Firepower is king

Chapter 347 Suppression, counter-suppression.

Mike and Francisco were left guarding the entrance on the first floor, and everyone else was on the second floor. Once Fang Zhenwu, who was about to sneak out, was discovered by the enemy, they began to cover Fang Zhenwu with firepower.

In general, Fang Zhenwu's plan is very risky, and at present, the reward does not seem to be too big, because including Gao Guang, there is no expectation that Fang Zhenwu can accomplish anything big by himself.

But allowing a person to escape from the encirclement is like adding a release valve to a pressure cooker. If nothing else, if everything really goes wrong, at least Fang Zhenwu can report a message to the outside world, and he can collect the body after it is done. What.

After observing outside for a long time, he was convinced that there was no visible infrared light source within the search range of the thermal imaging and low-light night vision device. Gao Guang said in a low voice: "Get off!"

Fang Zhenwu carried a 3D bag on his back. He didn't even look out the window as he walked. He ran directly in the room, then held the window edge with one hand and flew out.

He turned around in the air, grabbed the window edge with both hands, and first let his feet be as close to the ground as possible. Then Fang Zhenwu let go of his hands and fell down quietly.

It's very similar to parkour movements, but it's very fast. It took Fang Zhenwu less than a second to complete the entire process of jumping out from the second floor. He landed lightly and skillfully, then rolled off the ground to relieve his force, and then Fang Zhenwu crawled on the ground. After a while, he jumped up and ran toward the nearest obstacle.

Gao Guang's heart was in his throat. He was afraid that the sniper hiding in the dark would fire a bullet and kill Fang Zhenwu, but until Fang Zhenwu ran more than thirty meters, Paul finally screamed in surprise.


A red dot, very far away, and when he was waiting to hear the gunshot, Fang Zhenwu had already thrown himself on the ground.

"Sniper! Direction of eleven o'clock! Two hundred meters away!"

Patrick's machine gun clicked, and he fired continuously at the sniper he saw, trying to kill the sniper, or at least to suppress the sniper and prevent him from shooting at Fang Zhenwu again.

John didn't fire, he just said urgently: "Two o'clock direction! Three hundred meters, all enemy snipers are approaching and deployed forward!"

Fang Zhenwu lay motionless on the ground, while Paul asked with concern: "Has he been shot?"

"No! He was down before the sniper fired."

There was no walkie-talkie to alert Fang Zhenwu, and the sniper was hidden just now. Fang Zhenwu's position and perspective were unlikely to detect the sniper, but he didn't know how he lay down before the sniper opened fire.

Two hundred meters is a bit far.

Gao Guang carefully aimed at the position where the sniper had just appeared. It was already outside the wall. The sniper's position could pass through a gap and bring the entire small building into the shooting range, so the positions of both the enemy and ourselves were fixed.

Gao Guang was waiting for the sniper to fire his second shot, but the sniper never moved.

There is a sniper on the side, but the shooting range of the sniper in the two o'clock direction is not very large, and it is basically impossible to shoot and highlight them freely unless he changes his position.

Fang Zhenwu's exit exposed the position of the enemy's two snipers. Although it was useless to know the enemy's position without attacking, he did know the general idea of ​​​​the enemy's troop deployment.

Key positions, key deployments, and other secondary positions, just arrange a few people to keep an eye on them.

Gao Guang didn't fire, he just said anxiously: "The enemy only has a small number of personnel deployed on this side. Does the enemy want us to escape from this direction?"

If besieging three towers before was the enemy's psychological tactic, then now besieging three towers is a specific tactical arrangement, because the enemy's goal outside is gold, not the king's defense that guards the gold.

John said anxiously: "If the enemy tries to force us to escape, the sniper will not shoot!"

The enemy has deployed most of its troops in the direction of the entrance, treating the entrance direction as the front, that is, forcing a breakthrough from the front, and monitoring and restraining Gao Guang from other directions so that they cannot escape.

So this is not a siege. It is a choice made by the enemy under the premise of insufficient troops.

"They deployed most of their forces in the office building, and there were only a few enemies in other directions."

Gao Guang shouted.

The battlefield can never be static, it must be dynamic!

Grasping the battlefield situation and responding to changes in the combat situation are the most critical and core abilities of a grassroots commander.

The ability to grasp the battlefield situation and make correct judgments and choices is the talent of command, and the importance of this ability far exceeds the quality of marksmanship.

Those famous generals are proficient in the art of war, but Gao Guang, he is just a squad-scale battle commander, directing a small-scale battle.

But Gao Guang felt that he had found a fleeting opportunity in the battle.

If he seizes the opportunity and succeeds, then Gao Guang understands the art of fighting. If he fails, then he is a mad dog.

Fang Zhenwu suddenly stood up from the ground. He rushed towards the hidden sniper, running in a snake shape, sometimes lying down and sometimes jumping up, and rushed towards the sniper firmly and quickly.

The ability and role of snipers now tend to be mythical in film and television dramas, but real experts must know that snipers can exert a combat multiplier effect when used at the right position and time, but when used in the wrong place, snipers can really Not much better than an ordinary soldier.

The position is locked, machine gun fire is suppressed, and infantry is rapidly approaching. This is a disaster for any sniper.

