Firepower is king

Chapter 470: Cooperation becomes more and more proficient

It's not close to more than a hundred meters, and it will take more than ten seconds to sprint across with all your strength, and the enemies rushing out from the yard will definitely be faster than Gao Guang.

But Gao Guang is a master tactician. He knows his own strengths and weaknesses. He dares to take the initiative with Mike to launch a countercharge against the enemy. Naturally, he has his own plan.

First close the distance, advance at least thirty meters, and then ask Patrick and the others to block the door. As long as they can block the door for ten or twenty seconds, the highlight will be able to rush to the door, shortening the distance to less than thirty meters.

This is a no-brainer, and it is a tactic that can only be used based on the characteristics of the king's defense. An achievement is a success, and a loss is a loss. There is not so much time to hesitate on the battlefield, the prospect is still retreat, and the decision is made in a blink of an eye.

"Seal the exit for me!"

Gao Guang shouted on the intercom, and Paul immediately pointed his rifle at the entrance of the military camp.

It is said to be a military camp, but it is actually a group of wooden houses, but it is rare that seven or eight wooden houses are surrounded by stone walls, which means that the walls of this military camp are stronger than the houses.

Why this happened is because Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a war many years ago. This military camp is close to the borders of Sudan and Eritrea. It was built as a garrison base near the front line. Otherwise, not even this military camp would be will exist.

The gate is four to five meters wide. It is made of iron pipes and thin steel plates welded together. It has no bulletproof capabilities, but it can completely block the view from both sides.

The high light was less than fifty meters away from the gate of the military camp. At this time, the iron gate suddenly opened a gap.

"Be careful of snipers, there's movement on the roof to the left of the gate... I don't have a third drone to blow up!"

Yuanzheng shouted on the intercom, and then he controlled the drone and crashed into the sniper moving on the roof.

People who have never played a time-travel machine don't know what it feels like to fly and look at it from a first-person perspective. I can only say this, it will really make you dizzy.

Yuan Zheng has no choice. He has no other attack capabilities, and he is the only one who can see the enemy's movements. Now he can only use the traversing machine as a suicide attack machine.

I don’t know whether the sniper saw the time-travel machine or his super sixth sense saved him. The moment the expedition drone was about to hit his face, the enemy sniper suddenly bent down, and then he immediately Lie down.

A roar passed over his head, and the enemy sniper had no time to draw his gun. Then he subconsciously turned his head and looked back while shouting: "Drone!"

The drone can fly over and come back again. Yuan Zheng did not hit the sniper with the drone in the first shot, but his drone rushed over, circled around, and then flew back again in a split second. , which are basic operations for competitive flying.

"damn you......"

Amid John's vicious curses, the traversing machine made a huge crash and a loud snap that could be clearly heard by the high-light dozens of meters away.

The sniper was wearing a helmet and body armor, but the expedition drone hit his cheek accurately, and the blow was harder than a punch. The sniper moving on the roof didn't even grunt. fell down.

"My uncle's!"

Yuan Zheng threw down the controller of the time-travel machine angrily, then he took off the VR monitor on his head and shouted: "I don't have a time-travel machine anymore, I only have an ordinary drone!"

Patrick had just put on the third bullet chain, and then he aimed at the barracks door and swept it again.

You can't see the enemy, but you have to keep shooting. It doesn't matter whether you can hit the enemy. What's important is to suppress them so that they can't rush out to outflank the highlight.

No one seemed to notice that Gao Guang took the initiative to go towards the military camp.

When Gao Guang reached the door, he raised his pistol, the M17 he used most.

At this time, John and Carlos had already started the car and drove towards the high light, and now the car was about to pass Leon.

"Stop! Stop!"

Carlos yelled, but John stopped the car without hesitation. Carlos opened the door that was not closed with his feet, rushed out of the car, and rushed to Leon in front of him.

John put Carlos down, and then he accelerated again, heading towards the highlight.

Gao Guang didn't see anyone through the crack in the door. He couldn't rush towards the door rashly, because this kind of large iron door was too wide, and he didn't know the location of the enemy. He would probably be hit by the enemy from both sides after entering.

If it is a small or narrow door, it is easier to use a pistol to protrude it. It is difficult to open a door that is too wide.

