Firepower is king

Chapter 468 It’s not that I don’t have it

Everything that needs to be knotted has been tied, everything that needs to be cleared has been cleared, and now you can leave.

Everyone from Alpha 5 Company has left. Nothing happened this time, but this is normal. If P Company must have a fierce battle every mission, then no one will be a P.

The risk is high, but nine times out of ten you can get through it safely. This is the normal level that an industry should have. After all, p is much safer than mercenaries who are bound to fight when they have a mission, and the mortality rate is also much lower, so Calling Zhao Qian here and asking him to withdraw after making some money is indeed taking care of a friend.

It's just that if Gao Guang and the others want to leave, they still have to go back the same way. The reason is also very simple. They came here fully armed. If they leave from Ehanobia, they can't handle the guns and equipment. It's inconvenient to check them in and impossible to carry them with them. No matter how lax the safety management of Ethiopian Airlines is, they will not be allowed to board the plane with guns and rocket launchers.

So just drive into Sudan, board the boat in Port Sudan, and then go directly to the Port of Basra.

As long as he reaches Basra, it is a world of highlights, and now he can walk sideways in Iraq. After hanging up the phone with Lloyd, Gao Guang first talked to Jilawotu to turn his nonsense into practical cooperation. After the negotiation was completed, he called Hank to let him know and ask for credit. Can hit the road directly. "Hank, I just reached a new cooperation agreement with General Lloyd, giving him 30% of the shares and buying a batch of cannons from Iraq.

"Oh, there's new business so soon?"

"Don't worry about that. I'm just telling you that what I told General Lloyd is that you are also involved. You are involved in this. It is you who will deal with General Lloyd in the future.

Hank was extremely satisfied, and he immediately said: "Brother, you gave me a chance, thank you!"

"The Iron Triangle of the Middle East, of course we have to help each other. I want to know if General Lloyd has that much energy. If there are cannons, there must be cannons?"

"He said that if you have cannons, you will definitely have them. If you don't have them, you can retire some. This is absolutely no problem, because General Lloyd is not alone. He also has an interest group behind him. Do you understand what I mean? General Lloyd Retired, it is easier to do things, so he is busy outside as a spokesperson. Although he has no power in his hands, it is enough if there are people behind him. Can you tell me how you got the shares in this cooperation? "

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Lloyd is 30%, I want to give Tom 20%, and I'm half. I'll pay the money. It's not appropriate to have less shares."

Hank breathed a sigh of relief, and then he whispered: "It's okay for you to take half, but I want to advise you, brother, if you think about it in the long run, let some shares go out, Tom can't do it alone, give him 20% If it's more, the CIA's Middle East Division still needs to be involved, but there are many people in the CIA, so the 20% is a little less, so it's not easy to divide. "

Gao Guang whispered: "Do you mean to give more, how about 30%?"

Gao Guang gave Hank a chance to show his face and let him bond with Lloyd. In turn, Hank immediately gave him pointers and told him how to become bigger and stronger.

"Everyone will be satisfied if you give them 30%. Now the CIA is just cooperating with you on a small business. You need to make the CIA truly your long-term partner so that they can truly be your backing. If Tom can bring more to the Middle East Division, With more benefits, he can take over the position of director of the Middle East Division, and then we can truly have the final say in the Middle East! "

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Okay, then give 30% to the CIA."

Hank smiled and said: "In the future Middle East, you can only sell arms from the United States. Man, wait... Hey, when Tom becomes the director of the Middle East Division, he will target Morris. Look, Let's see if Maurice can still be crazy!"

Hank didn't say anything about himself, but Gao Guang knew that he wanted to be transferred back to the Middle East from Afham. If Hank could have a higher position in the Middle East, it would be really easy to handle.

It would be easy to tell Tom again. Gao Guang is purely giving money, which is to give benefits to a buddy and give him a helping hand to make his future brighter.

"Tom, I've negotiated another business deal. It's to deliver artillery to the Tiren Formation. It's a business worth at least hundreds of millions. I'll give you 30%. You can see how to deal with it. General Lloyd has already negotiated it. They are responsible for finding the source of the goods. Also bear it on your own

The cost of carrying the gun. 「

Gao Guang said it bluntly. Lloyd has said that he is responsible for the cost, so it doesn't matter whether he spends money or not. Anyway, just get the cannon. It is only natural that it accounts for 30%. If your CIA wants to take a share, at least the freight must be paid. Alright

Tom said without hesitation: "Thirty percent? Then we will be responsible for the transportation. You don't have to worry about the freight. I will talk to the boss right away."

