who had been directing the team really appreciated Gao Guang's speaking skills and his ability to quickly solve problems.

Gao Guang took the walkie-talkie and said, "Thank you."

Then there was no sound on the intercom. At this time, Saxon, who had been staying in the car, said excitedly: "You moved too fast!"

Dancing around, Saxon said extremely excitedly: "You just knocked down the guy who blocked the road in one fell swoop. I didn't even see what happened."

Gao Guang was equally excited because this was the first time he used the new routine in actual combat.

Well, this should be regarded as actual combat. Although the opponent was weaker, and the process was too fast, and Gao Guang himself didn't quite understand what happened, but this was indeed not a practice, so it could be regarded as actual combat.

Saxon was still there and said happily: "It's so fast, it's so well done. It's the first time I've seen your strength. Man, you've done a great job. You've made the spotlight for our factory."

It's just such a small thing, just a little blow. Gao Guang stretched out his fist, touched Saxon, and said: "It's a trivial matter."

Saxon breathed a sigh of relief, and then he suddenly said: "Secret Intelligence Service, do you think they will be from the Secret Intelligence Service?"

Gao Guang shrugged and said: "I don't know, maybe they are, maybe they are just fake, but from my feeling, if they are from the Secret Intelligence Service, then their skills are too poor."

Saxon shook his head gently and said: "Not all secret intelligence agencies can fight. The two intelligence agencies in South Africa, well, I have never dealt with them, but I heard that they are pretty bad now."

Gao Guang whispered: "Is there anything you want to tell me? Man, how about giving me some useful information now."

Saxon thought for a moment and said: "The Secret Intelligence Service used to only listen to Jacob's words. It was like his personal guard, no, more like a private spy."

"What now?"

"Since the Secret Intelligence Service will intercept us, it means that Jacob is no longer influential. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You already know it. They just haven't decided the winner yet. It has nothing to do with us. As long as we pass Just stay here and you’ll be fine if you go back to the factory.”

Is it really okay? Things don't seem that simple.

But what could Gao Guang say? He couldn't tell Saxon that if the South African government took action, we would withdraw, so he could only remain silent and regarded it as acquiescing to Saxon's words.

It depends on the energy of Eric's company. As a PMC, it is impossible to fight with other people's government on the soil of South Africa. If the robbers come, fight them. If the South African government wants to seize it, then let them Once it’s buttoned up, I guarantee you won’t say a word more with the high gloss.

But the rest of the trip went extremely smoothly, which seemed to verify Saxon's words. All the way to the factory, the entire team never encountered any interception, as if nothing really happened.

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