Firepower is king

Chapter 456 Three people become tigers

Regardless of their status, Gao Guang and his team put efficiency first and struck hard.

As soon as I got off the plane on the first day, I started running around with Tom without even taking a breath, and I finished everything in half a day.

Hank invited the boss out with just one phone call, and then there was an endless wait.

On the third day, Tom couldn't wait and had to leave first. He had nothing to do in Baghdad. In order to deal with some urgent business, he had to rush back to Baghdad first, leaving Gao Guang to wait for processing.

On the morning of the seventh day, Gao Guang finally got some new news from Bai Pao, that is, the arsenal had finally made a list of items that could be scrapped.

Within a week, I came up with a list.

At this time, Gao Guang realized that he was working overtime when he got off work at two in the afternoon.

Then half a month later, when the highlight was too high and he thought about returning to Los Angeles to wait for news, things finally made major progress.

The arsenal finally submitted the application!

Within half a month, Paul's injuries were healed, Mike and Francisco were able to be active and active, Kevin, the new accountant of Kings Defense, had done all the accounting, and Francisco's nephew was waiting in Los Angeles. Well, people here in Dubai have done just that.

Gao Guang called Tom excitedly, and the two met again in Dubai. Then on the same day, General Lloyd Gortney, whom Hank was looking for, also arrived in Dubai immediately.

Thirty million dollars, this is a huge sum of money, no matter when, no matter where, no matter who it is, this is a huge sum of money.

This huge sum of money is definitely enough to impress a retired general in the Pentagon. It allows him to travel to Dubai in a private capacity. If necessary, he can also make a secret visit to the top military officials in the UAE.

Really big things are not something that only two teams can talk about for several months. Basically, someone has thought about it, and then approached three or two people to discuss it, and then a few people have decided on the matter. Done.

Just like now, Gao Guang and Tom went to pick up Lloyd, who came alone. The three of them talked about the matter and basically settled it.

Lloyd is a very kind-looking old man, and he also looks a little kind. He is a short, round white old man with a slightly red nose. He is wearing a loose long-sleeved shirt. When he appeared in front of Gao Guang with a pair of jeans, Gao Guang would never think that this old man was a powerful master.

"Hello, General."

Gao Guang was indeed a little nervous inside. When he reached out to shake Lloyd's hand, his voice was a little tight.

Lloyd smiled very kindly. He shook hands with Gao Guang, and his hand was quite strong. Then he said politely: "Don't call me general, call me sir. Are you a mad dog?"

After looking the highlight up and down, Lloyd turned to Tom and said, "Hello, Tom."

"Hello, Mr. Gortney."

Lloyd's body was still strong. He sat down and said straight to the point: "I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Now tell me about the situation. How far is it going?"

Gao Guang whispered: "Our insider in Dubai has just submitted the report on the application for scrapping and destruction. If it is quick, Dubai should give a response tomorrow."

Lloyd waved his hand and said with a smile: "According to my understanding of the Arabs, they will not be so fast. The application can be delivered to the desk of the logistics minister within a week. Even if it is very fast, but if I first "Going to see the people who are in charge of this might get them up to speed and get them to approve the application tomorrow and get the tender started as soon as possible."

His tone was calm, but his confidence was still strong. Lloyd smiled, held the list in front of his eyes and looked at it for a while, then said: "Are there any other obstacles besides this?"

Gao Guang immediately said: "The biggest obstacle is an arms dealer named Morris. He is our biggest competitor. I am worried that if he also gets the news and knows that this batch of arms has been increased, he will probably start to rob us. business.”

Lloyd didn't answer Gao Guang's words. He just looked at the list. After reading the list, he said slowly: "Maurice, I know this person. I asked about him before he came here. He does provide benefits to some people. But he can’t take away this business.”

Lloyd put the list on the table and said slowly: "Don't think of this business as a competition between companies. This is the Emirati army dealing with scrapped ammunition. They can choose to invite tenders and let capable companies You can also choose to designate a capable company to destroy the expired ammunition for them. How to decide is a matter for the UAE military. "

Why are you looking for a boss?

Because Gao Guang and Morris were competing for business, that is, they were competing for business. The two of them fought to the death, and they were also playing within the framework defined by the Dubai military.

But Lloyd is different. He can't modify the rules, he can directly set them.

The rule is that this business can only be left to Gao Guang, and this money can only be made by Gao Guang.

Of course, after Gaoguang makes money, he will take out the big money and give a share to all the big guys who participated. This is also the rule.

When it comes to this matter, Gao Guang has nothing to worry about, and Lloyd doesn't care about whether he can win the business at all. He cares about other issues.

Lloyd looked at Tom, and he said with interest: "Can you afford the money for the recruitment team?"

Tom said respectfully: "I asked people from the anti-money laundering department to investigate. There is indeed money in the account provided by the People's Liberation Army, and it is stored in an offshore account at Citibank."

The CIA can indeed find out this, Gao Guang still knows it, and Lloyd also knows it.

Lloyd smiled and said, "There are quite a few people involved in this matter."

Tom whispered: "There are indeed a lot of people. After all, the budget has not been enough in recent years, and our work is not easy to do. The superiors are also considerate of us. If there are any opportunities for promotion, the superiors are willing to give them."

Lloyd said with emotion: "That's good, is your Middle East office busy now?"

