Firepower is king

Chapter 366 Retribution

He stuffed the rocket with high-quality anthracite, then carefully struck a Botou match, lit a football newspaper, stretched the burning newspaper under the rocket, and then the rocket was launched with a whoosh.

This is roughly how Fang Zhenwu feels at the moment.

Why do you think there are always some fools in this world who look stupid but are actually stupid and get rich?

Maybe it's because they have been favored by God. Foolish people have stupid blessings, and fools make stupid tricks, but they just work.

The Shadowless Man, a killer with such a famous reputation, first made a phone call with a lie full of loopholes, and then used an even stupider way to deal with it.

But the Shadowless Man happened to appear. Well, the one who appeared now was a woman, but she must be with the Shadowless Man, right? Then she happened to appear and waved to Gaoguang.

Fang Zhenwu knew that he was not a smart person. He focused all his talents on martial arts training and was average in other aspects, but he still felt that his IQ was insulted.

I feel like I can't say it.

John looked at the woman nervously, then he looked around again, and finally he uttered the same sigh: "Fake, is this okay?"

Gao Guang saw the woman, but he was unmoved. He resolutely and righteously held the car door motionless.

"She seems to be waving to you..."

Fang Zhenwu hesitated to speak, and then he couldn't help but said: "There must be a conspiracy!"

Gao Guang whispered: "Nonsense, the smell of conspiracy is so obvious."

John was very confused and said: "Should I shoot her to death with a rifle, or should I ignore her?"

"Well... ignore her. If the Shadowless One wants to see me, let him come over. Anyway, I will never leave here!"

As a person, you must know your own strengths, and you must also understand the truth that there is always something in the sky. If you fight hard, no one is afraid of the highlight. But after entering the hospital, God knows how the Shadowless One will deal with him. What if he is not given a chance to shoot at all? .

Although things have developed to this point, it does not look like they are going to start a fight. It seems like they are going to talk and talk before starting a fight, but Gao Guang does not dare to take this risk.

A normal killer would not be able to write his name next to the corpse, so the Shadowless Man is not normal. Since he is an abnormal killer, he must not understand the Shadowless Man with normal people's thinking.

No matter what plots and tricks you use, I will be waiting here. If you dare to get close, I will shoot you to death. This is how you play and how determined you are.

I don’t know if the woman understood what Gao Guang meant, but she stood at the door of the inpatient building for about a minute, looking directly at Gao Guang. However, after waving her hand several times, she found that Gao Guang had no intention of moving at all. , and finally returned to the inpatient building.

Seeing that the woman did not come over, but turned back, Gao Guang became nervous again, and then he whispered: "Will she just stop coming out? Will she attack Mike and the others?"

Fang Zhenwu sighed and said: "Okay, I've seen it through. This is called one thing defeating another. I can't keep up with your ideas. Do what I can do, and I'll protect Mike and the others."

John whispered: "I'd better go, at least I'm better with a gun."

After following Gaoguang, John never said anything about his accuracy in shooting.

John opened the driver's door and got out of the car, then he took a deep breath and whispered: "Fake, a mad dog, a killer, they are all fucking abnormal, Fake!"

Gao Guang said in surprise: "You can just scold the Shadowless One. Why are you scolding me?"

John strode towards the inpatient building, and then he said on the intercom: "Keep in touch, if I don't speak for two minutes, something will happen, Shadowless Man, killer... do it!"

While shaking his head and muttering something, Gao Guang looked at Fang Zhenwu in surprise: "Brother Fang, what do you think is wrong with John?"

"It's nothing. I'm just a person who mumbles when encountering this kind of thing. Anyway, I'm confused now. My mind is confused. Don't let me analyze it. I have a headache."

The parking location is at least fifty meters away from the inpatient building, close to the absolute control range of high light.

John walked into the inpatient building, and then he said on the intercom: "Everything is normal, I... I will find Mike and the others first."


"Everything is normal. I want to enter the elevator. The signal in the elevator will be affected. Over."


After dozens of seconds, John whispered: "I got out of the elevator, everything is normal, it's over."

Gao Guang said nervously: "Copy that."

At this time, about three minutes after the woman returned to the inpatient building, she appeared at the door of the inpatient building again, and this time she did not stop, but walked towards the highlight.

"Come on, come on, she's coming!"

Fang Zhenwu's tone became higher, and Gao Guang said quickly on the intercom: "Bottle cap, that woman is out!"

