Firepower is king

Chapter 437: Reasoning

John hung the gun on his shoulder with the muzzle pointed downward. He looked around the yard and then walked into a hut where a group of Tiren soldiers were staying.

John looked relaxed. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, put one in his mouth first, touched it on his body, then made a gesture of pressing a lighter, and said arrogantly. : "Is there fire? Who has fire?"

Both Patrick and Carlos stayed in the small courtyard. Patrick put the machine gun on his shoulder, but Carlos hung the gun horizontally on his chest.

The person in charge of the search thought for a moment, pointed to the hut with the most people, and said to Patrick: "Go in, you go in and wait."

With a look of reluctance, Patrick took the machine gun off his shoulder and walked in muttering, but Carlos shrugged and followed.

The hut was basically empty, with only four chairs. Most of the soldiers sat directly on the ground, and some stood against the wall, but no one chatted, so it was relatively quiet.

When John and the three of them also entered the hut, the officer in charge of the search followed them in. He looked at the soldiers who were still sitting on the chairs, then looked at John and the others who were standing in the room, and then his face became serious and he shouted loudly. He scolded a few words.

There were only a few people who spoke English, and they had no idea what was being said. However, after the officer spoke, the four soldiers who had seats stood up.

Patrick sat down unceremoniously. John looked at the officer and held the flue: "Don't you all smoke? Man, is there a fire?"

The officer sighed, took out a lighter from his pocket, and motioned for John to sit down.

John approached the officer, took out another cigarette from the box, and said with a superior look on his face: "Have you ever smoked this?"

As the officer reached for his cigarette, a gunshot rang out.

The officer was stunned for a moment. John, who was holding the cigarette, suddenly threw his hands, throwing the cigarette and cigarette case at the officer's face. He picked up the hanging rifle and yelled: "Don't move!"

Patrick, who had just sat down, stood up. He put the machine gun on one end and quickly backed up towards the wall while shouting: "Don't move! Don't move at all!"

Two more shots were fired, and Carlos put the gun on the officer's back, and then he yelled: "Don't move!"

There were three gunshots, and then there was no sound.

John was stunned for a moment, and he said in extreme surprise: "Only three shots? Fake!"

While John yelled, Patrick said anxiously: "It's stuck!"

Carlos turned and ran, already starting to pull at his own first aid kit.

You also bring a doctor with you during the rush, which is called being prepared.

But as Carlos ran out of the hut with the gun in hand, the fourth shot was finally fired.

The highlight is holding a gun with both hands, with the right hand holding the gun and firing continuously, and the left hand holding the right hand underneath.

It wasn't that Gao Guang needed to hold the gun with both hands to maintain stability, but that he knew his gun was unreliable, so he was mentally prepared for it to jam.

The fourth shot didn't go off. Gao Guang tapped the gun with his left hand, but the shot didn't fire. Now even if he tapped it to get the bullet in place, it wouldn't be fired. He still had to pull the slide.

Gao Guang patted his left hand and pulled the sleeve. An unfired bullet jumped out as he pulled the sleeve.

But the shot was slow, and the black man who had pulled out the gun had already drawn it.

The expedition was successful. He took out something from his backpack, grabbed it and threw it towards the black man.

The black man subconsciously tilted his head, and then threw the entire bag towards the black man. At the same time, Leon stood up suddenly, lifted the chair he was sitting on, and threw it directly towards the black man. Then he He flew towards the first competitor to be killed.

The black man drew his gun. He first turned his head to avoid the object that Yuan Zheng had thrown at him, and then had to deal with the chair thrown by Leon at the same time. When he was waiting to lock the position of the highlight and was about to shoot, the highlight's gun rang out.

The fifth bullet was fired successfully, but the gun in the black man's hand also fired, and Gao Guang felt a numbness on his shoulder.

Leon rushed to the first person who was shot. He reached out and grabbed the gun in the corpse's hand, but the last surviving one of the five competitors was also anxious at this moment. He also rushed down and choked Leon with one hand. He raised his wrist and grabbed the gun body with one hand.

Yuanzheng used the strength of throwing things to run to the black man. He picked up the pistol from the black man who had just been shot and died.

However, Leon and the competitor were still fighting for the control of the pistol. At this moment, several senior leaders of the Mentoring Formation woke up from their dreams. Then Jilawotu squatted down suddenly, and the two of them ran away, but Kachu held it with both hands. He stretched out his hand and shouted: "Stop, calm down!"

His hands were shaking a little and his movements were a little chaotic. He hurriedly took the gun in his hand. Yuanzheng immediately stood up and yelled: "Don't move!"

Yuan Zheng shouted so hard that his voice broke, but no one paid him any attention.

Gao Guang stretched out his hand and shouted: "Give me the gun!"

Shouting, Gao Guang rushed towards Yuanzheng, and he wanted to take the gun, but Yuanzheng didn't give him the gun.

The distance was only three to two meters. Yuan Zheng took two steps forward. He pointed the gun directly at the person who was entangled with Leon. The muzzle of the gun was directly pressed against the back of the competitor's head. Without thinking, he directly The trigger was pulled.

Leon was lying on the ground, and the man who was trying to grab the gun from him was kneeling on the ground.

