Firepower is king

Chapter 312 Optimism and Pessimism

Departing from Johannesburg in the morning and arriving in the evening, this time until the escort vehicle drove into the factory area, the escort convoy could not drive in because there were too many vehicles.

Gao Guang and the others stood guard next to the small building of the treasury with loaded weapons, and then watched a group of people counting boxes, using forklifts to transport the boxes into a special elevator, and then sending them underground.

A convoy comes in, unloads the gold and then goes out. Then another convoy comes in, unloads the gold and goes out. During this period, the armed security guards in charge of their respective escort vehicles are watching. When the gold is delivered to the vault, their mission is completed. .

This scene can be called spectacular, and they only need to watch the highlights and do nothing else.

It's a pity that we can't talk, and no one cares about small talk, but this is a good opportunity to see the strength of our peers.

Gao Guang lowered his voice, turned his head slightly and said to John beside him: "They use R4 and R5 rifles. This must be a South African security company."

John also tilted his head slightly and said, "Isn't it a Galil rifle?"

"Similarly, the Galil rifle patent purchased by South Africa, the Galil produced by itself is called R4, and the compact version is called R5."

Talking about weapons on paper is the strength of military fans, but John has neither the need nor the opportunity to see all the rifles, so there are many guns that he doesn't recognize, and it's normal that they can't compare to the highlights.

John nodded and whispered: "It doesn't look like the equipment is very good. Hey, there is a lot of gold here now. Someone will stay with us to protect this place, right?"

"Yes, at least dozens of people must be left behind."

John stopped talking, and at this time, Mike poked the highlight from behind, and then he whispered: "Boss, look over there, there is someone who has been looking at you."

Gao Guang looked in the direction Mike was looking and found that there was a yellow man somewhere who had been sizing him up.

Wearing a tactical uniform that is very common in PMC, a bulletproof vest, and a helmet, you can't see his hair, but judging from the color of his face, he must be a yellow man.

It is not that there are no yellow people in the ranks of PMC, but they are indeed quite few. However, Gao Guang knows that there are Chinese-owned PMC companies in Johannesburg, which mainly provide services to Chinese people, so in South Africa, the number of Chinese PMCs is relatively large.

"Isn't he also a Chinese? I'll ask him if I have a chance later."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang nodded to the yellow man who was looking at him, and then he immediately saw that the other person also nodded to him.

I don’t know if they are Chinese yet, but judging by their skin color, if the other person is not Chinese, then instead of being friendly with people of the same skin color, they are likely to despise each other.

It's not convenient to talk now. Let's talk later.

At this moment, the local South African company finished unloading the gold, and then their car drove aside and made room for the team of the War Group to watch the gold unloading truck that they were responsible for protecting.

A fat white man with a big beard, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a bulletproof vest, deliberately approached Gao Guang and the others and whispered: "Hi."

This is a friendly force. Although it is not convenient to chat all the time now, it does not prevent us from saying hello.

Gao Guang moved slightly to the side and whispered: "Hello, brother."

"Are you holding a new 6.8mm gun?"

Gao Guang looked at the gun on Francisco's shoulder and whispered: "You have sharp eyes. That's right, it's a new gun. Brothers, will you stay?"

"No, it's time to leave after we deliver the things. We're going back for vacation."

"Oh, you're in luck."

"But I've made a lot less money. I'd rather make more. There's nothing wrong with staying. Okay, let's talk later over dinner."

With so many people, they had to eat something after unloading the goods. The canteen was already preparing dinner for these guards.

The gold was still being handed over in an orderly manner. Malcolm had to count the weight of the gold in the warehouse one by one under the witness of the heads of many branches, and then sign for it to be put into the warehouse, so he remained in the underground vault.

When the fifth car of gold was also delivered to the vault, Malcolm finally left the underground vault.

Along with Malcolm, there was a middle-aged man whom I had never seen before. He looked to be in his fifties and had a gray beard. He was wearing a decent suit and walked out accompanied by Malcolm.

