Firepower is king

Chapter 367 Women’s War

have no idea.

The number one killer didn't know what he was going to do.

This is really a refreshing and good answer. Although he knows that the world is indeed absurd, it is through this lesson that Gao Guang truly understands what is unexpected.

The two fell into a long silence again. Gao Guang didn't know what to say and Otto didn't know what to say either.

As if by mistake, Gao Guang suddenly thought of something.

The Shadowless Man, Otto Schmidt, his life is worth 100 million US dollars, and Otto is now lying in front of the bright light and will die soon.

The temptation of having this hundred million dollars lying in front of him made Gao Guang sober up in an instant.

Regardless of whether Otto was really about to die, even if he was still as strong as an ox, Gao Guang was sure to kill him with one shot.

If he didn't dare, Gao Guang would really shoot.

"Since you don't know what you want to do, can you answer a few questions for me? Okay?"

Gao Guang's tone was as if he was discussing with others, but Otto thought for a while and said happily: "Okay, I will answer all the questions I can answer for you."

"Our names have been swapped. You got the green card that was supposed to be mine, and I got the passport that was supposed to be yours. In fact, neither of us wants this result, right? So can you tell me why? What if something like this happens?”

Otto's face turned ugly and he said: "This is a bit complicated to say, really very complicated. This matter is full of coincidences, but there are also people who push it deliberately."

Gao Guang said cautiously: "With your identity and work level, you should have many passports. It is very easy to enter and exit a country, but why do you want to apply for an American passport?"

Otto took a breath and said: "That's the problem. I have many passports, but none of them are named Otto Schmidt. Do you understand what I mean? I was born named Otto Schmidt. Mit, but for so many years, I have never had the chance to be called this name, so I want to apply for a passport and use my real name to live in the country and city I want to live in. Can you understand this? "

"I understand, but why did it go wrong?"

Otto Schmidt curled his lips and said: "Because...someone didn't want me to come to the United States. She knew that I came to the United States to settle down, so when she applied for a passport for me, she asked me to change my name. I can't use this passport."

"But you can cancel this passport and still use the name Otto Schmidt. At most, you can just change your date of birth and nationality. Isn't this difficult for you?"

After Gao Guang asked the question, he suddenly realized that Otto had used her, that is, a woman to help him handle this matter, and she was also the culprit of the wrong passport.

Otto shook his head and whispered: "I got my passport, but I didn't know it. When I really wanted to use it, I found out that something like this happened, but I still had to come, I couldn't. He didn’t come, so I came.”

"Wait a minute, can you explain it clearly? Why is this happening?"

Otto smiled and said: "Because my passport and all the identities I used before are in the hands of someone, and in order to prevent me from coming to the United States, those identities can no longer be used. And then in order to prevent me from coming to settle in the United States, she also put My name is published on the dark web, which means that I can settle in the United States under any name, but it is impossible to use the name Otto Schmidt.”

Gao Guang thought for a while and finally said: "In other words, you came to the United States to settle down and retire, not to kill someone?"

Otto said very relaxedly: "Oh, this is a long story. The excuse I came to the United States was to kill someone, so I used this as an excuse to apply for a passport under my real name. I planned to kill someone along the way, and use this to I had the opportunity to stay in the United States, but my plan was discovered and was ruined for me. They also cut off my options and my thoughts, so that I would never be able to settle in the United States. "

Gao Guang swallowed and said, "You are talking about her, then this woman..."

"Don't ask about this, you will die if you find out."

"Okay, I won't ask anymore. Then did you come to the United States to kill Smith? Smith from the War Group?"

Otto grinned and said, "Yes."

Really, it was really to kill Smith, Gao Guang immediately said: "Who asked you to kill Smith?"

Otto looked at Gao Guang very strangely and said: "I can tell you who you want to kill, because since you said it, you must know something, and revealing the target's identity will not violate the law except to increase the difficulty. My professional ethics, but how can I tell you who the client is? Even if I am going to die, I can't violate my professional ethics."

"Uh, okay, you're right, sorry."

After a serious apology, Gao Guang said nonchalantly: "Then you didn't come to the United States to kill me. Well, you don't want to kill me, right?"

"No, I want to kill you because you are using my name, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. Otto Schmidt is the Shadowless One. Otto Schmidt does not need so many messy names. Mad dog... …That nickname pisses me off.”

