Firepower is king

Chapter 436 The heroes see the same thing

Sometimes, Gao Guang feels that he, a professional thug with a pmc background, is of a higher standard than the security experts from the Tiren Formation.

Even though most of the top leaders of the TPLF were high-ranking officials in Ethiopia, and those who opposed and protected the security of high-level officials can represent the highest level of the Ethiopian country, the ability they demonstrated still made Gao Guang produce him. OK feeling.

In order to ensure safety, he went to meet and negotiate in the wild, but was followed and monitored by people from the Ethiopian Intelligence Bureau.

Now that we are not going to the wild, we will meet in the city of Mekele. At least we should do a better job in safety. But after Gao Guang got in the car, he found that the so-called safety measures were to drive around the city. Five cars suddenly Split up and drive in different directions.

I feel like the secrecy and security work of the Tiren Formation is a joke.

Now Gao Guang is sure that he can kill seven in and seven out in the most heavily defended place of the Tiren Formation.

In fact, Mekele also has shrunken high-rise buildings and inadequate hotels. However, this tripartite meeting was not arranged in the downtown area. The car finally drove into a residential area in Mekele, and it was a relatively poor area. Plant a place.

It wasn't a slum, but there were no tall buildings either. Then Gao Guang and the others got off the bus in front of a house and were quickly led into a seemingly normal house.

Just when Gao Guang thought they had arrived, they discovered that this place was just a cover. They had to go through the yard and go to the inconspicuous house in the back to start negotiations.

But I don’t know what the meaning of this round-about deception method is. This method worked about fifty years ago. As long as there is a drone in the sky or a locator on the car, doing this is not deceiving oneself and others.

Opening a secret door that took ten seconds to distinguish, Gao Guang and the six of them walked through the secret door, passed through what looked like a garbage dump but was actually a secret passage, and arrived at the adjacent house. Only then did they conclude the negotiation. Place.

There was a small courtyard. There were two people in casual clothes in the small courtyard, and there were more than a dozen armed people sitting in the small room next to them. Before Gao Guang and the others entered the next scene, someone finally made a request to them.

"Please take out all your weapons."

A tall but thin black man stopped Gao Guang and the others. Then he pointed at the machine gun that Patrick was carrying and said, "Put the gun down, and then you can go in."

Gao Guang and the others were intent on fighting, so how could they hand over their guns? Fang Zhenwu wasn't here, so they wouldn't have the confidence to hit anyone with empty hands.

Gao Guang frowned and said, "Put down the gun? Well...that's not possible."

"It's safe here, why are you bringing guns?"

This is an impeccable question. It cannot be said that we like to carry guns and feel uncomfortable when we are away from them.

At this moment, someone else walked in through the secret passage of the garbage dump, and Kachu followed him one after another.

Kaqiu looked at the situation in the yard, and then said to the person who stopped Gao Guang and the others: "These are all guests, why are they not allowed in?"

"Just ask them to take out their guns and keep them temporarily."

Kachu thought for a moment, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Then let's hand over the gun."

Gao Guang's idea is that as long as he can bring a gun in, he can go up and kill all the competitors with just a few clicks without any nonsense. But without the gun, he really has no confidence to do this.

It seems that the Tiren Formation still has the most basic safety awareness, and just such a little safety awareness makes it difficult to handle the highlight.

The main reason is that in negotiations hosted by a third party, it is really difficult to directly kill competitors, so even the slightest security measures will greatly increase the difficulty.

Now he couldn't stand still and refuse to hand over his gun, nor could he hesitate all the time. Gao Guang casually said to Patrick and the others: "Don't go in, just wait outside."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said to the person in charge of security: "Is it okay to let them wait outside?"


John, Patrick, and Carlos took a step back silently with their guns in their hands. Then the person in charge of security pointed at the big bag Carlos was carrying and said, "What's inside?"


Carlos took off the backpack, opened it, and said naturally: "They are all medicines."

"Why do you need to bring medicines with you at this time?"

Carlos zipped up his backpack and said naturally, "Because I'm a doctor."

This reason seems to be impeccable, but as a doctor carrying medicines and medical equipment with him, he always feels that something is wrong.

Gao Guang didn't hold a rifle, and neither did Leon or Yuan Zheng, but Gao Guang didn't intend to let Yuan Zheng follow him in, as long as he and Leon went in.

If we can talk, let's talk. If we can trade normally, then trade normally. If not, then we can impose a monopoly, so there is no point in following the expedition.

But when Gao Guang was about to go in, the person who stopped him said again: "Sorry, I want to search you."

Gao Guang was stunned. He said angrily: "Search me? Are you kidding me?"

"You're both going to be searched, they've already done it."

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment, then he reluctantly pulled out the pistol, walked over and put it in John's hand. After thinking about it, he pulled out another pistol from his waist.

Now it's troublesome, but it's not easy to handle.

Then the guard really touched Gao Guang's body carefully.

This plan has to change. I can't draw my gun during the negotiation and just do it.