Just then a man flashed out from the crack of the door with a gun in hand. The highlight approached the door from the side. When someone came out, he and the enemy discovered each other almost at the same time and raised their guns at the same time.

A heavily armored assaulter wearing a tactical uniform, a helmet, a black turban on his face, holding a SCAR rifle, and having difficulty moving due to the thick body armor.

These are by no means Ethiopian soldiers, this is the best equipped combat configuration in the world.

It was useless to be armed to the teeth. Gao Guang raised his hand and fired. The assaulter facing him fell to the sky. But before he fell, he pulled the trigger. The bullet flew past Gao Guang's head, and Gao Guang's vision went black. Just lost all perspective.

In the moment of life and death, Gao Guang was not hit by a bullet, but the night vision device on his head was damaged.

Gao Guang pulled off the night vision device, and the bright light behind him illuminated the entire door. Gao Guang did not look back, but listening to the roar of the engine and the lights getting closer, Gao Guang knew that John was going to drive into the door.

The cooperation is really good. Now there is indeed a tacit understanding in King's Defense. After each other knows the characteristics of their comrades, everyone can take the initiative and quickly create favorable fighting opportunities for their comrades.

Gao Guang did not look back. He knew that the enemy would definitely fight back, so he continued to raise his gun and aimed at the gap in the door.

The first enemy fell down and blocked the half-meter-wide gap, and another person jumped out. As he came out, he dodged towards the high light, but the high light did not dodge or blink. Fired bullets and killed the enemy wearing a helmet and body armor in mid-air.

No one else, no one else, would have been able to stop a suicide counterattack by an assaulter fully protected by heavy armor.

Only Highlight can accurately hit the fatal position on the face under such circumstances and achieve instant death. Otherwise, as long as the enemy stands in place wearing heavy armor for three seconds, Highlight and those who do not have heavy body armor will definitely have to die.

John's car has arrived at the door.

In fact, the speed of the car is not very fast, because John wants to hit the door with the car, not to commit suicide, he just needs to keep the car at a certain speed.

John jumped out of the car, rolled around on the ground, and then ran away quickly dragging the gun to one side, while the car still rushed towards the door. A moment later, there was a loud noise, and the big iron door crashed to both sides. Go back, but the Toyota SUV still drove into the yard at too fast a speed.

The enemy's counterattack cannot be said to be very sharp, because their advantage has been suppressed. This would be very helpless for anyone, but there is no solution.

Gao Guang can counterattack with a pistol, and can also block doors with a pistol. This is hard power. This is the capital for Gao Guang to settle down and make a fortune. He can refuse to accept it, but he just can't beat him.

The moment the car hit the door, Highlight suddenly rushed forward, and John and Mike raised their guns to the left and right sides of Highlight at the same time.

Mike didn't even use the bulletproof plate. He raised the rifle that was always hanging but useless. No one cared about it, and a bunch of bullets shot towards the door panel on the right side of the highlight.

John painted the high-gloss left door panel.

There should be someone behind the door panel, there must be someone, invisible but definitely there. Now that Gao Guang wants to rush forward and reach the front to kill the enemy, what he fears most is being attacked by people on both sides at the same time.

So John and Mike fired at the same time, not necessarily hitting the enemy, but just allowing the enemy to dodge for a short period of time, even if the enemy was distracted for a moment.

The current action of the highlight is suitable for filming.

He pulled out a second pistol from his waist with his left hand. He didn't have night vision goggles, but with the help of the car's headlights and taillights and the double-flash lights that came on after the impact, the high-light shot forward. He was at the rear of the car, aiming the two guns. After crossing the cover of the iron gate, he turned around, waved his left and right hands alternately, and opened fire.

Finally saw the enemy.

The enemy's equipment was really well-equipped. There were at least seven people on one side and two people on both sides behind the door. There was also an iron door that had been knocked upside down and hit the ground and was about to get up.

Gao Guang fired two shots with his right hand and one shot with his left hand. Then he aimed both hands at the position behind the door where there were the most people, and pulled the trigger with both hands at the same time.

You don't need to be smart at this time, and don't think about how to hide. It just depends on how fast your fingers can press.

The lights were flashing on and off, because they flashed automatically after the car was hit. I don’t know if it was ABS or some other function that took effect, but the lights were flashing automatically.

