Firepower is king

Chapter 460 Everyone performs their duties

There is a common phenomenon that older people have a lover's gun, a partner's gun, which means that they only recognize this gun and only use this gun. If they don't carry their most commonly used gun, they must choose the same model.

Many Americans have a special feeling for 1911, and Lloyd is obviously the same.

But Gao Guang is different. He also likes to use his pair of SIG fixed guns, but he can use any gun. He is not picky about guns. He uses whatever he has, no matter what gun it is.

Such a difference is not only related to personal hobbies and aesthetics, but also to ability. Some people are more adapted to a certain gun, but Gao Guang can use any gun, so naturally there are more choices.

Now Gao Guang has chosen a pistol for special purposes, but he wants to go out to show off his shooting skills, but he doesn't even have an ordinary pistol.

Lloyd made the decision for Gao Guang. He picked up a Colt 1911 and said very straightforwardly: "Use this gun and let me see how powerful you are." Gao Guang was still immersed in the joy of harvest and did not pay much attention to Lloyd's words. When Lloyd put the gun in Gao Guang's hand, he said very seriously: "If you are really as amazing as the legend says, then I will introduce Norberto and Kogler to you, and let you join the queue by the way to see what kind of chemical reaction will occur when you two amazing people get together." Gao Guang was a little puzzled about what chemical reaction meant. He looked at Lloyd and said: "Who is he? A famous gunman?" Lloyd smiled, but Gapero said: "He is the God of Guns." A person who dares to call himself the God of Guns? Gao Guang was indeed a little interested. He had a competitive mind and wanted to see how powerful the person who was praised as the God of Guns by Lloyd and Gapero was. If he met a real strong man, Gao Guang would not mind learning from him. But Gapero followed up and said: "But Norberto, the gun god, is a gunsmith who makes guns. He is the gun god who makes guns."


Gao Guang was extremely surprised this time. He said in astonishment: "There is such a person in the United States?"

Lloyd smiled but said nothing. Gapero said with a look of longing: "You don't know Norberto? Well, he hasn't taken orders for some years. It's normal that you haven't heard of him. I really want to get a gun customized by Norberto for me, but I don't have the chance."

Lloyd and Gapero knew about it, but Gao Guang had never heard of it. He knew several very famous studios in the United States that specialized in customizing high-end guns, and he also knew several famous gunsmiths, but he had never thought of customizing a gun because he felt that customizing a gun was basically an IQ tax.

For Gao Guang, there is no problem with the use of factory-produced guns, and guns are consumables, a tool, a real practical gun, why spend a high price to customize it.

Don't say that Gao Guang has no money. Even if he has money, he won't pay this IQ tax.

But wait, Gao Guang's mental activity suddenly changed a little. He suddenly realized that he was not a pauper. He was not compared with those super-rich people. He was a rich man. Why couldn't he try to customize a gun? Poverty limits imagination, and the consumption habits formed when he was poor have not been changed. As soon as this idea changed, Gao Guang immediately said with interest: "What kind of gunsmith dares to call himself the God of Guns?" Lloyd smiled and said: "A magical gunsmith can be called the God of Guns. I just don't know which effect is better, your consecration or his ultimate craftsmanship. I am very curious about what kind of sparks you two will create when you join forces." Gao Guang looked at Tom blankly. Tom spread his hands and said: "I haven't heard of this person..." Now Gao Guang got what he wanted, and Lloyd also chose a practical gun for him. Now it's time to leave the safe house and go to the desert to shoot a few shots. Several people walked out, but the topic of the God of Guns continued. "It's normal that young people haven't heard of Norberto. He stopped accepting orders a long time ago, but 20 years ago, when he was still accepting handmade orders, his guns were very famous. His guns made every shooter feel that they had found the love of their life." Lloyd said with emotion: "Norberto is really a magical artist." Gao Guang said curiously: "Such a great gunsmith, why is he not very famous now?" Capello spread his hands and said: "I don't know, General, why doesn't Norberto make guns now?" "It's not that he doesn't do it, but the threshold is too high, because Norberto has long been pursuing His sculpture art. "

Lloyd looked sad and said with great emotion: "Norberto's guns have not been circulated in the market. Unless the user dies, no one is willing to sell his works, so Norberto's reputation is not big among ordinary people, but Norberto... He is a magical gunsmith, just a second-rate sculptor, but after he has enough money, he immediately pursues his own artistic path. What a waste!"

When he was about to leave the safe house, Lloyd suddenly had some reaction. He took out a mobile phone from his pocket, looked at it, and then turned away from Gao Guang and the others and answered the call.

"It's me, um, you say."

Lloyd stood by and listened to the phone call without saying anything. Then he was silent for a while and said: "I know, speed up the progress, okay, goodbye."

Lloyd hung up the phone. He took out the pistol he had just obtained from his arms and put it on the gun rack beside him. He said to Gao Guang and the others: "Unfortunately, I don't have time to shoot a few guns today." Gun."

Gapero remained calm, and although Gao Guang was surprised, he didn't ask anything.

"The news that Dubai is going to increase shipments has leaked. It seems that the application report was seen and leaked."

Lloyd spread his hands and said, "We can't wait until tomorrow. I'll go find Zayed tonight and settle the matter tonight."

Gapero nodded and said, "Okay, what do you need me to do?"

"Find out where Zayed is. If he is at home, send me to Zayed's home. I must see him tonight. As soon as I get to work tomorrow, ask him to sign a cooperation agreement for me while approving the application. protocol."

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Did Morris get the news and take action?"

Lloyd nodded, and then he said calmly: "It's normal for Morris to get the news, but I don't know why he asked someone to fly over from the United States. Well, the competition is very fierce."

Real competition is never overt. It seems that Morris knew something, so he invited his own backstage from the Pentagon. Even Lloyd refused to tell, and he didn't know who Morris invited.

Lloyd looked at his watch, and then he said calmly: "It's still a few hours before the plane arrives in Dubai. We have time, so Morris must be disappointed this time, mad dog."

Gao Guang stepped forward and said, "General."

Lloyd took a breath and said: "Maurice is an arms dealer, and you are also an arms dealer. You have to be responsible for handling the affairs between the arms dealers. Now I just want to know, can you handle it?"

The implication of this sentence is that Lloyd can definitely take down the upper management, but the direct confrontation with Morris has to be seen. To put it bluntly, this matter still has to be fought in the end.

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "I can handle it!"

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