But Gao Guang's focus was no longer on the sniper. He was thinking about what choice he would make if he were the enemy's commander.

Send people to support snipers? This is impossible.

Find out the enemy's intentions. If you think the enemy wants to escape, then open the defense line, let the enemy escape smoothly, and then take over the gold safely. This possibility is very high.

But if only one person tries to leave, then the enemy is not trying to escape, but to send someone out, most likely a messenger or something like that. Therefore, not only can the enemy not be allowed to escape at this time, but they must also immediately find a way to chase, intercept, and kill the messenger. .

So should we take this opportunity to launch an attack, and at least try to see if the enemy has a chance to penetrate while covering the escape of the courier?

Yes, definitely.

Gao Guang felt that if he were the enemy's commander, he would definitely not miss this opportunity.

The battlefield is changing rapidly. If you must act according to the original plan but cannot, or are unable to adjust in time, then you are a rubbish commander.

Gao Guang didn't fire, he turned around suddenly and said urgently: "Leave cover with the bottle cap! Alarm Clock Lobster, follow me!"

Several people were a little stunned, because the highlight method was a bit inexplicable.

It's no wonder that in less than ten seconds, Gao Guang's mind has already gone through countless circles. It's normal that no one can keep up with his rhythm.

Professionalism must be reflected at this time. After questioning and incomprehension, the authority of the current commander must be reflected at this time.

Gao Guang gave the order, and without any hesitation, Patrick, who was holding the trigger to suppress the sniper's shooting, put away his gun, turned around, and followed Gao Guang away.

Gao Guang rushed into the room on the other side, and then he whispered: "Wait a minute! Enter the fighting position later, pay attention to the intercom signal, the enemy will be in chaos, we..."

"The enemy is out!"

The situation has changed so fast that there is no time to explain, so why not explain on the battlefield, because there is no time to explain.

Gao Guang stopped issuing detailed instructions, and he just said urgently: "Wait for my order!"

The enemies swarmed out from the office building, two columns of six people each, holding guns, maintaining a search and advance formation ready to fire at any time, and rushed straight towards the vault.

The enemy was indeed caught off guard and planned to surround Wei and rescue Zhao.

Seeing that only twelve people came out of the office building, and only four people appeared in the canteen on one side, Gao Guang knew that the enemy was really out of strength.

Gao Guang continued to wait, and continued to wait. Patrick's finger tried to pull the trigger several times, but he endured it.


Only when the enemy ran between the office building and the vault did Gao Guang give the order to start the fight.

I don’t know if foreigners understand the principle of attacking halfway across, but they should understand.

Let the enemy reach the open space in the middle and then attack. You will not be able to get cover quickly when advancing or retreating. This is probably what it means to attack halfway.

Patrick's machine gun fired immediately, and for the first time, Gao Guang ignored the threat of snipers and stood behind the window and started shooting continuously at the enemy.

The 6.8mm caliber bore pressure is too high and the recoil is too great, making it almost impossible to shoot continuously. Therefore, I shoot one shot after another, so I use the automatic rifle in my hand as a semi-automatic rifle.

He didn't care about his aim at all. He shot three times and hit three hits. He put the gun away and ran over, in the same room. He just changed the direction and aimed at the office building.

Without looking at the enemies left in the open ground, Gao Guang believed that his companions would have no problem hitting such targets. Now he wanted to suppress the snipers on the office building, and he had to counter-suppress the enemy's precise shooting.

This is suppression rather than counter-suppression, but now there are more than ten snipers gathered in the office building, and Gao Guang is the only one here.

Gao Guang saw a red dot, so he fired once, and then he saw another one, so he fired again. It was like playing whack-a-mole. When you see a mouse popping up, you hit it. Whether you can hit it depends on your level.

Patrick yelled, "Reload!"

The highlight moved, subconsciously, and then he continued to raise his gun and fired at the fourth red dot he saw.

We don’t know if we have hit the enemy, and we don’t know how many enemies there are. The only thing we have to do now is continuous and powerful suppression, and use precise shooting to suppress the enemy’s precise shooting.

This is a very atypical battle, because this kind of battle cannot be fought by normal people.

Gao Guang suddenly squatted down and ran out of the room quickly. Then when he entered another room, he suddenly heard Reinster yelling: "Electronic interference is lifted! The enemy wants to restore radio communications."

Paul said painfully: "I was shot..."

Gao Guang changed rooms, and then he fired at the red dot he could see. He fired while running, so his opponent also shot him while he was running, so a bullet It flew past his ears with a sound that ripped through the air.

Putting the gun away again, Gao Guang whispered: "Alarm clock fire suppression, alarm clock, cover me!"

Gao Guang did not continue shooting, he ran out. This room was targeted, so he could not continue shooting in the face of the enemy sniper's blockade.

Walkie-talkies are restored, and enemies must wave to communicate, which also makes it easier to highlight them.

Gao Guang didn't tell anyone. He ran down to the second floor and said to Mike and Francisco who were staying on the first floor to guard the entrance: "Cover me! Attack the office building!"

Sorry this chapter is late.

Now my mind is clear but my body is overwhelmed. I shouldn’t stop updating, so I’ll do my best.

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