The old man had already passed Gaoguang, but he suddenly stopped, and then turned back surrounded by seven or eight people. He looked at Gaoguang and said, "You are the mad dog of the King's Defense, right?"

"Hello, sir, it's me."

The old man stretched out his hand towards the highlight and smiled: "Dave, Dave Bayer, CEO of Eric Mining Company."

"Hello, Mr. Bayer."

"What you said today impressed me deeply. You are a very smart young man."

"Uh, thank you."

Dave is a person with status. He came back specifically to say a few words to senior officials to encourage him, but unfortunately, it was of no great use. After all, everyone was not on the same line at all.

Dave smiled and turned to leave, but Malcolm did not leave. He stayed and whispered to Gao Guang: "There are many people here, and even if someone wants to get gold, they won't do it now." , But tonight will be crucial. You guys should work hard and take turns to eat. You must be vigilant. "

Gao Guang whispered: "Is there any danger?"

Malcolm was silent for a moment, and then he said with a gloomy look: "Yes, definitely yes! I can't say anymore. There will be a security meeting tonight, and we will talk about it then."

Malcolm left in a hurry. He trotted to catch up with Dave, and then a group of people entered the cafeteria.

Saxon is extremely optimistic. He firmly believes that the gold will be safe once it gets here and nothing will happen again, but Malcolm is very pessimistic. You can tell by his look that something will happen.

Who do you want to listen to?

Gao Guang decided to be pessimistic and listen to Malcolm's words.

As the saying goes, if you don't have hair on your lips, you won't get things done. Although Gao Guang himself is also a young man and usually gets along more happily with Sakr, he feels that Sakr is indeed a bit irritable and is overly optimistic on such a life-threatening safety issue. That's called blind optimism, and extreme pessimism is called a sense of urgency.

The crowd poured into the canteen. At this time, Gao Guang suddenly said: "Hey, that's not right. Where have all the workers gone?"

"The workers have left."

Someone behind him suddenly answered. Gao Guang turned around and saw security captain Reinster walking over. He said with a dull expression: "After you left, all the workers in the factory left the factory. They will take the bus." A chartered flight will leave South Africa and return to the United States today. Now it’s just us, us and you.”

After introducing the situation, Reinst approached Gao Guang and whispered: "Before you guys came back, three strange faces appeared at the door of the factory. They acted suspiciously and their purpose was unknown, but they were definitely inquiring about the factory. Case."

The description of this situation sounds scary.

First, all the workers in the factory were evacuated, and then before Gao Guang and the others came back, people began to inquire about the situation, whether it was to inquire about the terrain or something else. In short, this was clearly a sign of the coming storm.

After finishing speaking coldly, Reinst walked up to Gao Guang. He was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "I don't know where you are from, or what your relationship is with your superiors. I want to tell you, if You are just here to make money, and you will only cry when you encounter a real battle. I advise you to leave as soon as possible while you still have the chance. I would rather bring my brother to face it than anyone else to get in the way. "

Was he being looked down upon? Was it because of his age? It didn't matter. Gao Guang felt that if something really happened, he would tell Reinster to be professional. Anyway, he would definitely be better than him.

Reinster said nothing more. Before Mike and Francisco got angry, he said calmly: "This is just a friendly reminder and not a provocation."

Gao Guang reached out to stop Mike from speaking, and then he said seriously: "Then I thank you for the reminder."

Reinster turned and walked away without saying a word. Mike said bitterly: "This is not a provocation. Why don't you let me teach him a lesson?"

Gao Guang said with a gloomy face: "Can't you see? He is very nervous now, not very angry, so he is really probably just reminding us. Maybe he underestimated us, but he definitely didn't come here to provoke us. ”

John whispered: "I feel that he is really not here to provoke. He is very nervous, even scared. What is the situation? Is it safe or dangerous here?"

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said: "I don't know, but I think it's better to prepare for the bad side. It's better to be prepared than to use it, or to be unprepared if it can't be used. How about taking out our directional mines?"

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