Firepower is king

Chapter 461: Deploying Troops

A high-end game requires high-end game play.

Although Gao Guang has little status, it does not mean that he is incompetent. Even if this is a high-end professional game, he can still join the fifth-row team with his unique skills.

Everyone is in the fifth platoon, and Gao Guang is led by four professional players and a unique skill brother. He doesn't even have the uniform standard of a small country, but he is taking a confrontational path.

The business is in Dubai, but it will eventually start in Baghdad, because Gao Guang has to load the batch of drones stored in Baghdad on the ship no matter what. Then, since the King's Defense cannot come to Dubai fully armed, then directly Go to Baghdad.

The Port of Basra is separated from Dubai by the Persian Gulf. Armed escort drones are loaded at the Port of Basra, and then the ship is loaded in Dubai. The cargo ship then bypasses the Strait of Hormuz, halfway around the Arabian Peninsula, and enters the Red Sea near the Arabian Sea. , and finally unloaded the cargo in Port Sudan, then took the land route from North Sudan into Ethiopia, and finally transported the arms to the TPLF.

This is a big project, and any problem in any link will lead to the failure of the entire business. However, as long as this business is completed, Gao Guang will become a real arms dealer.

After coming out of the safe house, Gapero sent Lloyd to find Zayed overnight, while Gao Guang and Tom returned to the hotel and immediately started doing their part.

Gao Guang took the path of confrontation, so he naturally had to gather people to prepare for the possible battle. The most direct way was to call people. "Everyone pack your bags and prepare to go to Baghdad immediately. I will contact Danny through the War Group's channels. You should be prepared. Bring everything you need and wait for my call." Gao Guang called John, and then He hung up and started calling Danny.

Of course, if you have resources, you have to use them. The War Group has mature and safe transportation channels that can send people and guns to Baghdad. Naturally, they have to continue to use them. They are just the transportation lines of the War Group. They are used now and in the past. There are some differences.

In the past, using Zhanhuo Group's channels was a favor, but now it's different. Now that Gao Guang doesn't intend to rely on Zhanhuo Group, then using Zhanhuo Group's transportation channels is business.

The Zhanhuo Group opens its doors to do business, and is naturally willing to do business that can make money. Even if Gao Guang and the Zhanhuo Group are not dependent, they have been cooperating for a long time. They know each other well without telling each other, and they can be called friends and can take care of their friends. Of course the business needs to be taken care of.

After hanging up the phone to John, Gao Guang called Danny directly.

"Danny, I want to send someone to Baghdad with full equipment. How many lines does it take?"

Since it's a business, you have to ask for a price, and Danny said unceremoniously: "We don't have any personnel transfers at the moment. If you want to hire people, you can only charter a flight."

"How much does a charter flight cost?"

"Chartered flights are expensive. One way is US$800,000. If you can wait twenty days, we have a flight to send people to Baghdad for a second shift. One seat is US$25,000."

The price is quite different, but now is not the time to consider the price. Gao Guang said without hesitation: "When can I fly at the soonest time? Is it safe?"

"It should be able to fly within sixteen hours at the earliest. We ensure the safety of personnel and equipment and ensure that nothing will be detained after landing in Baghdad."

The transportation costs for the personnel alone cost 800,000 US dollars, and it was only a one-way trip. It was indeed a bit expensive. The key was to talk about business as if it were a business deal. If you don't bargain, you always feel like something is missing.

Gao Guang said seriously: "Eight hundred thousand is expensive, how about half a million?"

"No counter-offer."

"Since we all know each other so well, I'll give you a discount of 700,000 yuan."

Danny said very forcefully: "Our quotation is the lowest in the industry. A chartered flight from Deyang International starts at least one million US dollars. You should inquire about the market price. It is 800,000. It cannot be lower."

Gao Guang has no choice. This kind of business of giving away people and equipment together is monopolized by a few big companies. Regardless of whether they are mercenaries or P, if they want to make money, they have to be taken out by the big companies first.

Why do many small mercenary groups always stay in one place? It's not that they don't want to move, but they can't afford transportation unless they can buy new weapons and equipment in a different place.

There is no other way, just 800,000. After all, we are doing business worth hundreds of millions.

"Okay, eight hundred thousand dollars to send my people to Baghdad."

"Okay, please pay the full amount first. Only after our company receives the money can we arrange the charter flight related matters."

When doing business, Danny has a very upright attitude and does everything he needs to do.

After negotiating the payment method and confirming the payment account number, Gao Guang successfully booked the flight and ended the conversation with Danny.

Now is the time to mobilize troops. In terms of numbers, there are only a few people in the King's Defense, which is a bit different from the manpower that Morris can use.

There is a bit of a shortage of manpower, but arms dealers don't always keep their own people and are always ready for war. They all have their own core team. When they need people, they can find people who are willing to work hard if they have money. The value of mercenaries is not that It’s reflected here.

Gao Guang felt that he had to find someone, and who to look for? The Black Sea Mercenary Group was a ready choice.

I have also dealt with the Black Sea Mercenary Group, and the strength of the Black Sea Mercenary Group is also good. It is just an armed escort. There is also the Black Sea Mercenary Group. It was originally working for Salah, but now Salah With He dead, the Black Sea Mercenary Group should have no stable jobs, so there should be no problem finding them.

As for the War Group, forget it. The War Group also has a mercenary business privately, but the black troops of the War Group are too expensive and cannot be used by Gao Guang.

Gao Guang made the third call, to Kuzsayev, the leader of the Black Sea Mercenary Group.

"Hey, I'm Mad Dog, how's it going, man?"

