Firepower is king

Chapter 469: Living towards death

Leon was shot, so the ambush was not arranged by him.

There were no series of bullets flying, only precise bullets fired from the barracks, so after lying on the ground, Gao Guang had time to pull off a section of the unfolded bulletproof backpack and block it in front of Leon's head.

The enemy is not condescending, nor is it surrounded on all sides. They have the advantage of a sudden attack and seize the opportunity in terms of timing, but other than that, the enemy does not have a particularly big advantage.

Especially the lack of intensive suppressive firepower gave Gao Guang and the others a chance to breathe.

Precision firepower cannot replace the effect of intensive firepower suppression at any time, so machine guns are the indispensable covering firepower for infantry, but snipers and precision shooters are not.

"do not move!"

Leon was struggling, and Gao Guang could only yell at him to stay still so that the bulletproof plates could provide better protection. Then he said to Leon: "What's going on!"

Leon was shot in the chest and his lungs were severely injured. He spoke slurredly and hissed: "I don't's not's really not me... ..Don't......"

The highlight was only over a hundred meters away from the barracks door, but at this distance, his pistol had no room to function.

Now the King's Defense had returned fire, and Patrick's machine gun never stopped firing. He was trying his best to shoot at the spot where the enemy had just opened fire.

The enemy stopped firing because Patrick was shooting really, really well.

The effect of the machine gunner is difficult to see intuitively, because this is not the time of World War I. The infantry will charge stupidly with the machine gun firepower group, and then be cut down by the machine gun like wheat one by one.

Today's machine gunners more often suppress the enemy, using intensive firepower to make the enemy unable to shoot, or they can only change their position.

Just like now, Patrick used firepower to temporarily suppress the enemy, forcing the enemy to move, giving Gao Guang them a chance to survive and retreat.

Patrick's role has never been underestimated, it's just not understood by most people.

"Vision! Give me perspective!"

Patrick fired based on his impression just now, but blind firing cannot last long, and his hundred-round bullet chain cannot keep firing. Therefore, he needs vision, and he needs the vision provided by the drone to see the enemy. Location.

Vision can only be provided by expeditions.

This drone pilot, who had just joined King's Defense, saved Gao Guang and the entire King's Defense in his first unofficial operation.

But Yuanzheng really couldn't cooperate with Patrick. He couldn't share the pictures seen by the drone with Patrick, and he couldn't guide Patrick very accurately on how to shoot.

Lack of tacit understanding of cooperation was the main reason. Yuan Zheng was very smart, but he had never received any professional military training.

There are also technical means. Yuanzheng is now wearing a VR glasses-style display on his head, because what he released is a time-travel machine, and the display screen of the time-travel machine is like this.

"Behind the wall on the right side behind the gate, on the roof, on the roof..."

Yuanzheng made a lot of noise, but the structure of the military camp was similar and there were no particularly obvious markers. Yuanzheng was unable to direct firepower to Patrick.

John held the gun and fired a magazine of bullets at the enemy he could not see. Now he needed intensive firepower to suppress the enemy and give Gao Guang and the others a chance to escape. However, the firepower of one machine gun and three rifles was really incomparable. dense.

"Cover the mad dog and retreat..."

John was anxious, he thought for a moment, and then he yelled: "Drive and pick them up!"

Driving at this time is actually very dangerous because the target is too big and their car does not have any bulletproof capabilities.

But now there is no other way. It is obviously more dangerous for Gao Guang and the others to retreat more than 200 meters on foot than to respond by car.

So if you want to drive but take over, it depends on who is willing.

John, who had just gotten out of the car, got into the car again. Before he could close the car door, he saw Carlos also

Jumped in the car.

"Get down!"

"There are wounded ahead!"

It was chaotic, but there was no panic. There were not many people in the King's Defense, but they were still attacked suddenly. However, the King's Defense responded in an orderly manner amidst the chaos. Everyone did what they should and should not do, and everything was done very well.

At the moment of being attacked, everyone did the right thing and played an irreplaceable role.

This happens within seconds of an attack.

Highlight didn't look up until Mike put the night vision goggles on top of his head.

Gao Guang pushed down the night vision device so that his eyes could see. Then he looked up and peeked out from behind the bulletproof plate to look at the military camp ahead.

At this time, the voice of the expedition rang again.

"There are many enemies! They ran out of the house, many people... Be careful of snipers, be careful! I, Ciou, are your uncle!"

Yuanzheng suddenly screamed strangely, and then he cursed angrily, but nothing happened. At least in Gao Guang's view, Yuanzheng's strange screams and anger seemed very meaningless.

In the sky where no one could see it, a high-speed shuttle suddenly accelerated. A sniper quickly crawled on the roof and moved laterally for more than ten meters. The sniper, who had drawn his gun again, had just aimed the muzzle at Gao Guang's head. His eyes suddenly went dark, and a huge impact made him immediately let out a screamed.

It takes less than one second for the traversing machine to accelerate from zero to 100 kilometers per hour. The concept is that the traversing machine can impact at least at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour.

The traversing machine is usually DIYed by oneself, and it is generally very light. The body usually only weighs a few dozen grams, but with the battery, flight control system, and rotor, all the components add up to only 200 to 300 grams.

Yuan Zheng also DIYed his time-travel machine. In order to increase the battery life, his time-travel machine weighed 560 grams.

A flying object weighing 560 grams hit the face at a speed of nearly 150 kilometers per hour. It would be better not to die, but at least to be seriously injured.

Yuanzheng used the traversing aircraft as an unmanned attack aircraft, but without special explosion effects, the effect was still good.

And others don't even know what's going on.

"I blew up the plane... and took care of the sniper!"

Yuan Zheng trembled and shouted, because in his field of vision, the view of the traversing machine crashing into the human face at high speed was not pleasant, but more of the heartache of actively blowing up the drone.

Yuanzheng shouted, and then he took out the second traversing machine from his backpack. When he took it out, he turned it on and threw it on the ground. The drone control signal was transmitted and the control preparation was completed. The traversing machine buzzed. There was a soft sound, and it flew towards the military camp with a lingering sound.

The ambush in the military camp cannot be allowed to disperse, and the enemy cannot be allowed to launch firepower.

While Yuan Zheng was shouting to blow up the plane but was able to deal with a sniper, Gao Guang pulled out his pistol, and then he loudly said: "Fire cover, I'm going to rush over and fight, close combat!"

No matter how many people are in front of you, you dare to hit the highlights.

Now to retreat with Leon, it is better to rush forward before the enemy's firepower spreads out. As long as you rush over and deal with all the enemies, you will be safe.

Mike was a little flustered, and he said helplessly and helplessly: "You madman..."

Mike's left arm was put on the bulletproof plate, and then he stood up suddenly, knelt on one knee, and waited for the highlight to climb up and pat him on the shoulder. Mike suddenly started to rush towards the gate of the military camp.

If you retreat, you will be bitten and beaten by the enemy, and you will eventually be finished.

Rushing forward, the distance of about a hundred meters is reduced to less than thirty meters, and the high light can kill them indiscriminately.

This is not seeking death, this is called living towards death, this is a tactic.

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