Firepower is king

Chapter 348 You are surrounded by me

When Fang Zhenwu actually attracted the enemy's attention and successfully stretched the enemy's defense line, the opportunity suddenly appeared.

As for whether this opportunity is good, it depends on who wants to seize this opportunity.

It wouldn’t work if it were anyone else, not even the best sniper in the world, but Highlight can. Why? Because Highlight can only exert its strongest combat power in indoor combat, and now the enemies are all trapped indoors. , so just highlight.

The enemy used dozens of people to surround Gao Guang and the others, but as they kept fighting, Gao Guang felt that he could defeat the other side. He would wait and see if he could do it. Anyway, he had this confidence now.

Gao Guang said hello, Francisco stood up after a while, and then he said viciously: "After this battle! I have made enough money! I will retire and become a rich man!"

"I want to be a star!"

Mike followed quickly, then he picked up the gun and said fiercely: "After this battle, I will have money to train. When I become a star! Hire you to be my follower!"

Gao Guang didn't pay attention to the behavior of his right-hand man crazily planting flags. He said viciously: "After this battle, I will have capital. I will sell arms and make a lot of money!"

Without saying something inspiring, it’s really impossible to muster up the courage to rush out with bullets in hand.

Life and death depend on success in one step, reaching heaven in one step, and death is this fate.


After Gao Guang gave the order, Mike closed his eyes, and then he rushed out after letting out a strange scream.

Francisco is second.

Of course Gao Guang was following behind the two of them.

Everyone has their own role. Mike's biggest role is to be a tank, so he must be in front at this time. If he switches to the high light in front to block Mike's gun, it will be useless for Mike to rush into the office building.

The three of them ran out close to each other.

Directional mines are not used, grenades are not used, cloud burst bombs are not used, and drones are not used.

Because now this battle is too atypical.

Patrick's machine gun fired immediately, and both Malcolm and Reinster started shooting at the office building with their guns. John, who was covering Fang Zhenwu, ran over, found a random window, raised his gun and started shooting at the office building. Even Paul, who had been shot once, managed to hold himself up and put the muzzle of the gun against the window, unable to look out at all.

If Mike could block two bullets, and Francisco could block a few more shots, plus covering fire and suppressing fire to distract the enemy's fire, Gao Guang might have a chance to rush into the office building.

Of course it's only possible.

Mike, who was running at the front, suddenly staggered, but his speed hardly slowed down, but his steps became more and more staggering, and then his helmet suddenly made a hissing sound, and a bullet flew past his helmet. He passed by, and then Mike could no longer hold the gun. He began to flap his arms forward, but he was still running forward.

If you really run with all your strength, you will have no energy and no time to open your mouth and shout.

Then there was another pop, Gao Guang heard it clearly, and this time Mike finally fell down with his head hit.

After running less than a third of the way, Mike lay down.

What feelings do you have? What can you feel? I knew this would be the end before I rushed out.

Now there was only Francisco in front of Gao Guang. Francisco held his gun sideways and ran forward in a slightly funny posture. Then he suddenly paused and then fell headlong in front of Gao Guang.

The highlight jumped once and passed over Francisco's back. Then he closed his mouth tightly and ran forward.

We were only a third of the way, and it looked like we had no chance.

Patrick finished shooting a bullet chain. He opened the cover hurriedly but not in a hurry, pressed on the new bullet chain, clicked it, and then swiped towards the window where the gun had just been fired.

"Fake, idiot, the time you have to help me change bullets is better than the time you spend shooting yourself!"

Patrick was scolding Malcolm. He pressed his left hand on the machine gun to reduce the sound of the gunfire as much as possible. He held the trigger with his right hand and aimed at any windows where enemies might appear.

Fire for a long time, pause, control the posture of the gun body, and continue shooting. The barrel of the gun is already emitting high temperature under continuous shooting.

The highlight is halfway through, so he should be able to run in.

"I come……"

Reinster put down the gun, picked up two magazine bags, and before he could reach the window, a bullet passed through his shoulder blade. Reinster grunted and fell to the sky.

Patrick turned his gun and aimed the remaining dozen bullets at the window where he had just fired.

Malcolm picked up a magazine bag and pulled out a section of the magazine. As soon as Patrick finished shooting, he reached out and opened the receiver cover, and then he took his hand away immediately when he was burned.

Patrick lifted the receiver cover, pulled the bullet chain from Malcolm's hand, put it away, buttoned the receiver cover, and immediately pulled the trigger with his right hand. After a brief pause of two or three seconds, the machine gun fired again.

This time I replaced it with a 200-round bullet belt, which can last a little longer.

It took Gao Guang about twenty seconds to rush out of the office building at the entrance, because the distance was almost a hundred meters, but with a full load, body armor, three guns, one long and two short, and ten magazines, it was impossible for him As fast as walking on the track wearing a tank top and running shoes.