The headlights faced forward and the taillights faced backwards, so the optical fiber was not very sufficient, but between light and dark, the high light was almost unaffected. He waved his hands alternately, and enemies close at hand fell one after another.

The enemy was also fighting back, and the flames from the muzzle could be seen in the high light, but his mind went blank. He only found that after he had hit him once and someone was still standing, he separated his hands that had just been joined and hit him again.

An enemy staggered forward two steps before falling down. He was shot once in the chin, but what made him fall to the ground was the second shot, which hit his cheekbone from the side, but he was not there yet. When he fell completely, Gao Guang finally fired a third shot. This shot went directly through the eye, making him unable to move when he fell.

The enemy who was hit by the iron gate finally touched his gun, but he gave up raising the rifle and tried to pull out his pistol. But at the moment he was about to pull out his pistol, a high-gloss shot hit him in the ear.

He couldn't survive because his brain couldn't keep up with the movements of his hands.

Gao Guang looked at the ground again, then he raised his gun and fired another shot at a still squirming enemy. This time, the whole world stopped.

Mike and John followed, but they did not look at the enemy who was struck by the highlight. They rushed behind the highlight, that is, into the military camp.

At this time, Gao Guang heard Yuan Zheng's shout on the walkie-talkie again.

"There's no one outside! On the roof, on the roof! The sniper on the roof is moving! He's getting up!"

Highlights can be heard, and so can John and Mike.

"I come!"

John shouted and rushed towards the house. Then he found stone steps outside the wall, so he ran up the steps.

A sniper rifle was placed on the roof, and a man next to him was trying to stand up unsteadily. The ground around him was full of broken drone fragments and blood.

John kicked the sniper over and knocked the sniper to the ground. At the same time, the butt of the rifle hit the enemy's face, and then he said fiercely: "Don't move!"

Remember, if possible, make the enemy incapacitated first and then warn him not to move. It is much safer to make him unable to move than to make him afraid to move himself.

They are all people whose hands are faster than their brains. There is no need to think about this kind of thing, it just happens naturally!

Then John stepped on the sniper's right arm, stabbed the sniper hard in the face with the muzzle of his gun, and said viciously: "How many of you are there? Where are the others? Tell me!"

Keeping him alive was not a sign of mercy, but to know more. Searching rooms one after another was obviously not as fast as getting the answer from a prisoner.

The prisoner said vaguely: "I'm out, gone..."

John turned the muzzle of his gun and hit the enemy's left arm with a snap, and then he shouted sharply: "Where on earth is it!"

The prisoner screamed miserably. His left arm was broken and his head was hit hard. The severe pain and panic made him yell: "They are out to intercept you! Everyone is here and dead!" All dead!"

To obtain a confession from the prisoner, either the prisoner has no reaction at the first time, or after there is time to interrogate slowly, but the battlefield information that is most urgently needed does not have time to ask slowly, so it must be done in the shortest possible time. Only when the prisoner can tell everything he knows without being able to think clearly can such a confession be basically authentic.

John was experienced. Even though he didn't know why he was asking, he had seen how prisoners were handled and obtained confessions many times, so of course he could make the right choice and get the true answer.

So don't be a prisoner, especially you can't be a prisoner alone. In that case, you won't be the only survivor, but the most unlucky ones. The kind who can't die even if they want to, just wait to suffer.

Unfortunately, this sniper is currently the only prisoner. If his confession cannot be compared, then... that would be really unfortunate.

The sniper suddenly realized his situation. The severe pain, despair and good training finally made him sober. So after shouting the words "all dead", he suddenly trembled, and then yelled: "Don't kill." We have more than sixty people here waiting to ambush you. After receiving the news, others will intercept you. We only have a small team waiting here..."

The voice became smaller and smaller. After he ran out of breath and had to take a long breath, the sniper once again said at the fastest speed in his life: "Don't hit me. I'll tell you everything. Now there's no one of us here. I'm willing to tell you everything." !”

Speaking fast is important.

John almost fired the second shot, but the speed of the sniper's words prevented him from firing.

While waiting for the sniper's second breath, John did not fire after all. He just said sternly: "Where did you come from? Where did the others go to intercept us? Tell me!"

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