Tom smiled and said: "Our director is waiting for your arrival, sir. If you have time, our director would like to treat you to taste the local specialties."

What the two people said was a bit cryptic, but Gao Guang can still hear it without translation.

The translation is as follows.

Lloyd said that there were many people involved in this matter. He didn't mean that if too many people knew about it, it would be unsafe. He was saying it ironically. He meant that there were not many people from the CIA involved in this deal. Whether it's heavy enough or not, if not, it's hard to say.

Tom's answer is that there are many people, including several managers of our Middle East office. We are not alone in the Middle East office, and we have no shortage of people who should pay homage to the higher authorities. The entire CIA is our strong backing. Everywhere in the Middle East The long wait to see you is proof. I invite you to dinner, and everyone hands each other a letter of nomination. There is no problem with this.

After all, some things are not convenient to say on the phone and must be discussed in person. Lloyd was very satisfied after hearing what Tom said. Although the relationship between the Pentagon and the CIA is not harmonious, it is still possible for everyone to join forces to make a deal in private. .

There must be no problem with Tom and the CIA he represents. Lloyd now looked at Gao Guang. He looked at Gao Guang and then smiled: "Mad Dog is very young. He is doing such a big business at a young age. Very powerful ah."

Gao Guang smiled and nodded.

There is no problem with Gao Guang. He has no background, which is the best background. It is better that he is a yellow man, because it means that he does not have too many entanglements with the US military-industrial complex and has nothing to do with other factions in the Pentagon. , just the perfect white glove candidate.

Looking at it from another angle, yellow people with a transparent ceiling above their heads actually have an advantage in many cases. It just depends on whether they find the right path.

Now it was time to get down to business. Just as Lloyd was about to talk about what to do next, he suddenly looked at Gao Guang and said, "Wait a minute, I remembered a person. Do you call him Mad Dog?"


ffAren’t you that mad dog? The one with a pistol in Baghdad.

Lloyd suddenly opened his eyes wide and said, "Yes, I should have thought of it a long time ago. Are you the King of Baghdad?"

Is the title King of Baghdad a bit too big? But when it comes to pistols, the highlight is definitely the King of Baghdad.

Tom smiled and said, "Has the general heard about Mad Dog's proud achievements?"

Lloyd said with a surprised look on his face: "Aha, no wonder you are in this business, you are the mad dog, you are very powerful, and you can also bless the gun, is it you? That's right, it's you. !”

Gao Guang was shocked and said: "You even know this! You know Mr. Smith from the War Group, right?"

Lloyd shook his head and said: "Zhan Huo Group? Of course I know about Zhan Huo Group, but I have never dealt with Zhan Huo Group. Frankly speaking, when I was the commander of the garrison in Iraq, Zhan Huo Group was not qualified enough for me to pay attention to."

Gao Guang thought that Lloyd was a relative of Mr. Smith, but it seemed not to be the case now.

Lloyd said with great interest: "An old subordinate of mine told me a joke, saying that a guy named Mad Dog blessed the boss of Eric Mining Company with two guns. I don’t know who the boss is, but my old subordinates said that he had mysterious confidence in his guns and even said that he was blessed by the mysterious witchcraft of the East. I was deeply impressed by this.”

"Actually, it's called consecration."

"Yes! Kaihang, yes, it's a difficult word to pronounce."

After he finished speaking with a smile, Lloyd suddenly said: "Then you really have the mysterious power to bless the gun, oh no, are you talking about it?"

"So that's it, you guy, you didn't even tell me that you could do this!" After fussing, Tom said firmly: "General, you must see how the mad dog uses the pistol. Have you seen it? After that, you will believe that he does have magical witchcraft!"

Gao Guang didn't know the answer, but then he saw Tom on the side of Lloyd and gave him a fierce wink.

The meaning in Tom's eyes is that if you dare to deny it, I will kill you, you idiot.

Gao Guang coughed slightly and said: "Well, I can fire the gun. This is true, but I have to tell you the truth, General. This is actually more of a psychological effect, but to a certain extent, it may , maybe, probably, it has a little effect, well, that's it, who can tell about this kind of supernatural power, right? "

I tried my best to retract the highlights, but now that I have been blown away by others, I can no longer retract the highlights if I want to.

Lloyd nodded slowly and said: Say goodbye to me sir, call me general.

He asked Gao Guang and Tom to call him husband, but Gao Guang could tell that Lloyd enjoyed the title of general more.

After correcting the name of Gaoguang, Lloyd said seriously: "I don't believe in the so-called shopping and blessing. In my opinion, this kind of weird stuff is just bullshit and nonsense!"

Tom frowned, but after hesitating for a moment, Gao Guang whispered: "Actually."

Gao Guang wanted to say that you were right. Consecration was indeed nonsense, but Lloyd didn't give him a chance to speak. He changed the subject and said, "When you have time, show me. I want to verify it myself." It only takes a moment. If your marksmanship is as powerful as the legend says, and the gun you blessed has magical power, then I will...then I will admit that you are really magical."

Gao Guang has confidence in his marksmanship, but it's strange that Gao Guang has confidence in things like consecration.

This is the real-life version of three people becoming a tiger. Gao Guang would never have imagined that he was just making a joke at the beginning, but it went in a big circle, halfway around the world. After the joke fermented, I don’t know how many people added it. How much vinegar was added to the oil, and it was still able to hit Lloyd on the head.

God really knows how to joke.

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