The woman walked straight over. She was wearing a white coat, dressed like a doctor rather than a nurse. She just waved her hands and walked over looking very normal.

"Do you want to kill her?"

Fang Zhenwu asked in a trembling voice, and Gao Guang whispered: "Shit! How can you shoot in this situation? She is definitely not the Shadowless One, let's see what she says."

The female doctor stopped in front of the highlight, about three meters away. This distance showed that she was still wary of the highlight.

The female doctor's expression looked very serious and sad, but she was also happy and satisfied. It was difficult to see so many complex emotions showing on a person's face at the same time.

Moreover, this doctor looks to be in her forties or fifties, which is not considered young anymore, but it can be seen from her face and figure that she must have been a beauty when she was young.

Gao Guang was sizing up the woman, and the woman was also sizing up Gao Guang. After the two looked at each other for a moment, the woman finally said, "Your name is Otto?"


A look of disgust and disdain appeared on the woman's face, and then she frowned and said, "Are you worthy of being called Otto?"

Gao Guang was stunned, and when he was about to scold him resolutely, he heard the female doctor say: "I made the call. Otto wants to see you. It's the real Otto who wants to see you. Come with me."

Gao Guang suppressed his curse words, but he didn't move.

The female doctor turned around and left, but after taking two steps, she found that Gao Guang had not followed. She turned around and looked at Gao Guang, and asked with confusion and a little annoyance: "Why don't you come?"

"Why should I go? I'm right here. If Otto wants to see me, just ask him to come over. Also, do you think I like this name? Bah, who knows what conspiracy that bastard made to force this name on You think I care about you."

Gao Guang was indignant and after clearly expressing his position, he said to the female doctor: "I'm not going anywhere. If the Shadowless One wants to see me, come out quickly, otherwise I will leave, that's it."

The woman frowned. She seemed not to have expected this situation. After hesitating for a moment, she finally whispered: "You..."

She probably wanted to ridicule Gao Guang, but the doctor held it back after all, because she could see that Gao Guang didn't offend her or the real Otto, so after hesitating for a moment, she finally looked disgusted. Said: "Otto can't come to see you, he is dying, so he asked me to take you to see him."

Okay, now I really can't.

Gao Guang looked at Fang Zhenwu in astonishment, and Fang Zhenwu looked at Gao Guang in confusion.

"I really didn't expect this situation. Damn it, what should I do?"

Fang Zhenwu said with a confused look: "Don't ask me, I don't know. How the hell do I know what to do now? I haven't understood what to do from the beginning until now."

At this time, Patrick's business rang on the intercom, and he whispered: "Boss, do you want to meet? We can go with you! Be prepared, or there will be a fight in the worst case!"

Gao Guang raised his eyebrows and said, "See you! Don't leave the alarm clock. You two stay here."

Gao Guang thought so. If this was a trap by the Shadowless One, it seemed really unnecessary and it wouldn't be like this.

The key is that the damn curiosity is too strong, like a fire, and it won't work unless the fire is extinguished.

Fang Zhenwu also looked relieved and said: "No matter what killer he is, he is still the number one killer. He must die in a clear way!"

Gao Guang followed the doctor as if he was willing to die generously, while Fang Zhenwu followed him.

The female doctor once again made a look of disdain and contempt, but she soon turned into a look of helplessness. Then, her face looked a little sad, and when she walked back, her steps were also slow. It seems a lot heavier.

Gao Guang's hand was very close to the handle of the gun. He could draw the gun at any time, but now, he felt that everything was going in a weird direction.

After walking into the inpatient building, the female doctor entered the elevator directly, but not until she reached the second floor. Then she silently led the way. She took a quick look and found that it was the inpatient department of cardiac surgery.

Will heart disease lead to irreversible death if it is predicted in advance? can you?

For the first time, Gao Guang felt that he lacked medical knowledge. He also regretted not asking Carlos to come with him, but it didn't matter, you could ask.

Gao Guang winked at Fang Zhenwu, but he found that Fang Zhenwu looked lost and didn't look into his eyes at all.

Fang Zhenwu was below his standards today, so Gao Guang had to stop for a moment and he had to say it clearly.

At this time, a nurse on the night shift met the female doctor head-on. She did not speak, but she turned slightly to the side and nodded in greeting, the kind of action she would do subconsciously when seeing someone with high status or respect. .

Is it possible that this female doctor is not pretending to be a doctor in this hospital?