Kuzsayev was very surprised to receive a call from Gao Guang. He said with some surprise: "Mad dog? Hello, we are doing well recently. Uh, do you have anything to do with me?"

Gao Guang whispered: "I need people to do some work. Are you free now?"

Kuzsayev sighed softly and said: "If it's in the near future, I'm afraid we don't have time. Well, after Mr. Salah died, we didn't have a stable income, so we took on long-term jobs and had to It will take at least two months to finish."

The Black Sea Mercenary Group didn't have time. Gao Guang was a little regretful. Mercenary groups were still easy to find, but it was a pity that a cheap and reliable mercenary group like the Black Sea Mercenary Group couldn't be used.

"That won't work. I'm in a hurry. Well, can I reveal your current mission?"

Kuzsayev said very embarrassedly: "It's not convenient for me to say this. I'm really sorry."

Mercenaries have mercenary rules, and their employers have confidentiality needs, so naturally Kuzsayev can't say anything. Gao Guang certainly won't force it. He then smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it should be, then that's it. I'll have the chance next time." Cooperate again."

If the Black Sea Mercenary Group fails, then you have to look for it again. Gao Guang raised his head and said to Tom, who was always with him: "Is there any mercenary group you know in Baghdad? They are reliable and cost-effective. If there is one with strong combat power, I will recommend one. If there is no suitable one, I will ask Sanji to recommend one."

Gao Guang still has some connections in Baghdad. Although Sanji is an intelligence dealer, he knows many people. It will definitely be no problem to help find a mercenary group. But the biggest source of intelligence in Baghdad is right in front of him. Gao Guang will definitely not look far away from the near: " You really asked for enough. "Tom thought for a while, shook his head and said, "There are many mercenary groups in Baghdad, but I rarely use them."

After another agency fee was paid, Gao Guang shrugged and said, "I'll call Sanji and ask him to recommend a mercenary group. Well, having thirty or fifty people must be enough."

"Wait a moment."

Tom thought for a while and said: "I think Baghdad is not the key. There is no danger in transporting the drone from Baghdad to Basra Port. It is easy to load into the ship and there will be no problems at sea. The ship our boss found can definitely guarantee safety. , even if Morris knew about it, he would not dare to attack our ship, so the focus should be on the African side, and only the safety after unloading at the port needs to be worried about."

It makes sense. If you find mercenaries from Baghdad, get on the ship in Basra and follow the goods to Port Sudan, then after you get off the ship, you will have someone who is familiar with the local situation.

There are no people left.

If you can find a mercenary group that is familiar with the local conditions, it is the best choice.

Gao Guang immediately said to Tom: "Then do you have a suitable mercenary group in Africa?"

Tom shook his head and said: "Here in Africa, South Africa's private military industry is very developed, but I'm not familiar with it. You can ask Mr. Smith."

It's not impossible to ask Mr. Smith, but Gao Guang feels that he has a more ready candidate, or that he has a more direct relationship that he would like to ask.

You can contact Zhao Qian from Alpha 5 Company. Although Alpha 5 Company is in South Africa and the unloading location is Port Sudan, which belongs to North Africa, but who knows if Alpha 5 Company has any business here? You can always ask.

With the experience of cooperation in South Africa, Alpha 5 Company gave Gao Guang a good impression. It is the kind that can persist until the end. Anyway, it is definitely much stronger than the Armored Group and more reliable than most small mercenary groups.

Gao Guang knew Zhao Qian. Although Zhao Qian was not a senior executive of Alpha 5 Company, contacting business could definitely give Zhao Qian a chance to perform.

Gao Guang called Zhao Qian for the fourth time, and this time the call was not answered so quickly. Just when Gao Guang was about to give up, the call was finally connected, and then Zhao Qian said in a very surprised tone: "Is it Master Gou? It’s really strange, why did you remember to call me, is something wrong?”

I haven't heard this title "Dog Master" for a long time. It's really nice. It sounds much better than calling me "Mad Dog".

Gao Guang couldn't help laughing and said: "It's really something. I want to find someone to do something in North Africa. I want to ask if your company has any business in North Africa?"

"North Africa? Where in North Africa? Can you be more specific? We must have business in North Africa. We have been in Libya a few years ago, and then we have been to the border between North and South Sudan, including Somalia, let alone North Africa. Yes, our company has business throughout Africa. You have to tell us where it is. "

Gao Guang was very happy. He whispered: "Sudan, North Sudan."

It should be no problem, but I’m just a small soldier, so I have to ask our boss about this matter, otherwise, can I ask it for you?”

Gao Guang said with a smile: "Why are you calling me? I'm just sending you a piece of business. Please help me ask. If it works, call me as soon as possible. Just say it's a one-way escort mission and the price is easy to negotiate."

"It's funny, you are still thinking about me, brother. I'll ask the boss right away. I'll call you later. Thank you, Master Gou."

Zhao Qian hung up the phone and Gao Guang said to Tom, "If nothing else happens, someone will escort the ship after it arrives at the port."

Leon had to be transferred back. Without Leon, the transportation line on land would be difficult to solve. Gao Guang called Leon for the fifth time. After Leon answered the call, he immediately said, "Tell the Ti Ren Zhen that you must leave now to pick up the goods. See if the Ti Ren Zhen is willing to let you go. If not, tell me and I will find a way to put some pressure on them."

Leon was very surprised and said, "So fast? Have you got it done?"

Gao Guang has confidence in Lloyd, so his side is done.

Gao Guang whispered, "If nothing unexpected happens, we only have to deliver the goods. Man, transportation is our biggest challenge. If there is no problem on our side, there will be no problem."

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