There was a gunshot, and red and white ones flew out together. Leon was confused, and the person who was fighting for the gun with him suppressed him.

Leon's heart almost jumped out of his chest. He pushed away the body that was pressing him, turned over and sat up, raised his left arm to wipe his eyes, and then pointed the pistol he had grabbed at the high light in front of him. One plug.

After Gaoguang took the pistol, Leon swiped his hands back and forth on his face randomly, and roared at Yuanzheng: "Fake oil! You idiot! You killed me!"

Yuan Zheng's stress reaction was very severe. He was shaking, very violently, because the stimulation of shooting a person in the back of the head was too great.

Gao Guang took the gun and fired two shots at the roof. Then he pointed directly at Jilawotu and said angrily: "Don't move!"

The two people who were about to go out bumped into Carlos head on.

Carlos swung the gun, and the muzzle hit the chest of the man in front of him.

Glancing inside, Carlos snapped: "Go back!"

The overall situation has been decided and stable.

Gao Guang looked at Carlos, Carlos looked at Gao Guang, and then they said in unison: "How is it!"

"The outside is under control!"

Carlos finished speaking hurriedly. When he saw Leon's face covered with blood, he was shocked at first, but immediately discovered that Leon's blood was not his own, so he looked at Gao Guang and said immediately: "You are injured. "

Gao Guang subconsciously glanced at his left shoulder and didn't see where the wound was, but he saw a stain of blood.


Gao Guang walked towards Jilawotu with a gun, and said with a ferocious look: "This is the negotiation you are hosting? Do you understand that the transaction cannot be done with justice? Are you going to kill us if the transaction is not achieved?"

Gao Guang fired first, but the person on the other side had the same plan as them.

So it was the one on the opposite side who got up first and spoke first. Of course, he was also planning to use the excuse of a road map to draw the gun. He failed to shoot because the highlighter reacted quickly, but it was not because the highlighter attacked first. This must be made clear. .

Even now, it is not enough to just take advantage, but also to take advantage of the situation and seize the moral high ground.

Jilawotu said with a look of astonishment: "No! No! This is a misunderstanding!"

Gao Guang pointed at the corpses of several competitors with his left hand and said angrily: "Is this a misunderstanding? We can't even bring in guns. What happened to their guns! Can't we find such a big pistol?"

Jilawotu quickly calmed down from his panic. He stood up slowly facing the bright muzzle of the gun and said, "You also have guns."

"We brought it in secretly based on our ability. Three people only had one small pistol. They brought it in openly! Five people brought four guns. Do you dare to say that we are treated the same?"

Gao Guang was furious, because what he was saying now was the truth. Their guns were brought in secretly, and the other party's guns must have been tricked by someone and asked them to bring them in deliberately.

This matter is said to be very reasonable for Potian, so if he is reasonable, he cannot forgive others.

At this moment, John ran in again with a panicked expression.

Seeing that everyone was standing well, John breathed a sigh of relief and said anxiously: "Why did the gunshots change?"


Gao Guang answered John's question and then said: "Is the outside under control?"

"Get it under control!"

"The person who was searching was probably with them!"

Gao Guang expressed his judgment. As soon as John heard this, he immediately ran out with the gun in hand and said as he ran, "I'll go outside to help!"

John went out again, Gao Guang looked at Jilawotu again, and then he said unceremoniously: "What do you want to do now!"

Jilawotu spread his hands and said helplessly: "What else can we do? Let's continue talking. Since you are the only ones left, just buy your goods."

Leon was breathing heavily. He wiped his face with his clothes several times, but the bloody smell still hit his nose. However, after hearing Jilawotu's words, he didn't bother to wipe his face and walked to where he was sitting angrily. Picked up the quotation form from the ground.

Moving forward the list which was also a quotation, Leon said loudly: "This is your own quotation! The M43 intermediate cartridge is US$1.50 per round! The RG0 grenade is US$30 per bullet, and the RGN is US$25 per bullet! The AK rifle One thousand dollars, one thousand dollars for the RPG7 rocket launcher, five hundred dollars for one rocket..."

This is not a high price, this is a super high price, because the price of large-scale purchases is different from the retail price on the black market. If the large-scale purchase is based on the retail price, it can only be said that the buyer's brain has been kicked by the donkey.

Jilawotu didn't care about being pointed at by a gun. He said anxiously: "This is a bidding list. If there is no bidding, it will not count..."

Leon slapped the list on Jilawotu's chest and said through gritted teeth: "Are you kidding us? Okay, fine! If you don't follow the rules when doing business, then we'll find buyers who follow the rules. I think Eren It’s a good formation, what do you think?”

The TPLF is Jilawotu and the others, and the TPLF is the people who currently control Ethiopia.

Jilawotu quickly surrendered and whispered: "Don't be like this, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. Let's talk slowly and we will definitely make a decision today."

Kachu said kindly on the side: "Don't be impulsive. No one is competing with you for business now. Calm down. Let's talk slowly. Let's talk easily. Just negotiate a price that everyone can accept. Don't delay the business." Well."

Some people play the good role, and some people have to play the bad role.

Now Leon's face was covered with blood and his appearance was terrifying, so Gao Guang put away the gun and said very gently: "Okay, give me the advance payment. If you don't give the advance payment, there is no need to negotiate this business."

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