It's so easy to do things, and a few words can turn into a big business worth hundreds of millions. Judging from the smoothness of this arms transaction, it can take as little as half a month, and at most a month, and the highlight is tens of millions.

It is indeed one of the most profitable industries, and the money is coming in so fast.

Gao Guang felt comfortable, but Tom said: "With General Lloyd and his group protecting you, Maurice doesn't dare to do anything this time, but this time the business is over, and you have passed the protection period. You must be careful Maurice You have risen too quickly. Even if you haven't threatened Morris yet, he still has to find a way to kill you. What's more, you have already taken away his business and are a real threat to his status. "

Riding on the line represented by Lloyd, the strong rise of Gaoguang is already a fact, so Morris must take action.

Gao Guang is also worried about this. Although he also wants to kill Morris, Morris has a big business and strong strength after all. If the fight starts now, he is really not his opponent obviously, so he can only do it secretly.

But Morris had to come secretly, and he wouldn't dare to do it directly.

Gao Guang whispered: "General Lloyd said he would ensure my safety, and he would warn Morris. "That's OK, then it should be no problem. If you move you, you will damage the interests of General Lloyd and the others. Don't Reese shouldn't dare to take action directly, but it's better to be careful.

"Understood, that's it, we're leaving for Baghdad now, by sea."

"Okay, I'll tell the boss, that's it."

Everyone is worried about Morris. Morris has blocked Lloyd's financial path and is also a threat to the CIA's financial path. Gao Guang doesn't believe that Morris can still carry it if he is so tireless in giving Morris eye drops. Live.

But you still have to be careful, beware of Morris jumping over the wall in a hurry.

The way back is fixed, so we can only go back the way we came, but we can still make some fake moves for safety reasons.

Gao Guang has so many tactics in his belly, and he can use any of them. For example, building a plank road in the open and using it in secret is very useful.

He announced that he was going to drive to Mekele, and Gao Guang specifically told Jilawotu this. Then they drove out of the city and walked in the direction of Mekele for a while before suddenly turning around and heading straight for the Soviet-Egyptian border. After staying in Katajumila for more than ten days, and directly transporting arms, if Morris keeps an eye on Gao Guang's movements, he will definitely be able to find his location, and then he can follow his movements by buying two eyeliners at random in these places. , but such a false shot may cause Morris to lose his trace.

In Africa, when it comes to keeping secrets, the first thing to guard against is friendly forces, so Gao Guang also kept Jilawotu and the Tiren Formation in the dark.

It was getting dark when they turned around, and they turned towards the border without entering the city. With Jilawotu getting the pass, no one would stop them. Taking advantage of the darkness, they arrived near the border not long after. .

The road was familiar and there were no problems. Gao Guang felt very relaxed, and the others in the car were even more relaxed.

Sleep when you should. Although the road is a bit bumpy, you can still fall asleep. Everyone takes turns sleeping and driving, and you can reach Port Sudan in one night.

The border guard camp controlled by the Egyptian People's Front was just ahead. The walkie-talkie in Gao Guang's hand rang. Leon said on the walkie-talkie: "The military camp we are going to pass is just ahead. I'd better go say hello to them. Once the relationship is handled well, it will be easier to continue on this path in the future.

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "You decide, if you want to say hello, go ahead."

Leon was silent for a while, and then he finally said: "You come with me, I want to give you this road."

This time Leon got a lot of his share, because it was a transfer, and now that Gao Guang beat him to death, there was no way he could get the money back.

People's hearts change people's hearts, Leon really believed in Gao Guang, and now he is willing to hand over his own route.

Although Gao Guang himself could use money to buy this way, but Leon was willing to take the initiative, naturally this peaceful method is better. Gao Guang was also satisfied with Leon's sincerity, he smiled and said: "Okay, then Let’s go meet your friends together.

The military camp is not very big, and there are not many people there, but it occupies a very large area. This place is sparsely populated, and there is no electricity. If there is no power generation in the military camp, there will be no electric lights.

The military camp is now lit with lights and can be seen from a distance. It is not far away now, and Leon finally said on the intercom: "I have contacted my friend, we can just drive in.

"Don't, don't all go in."

It's not that Gao Guang doesn't believe in Leon, it's just that he has become cautious recently. Going to a strange place with such swagger is not a reliable feeling after all.

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Just a few of us can go in, and the others should stay away and wait for us at a distance. Just park in front."