After Otto finished speaking very seriously, he said with a serious face: "But even though I think you are unhappy, I will not kill you, because as a professional killer, killing someone is very expensive, and no one If you pay, I can’t let you take advantage of this.”

Gao Guang was greatly relieved, and he immediately nodded and said: "This professional ethics is indeed very good, please continue to maintain it."

Otto exhaled and said: "I have to tell you, although I may die at any time now, even if I move my fingers, I can still kill you in a way you don't know, so I won't Killing you is not because of inability, but because of unwillingness. You have to understand this. "

He is indeed a very proud person.

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "I thought you deliberately leaked your name to the dark web to clear your name and let everyone in the world know that the Shadowless Man is Otto Schmidt."

Otto sighed softly and whispered: "I have this idea. I don't want to use a pseudonym all my life. I want people to know that Otto Schmidt is the Shadowless One. I am going to die and don't want to keep this secret." Take it to the grave, but as a killer, I just think about it, but it is impossible to actually do it, but a woman, especially a woman who knows all your secrets, can really do it.”

He didn't know what he meant. This time it was Otto who said it himself. Gao Guang wanted to ask but didn't dare.

Otto closed his eyes and lay quietly for a while. Gao Guang said cautiously, "Are you okay?"

"I am fine."

Otto opened his eyes again, and then he said with a puzzled face: "Have you ever heard of tumors growing on the heart? I have never heard of it. There are so many kinds of heart disease, but I But it happened that there was a tumor on the heart, and it was malignant. "

"Isn't it possible to have surgery?"

Otto said helplessly: "You can't die at the touch of an operation. In fact, it's a miracle that I can survive until now. I may die at any time without warning, so I must rest in this ward to minimize the risk." "

"Can't you transplant a heart?"

"I can't find a suitable match." Otto said with regret: "And there is no time. If this is retribution, then I probably have no chance to find a suitable heart."

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "So you just want to see me?"

"Probably so. I think it must be some kind of special fate to meet each other at the airport today, so since there is still a chance, I'll meet you. Well, people will behave strangely before they die. normal,."

Otto suddenly laughed, and then he said easily: "I thought you were a nobody. After all, the person who issued the passport told me so, but I didn't expect that when I looked for Otto Schmidt's name, The first one found you, an East Asian named Otto, who opened a King's Defense store in Los Angeles, is also the famous Mad Dog, and is also the God of Elevator. It's really hard for me to find you. "

Knowing the name Otto Schmidt, it is really easy to find the highlight from the United States, because there may be people with the same name, but Asians with this name are extremely rare, so you can find it accurately.

Gao Guang whispered: "You asked that doctor to call me just to lure me here?"

"Yes, I can't handle it myself, so I have to ask my friend to do it for me. She's not very good at doing these things, but I think you should use this excuse to come, at this point."

Otto came to his senses. He was originally lying down, but he tried to move, so he moved up, and then said with interest: "My prediction is that you will come here out of concern for your brothers. hospital, then my friend will take the opportunity to call you to meet me, but you came but you did not enter the ward, and then she had to invite you a second time. According to my observation, you seemed You want to take this opportunity to kill me, which makes me very curious. Where do you think you can kill me? "

Gao Guang opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the ward door opened with a roar. The female doctor just rushed in. She saw Otto half lying on the hospital bed, so her tears flowed away. He came down and said tremblingly: "Don't you know you can't move!"

After speaking very anxiously, the female doctor suddenly blamed herself: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this to you, you... you can't move on your own."

Otto said with a gentle face: "I'm sorry, it's my fault. Can I just keep this position still?"

The female doctor thought about it with a tangled look on her face, and finally nodded and whispered: "Don't move yourself, your situation is very dangerous."

Otto whispered: "We haven't finished speaking yet. After I finish speaking, just lie down and go to sleep, okay?"

An old man who looked to be at least sixty years old spoke in a very gentle and obedient tone, which really made Gao Guang feel weird.

Wait, wait a minute!

The person who picked up Otto at the airport was a woman, but it was definitely not this doctor. The person who issued Otto's passport was a woman, but it was probably not this doctor, so this doctor was already the third woman, and she had the word love written on her face. .

Relating to what Otto said, Gao Guang suddenly thought of a possibility.

Is all this just because Otto's women are jealous? If you think about it carefully, this possibility is really very high.

So Gao Guang became involved with the name Otto Schmidt, and his destiny changed because of the women's war.

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