Gao Guang suddenly felt that there was no need to ask Carlos, because the truth was about to be revealed.

The female doctor continued to walk forward with a lot of worries. Then when she passed the information desk and the nurse station on duty, a nurse stood up and said hello to her. However, the female doctor looked worried and lost all responses to the outside world. She was very indifferent. Politely ignore other people's greetings.

Knowing that she had stopped at the door of a ward, the female doctor stopped. She took a breath, put on a forced smile on her face, and then she gently knocked on the door of the ward.

Fang Zhenwu clenched his fists with excitement on his face, but Gao Guang put his hand on the handle of the gun.

"Come in."

A voice rang out, and the female doctor pushed open the door. In the ward was a hospital bed, with an old man lying on it. There were several tubes on his body and I didn't know what they were used for. However, the old man looked very energetic and didn't look like a doctor at all. A person with severe heart disease looks like.

"Otto, he's here."

The female doctor walked straight to the bedside. She tried her best to smile and look relaxed, but when she spoke, she felt like she was about to cry.

Gao Guang and Fang Zhenwu entered the door.

Gao Guang suddenly realized. Now he knew why Otto was able to change from a middle-aged man to an old man in a very short period of time at the airport. It turned out that he just took off his disguise. It turned out that Otto the Shadowless Man was really an old man. .

The Shadowless One might just be called Otto. He was lying on the hospital bed, not looking at the bright light, but he said to the female doctor with a tender face: "Thank you, my dear Dr. Lawrence, please don't be sad, it will make me heartache." of."

The female doctor looked like she was about to cry, so Otto said with a serious face but full of tenderness: "Oh, I'm sorry, it seems I said the wrong thing."

Is it because I really have a serious heart disease that I can't say anything that would hurt my heart?

Gao Guang couldn't help but think so after listening to Otto's words.

It seemed that her guess was correct. The female doctor said with a tearful voice: "You will get better. You will definitely get better."

Otto nodded slightly and said: "Yes, I will be fine. Well, I'm sorry. I want to have a few words with this...Otto alone, is that okay?"

The female doctor wiped the invisible tears on her face, turned around, and said angrily to Fang Zhenwu: "Please go out and let them talk alone."

Gao Guang and Fang Zhenwu made way out together, and then the female doctor stopped and looked at Fang Zhenwu with an angry look, so Fang Zhenwu muttered: "Then I, I, I'm going out..."

Gao Guang nodded, and then Fang Zhenwu and the female doctor left the ward together. When the door was closed, the female doctor looked at Otto again with concern and said in a low voice: "Don't be excited, relax."

The door closed, and for some reason, Gao Guang felt relieved, so he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect you would actually dare to come. I didn't expect you would be treated so poorly..."

Otto lay on the bed and said a few words lightly. He was indeed very proud, not the kind of superficial pride, but he could feel it from the highlight.

But he only said half of it, but Otto didn't say anything. He looked at Gao Guang's face and suddenly said: "You didn't come here because you care about your comrades, so you didn't come here because you were deceived. Well, you just wanted to kill me. Come.”

Yes, that's what happened, but Gao Guang wanted to know how Otto was so sure.

What should I say? Gao Guang was still thinking in his mind, but he said uncontrollably: "Are you the Shadowless One?"


Otto responded calmly, and then he said calmly: "I have made my identity public to the world, so it is no longer a secret."

Gao Guang said with a confused look: "You, why do you have to, uh, wait a minute."

He didn't dare to leave the handle of the gun, but after organizing the words in his mind, Gao Guang finally said: "You want to kill me?"

"You? You are not worth killing because your worth is not worthy of me."

After speaking very calmly, Otto said indifferently: "I am going to die. I have the strongest body in the world, but a fragile heart. There is a tumor on my heart, and there will also be tumors on my heart." Tumor, isn’t it weird?”

His tone was calm, but he was a little unwilling after all, so Otto sighed softly, and then said self-deprecatingly: "Maybe it's because I told too many lies about my heartache, that's why I really have a tumor. According to the Eastern belief system For me, this is retribution.”

There is no concept of karma in Western religious and moral systems. Since Otto knows the word retribution, it means that he is at least a person who understands Eastern culture.

Gao Guang looked at Otto again, and then he said still curiously: "What exactly do you want to do?"

Otto was stunned for a moment by the question. He fell into deep thought. After a long silence, he said with a blank look on his face: "I don't know."

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