Let Gao Guang rush in and you're done. If you die on the way, everything will stop.

The barrel of the gun was red, dark red, and the temperature was about 600 degrees Celsius.

Malcolm said: "It's going to explode, change the barrel!"

Patrick turned a deaf ear and continued to fire the bullet out as fast as he could.

Gao Guang also turned a deaf ear. He couldn't hear the gunfire, only the sound of the wind and his own increasingly heavy breathing.

The most hateful thing is that when Gao Guang is running, he can't see any enemies at all, and he doesn't have any target to shoot at. And even if he sees a target that he can shoot at now, it's impossible to shoot at him while running with all his life.

Still about thirty meters away from the office building, Gao Guang suddenly felt as if he had been punched in the stomach, just like when he was hit by a stick during sparring, but he didn't feel much pain.

He couldn't control it, so he staggered and ran a few more meters before Gao Guang felt as if he had been shot.

But what the hell, he had to run even if he was shot, but the idea was good. Gao Guang felt his knees go weak, and then he still fell to the ground.

This is different from the movie. Why does it lose its energy after being shot?

Patrick could no longer see the target from the thermal imaging, because the barrel of his gun had changed from dark red to dangerous orange. The temperature of the barrel had reached 800 degrees, and the temperature of the barrel had seriously disturbed the night view of Patrick's helmet. I checked it and saw only a bright red patch.

"Change bullets!"

Patrick put down the PKM and picked up the 6.8LMG machine gun that was always at hand.

Malcolm said anxiously: "Change the barrel... Fak!"

There is no time to change the barrel of the gun. Malcolm grinned and opened the receiver cover, put on a new ammunition belt, and then looked at the machine gun tube whose brightness dropped rapidly: "It has been replaced... "

The enemy actually put down their machine guns and stopped shooting the running highlights.

Patrick glanced at it, and then his spare gun was empty of bullets.

Grabbing the machine gun whose barrel was red, Patrick saw the bright light and lay forward on the ground. He also saw the window where the gun was firing, and then he aimed at the window and fired continuously.

Malcolm took the new gun, but he said in a panic and helplessly: "Where are the bullets! Where are the bullets for this gun?"

Patrick can keep the new gun at hand, but he can't bring two different types of bullets. The belt bags around him are all PKM, so he can only use the spare gun once.

There are no short bursts, only long bursts and continuous shooting. Patrick's suppressive firepower cannot be stopped, and it can only be said to be a miracle that he has not been killed by the enemy's snipers so far.

Or maybe the highlight shared more of the attraction, allowing Patrick, the machine gunner, to survive for more than twenty seconds.

But frankly speaking, this is an insult to the machine gunner. Really, the machine gunner is ignored and an assaulter is focused on by all enemies. This... is quite embarrassing.

Patrick was extremely angry. He first uttered a Chinese curse, which was in German, but others did not understand it. Then he spat out spittle and roared: "You are always here, are you blind?"

The spittle sprayed onto the barrel of the gun, making a sizzling sound, and then immediately vaporized and disappeared.

Patrick finally attracted the enemy's attention again, but at this time, Gao Guang, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up again.

I thought Gao Guang was dead, but he got up after a while without slowing down too much.

John yelled, "Throw away the rifle!"

He could run faster by throwing away the rifle, but he didn't throw away the highlight. He held the gun and ran for the last dozen meters. The bullets fell behind him, but the closer the distance, the harder it was for the enemy to hit him.

Gao Guang has been to this office building many times. He is very familiar with the terrain here. Entering from the gate is a relatively open hall, but there are no targets to shoot in. It's not that there is no one, but the enemy is hiding because of Patrick's machine gun. The entire hall was dangerous with bullets ripping through it.

Gao Guang finally rushed over, and then he was knocked by the steps and fell forward. However, he did not drop the rifle in his hand. Instead, after knocking heavily on the ground, he raised the gun dizzily.

The dazzled Gao Guang lay on the ground and fired two shots. Then he knelt down on one knee with difficulty and fired another shot. Then he staggered to his feet and walked a few steps into the hall.

A man suddenly appeared from behind the sofa and opened fire at the moment he appeared. However, before he could point the gun at Gao Guang, Gao Guang did not put the rifle in front of his eyes. He just swung the gun and the bullets were fired. The person who shot at him immediately Fall to the ground.

At this time, Gao Guang suddenly realized that he had actually called in. He had actually called into the office.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Gao Guang heard someone inside vaguely exclaim: "Face-slapping monster!"

"Go kill him!"

The enemy was shouting, but their fear was released without any concealment when they shouted.

When faced with a predator, prey panic spreads, giving off the smell of zero predator joy.

No one can be seen, only sounds can be heard.

So Gao Guang shouted arrogantly: "You are surrounded by me!"

There was a loud roar, and there was no sound inside. Gao Guang could only walk in with a gun, and then he said angrily: "Get out and surrender, hand over the gun and not kill, come out!"

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