There were less than 300 meters away from the gate of the military camp. Gao Guang ordered to stop, and both cars stopped. Then Gao Guang said to the people in the car: "Mike, come with me. The others are in the car. It shouldn't happen." There's something wrong, but we haven't dealt with this group of people before, so we'd better be careful and you guys should be vigilant. Patrick rubbed his eyes, raised the machine gun and said, "Understood.

Gao Guang said to Mike: "It's not very friendly for me to wear night vision goggles. Please help me get them and keep them on.

He gave the night vision device to Mike, and Gao Guang got out of the car first. Leon got out of the other car. He showed his hands to Gao Guang helplessly and said, "It'll be okay. Of course, it's good to be cautious. My friends are waiting." OK, let's go.

Gao Guang and Leon started walking towards the military camp, and Mike quickly followed behind. Not only did he help Gao Guang get the night vision goggles, but he was delayed just now because he also picked up a bulletproof backpack.

Mike followed the highlight, and the three of them started walking towards the military camp.

Everything was normal at first, and Gao Guang didn't feel anything was wrong, but after walking more than 200 meters and seeing the gate of the military camp in front of him, the voice of the expedition suddenly sounded in his headphones. "No! No! The situation is wrong! Why is there someone lying on the ground pointing a gun at us?" Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, then stopped, but Leon said: "What's wrong?"

"I didn't feel at ease, so when I flew the time-travel machine in the car, I only had a personal perspective and didn't share the picture with others. Why are there four people sneaking around and aiming their guns at you?"

Gao Guang's heart skipped a beat and he said to Leon, "It's okay, let's go."

Leon didn't wear headphones, and he didn't answer the King's Defense radio communication, so he didn't know what was said in Gao Guang's headphones.

"Be careful! Something is wrong!"

John said something on the intercom, but Gao Guang and the three of them continued to walk forward. It would be more dangerous to turn around rashly, and they couldn't stop rashly.

Gao Guang was afraid that Mike would reveal some flaws, but Mike remained silent and just stepped a little faster. His long legs reached a position a little ahead of Gao Guang's body and he picked up the bulletproof backpack hanging on his shoulders. On hand.

Yuanzheng continued: "The soldiers here will not have night vision devices on their heads or thermal imaging on their guns. I will lower the altitude. There may be flying noises. Please be careful, damn, white people!"

Patrick whispered urgently: "There is no trace of the enemy, the enemy is well hidden!"

There was a slight communication problem between Yuanzheng and his teammates. He didn't know how to accurately point out the enemy's hiding location, while others couldn't see the enemy's location from their perspective.

John said anxiously: "Get out of the car and fight. Don't move now. If you move, you will be discovered!"

There will never be white people in the military camp here, so when others exclaimed in low voices, Gao Guang suddenly said to Lie: "Man, I didn't kill you, do you want to kill me?"

Leon was shocked: "What? What did you say?"

John said on the intercom: "Let's move together, Mad Dog is ready, everyone is ready to leave the car and fight.

Listen to me count down, three!

Gao Guang whispered: "Then what do you mean by ambushing people in the military camp?"


"I didn't. What did you say? What do you mean?"

Leon was shocked, but he looked at the high light without stopping at all. However, he followed after a short pause and asked anxiously: "What do you mean?"

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Get ready to lie down!"

John whispered: 1!

Gao Guang shouted in a low voice. He still felt that Leon would not harm him, so he chose to remind Leon. Then he seemed to be pushed by someone and suddenly fell forward, while Mike was lying forward. At the same time, the bulletproof bag in his right hand was placed directly on Gao Guang's head.

Leon reacted quickly. He didn't understand Gao Guang's meaning, but when he heard Gao Guang shouting to lie down, he immediately followed him and fell down. Then, he collapsed softly as if he had been hit by a bullet.

The people in the car opened the door suddenly and scattered at the same time.

A crisp gunshot resounded through the night sky. Two more shots followed, followed by the sudden burst of Patrick's machine gun.

Gao Guang and Mike took the initiative to lie down, but Leon was really shot and fell down. He was not a mercenary or a spy, so his tactical movements could not be as fast as theirs.

There was a snap above Gaoguang's head, and a bullet hit the bulletproof backpack that was blocking his head.

Mike shook his hand and shook the bulletproof backpack away, turning it into a bulletproof shield, blocking the highlight and his head.

"Enemy attack!"

"fight back!"

"Cover the retreat!

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Fight back!"

Amidst a series of calls, Leon struggled to get up off the stage, and then he said in pain: I was shot... I'm not... I didn't... Fak!

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