Leon was also searched, and when Gao Guang was about to go in with Leon, he saw Yuan Zheng open his backpack generously, then he opened the drone carrying case, and finally raised his arms. , said: "Search quickly."

A soldier clumsily took out Yuanzheng's time-travel machine from his bag. Yuanzheng's face changed drastically and he said: "Be careful! Be careful! Can you afford to pay for it if it breaks?"

Another soldier opened the box and showed two drones and a set of controllers inside. Yuanzheng pointed at the box and said: "These are all samples, be careful!"

The man who should be an officer touched Yuanzheng's body up and down, and after confirming that he was not carrying a gun, he was about to turn around to check the backpack and box, but Kachu said impatiently: "Okay! This is a technical expert. We’re all waiting for him, hurry up.”

"Okay, let's go in."

Gao Guang remembered that Yuanzheng had a PPK here, but he didn't hand it over when he was searched just now. So, can they bring a gun in?

Yuanzheng picked up his backpack and carried the box. When he passed by Gao Guang, he naturally handed the open bag to Gao Guang and said, "Help me take it."

Yuanzheng took back his time-travel machine from the soldier, and when he carefully put the time-travel machine into his bag, he opened a zipper inside, and the PPK was actually in the obvious compartment of the backpack.

This security check is a bit too watery.

Gao Guang understood. He watched Yuan Zheng zip up the backpack, and then said: "Go in."

The pistol is still in the expedition bag, and several pairs of eyes are looking at it. It is impossible to get the gun now, but it is good to have a gun, and I feel much more at ease.

After passing through a hut, I came to a quite large room, where there were already about ten people. They must have gone through a round of negotiations, and now they were waiting to highlight them and let the two sellers have a face-to-face price reduction.

The way this people's formation does business is really unorthodox. How can they do this? They don't leave any room for buffering. It seems that they are really in a hurry to finalize the arms purchase, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

There were more than a dozen chairs placed in the room. Jilawotu, whom Gao Guang had met before, was present. There were also two unfamiliar faces with Jilawotu. Judging from his aura, he should be a big shot in the Tiren formation.

There are five other people sitting on the chairs on the side, two white people, two Middle Eastern faces, and one black person. These should be competitors.

After Kachu entered the room, he went to Jilawotu's side. The three of them, Gao Guang, naturally sat opposite the competitors.

The two sides were only three meters apart, their faces could be seen clearly, and they could hear their breathing louder.

"Okay, now that both parties are here, we can get started."

Jilawotu stood up. He was not polite and said directly: "Now we have decided to purchase arms through bidding. Here is a list with a minimum price marked on it. Based on this minimum price, which one of you will make the quotation? Whoever has the lower price will have an advantage, but there is no guarantee of winning the contract because we have to examine the transportation channels and methods to finally decide on the supplier.”

Leon went to get a quotation, and Gao Guang took a quick look at it and saw that the bullet price was 1.5 US dollars per bullet, but this was the highest price. Whoever had the lower price between them and their competitors would win. contract.

Gao Guang just glanced at it. He didn't take a closer look. A white man on the opposite side stood up and said: "Our quotation is one US dollar for bullets. We can guarantee at least 100 million rounds for each shipment. Do we still need to talk?" ? As for the transportation method, this is confidential. I can’t say. There is a detailed route map and instructions here. You can know it at a glance. ”

Gao Guang immediately said: "We also have a detailed plan, take it out."

Yuanzheng was sitting on the left side of Gao Guang. He turned around and showed his backpack to Gao Guang and said, "You can take it yourself."

Highlight's movements sped up a lot. He unzipped the zipper, reached in and grasped the handle of the gun.

This pistol is not loaded. The key is that the magazine spring is weak. The first few bullets are pressed tightly, but the last few bullets can easily be misfired due to insufficient ammunition supply.

But he couldn't care so much anymore. Gao Guang put both hands into his backpack, held the sleeve with his left hand, stretched out his right hand hard, and the bullet was loaded with a click.

But the white man who said he wanted to get the road map turned around.

Whose documents have to be reached into the crotch of someone's pants?

Gao Guang suddenly took out his gun, and the white man who was about to take out the road map suddenly turned around and already had a gun in his hand.

The heroes see the same thing.

Gao Guang has quick hands and accurate gun. He can take out the gun from the expedition bag faster than the competitor can draw the gun from the waist, so when the competitor is about to point the gun at Leon, he has already drawn the gun.

There was a crack of gunfire, and the competitor fell down.

Although the power of PPK bullets is small, there is no problem in hitting the head, and it is absolutely guaranteed to kill in one shot.

"Don't even move!"

He was shouting, but his hands didn't stop, and he fired two more shots, knocking the two standing competitors to the ground, and then immediately pointed the gun at the standing black man.

When he pulled the trigger, nothing happened, but the black man pulled out the gun from the waistband behind his back.

As expected, the broken gun in Gao Guang's hand fell off the chain at the critical moment.

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