Firepower is king

Chapter 457 Topic

Morris is the one who follows the rules and does business, Gao Guang is the one who breaks the rules and grabs business, and Lloyd is the one who redefines the rules.

Just ask Morris how to play.

Morris had nothing to do with the business in Dubai. After Lloyd came, all that was left was to go through the motions.

The show is not over yet. Lloyd is a middleman at best, but he must be backed by powerful people in the Pentagon, so that he can speak on behalf of the Pentagon, not as a retired lieutenant general.

And then there is more than just Lloyd. Lloyd is only a key link, but as far as this business is concerned, the entire chain of interests involves more than just Lloyd and the Pentagon.

If Lloyd was making money for a bunch of people in the Pentagon, then Gapero could be representing the CIA.

Gapero is the director of the CIA's Middle East Division, and he is already a high-profile figure in the entire U.S. intelligence system.

At the welcome dinner on the day Lloyd arrived in Dubai, there were only four people eating. The guest was Gapello, the guest of honor was Lloyd, and the guests were Gao Guang and Tom.

There were not many people and it was full of valuable information, but for some reason, the topic revolved around highlights.

It may be that neither Lloyd nor Gapero want to talk about their respective jobs, nor do they want to always bring up their identities, so a topical highlight will naturally become a topic.

"You know what? Mad Dog is the King of Baghdad."

Lloyd's first sentence was very technical. He had served as the commander of the US military in Iraq and was very familiar with Iraq, so he started the topic from Gao Guang, but he mentioned the King of Baghdad, which was obviously a joke. nickname.

Frankly speaking, Lloyd was really the King of Baghdad when he was the commander of the troops in Iraq, but he did not have such a nickname.

Gapero is the director of the Middle East Division, and Baghdad serves as one of the intelligence centers; since Lloyd mentioned Baghdad, he naturally had to follow up.

"King of Baghdad, this statement is quite novel."

Capello is in his fifties. His hair is light brown and very thick. He is not very tall and has a baby face. He has two dimples on his chubby face when he smiles, and he can still see them when he grins. To a tiger tooth.

Why focus on describing Gapello's appearance? It's because Gao Guang learned one thing from Tom.

Unlike most people who can serve as regional chiefs who are intelligence agents, Gapello comes from the operations department.

To put it simply, Gapello is not a civilian administrator, nor does he have a background in intelligence analysis and judgment. He is responsible for doing things, and he is the type of person who can really fight and is particularly skilled.

In Capello, it is true that a person cannot be judged by his appearance.

However, Gapello is in his fifties and has basically reached the end of his career as director of the Middle East Division. In the CIA, if you want to truly enter the most core high-level circle, you have to be a hands-off person.

Lloyd looked at people with very kind eyes, and Gapero looked at people with very gentle eyes. Yes, when he looked at a person and smiled, his eyes could only be described as gentle.

But for some reason, whenever he made eye contact with Gapero, he would feel a chill on his back, even though he didn't feel any danger at all when he looked at Gapero.

Capello put a piece of lamb meat into his mouth with a fork, put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin very elegantly, raised a glass of red wine, and said to Lloyd: "Let's raise a toast together, welcome It is a great honor for me to entertain the general when he comes."

Lloyd shrugged, picked up the wine glass, smiled at Gapello and said, "Thank you."

The two took a sip of red wine, and then Lloyd continued to look at the highlight and said: "Mad Dog is not only the King of Baghdad, he also has a magical ability. He can light a gun, and the gun that has been fired has magical powers. strength."

Gapero looked at Gao Guang again, with surprise in his gentle eyes, and said, "Really, there is such a thing."

This topic was too much to handle. Gao Guang smiled and said calmly: "Well, it's psychological. If you are sincere, you will be wise."

Gapero smiled and nodded, saying: "I have seen the video of your shootout in Baghdad. To be honest, it is really impressive. I have never seen such an outstanding gunman, so I have always been curious about you."

Gao Guang felt that the hairs on his arms began to stand up. This must be because the air conditioner was too cold.

After a pause, Gapero smiled and said: "But it has magical power. This is the first time I have heard of it."

Lloyd smiled and said: "I want to verify it, but it's not very suitable now. Let's wait until the matter is over. I have to see it myself."

Gapero shrugged and said, "I'm more curious about Mad Dog's shooting skills, but you're right. Let's verify it after the matter is over."

The topic was about to turn on the right track. Now it was Lloyd who decided the direction of the topic. He said with a relaxed face: "I plan to meet with people from the Dubai military tomorrow. Who do you think I should meet."

Gapero thought for a moment and said: "Zayed Maktoum, just find him. Others can ignore it and save the general's time."

"I've dealt with him and Zayed is a pretty arrogant guy because he's really rich, haha."

Lloyd laughed dryly and said, "I'm going to meet him tomorrow. It's been a long time since I've seen my old friend."

Not a word was mentioned about business, but every sentence was related to business.

Determined to finish the most important joint tomorrow, Lloyd looked at Gao Guang and said, "Do you have any other problems here?"

You don’t need to be polite at this time. The partners are so high-end. Why use Leon’s transportation line? Not to mention the high shipping cost, Gao Guang said without hesitation: “I have basically straightened things out here, but there are some transportation problems. Trouble, it’s not that it’s unlucky, it’s just trouble.”

Lloyd shrugged and said, "If you want to find ways to improve efficiency, time is life."

Gapero smiled and said: "This kind of small matter is easy to handle. I know a ship owner who should be able to help. He has empty ships at any time and can leave the port from Dubai. I will introduce you to him."

Gao Guang said quickly: "Actually, it is leaving the port from Iraq. I have to load some goods from Iraq first."

Capello will not accept money and do nothing. He has finally saved up this high-end game and earns a lot. For such a small problem, it is not a problem at all.

"No problem, you communicate with the ship owner."

Okay, the transportation line is also solved.

Lloyd smiled and said: "It's a pity that I didn't bring my own gun. Otherwise, I really want to see Mad Dog's magical shooting skills right now. There is no way. As a soldier, it's impossible not to be curious."

The topic turned back, and it naturally fell on Gao Guang. This meant that the business was over, and everyone had clarified the scope of their responsibilities.

Lloyd handles the relationship, Gapello is in charge of the transportation line, and Gao Guang is in charge of collecting money.

Gapero smiled, showing a tiger tooth, and then he said to Lloyd: "General, are you tired? If not, how about we go to the desert tonight and fire a few shots."

Lloyd smiled and said, "Do you have a good gun?"

"In the entire Middle East, this place has the most complete range of guns. Let's just find a safe house and choose the guns." Gapero smiled sideways at Gao Guang and said, "I wonder if Mad Dog is willing to show his hand?"

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