Firepower is king

Chapter 353 The only condition

Two helicopters landed in the open space of the factory. Not many people came. There were only six armed personnel of the War Group, but they brought with them a medical team of up to four people.

Most of the helicopter's capacity was empty, of course, to transport the wounded away.

Once the reinforcements arrived, the feeling was naturally very different.

The reinforcement doctors took over all the wounded. They first examined the seriously injured who had just undergone surgery, and Gao Guang was of course also in this group.

But looking at the neatly stitched incisions, a doctor in his fifties looked at them for a few times before finally asking: "How many seriously injured patients have been operated on in total?"


"All done?"

"Yes, it's all done."

Several doctors all looked shocked. They looked at the room full of wounded people and suddenly seemed a little commotion.

"Are you kidding me? Did you do the surgery alone?"

Carlos nodded calmly and said, "Yes."

Several doctors looked at each other, and then one of them said in a very shocked tone: "Thoracotomy, abdominal surgery again, eight surgeries in three hours? Are you... kidding me?"

Gao Guang didn't know the person who led the team, but the person who led the team knew him. At this time, the reinforcements waved their hands and said: "Check the status of the wounded."

Several doctors looked at each other and then went to see the wounded who had just completed operations.

The oldest doctor said to Carlos: "Tell me about the situation of the wounded."

"This was a thoracotomy, and the bullet penetrated the lung lobe. I took emergency measures to stop the bleeding and kept the incision open to avoid accumulation of blood and fluid. Now the wounded person can still breathe on his own."

The first and most serious casualty was a member of the Lion Mercenary Group. Carlos introduced a few people to them, and the doctor immediately said: "This kind of injury, this kind of treatment..."

The high light couldn't be seen, but he could hear it, so he quickly said: "How is it?"

"The treatment method is very...unique. You can't make a mistake at all. If you make a mistake, the wounded person will die. Although it is still very dangerous, it seems that the injured person's life will not be in danger in a short time. Hmm, what medicine did you use?"

Carlos mentioned a bunch of drug names, but the characteristic of English is that the unfamiliar words have no idea what they mean, and the drug words are completely unfamiliar, and Gao Guang didn't understand any of them.

Then a doctor was very surprised and said: "These medicines are not good enough..."

The voice gradually became inaudible, and at this time, the person leading the reinforcements looked at Gao Guang and said: "Hello, I have brought you new news. The negotiations between Eric Mining Company and Matala have made a breakthrough. Sexual progress, although we don’t know when the results will be available, it won’t be long.”

Gao Guang was relieved and said softly: "That's great. How to deal with the prisoners? Have you said anything?"

"In a short period of time, we need to keep them as bargaining chips in negotiations. After the negotiations are over, we will know how to deal with them specifically. However, the order I received is to obey you in everything."

The person leading the team had no intention of introducing himself. He lowered his voice and said: "If you think they can't stay, then we can do it for you. Don't worry, the people I bring are absolutely reliable, but it's up to you to decide how to deal with it. ”

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Where are the doctors who came here? Are they reliable?"

"Of course it is reliable, and the level should be very good. We have brought over the surgical team of a well-known private hospital, paid a lot of money, and added threats. At least they will never dare to say nonsense."

"I'm asking how the level is."

"Oh, of course it's very good. I should say very good. We must find a good doctor."

Gao Guang felt confident, and he whispered: "Go and call our doctor first. I want to ask something."

The person leading the team quickly went out and called a doctor back, the one who looked the oldest. Then he said to the doctor: "Answer this gentleman's questions truthfully."

Gao Guang said to the doctor: "What do you think of the condition of the wounded?"

"Well, very good. Although we can't say that they are all safe, their lives are not in danger in a short period of time."

Gao Guang was very happy, and he continued: "What do you think of the doctor's level?"

After a moment of silence and hesitation this time, the doctor finally nodded and said: "Yes, very good, very good, but his knowledge of drugs seems to be a little out of date, and he uses some outdated drugs."

"The level of surgery is very high, but the knowledge of the drug system is a bit outdated."

"Yes, that's true. The overall lag is about ten years, because I saw that the latest anti-infective drugs are stocked here, but the doctor didn't use them. I communicated with him, and his answer was that he didn't recognize this kind of drug. , so it’s useless.”

If he can be recognized and even praised by his peers, it means that Carlos's level is obviously very good, and Gao Guang is convinced.

"Thank you, I won't interrupt. Please go back and continue working."

The doctor left again, and Gao Guang looked at John and said, "I want to dig Carlos over, what do you think?"

John whispered: "Carlos is capable, but the problem is that we have killed so many of his companions, we don't know if he is willing to do it."

"Whether you are willing or not, you have to give it a try. Since he is a mercenary for money, then give him a high salary, and of course give him due respect. I think it should be no problem. If he still refuses, then Use his comrades to threaten him, just coercion and inducement. They are all in our hands, so what are we afraid of? "

John nodded and said, "Okay, let's try it. I'll call him over."

John left in a hurry, but the person leading the team whispered: "You want to poach the enemy's doctor? Is this necessary?"

Gao Guang whispered: "You saw and heard just now, the doctor who performed eight surgeries in three hours. Although I don't understand the medical industry, I think it's amazing."

"It's really great."

"Then I'll definitely have to dig it out and give it a try."

The person leading the team thought for a while and said: "Of course I know how important a good doctor is, but the problem is that the dead people on the ground outside are all his comrades. If a doctor wants to take revenge, there are too many opportunities. "

Gao Guang looked helpless and said: "This is indeed a troublesome matter. You can't just win his person, but also his heart. No matter what, I want to make an appointment with this doctor. I'll ask first now."

Soon, John came back with Carlos. Gao Guang said anxiously and expectantly: "Dr. Carlos, uh, well, let's be honest. I want to invite you to join King's Defense Company. Are you interested?"

Carlos said slowly: "I'm not interested, but I accept the invitation, because I don't have the right to refuse now, but I have the conditions to let our wounded get good follow-up treatment, let all my companions go, and I will join you." Team, this is my only condition.”

Sorry for being late. I'm in a bad state today. The painkillers don't hurt the wound, but my head is really confused.

Hope tomorrow will be better.

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